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Rarity Fan Club


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I don't like coffee, unlike Rarity.




God I love that pic. :please:




(NOTE: I still have about 40 episodes to watch so what I say may cause a few faceplams. Any injury this posts causes is not intentional)


Oh I picked Trixie. As a secondary character I think the implied depth to her is something that should continue to be explored when appropriate. Maybe I'm just reading to much into the tapestry, but oh well.


As far as the Mane Six, I find that question to be more difficult to answer as I continue to watch. I always enjoy characters who really struggle with decisions and moral dilemmas. Rarity is growing on me since her key episodes highlight these struggles better than I would have though with a typical 'diva' character. More importantly, she seems slower to come to the right decision. What started out as a character I expected to dismiss out of hand, might very well become my favorite.


DJ P0N3 if I focus on the show proper.

Derpy if you consider fan created content.


I just dug up one of my first posts here that mentioned Rarity and had to freaking quote it for effect. So weird seeing your views put into words at the moment that they start evolving. I called it though ... even though I voted Twilight ... I said Rarity is growing on me. Might wind up being my favorite. 


I hadn't yet seen Season 4 at that point.



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Glowing Flask is on! I can tell cause ...




I've been spotted!  :ph34r:


Yeah, last day at the parent's house... I'll probably be here a lot during the week-end, then a little less since work will start again.

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All the implied ships in this one piece of fanart... :D


I've been spotted! :ph34r:

Yeah, last day at the parent's house... I'll probably be here a lot during the week-end, then a little less since work will start again.

That's great! :D Looking forward to more activity from you, man :please:


Which reminds me...I've been thinking of scrounging together the bucks to commission a pic of Rarity in a Habs jersey...

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Is a random question.but...

Why is Raribat so sexy..? <3


All the implied ships in this one piece of fanart... :D





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I found a pretty pretty pic of pretty pony...


It has some of my most favorite things in it...post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png







Of course Rarity is one of them... I wonder what the other thing would be?post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png

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Is a random question.but...

Why is Raribat so sexy..? <3


Heh. That's my Skype avatar now :D


Which reminds me, I got a new skype that I'm keeping private :confused: Dunno how many of you were on my old Skype, but if you were, yeahh :D


And a lovely piece of fanart I found, just 'cuz :wub:







I found a pretty pretty pic of pretty pony...


It has some of my most favorite things in it...







Of course Rarity is one of them... I wonder what the other thing would be?

Ooooo, pretty picture for sure :wub: Me likey :wub:

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So basic


Heh. That's my Skype avatar now :D


Which reminds me, I got a new skype that I'm keeping private :confused: Dunno how many of you were on my old Skype, but if you were, yeahh :D


So basically Ghostfacekiller has gone ghost? Undercover!



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All the implied ships in this one piece of fanart... :D



That's great! :D Looking forward to more activity from you, man :please:


Which reminds me...I've been thinking of scrounging together the bucks to commission a pic of Rarity in a Habs jersey...



Oh well... thanks!  :blush:  I'll try posting more  :please:


As for the Habs Rarity, can't wait to see it!  :D


And maybe use it as an avatar in the hockey forum I'm in...  :ph34r:


Human Rarity on ice:


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I found a pretty pretty pic of pretty pony...


It has some of my most favorite things in it...







Of course Rarity is one of them... I wonder what the other thing would be?

Kneel before the Diamond Butt!

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Rarity needs to rest her beautiful head a little bit.post-25189-0-19552400-1405868640.png


She worries about so many things, sometimes she just needs a break. So rest little princess and dream something nice.


Dream of your beauty and the beauty you gift to others.


Dreams of your generosity and the generosity you in turn recieve.


Dream of the work of art your are, and the works of art you create.


Dream of your friends, how much you love them, and how much they love you.


Dream of the love of your life that is waiting out there for you, how happy you will make him or her, and the other way around.


But most importantly, dream only sweet dreams. You deserve them, my little beauty.


You deserve only the best.

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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Rarity needs to rest her beautiful head a little bit.


She worries about so many things, sometimes she just needs a break. So rest little princess and dream something nice.


Dream of your beauty and the beauty you gift to others.


Dreams of your generosity and the generosity you in turn recieve.


Dream of the work of art your are, and the works of art you create.


Dream of your friends, how much you love them, and how much they love you.


Dream of the love of your life that is waiting out there for you, how happy you will maker him or her, and the other way around.


But most importantly, dream only sweet dreams. You deserve them, my little beauty.


You deserve only the best.

That...this is honestly my favorite thing you've ever written in this fan club, Obsidian. It's just so sweet...I love it :D


I know you were worrying about this last night, but I really think that this is the most beautiful work you've crafted yet. If this doesn't prove that you still have your spark, than I don't know what will, man.




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I found a pretty pretty pic of pretty pony...


It has some of my most favorite things in it...







Of course Rarity is one of them... I wonder what the other thing would be?

I guess you watch Rarity episodes for the plot.



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Rarity needs to rest her beautiful head a little bit.


She worries about so many things, sometimes she just needs a break. So rest little princess and dream something nice.


Dream of your beauty and the beauty you gift to others.


Dreams of your generosity and the generosity you in turn recieve.


Dream of the work of art your are, and the works of art you create.


Dream of your friends, how much you love them, and how much they love you.


Dream of the love of your life that is waiting out there for you, how happy you will make him or her, and the other way around.


But most importantly, dream only sweet dreams. You deserve them, my little beauty.


You deserve only the best.



I will let my 2nd favorite poet and observationist speak on my behalf.



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I just came here to share a piece of art that I think that has never been shared here...446856__safe_rarity_clothes_magic_upvoteIs with a background pony(Sea Swirl),but Rarity is on it,so I thinked that it would be a good idea to share it.

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Hey , thanks for the share. I don't think I I've seen that one before. I've seen kp-shadowsquirrel's work before ... must have missed this one.



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This is on topic because it's about Rarity.


Imagine you were going for a walk, and Rarity asks for something to eat. She has no money or anything. What would you do?


1. Give her food.


2. Give her food and hug her


3. Give her food, hug her, and let her live with you.


4. Give her food, hug her, let her live with you, and fan(boy/girl) a lot.



I would pick the 4th option. 

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This is on topic because it's about Rarity.


Imagine you were going for a walk, and Rarity asks for something to eat. She has no money or anything. What would you do?


1. Give her food.


2. Give her food and hug her


3. Give her food, hug her, and let her live with you.


4. Give her food, hug her, let her live with you, and fan(boy/girl) a lot.



I would pick the 4th option.

I would pick the 5th option: Give her food, hug her, let her live with you, fanboy a lot, and then...

Mmmh, I'd rather not say.



Edited by Blobulle
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