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Rarity Fan Club


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For all you Rarijack shippers, and I know we've got quite a few of them in this fan club, you should check out the artist "Bakki" :D They draw a LOT of good Rarijack :please:




Some of it can get a bit too saucy for this site at times, I worry, so I won't be providing any links, but totally look him up on your own time if you want to :please: Just a heads up, though, some of the stuff he does isn't for everyone :wau: Look into him with caution.



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Rarity showing her inner self. :proud:


She is a true benevolent princess, and although she may not have the wings of an alicorn, she surely has the beauty and nobility of one. Hay, she is an example what the gentry should be, she may not have been born with blue blood, but it is safe to say that she earned it.


Her blood is indefinitly more blue than Bluebloods for example, who, if he could supress his general douchyness for a while, could learn alot about elegance, generosity, beauty of spirit, and loveliness from her. As could the "high" society of Canterlot in general.

But then again, everyone could learn a lot from Raritu. :proud:


She errs sometimes, but who doesn't? If someone can look at Raritys errors and say that this could not happen to everyone, that person is lying.


Even her biggest slip-ups have a very human and relateable element to them and she always makes up for them big time. She also notices that she did wrong herself most of the time, and tries to better herself.

Her noblesse also guarantees that she will never step as low as Suri for example. Suri is like her shadow double, a dark mirror mirage. She lacks everything that is good and gorgeous about the exclusive filly.


Raritu has a very passionate and loveable character, which is something beautiful, and i hope she never changes.

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Hey, @GlowingFlask, look what came in the mail today :D




Thanks a ton, man! :D



yay, the pleasure is mine!   :please:


One more and my act of generosity will be complete!  :D


I got my tickets for the comic con yesterday. Normal 3-day pass were sold out online (Deluxe cost 22$ more...) and my credit card isn't working, so  I had to go buy at that comic book store that also sells them. Great news, he had 1 normal pass remaining! 22$ more for pony loot! I'm getting my badge Thursday, hoping to get a schedule to see if there's any MLP related panels...

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Alright, maybe now I'll finally be able to get this done!


A little over 3 months ago, (a few days into the MLPF World Cup) I decided to compile some stats across the Mane Six Fan Clubs. Here's how things looked 3 months ago:



JUNE 6, 2014


"As it sits right now, (or more accurately--as of when I started doing this), here are the standings across the Mane 6 Fan Club threads!


Members Currently Following:                     Total Views:

1. Fluttershy (32)                                          1. Rarity (88,454)

2. Rarity (31)                                                  2. Rainbow Dash (32,312)

3. Rainbow Dash (30)                                   3. Twilight Sparkle (24,964)

4. Twilight Sparkle (26)                                4. Fluttershy (18,868)

5. Applejack (22)                                           5. Applejack (17,744)

6. Pinkie Pie (21)                                           6. Pinkie Pie (14,295)


Replies:                                                          Views per Follower:

1. Rarity (6,903)                                             1. Rarity = 2,764

2. Applejack (1,047)                                      2. Rainbow Dash = 1,077

3. Twilight Sparkle (948)                              3. Twilight Sparkle = 960

4. Rainbow Dash (923)                                 4. Applejack = 806

5. Fluttershy (783)                                        5. Pinkie Pie = 680

6. Pinkie Pie (746)                                         6. Fluttershy = 589


Posts per Follower:                                        Likelihood of Posting after Viewing:

1. Rarity = 215.7                                             1. Rarity = 7.8%

2. Applejack = 47.6                                        2. Applejack = 5.9%

3. Twilight Sparkle = 36.5                             3. Pinkie Pie = 5.2%

4. Pinkie Pie = 35.5                                       4. Fluttershy = 4.2%

5. Rainbow Dash = 30.8                                5. Twilight Sparkle = 3.8%

6. Fluttershy = 24.5                                       6. Rainbow Dash = 2.9%


Average Rank Across All Six Stats:

1. Rarity = 1.17

2. Applejack = 3.33

3. Twilight Sparkle = 3.50 

4. Rainbow Dash = 3.67

5. Fluttershy = 4.33

6. Pinkie Pie = 5.00


So, what can we draw from this information about these MLPF fan clubs? In my unprofessional opinion, I think we can say that:




1. Rarity's fans are the most likely to become obsessive about their favorite, and are  BY FAR the most vocal (5,856 posts more vocal!!) about their favorite pony! Perhaps they're worried that if they don't speak out she'll be overlooked? How can anypony overlook that dazzlingly clean, white coat?     :D


2. Though Applejack has the 2nd-lowest fan club following, she has very hardy fans that are willing to support her. The "strong, not-so-silent" types! I've noticed they have a tendency to show up where there's a vote to be given!     :huh:


3. Despite Pinkie Pie's eccentric followers, they are less involved in their fan club, but the few are actually more vocal than two of the other fan clubs.     :blink:


4. Fluttershy's fans seem to be have strong numbers, but, like their favorite, they are quiet about it. They seem to be perfectly okay letting the other ponies enjoy the spotlight while they quietly appreciate their adorably timid pony.     ;)


5. Twilight has a solid following that is pretty balanced among the others, reflecting her balanced character. Being the core of the show, she also represents the middle-ground of the brony fandom: bringing the balance between the other fans and their respective ponies.     ^_^


6. Lastly, the Rainbow Dash fans. As PegaMister said, it appears the majority of us are just star-struck by Rainbow Dash's awesomeness. Having only a 2.8% likelihood of responding to her thread, she has a strong fan club that likes to bask in her coolness, but is not very vocal about it. After all, her awesomeness usually speaks for itself.     -_- 





About two weeks ago, @ghostfacekiller39 asked me if I was going to do such statistics again. (I assumed he'd been recruiting heavily or something for the Rarity fan club--and I think I was right...at least a little bit, as you will see with the stats that I re-took just yesterday (Sept. 10th, 3:30pm MST).


I'm going to double-post the stats from 3 months ago along the left column and the new stats along the right column in order to allow direct comparison, along with a new additional two small columns: Numerical increase/decrease, and % increase/decrease (from previous stats).


On the right, there are 6 columns. Going from Left to Right, they are as follows:

-# of ranks different from last time (^ = up) (v = down)

-current rank

-Pony name

-current numerical value

-numerical difference from first date

-% increase/decrease from first date (column 4) divided by (numerical value from June 6)



June 6, 2014                       Sep 10, 2014

Members Currently Following:     Members Currently Following

1. Fluttershy (32)                            (^1)   1. Rarity        (61)       +30f     (+97%)

2. Rarity        (31)                             (^4)  2. Pinkie Pie (52)       +31f      (+148%)

3. Rainbow   (30)                             (--)   3. Rainbow    (50)       +20f      (+67%)

4. Twilight    (26)                             (v3)  4. Fluttershy  (41)       +9f       (+28%)

5. Applejack (22)                             (v1)  5. Twilight     (39)       +13f     (+50%)

6. Pinkie Pie (21)                             (v1)  6. Applejack  (35)       +13f     (+59%)


Total Views:                                     Total Views:

1. Rarity          (88,454)                     (--)   1. Rarity         (168,379)  +79,925v   (+90%)

2. Rainbow     (32,312)                     (^3)  2. Applejack  (55,540)    +37,796v   (+213%)

3. Twilight      (24,964)                     (v1)  3. Rainbow     (52,540)   +20,319v    (+63%)

4. Fluttershy  (18,868)                     (v1)  4. Twilight      (33,160)    +8,196v     (+33%)

5. Applejack   (17,744)                     (v1)  5. Fluttershy  (29,598)    +10,730v   (+57%)

6. Pinkie Pie   (14,295)                     (--)   6. Pinkie Pie   (28,494)    +14,199v   (+99%)


Replies:                                            Replies

1. Rarity         (6,903)                       (--)  1. Rarity          (13,155)    +6,252r   (+91%)

2. Applejack  (1,047)                       (^2) 2. Rainbow     (2,434)      +1,511r   (+164%)

3. Twilight     (948)                          (v1) 3. Applejack   (2,389)      +1,342r   (+128%)

4. Rainbow    (923)                          (^2) 4. Pinkie Pie   (2,213)      +1,467r   (+197%)

5. Fluttershy  (783)                          (--)  5. Fluttershy  (1,506)      +723r      (+92%)

6. Pinkie Pie  (746)                          (v3) 6. Twilight      (1,462)      +514r      (+54%)


Views per Follower:                        Views per Follower:

1. Rarity         (2,764)                       (--)   1. Rarity         (2,760)     -4 v/f         (-0.1%)

2. Rainbow    (1,077)                       (^2)  2. Applejack  (1,587)     +781 v/f    (+97%)               

3. Twilight     (960)                          (v1)  3. Rainbow    (1,053)     -24 v/f       (-2%)

4. Applejack  (806)                          (v1)  4. Twilight     (850)        -110 v/f     (-11%)

5. Pinkie Pie  (680)                          (^1)  5. Fluttershy (722)        +133 v/f    (+23%)

6. Fluttershy  (589)                         (v1)  6. Pinkie Pie  (548)        -132 v/f     (-19%)


Posts per Follower:                        Posts per Follower:

1. Rarity          (215.7)                     (--)   1. Rarity         (215.7)     ~0 p/f        (0%)

2. Applejack   (47.6)                       (--)   2. Applejack  (68.3)       +20.7 p/f   (+43%)

3. Twilight      (36.5)                       (^2)  3. Rainbow    (48.7)       +17.9 p/f   (+58%)

4. Pinkie Pie   (35.5)                       (--)   4. Pinkie Pie  (42.6)       +7.1 p/f     (+20%)

5. Rainbow     (30.8)                       (v2)  5. Twilight     (37.5)       +1.0 p/f     (+2%)

6. Fluttershy   (24.5)                       (--)   6. Fluttershy (36.7)       +12.2 p/f   (+50%)


Likelihood of Posting after Viewing:

1. Rarity          (7.8%)                     (--)   1. Rarity          (7.8%)     +0.0% LoP   (0%)

2. Applejack   (5.9%)                     (^1)  2. Pinkie Pie   (7.8%)     +2.6% LoP  (+50%)

3. Pinkie Pie   (5.2%)                     (^1)  3. Fluttershy   (5.1%)     +0.9% LoP  (+21%)

4. Fluttershy   (4.2%)                    (^2)   4. Rainbow     (4.6%)     +1.7% LoP  (+59%) 

5. Twilight       (3.8%)                     (--)   5. Twilight      (4.4%)     +0.6%  LoP (+15%)

6. Rainbow      (2.9%)                    (v4)  6. Applejack   (4.3%)     -1.6%   LoP (-27%)



Average Rank Across All Six Stats:

1. Rarity          (1.17)                      (--)   1. Rarity          (1.00)

2. Applejack   (3.33)                      (^2)  2. Rainbow     (3.00)

3. Twilight      (3.50)                      (v1)  3. Applejack   (3.50)

4. Rainbow     (3.67)                      (^2)  4. Pinkie Pie   (4.00)

5. Fluttershy   (4.33)                      (--)   5. Fluttershy  (4.67)

6. Pinkie Pie    (5.00)                     (v3)  6. Twilight      (4.83)




Hopefully that all makes sense!!


I don't currently have time to make a full analysis, but I will say that it seems that Rarity's fan club has remained at a constant output, despite having increased in followers.

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Hi, sorry about I'm late posting on Rarity fan club. I just heard the orchestra music in Equestria that it was perfect, and hopefully return in Rainbow Rocks film at September 27th! :D

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