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He also said something



About Discord being jealous of a pony friendship with another pony in that episode.




But evidently couldn't go into detail.

Um... I might actually be able to help with that... He was referring to Flutters... Which has pretty much the entire Fluttershy fanbase on edge, thinking this is the flood gates for some sort of shipping with Fluttershy...


Hi, everypony... Been a bit busy & was a bit afraid to post in here cause of all the... Stuff that happened... Hope I am not being a bother here... I just wanted to clarify that & then be on my way... I got enough stuff going on as is, so sorry for my mess up... Congrats on 666 & counting pages though!






And one more because I like to post in 3's;



PS Congrats on the possible girl Glowing, your a great guy & deserve someone nice, & she sounds amazing... Best of luck to you both

  • Brohoof 6
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Um... I might actually be able to help with that... He was referring to Flutters... Which has pretty much the entire Fluttershy fanbase on edge, thinking this is the flood gates for some sort of shipping with Fluttershy...


Hi, everypony... Been a bit busy & was a bit afraid to post in here cause of all the... Stuff that happened... Hope I am not being a bother here... I just wanted to clarify that & then be on my way... I got enough stuff going on as is, so sorry for my mess up... Congrats on 666 & counting pages though!






And one more because I like to post in 3's;



PS Congrats on the possible girl Glowing, your a great guy & deserve someone nice, & she sounds amazing... Best of luck to you both


Ya, I was thinking about Flutter too. It's gonna be a doozie!


And thanks  :please:  We've been texting a lot today since I had a 3-day Comic Con pass and she had only Saturday. I've kinda invited her  to do something eventually... Man.. Work is gonna be weird tomorrow  :confused:

  • Brohoof 7
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After a long weekend at my great grandmother's house, it's nice to be able to access the internet through my laptop again :D Posting from mobile is such a pain in the ass, and it was all I could use to get internet over there :(


Have some celebratory Rarity! :D




I guess the good cause was the ice bucket challenge? :please:





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Dude! That Discord ep ... am I the only one that sees that the episode is just going to be Fluttershy spending time with another Mane 6 character (Dash or Rarity are likely) and Discord gets jealous as Flutters doesn't have time for him?




It's one of the oldest friendship tropes in the book. Seriously .... People went straight to shipping?


And thanks :please: We've been texting a lot today since I had a 3-day Comic Con pass and she had only Saturday. I've kinda invited her to do something eventually... Man.. Work is gonna be weird tomorrow :confused:

And more importantly ... awesome man!

  • Brohoof 6
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It's one of the oldest friendship tropes in the book. Seriously .... People went straight to shipping?



Let us use Rarity as our examples of shipping true/false


Rarity says, "I hate you" about a character.  It is used as an excuse to ship


Rarity says, "I don't hate you (anymore)."  Ship ensues


Rarity says, "I love somepony else!"  Ship time


Rarity says, "Who?"  Shippem anyway.


Rarity says, "lets get married!"  Fed ex that.



The last one is false.  The only way to kill a ship is marriage. ;P


Proof; Blueblood ships; any Blueblood ships


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Confirmed! Rarity and Applejack love eating at a seafood restaurant in Conn. run by Sea Swirl.



So many directions that I can go with this ... my mind is freaking broken now, :D








  • Brohoof 6
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THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING! I saw a Rarity picture I wanted, and I went to save it. When I saved it, I saw this.




I lost all my Rarity Pictures! I had 100s of pictures of Rarity, and I lost them all! I have looked high, and I have looked low! High and low, low and high! I can't find them anywhere!

(pictures show up)


Oh. There they are. Aren't they always in the last place you look? :D




(Actually, I thought I lost the pictures until I saw the folder again, and the pictures returned.)


  • Brohoof 10
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But it shall not deter me from worshiping the goddess of fabulosity! :proud:


attachicon.gifmedium (12).jpeg

where do you find such wonderful pictures ghostie? I mean that one looks like a Thomas kinkade painting :D

THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING! I saw a Rarity picture I wanted, and I went to save it. When I saved it, I saw this.


attachicon.gifwhat happened.png


I lost all my Rarity Pictures! I had 100s of pictures of Rarity, and I lost them all! I have looked high, and I have looked low! High and low, low and high! I can't find them anywhere!


(pictures show up)


Oh. There they are. Aren't they always in the last place you look? :D




(Actually, I thought I lost the pictures until I saw the folder again, and the pictures returned.)

rarity likes to play games of fabulous hide and seek ;)

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Haha...I remember that comic :D The one that we took it and ran so far with that the RFC declared Link a public enemy of fabulosity, much to Woohoo's chagrin :lol:


Ah, memories...


Link is a public enemy of fabulousity. I mean look at the way he dresses!!! Rarity has many reasons to be angry.

Edited by Sunshower Raindrops
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I thought Rarity was a good one, but paranoid! And also I found out like Applejack and Rarity are partners! Feel perfect about this!  :D

Edited by Allen
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THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING! I saw a Rarity picture I wanted, and I went to save it. When I saved it, I saw this.


what happened.png


I lost all my Rarity Pictures! I had 100s of pictures of Rarity, and I lost them all! I have looked high, and I have looked low! High and low, low and high! I can't find them anywhere!


(pictures show up)


Oh. There they are. Aren't they always in the last place you look? :D




(Actually, I thought I lost the pictures until I saw the folder again, and the pictures returned.)

Windows 8.1 if I am not mistaken :D


See ... that is why Rarity is an Apple girl



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Windows 8.1 if I am not mistaken :D


See ... that is why Rarity is an Apple girl



I cannot accept this. Rarity would appreciate Apple's designs, but in the end, she'd prefer the accessibility and performance of a PC :proud:










Since I couldn't find any pics of Rarity using a PC, have some Rarijack instead :D




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