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Changing topic   We need a new image for the first post in this thread. Any suggestions guys.


It used to be this according to the webarchive 






but I think it should describe the thread more.


Maybe more something like these:





  • Brohoof 6
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It used to be this according to the webarchive 


Heh, I like the look of the original ... but maybe something that encapsulates more of her personality than the GTFO face. I like that expression though. 

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I don't know why but the mention of .mov Rarity made me think of this. This is kind of old, but ahh well




I can get away with posting this because you guys know I love Rarity  :pout:  No angry mob, right?

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Heh, I like the look of the original ... but maybe something that encapsulates more of her personality than the GTFO face. I like that expression though. 


Hmmmm, vectors, eh?


These are some of my favorites, maybe one of them is useable.












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My reaction to Ghostfacekiller39 being back:




Agreed! I look forward to Ghostie getting back into the RFC ... his post really made my day A.V. :D

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I just wanted to make sure everything was alright in the RFC :D I've missed this place quite a bit.


I was playing as the Celts in Civ V, and they remind me of us Rarity fans, at least historically speaking :please: So I got all soft-hearted and decided to drop by for a short visit :D At this point, if I do come back, it'd be around December-ish and I doubt I'll venture outside of this thread. I hope things are going alright in my absence, and may the fabulosity be with each and every one of you! :D





Way to be there on a Sunday night/monday morning so I miss you... 



Still happy to see you though!



I hope you'll come back in the apple pie




If not, my PM offer still stand.

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Ghostie is not going to be back until maybe December. He just dropped by. 


I know honesty is Applejack's thing, but you are acting like he fully returned, so I have to tell you. Sorry. 


Required Rarity Picture: 



Considering most of us though he may be gone forever, this is still great news .



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Now, if only someone would make a SNES version of that. ;) And a Trixie version of the Sega Genesis :P




Anyway, it snowed in Greeley today. You know what that means!



Also, Ghostie dropped by and I missed it? God dang it...

Edited by Bill and Ben
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Some more Rarijack! Wooooo!






Rarity gives her Applecookie a little smooch! Of course Rarity is sitting on a comfy pillow, her delicate butt should always rest on silk and velvet! Its very tender and sensitive!

More Rarijack! The world needs more Rarijack. OTP is OTP.



I also found some nice EQG Rarity!











Those looks she gives us...


She is so confident and still not stuck up, i love that about her. A mare strong and sensitive at the same time... She knows how alluring she is, and wants others to feel just as desireable as she is...

These are GORGEOUS. Love the outfits. Prettiest pony is prettiest.
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Pyromaniac Rarity... that's scary :o


Almost as bad as the "Posessed" versions the show has. Scarier yet is Rare with a kitchen sink/tub full of warm soapy water when somepony smaller than her comes home dragging in mud/dirt/etc all over her clean floors

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Rarity having a hairsplosion again...


She has best mane tbh. That rich, shimmering, royal purple. These gorgeous, flowing, luxurious curls. Incredibly long and lovely. If she would let that veil of hair fall over ones hand, it would feel like the most fine silk shawl... Delicate and smooth...


Im sure her hair smells really nice too...post-25189-0-38363300-1413723863.png


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