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You've probably come on this post thinking I need help with naming an OC, Right?


I simply have a question about Naming Ponies in general, You may think this a stupid post, But please read everything before criticising, Thank You.


So firstly, Naming Ponies. It's not just a simple name like Abby or Tony , It's more things that relate to who you are, your special talent, your looks and whatnot. I (and a lot of other people) find it quite hard to name ponies, and I think it is because people want it to sound really good or they want it to Perfectly go with their pony, But enough about that, I am asking you a question:Theory/Procedure/Easier way to name ponies?


Thanks for your time.


  • Brohoof 1
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Here is my step my step tutorial. Step 1: make backstory and personality.

Step 2: search word that summarizes your backstory and personality

Step 3: If such a word does not exist, other languages.

Thats how I do it. It works pretty well for me, too.

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Step 1: Make an OC.

Step 2: Ask for a name on Mlpforums.

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit


But really, before you go make an OC, you should already know what you want. Anyway, try to avoid names or parts of names that are used in the show. It should be something remotely connected to their special talent, but don't go name a red pegasus Red Flier ^_^

  • Brohoof 2
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Quite a few of my OC names are sourced from either Greek or Roman Mythology and custom (and a bit of Tolkien). I tend to use the definition of the name rather than the actual text, as it would be rather silly to name an OC Araticus and the like. The name 'Star Keeper' (my own OC) comes from the Greek name which at the moment has escaped my mind. I'll get back on that later.

  • Brohoof 1
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If you're really stuck, checking out old skool MLP names works; you can find a list of the old ponies from the 80s on Wikipedia. Best not to make your character identical to its namesake, tho.


If I'm ponifying an existing RP character, I generally keep their name the same, unless it really doesn't work, then I look up the meaning to it and use that instead.

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I have always picked names that fit their physical or mental background, a few names of the OC's from Age of Equestria


Sturdy Wing

Silver Hoof





Simple names that either combine two words or describe the pony in question usually work fine

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You should try relating the name to yourself, luckily for me I have a name that could actually already be a pony name, Brook (don't tell me you can't see it happening), so it was easy to come up with an OC with a similar name. As a generalization, try to relate it to something defining, or yourself, the rest will come to you.

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No one gets where I'm heading with this?


I guess its good enough, Not what I was expecting, But Good Enough


Anyone else want to have a crack at understanding my point?

Ooooooh. I totally read that wrong. Sorry bout that.


As far as a procedure goes, the first thing to look at, is the looks. Specifically the cutie mark. And what it means. Thinking of a backstory is nice, but not really needed. The name should match the cutie mark, after all.

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