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1. Returning to the history of Celestia and Luna to see what happened in that time

It's gone far too long with no backstory on those seemingly intense few years that Celestia and Luna took to rise in power.  I want to see that epic past to fill in the rest of Celestia's motives.


2. The elimination of OR presentation of a reasonable and justifiable reason to keep Alicorn Twilight

As of yet, the current reasons Celestia presents for Twilight being an Alicorn are weak, but I know they are going to address it directly from the very beginning so I need to see why.


3. More scenes of Discord and his antics as seen under the conditions of his freedom

Let's face it, we all want more Discord.  Now that he's free and probably roaming the Canterlot Palace, teasing everypony, it's gotta be a madhouse up there by now.

  • Brohoof 1

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Most touching episode ever idea: Scootaloo is finally able to fly a little bit, but learns his wings are too small and weak to fly any better than Fluttershy. She has to deal with the dissapointment of never being able to be like Rainbow Dash. Probs not gonna happen though.




1. I would really like a reason for why Celestia suddenly decides it's nessecary to reform Discord. What does she need Discord's power for?


2. More history. Because duh.


3. Maybe some visits to other cities? It'd be nice to see more of Equestria.


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I actually have a good idea for a Changeling episode.


Chrysalis' daughter and heir, Princess Larva/Pupa/Imago whatever, has grown tired of palace life and wants to experience life as an ordinary filly. She knows it'll be difficult to do so amongst her own people, so sneaks out and somehow or another, travels to Equestria in the disguise of a unicorn filly where she ends up in Ponyville and meets the CMC. At first, she is excited, but the spoiled, sheltered Princess quickly becomes disgusted by the "filthy, common peasants" and only sticks around because unlike her mother, she adores apples and apple pie.


Meanwhile, the Mane Six become suspicious of the filly. A lot like her mother, the Princess is a VERY bad actor and it soon becomes blaring obvious she is a Changeling, what with her mannerisms and inconsistent story. What really clinches it is that Chrysalis, realizing her baby is missing and suspecting Equestria of kidnap, issues a threat against Equestria to return her "precious little baby"  or she will launch another invasion and the Mane Six put two and two together.


When they confront her in the sand box, the Princess' immediate response is to throw sand in their eyes and bolt. Thus begins the chase scene, where the kid pulls off a few tricks, taking after her mother, by pulling off a wounded gazelle gambit of her own by making bystanders think the others are hurting an innocent filly ("Help! Help! Those mean mares are trying to hurt me for no reason!"). Eventually, they catch her, force her to drop the disguise and must take her back to her mother without it making it indeed look like they kidnapped her.

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Really, I just want quality episodes, which I suppose isan't asking for that much.


But if I had to go into specifics, I'd love another episode going further on with the story of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's relationship. 


I'd also love a Twilight and Rainbow episode, not sure though on what the subject matter would be in the episode however. 


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

-Signature art designed by the lovely vinyl_scratch 13


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1. That they're all quality episodes


2. That there is a Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo centered episode


3. That there is a Twilight and Rainbow dash centered episode. 

  • Brohoof 1


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

-Signature art designed by the lovely vinyl_scratch 13


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More info on the royal family


Visiting of other cities in Equestria


Maybe something involving Babs and her CMC branch


A few background pony fandom nods, as is customary


New villain(s)


More Trixie


Sombra's return, but with more character development. I feel he has potential to be a great villain.


Maybe something where Luna has to turn into Night Mare Moon again to stop a villain


Maybe something about sea ponies or flutter ponies, or more about those bat ponies that appeared in Luna Eclipsed

  • Brohoof 1

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1.EQ GAMES!(Hope)

2.More Fiscord (Hope)

3.At least 1 CMC getting there cutie mark (SCOOTALOO!)(Hope)

4.Twilight being more mature (Prediction)

5.A 2 part episode (Prediction)


7.RD and Twilight flying episode (Prediction)




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This may be a long topic, but here we go...


1. Water episode (beach at ocean)

2. One or more of the CMC gets their cutie mark

3. Friendly changeling episode

4. Princess Twilight will not move to Canterlot because of friendship problems

5. Rarity gets an episode

6. Shining Armor and Cadence will have a filly

7. Discord...?


Yeah. Just ideas off the top of my head.

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This may be a long topic, but here we go...


1. Water episode (beach at ocean)

2. One or more of the CMC gets their cutie mark

3. Friendly changeling episode

4. Princess Twilight will not move to Canterlot because of friendship problems

5. Rarity gets an episode

6. Shining Armor and Cadence will have a filly

7. Discord...?


Yeah. Just ideas off the top of my head.


Merged your topic, 'My predictions for season 4' with the pinned topic, 'Season 4: Predictions & Hopes', as the later is the central location for that discussion :3


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I want to see more of Luna, Discord and Vinyl Scratch. I think there should be an episode specifically on Vinyl on Octavia. Luna deserves a few more appearances, and Discord is great in the show! Maybe a Canterlot episode with the four alicorn princesses and Discord?

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I want to see more of Luna, Discord and Vinyl Scratch. I think there should be an episode specifically on Vinyl on Octavia. Luna deserves a few more appearances, and Discord is great in the show! Maybe a Canterlot episode with the four alicorn princesses and Discord?


pretty much everything you said but the wonderbolts off duty, a return of lighting dust and some of the other places in Equestria like las pegasi (for example) aswell

Edited by Snow Shot



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I thought of a scenario I'd love to see. Trixie has a hard time with the concept of friendship; she seems to be more interested in herself. But I could see her doing something fairly selfless, not realizing it, and then getting props for it. Afterwards:


Some ponies: "Well, we like you, Trixie!"


Trixie: "Marvelous! Um......why, exactly?"


(I'd laugh.)

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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My newest wish is for Twilight to tell Celestia "No" over something. I don't care what it is, but Twilight's biggest fear has always been disappointing Celestia and one of the greatest ways for her to develop would probably be to go more into that. Whether it be over a misunderstanding, something morally grey, whatever, just have Twily pony up and disagree with the Princess. I really want to see it.

  • Brohoof 2
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I really hope Trixie will return in the future episodes. I just watched the episode Magic Duel (S3E5) it seems that she changed towards the end and I think that it would be really interesting to see her coming back and learning what friendship is and not to be so selfish. 


Secondly, I really hope there will be more episodes focused on Rarity as she is my favorite pony.




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-Rarity (no episode in s3 srsly?)



-Octavia and Vinyl seen together

-More Discord

-CMC get their Cutie Marks

-Better charakcter developement for Fluttershy and Applejack

-Rainbow Dash finally a wonderbolt or something like that


Well thats my wish list for season 4!

I hope at least one comes true!

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I would love to see
- the return of Gilda
- some sort of origin story/ background for Scootaloo
- a Celestia episode does seem like a fun idea
- Scootaloo learning to fly
- more episodes from the past (flashbacks and stuff)

Edited by Super Derpy


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Apart from "Maor Rarity", which everyone wants... yes, you do, don't deny it... anyway, I would also like to have a seapony episode. The concept is just so awesome, it needs to be realized!





  • Brohoof 2

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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-More background characters like Lyra and Derpy

- Episode with Slash (fanmade), Spike's long lost sister

- Equestria turns completely evil except for Twilight

- Mane Six 'Best camping trip ever'

- King Sombra returns, overpowers Celestia, turns her evil, Luna & Cadence fight back until she's good again

- Cutie Mark Crusaders get their Cutie marks

- A new character comes into the mane six (a stallion)

- The rest of the mane six become princesses

I'd definitely like to see this too, but only if it is the last season. I really hope to see some more growth between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo :).

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Will the show expand the elements to more than the 6 already in the show and if not will they keep coming back to the this great power and go further into these objects mystery and power?.


Will we ever know if Rainbow Dash goes into the wonderbolts seeing as they haven't brought it up since the "Wonderbolts Academy" episode ended on a her staying in the academy.


Will Queen Chrysalis return in season 4?


These are just some questions iv'e thought about and each week i will be posting these for you to decide



My question is this week:


will twilight continue to live in her library even though she is a princess?

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  • Brohoof 2

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I've wondered that myself. The whole layout of the show has to change now that she's a princess. (She can't write letters to a princess, learn about friendship, etc). This makes me wonder if new characters might be introduced, or if they'll find a way to work around that problem.

  • Brohoof 1


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yes many other bronies i have met, we always end up discussing these end of season problems and season 4 complications and one of the most talked about topic is can pegasus and earth ponies also become alicorns (not that the mane 6 should ever be a all alicorn group).

Edited by Audioscribe

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It would be nice to see more of Queen Chrysalis. I think we definitely need more from Discord too! Luna also deserves another episode, after Nightmare Night was such a good episode! One thing's for sure, I'm incredibly excited about season 4! wub.png

  • Brohoof 1
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What i still can't answer myself is... Did she master her one special talent, magic, with the help of her friends, or did she "master" friendship and to proof this, "created new magic", like Celestia called her actions in MMC in the show?

The second one would be lame. I mean, that would be like her friends are not as good friends as her...am I wrong?

The first just fits. She still doesn't know by herself, how it is to be a ruler. And so, she can still learn things. And I think she can stil learn things about friendship. If she's now something like the "literal-best-friend-ever", what point would there be in letting her stay in Ponyville, than just to wait until she gets her own "Chrystal-Empire" to rule, right?

  • Brohoof 1

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- W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas



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Yes i totally agree that Chrysalis should come back because i feel that in "A Canterlot Wedding" parts 1-2 felt a little short to her character so i believe she will come back like many other antagonists from the show maybe in another 2-part episode but atleast just a return episode would be good, like many others i have heard many thoughts on this and the most common theory on her return is she will replace the residents of Ponyville or Canterville and try to steal the elements, another theory i have heard most of is chrysalis being the real ruler of the crystal empire or the return of the changeling empire.

stuff it since i have nothing to do ill just make my question of the week a question of the day since well i have nothing to do and well ok i just have nothing to do

so today's question is:


Will we see the Equestria games ("Games Ponies Play") in the next season? and will any of the mane 6 compete?

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