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Ya know, I'm gonna say this, but I actually hope there's an episode that's a MLP take on "It's a Wonderful Life."


The story goes like this


-Something goes wrong that gets Princess Twilight Sparkle discouraged enough that makes her run away from her friends and her teacher.  But yet, Princess Celestia has become concerned about her depression lately and yet Twilight refuses help, claiming she failed Equestria and is not fit to being princess.  With that, she acts as if she severed her ties with her friends


-Twilight meets with a guardian pony of hers and, out of an act of desperation to get away from everyone she disappointed, wishes for a world where she didn't exist.


-She winds up getting her wish, but Equestria looks worse than it is.  Nightmare Moon has taken over all of Equestria and has banished Princess Celestia to the moon.  Ponyville has fallen into despair as 5 of the remaining Mane 6(Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy) have lost who they were.  None of them recognize Twilight


-Discord is freed from his statue prison and declares war on Nightmare Moon.  Even more so, the Changelings lead by Queen Chrysalis invade.  Not to mention the fact that King Sombra has taken the Crystal Heart.  Even Sunset Shimmer appears to have return, although worse off than when she left.  Canterlot has become a battleground.


-Realizing what she has done and that Equestria is in worse shape without her, and without Princess Celestia, Twilight asks her Guardian Angel to restore everything the way it was.  Except one problem....the Guardian Angel's attempt to do so has failed.  Someone has sabotaged her(or his) powers.  Even worse, if she doesn't return to her time zone within 12 hours, she would be stuck in this land....forever.  This ends Part 1.


What do you all think so far?


Edit: Actually, instead of the Guardian Angel's power being sabotaged, she(or he) is banished by the guardian of time for interfering with the realm that Twilight came from.  And to make matters worse, Twilight is to remain in this alternative universe as punishment by her Guardian Angel's defiance.

I think Twilight herself would know even beforehand that Equestria would be much worse off without her spearheading the Elements of Harmony. Emotional as she can get, she wouldn't just forget things like Nightmare Moon. And every time she felt crushed with the idea that she let her friends down, she always gets back on her feet.


- Originality, Twilight's a Princess now and it would be a great opportunity to break down some female stereotypes.

Like they haven't been doing that already?


They've already changed the idea of princesshood by making it a title you have to earn or deserve rather than just give it willy-nilly.

Edited by immblueversion
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Technically, he already did.


While they were falling in "Secret of my Excess", Spike started to tell Rarity about his crush on her.

She put her hoof over his mouth while fighting back tears, and they exchanged a smile.

I think it's safe to say that she knows.

After that episode, she begins calling him Spikey-wikey, and the two are noticeably closer.

She's also the one most desperate to stop Spike leaving in "Dragon Quest", and she gets more heated than the others while defending him against the dragons.


If anything, the ball is in Rarity's court right now. Spike has made his intentions quite clear already.

Rather than hoping for another confession from Spike, we should hope for a response from Rarity.


She needs to give him a definite answer sooner or later.

If they've really become so close, then she should realize the cruelty of leading him on.


He's a little kid.  and he's gonna be alittle kid well past rarity dies.



time.  As such i imagine he matures as a slower click.  LIke dragons can out live 5-6 generations of elves lol.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Like they haven't been doing that already?They've already changed the idea of princesshood by making it a title you have to earn or deserve rather than just give it willy-nilly.


No, they really haven't unless there was an episode I missed. They kind of do give the title away" willy-nilly" we already have 4 princesses and a rumored 5th.


 I was talking more about what they do with her as a princess. She needs to do her own thing and not be a mini Cadance.

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No, they really haven't unless there was an episode I missed. They kind of do give the title away" willy-nilly" we already have 4 princesses and a rumored 5th.


 I was talking more about what they do with her as a princess. She needs to do her own thing and not be a mini Cadance.

You might want to look at this little video below, if you haven't already. And if you have, in fact, seen it already, well, do it again.


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You might want to look at this little video below, if you haven't already. And if you have, in fact, seen it already, well, do it again.



well I kinda disagree with twilight helping luna based on friend ship and learning.


Twilight is in fact princess celestial right hand filly.  Princess Celestial is luna's sister.  It's just good common sense to bend over back words to play nice.   If Luna would been related to say the apple family (lol sorry insert 20 or more jokes here) I think at that time she wouldn't have gaven luna the time of day.

I just saw dr wolfs idea to fix a canterlot wedding.


NOT half bad.  Right down to the chaos from the battle with the changelings at that time cracking open discords statue a second time.

Edited by FNGRpony


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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He's a little kid.  and he's gonna be alittle kid well past rarity dies.



time.  As such i imagine he matures as a slower click.  LIke dragons can out live 5-6 generations of elves lol.


Point taken, i don't think a dragon/pony relationship could work either. But the original point of the post still stands.

(That Spike doesn't need to confess, because he technically already did.)

Edited by Prince Dan
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I started watching the show after the season 3 finale, so I had everything on Youtube and didn't have to wait for new episodes. But this wait for season 4 is soo long! img-1894957-1-blink.png I hope that it will be worth it.


My speculations are that Twilight will continue to stay at the library with just a couple of Royal Guards. Celestia may send her some powerful magic stuff for her to examine. I saw how other people here said that she might teach others about the magic of friendship, because Celestia said that they are all her students now. I don't think I agree with that. Celestia might not have meant "students" as Twilight is, or was, to Celestia, but "Twilight's students" as in Twilight being a role model for them.


Changelings would be good for the season 4 finale.


Just my speculations, nothing confirmed. img-1894957-2-smile.png

Edited by Pandora Cutie
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My top three ponies have always been Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. Well, until recently. After rewatching the series with my fiance, Rarity has inched her to the top as well. I can't pick a single pony but Rainbow and Apple are definitely my least fave. I don't connect with them.


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  • What Celestia's "use for Discord's magic," is.
  • Celestia & Discord backstory (Remember in Return of Harmony, when Discord said "Oh Celestia, I've forgotten how grim you could be)
  • More songs
  • The planned concepts (I won't spoil them for those who know not of them)
  • Celestia and Luna backstory
  • Chrysalis getting reformed
  • Discord revealed as the creator of Poison Joke (my headcanon =P )
  • Canon shipping, if only hinted at (such as CheeriMac)
  • Coolness
  • Awesomeness
  • Radicalness

But basically I think that whatever they do do will be amazing, and S4 will likely be my favorite season. 

I'm Star Swirl the Neckbearded; I'll show you my Temporal Displacement Spell right after I'm done eating Ramen Noodles and wearing Fedoras.

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A few episodes like it was made by the writers of the Hyperdimension Neptunia series.


Introduce some alternate princesses with personalities similar to Blanc, Noire, and Vert.

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Point taken, i don't think a dragon/pony relationship could work either. But the original point of the post still stands.

(That Spike doesn't need to confess, because he technically already did.)


Pardon my cheeky ness but i think spike has about as much chance with rarirty as anyone else in the long run lol.

That and who knows how long spike will keep his "crush."

he's a kid.  Kids are fickle.


  • What Celestia's "use for Discord's magic," is.
  • Celestia & Discord backstory (Remember in Return of Harmony, when Discord said "Oh Celestia, I've forgotten how grim you could be)
  • More songs
  • The planned concepts (I won't spoil them for those who know not of them)
  • Celestia and Luna backstory
  • Chrysalis getting reformed
  • Discord revealed as the creator of Poison Joke (my headcanon =P )
  • Canon shipping, if only hinted at (such as CheeriMac)
  • Coolness
  • Awesomeness
  • Radicalness

But basically I think that whatever they do do will be amazing, and S4 will likely be my favorite season. 



Shippers destroy lives (LOL).  haven't you seen what i learned today?

I seriously didn't know what shipping was until recently.

  • Brohoof 1


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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I would like to see:


•Other kingdoms

•Derpy Hooves

•Batponies other than Luna's Night Guards

•More changelings

•Alicornify ALL THE PONIES!!! Well, just for an episode, it could cause total chaos and destruction

•More background ponies getting to be in a speaking role at least

•Equestria Girls get banished to the moon

•Griffons other than Gilda

•Other things that I will think of after I post this

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I should probably finish watching the episodes I have missed before I comment here but I do have a few thoughts as well

(I'm not entirely blind to what is currently going on)


-Bringing back Derpy and giving her a episode about her would be wonderful

-A appearance of a Samurai pony would be great to (trust me to say that)

-some more episodes including discord. please

-possibly including some popular fan characters taking an appearance in a official episode.


A samurai pyromancer? That's a bit overpowered.

"Trust me, there is much more out there that's stronger than me, I'm a soldier, not a god"



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Other empires and kingdoms

Discord's current situation

More adventures and quests while maintaining the awesome slice of life

Derpy Hooves

New villain

Rarity and Spike remain close friends

Reveal the other Wonderbolts

More Mythical creatures

More Equestrian history
  • Brohoof 1
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Well I personally think Rainbow Dash is going to give Twilight a flying lesson and as far as I know so far one of the episodes of Season 4 have this awesome song which is really catchy, I think the name was Apples to the Core. My hopes of Season 4 is another Discord episode. Now that he is reformed to his good self I'm excited to see what will happen next. 

  • Brohoof 1



She makes the impossible happen in 10 seconds flat!



Signature not made by me in any circumstances 


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Here is a thought, just a thought.........


Do we remember the "Dragon Fluttershy" speculation for season 3? Didn't happen, but Tabitha's slip of the tongue left that thought in our heads for a bit. Up until the point that the whole alicorn buisness went down and left our favourite purple friend with a whole new set of awesome powers.


So my prediction/spin is........... Twilight turns Fluttershy into a dragon when testing out her new powers. Whether or not it be by accident or not, but possibly by trying a spell out to fix Fluttershy's fear of dragons and getting it wrong in the process.


Now I don't expect that it will happen, but it's a pretty neat idea.

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1. If Twilight's Royalty status is permanent, demoted her to a supporting character and have some fresh blood take her place.

2. Flim and Flam return.

3. Less episodes centered on one character. For its many, many, many flaws, "Games Ponies Play" was the only episode not centered on a single character in S3.

4. More exploration of the world outside of Equestria.

I am no longer active in the fandom or site. Thank you.

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  • More Zecora

Showing more of the relationship between Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash

Return of Pinkamena

Celestia episode

Either Gilda or Flim and Flam come back

I may be setting my hopes too high, but a background pony episode

Musical episode

More Changelings

Sweetie Belle episode

Twilight rage shifts again, you know fiery Twi

More mentions of Tarturus


  • Brohoof 1
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I'd like to see them tackle more serious subjects like they did in season three with bullying and in previous seasons. More heartwarming moments would be nice, as well as some more background information on Scootaloo. I'd also like to see more of the background ponies like Lyra and Bon Bon and Derpy. As a disabled person, I'd like to see an episode centered on Derpy and her disability and how she copes with it. Thanks to the soccermoms, however, that probably wouldn't happen, even though it would be a very good moral, as well as a good episode overall, given the right writer. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I want to see the CMC get their cuties marks

No spike episodes

Meeting Pinkie pies sisters or whole family

Scootaloo to learns how to fly BUT she finds her talent on ground.


Can't think of more.

Edited by King George
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Things I'd like to see:

  • Another Luna-centric episode. Actually a Celestia episode would be cool as well.
  • A return of Gilda and/or Blueblood.
  • A least a crumb of background for Scootaloo.
  • Have them do something with Discord, at least some cameos.


I would LOVE to see that stuff in an episode especially a Scootaloo one and Drepy one. I'm not sure thay would make a Drepy one even though EVER BORNY ON EARTH LOVES DREPY. Some people thought it was offensive when she mad her first big appearance.


I want to see the CMC get their cuties marks

No spike episodes

Meeting Pinkie pies sisters or whole family

Scootaloo to learns how to fly BUT she finds her talent on ground.


Can't think of more.

That would be so cool only with the original intro song remix. Think I saw one on you tube and I really liked it.


I just really want one with the cutie mark crusaders getting their cutie marks


My role playing ponysona: Clover

by: FallenTrench and Wheatley


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  • A more in-depth explanation of Equestrian history and the Princesses
  • More Rarity episodes
  • More background information on Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo, and most of the mane six
  • Derpy, although the chances of her getting an episode are slim in my opinion. All of the episodes so far have been about the mane six, spike, or a princess. *sigh*

Yeah, thats pretty much it.


I started watching the show after the season 3 finale, so I had everything on Youtube and didn't have to wait for new episodes. But this wait for season 4 is soo long! img-1894957-1-blink.png I hope that it will be worth it.


My speculations are that Twilight will continue to stay at the library with just a couple of Royal Guards. Celestia may send her some powerful magic stuff for her to examine. I saw how other people here said that she might teach others about the magic of friendship, because Celestia said that they are all her students now. I don't think I agree with that. Celestia might not have meant "students" as Twilight is, or was, to Celestia, but "Twilight's students" as in Twilight being a role model for them.


Changelings would be good for the season 4 finale.


Just my speculations, nothing confirmed. img-1894957-2-smile.png



The same think happened to me! It's been kind of hard to wait this long. But hey, only about a month left. laugh.png 


In the meantime, i'll be watching season 2 over again. 

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More Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo <3 But I think we'll definitely see that. So, for the things that would be super awesome but aren't definite:

  • Background on Applejack's parents, something to open up some new development for Applejack.
  • More explanation of what the world is like... what's beyond Equestria?
  • Some history of Celestia and Luna.
  • More serious development of Spike. His comedy is good (omg the faces are adorable), but I like his wise/serious side too.
  • A concrete explanation of Twilight's new cutie mark?! The possibilities and speculation are killing me.
  • More fantasy creatures, showing that ponies share the world with other creatures.

I could go on forever. I just want ponies! More MLP and I will be happy. :)

Edited by WaterDragon
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