Pinkazoid 3,493 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 It was 3 am, Pinkazoid had recently eaten 3 bags of candy, and a pint of ice cream, Urdnot was being Urdnot, and Twiliscael was no where to be seen. [27-Jan-13 23:57:31] UrdiePie: What would you do if I was a bug? :w [27-Jan-13 23:57:35] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Yeeesss? [27-Jan-13 23:57:42] Butthead (Pinkazoid): I don't know [27-Jan-13 23:57:49] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Squash you [27-Jan-13 23:57:56] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Lock you in a container [27-Jan-13 23:58:11] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Torture you by removing one of your legs everyday :v [27-Jan-13 23:58:16] UrdiePie: Asshole :w [27-Jan-13 23:58:20] Butthead (Pinkazoid): <3 [27-Jan-13 23:58:24] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :3 [27-Jan-13 23:58:48] UrdiePie: I wanna be an Octopus [27-Jan-13 23:58:48] UrdiePie: :w [27-Jan-13 23:58:56] Butthead (Pinkazoid): huehueheueheueheueheueheuehehuhe...... Tentacles [27-Jan-13 23:58:57] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :3 [27-Jan-13 23:59:02] UrdiePie: I wanna be [27-Jan-13 23:59:04] UrdiePie: a whale [27-Jan-13 23:59:05] UrdiePie: :w [27-Jan-13 23:59:10] Butthead (Pinkazoid): I wanna be [27-Jan-13 23:59:14] Butthead (Pinkazoid): The very best [27-Jan-13 23:59:19] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Like no one ever was [27-Jan-13 23:59:27] UrdiePie: I knew you were going to say that xD [27-Jan-13 23:59:38] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Too predictable? [00:09:14] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Urdie [00:09:19] UrdiePie: Wat? [00:09:20] Butthead (Pinkazoid): What if [00:09:23] Butthead (Pinkazoid): I'm in a comma [00:09:29] Butthead (Pinkazoid): And [00:09:33] UrdiePie: Comma? [00:09:36] UrdiePie: What's a comma? [00:09:37] Butthead (Pinkazoid): This is all part of my imagination [00:09:49] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Phone [00:09:50] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Typos [00:09:52] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :I [00:09:53] UrdiePie: :0 Whoa [00:09:54] Butthead (Pinkazoid): *coma [00:10:01] UrdiePie: Why are you in a coma Pinkazoid? :0 [00:10:09] Butthead (Pinkazoid): I don't know [00:10:09] Butthead (Pinkazoid): But [00:10:18] Butthead (Pinkazoid): This is all fake [00:10:22] Butthead (Pinkazoid): You're not real [00:10:36] Butthead (Pinkazoid): You're part of my imagination [00:10:37] Butthead (Pinkazoid): MLP isn't real [00:10:43] UrdiePie: Whaaatttt? [00:10:44] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Bronies aren't real [00:10:46] UrdiePie: Whoa [00:10:48] UrdiePie: Whoa [00:10:52] UrdiePie: That's deep [00:10:55] Butthead (Pinkazoid): POKEMON ISN'T REAL ;C; [00:11:04] Butthead (Pinkazoid): NOTHING IS REAL [00:11:10] Butthead (Pinkazoid): ALL MY FRIENDS ARE FAKE [00:11:13] UrdiePie: What if you aren't real? [00:11:13] Butthead (Pinkazoid): ;C; [00:11:19] UrdiePie: What if none of us are real? [00:11:23] Butthead (Pinkazoid): *flips shit and tables* [00:11:30] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Woooooaaaaah [00:11:33] UrdiePie: What is existance? [00:11:43] UrdiePie: What does it mean to exist? [00:11:45] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Nothing [00:11:48] Butthead (Pinkazoid): ;c; [00:11:53] UrdiePie: Whoa [00:11:57] Butthead (Pinkazoid): You're all fake [00:12:04] UrdiePie: What if [00:12:05] Butthead (Pinkazoid): We're all fake [00:12:07] UrdiePie: What if [00:12:10] Butthead (Pinkazoid): My life is a lie [00:12:17] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Heeeeell [00:12:20] Butthead (Pinkazoid): What if [00:12:26] Butthead (Pinkazoid): I'm not even human [00:12:37] Butthead (Pinkazoid): My mind made up humans [00:12:40] UrdiePie: You're an alien? :0 [00:12:42] UrdiePie: Whoaaaa [00:12:54] Butthead (Pinkazoid): As a way for me to exist in this imaginary world [00:12:58] Butthead (Pinkazoid): And [00:12:59] Butthead (Pinkazoid): And [00:13:00] Butthead (Pinkazoid): And [00:13:08] Butthead (Pinkazoid): What if [00:13:16] Butthead (Pinkazoid): I'm actually a pony [00:13:21] Butthead (Pinkazoid): In equestria [00:13:24] Butthead (Pinkazoid): That [00:13:28] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Is in a coma [00:13:38] Butthead (Pinkazoid): And that is imagining all of this [00:13:45] Butthead (Pinkazoid): .....dear golly fuck.... [00:13:49] UrdiePie: What if we were all in a computer [00:13:57] UrdiePie: and we're just a program that thinks it exists? [00:14:19] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :0 [00:14:36] UrdiePie: And god... Created the program [00:14:39] UrdiePie: Whhaaattttt [00:14:43] UrdiePie: Whoa [00:15:00] UrdiePie: What if [00:15:04] UrdiePie: God IS the computer? [00:15:09] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Conspiracies [00:15:37] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Make a thread about this [00:15:41] UrdiePie: Nah [00:15:44] Butthead (Pinkazoid): We're like [00:15:47] UrdiePie: Too much work :w [00:16:19] UrdiePie: :0 [00:16:21] UrdiePie: what if [00:16:24] UrdiePie: We're aliens? [00:16:39] Butthead (Pinkazoid): We [00:16:41] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Are [00:16:50] UrdiePie: Is this really earth? [00:16:57] UrdiePie: Or is it another planet? [00:17:04] UrdiePie: Does Earth actually exist? [00:17:12] Butthead (Pinkazoid): It doesnt [00:17:16] UrdiePie: Whoooaaaaaa [00:17:38] Butthead (Pinkazoid): The world is actually the shape of a waffle [00:17:44] UrdiePie: :0 [00:17:52] UrdiePie: Aw man [00:17:56] Butthead (Pinkazoid): And and and [00:17:58] UrdiePie: We're so deep [00:18:22] Butthead (Pinkazoid): We all live a mile away from each other [00:18:41] Butthead (Pinkazoid): The government puts these things into our head [00:19:00] UrdiePie: Does the government actually exist? [00:19:03] Butthead (Pinkazoid): And makes us think that "europe" exists [00:19:06] Butthead (Pinkazoid): It does [00:19:17] Butthead (Pinkazoid): And it's ruled by a giant cloud [00:19:22] UrdiePie: But [00:19:27] UrdiePie: Who rules the cloud? [00:19:37] Butthead (Pinkazoid): No one [00:19:39] UrdiePie: :0 [00:19:41] Butthead (Pinkazoid): The cloud rules itself [00:19:43] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :U [00:19:51] UrdiePie: Pinkazoid [00:19:52] Butthead (Pinkazoid): We're like [00:19:58] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Physiologists [00:20:01] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :v [00:20:03] UrdiePie: Pinkazoid [00:20:07] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Yes? [00:20:11] UrdiePie: What would you do [00:20:13] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Urdnot? [00:20:15] UrdiePie: If you were a cloud? [00:20:19] Butthead (Pinkazoid): OR SHOULD I SAY, BROTHER [00:20:27] UrdiePie: :0 [00:20:36] UrdiePie: WE'RE ALL CHILDREN OF THE CLOUD [00:20:39] UrdiePie: ALL HAIL THE CLOUD [00:20:41] Butthead (Pinkazoid): WE ARE [00:20:45] UrdiePie: We should make a religion :0 [00:20:48] Butthead (Pinkazoid): ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY CLOUD [00:20:53] Butthead (Pinkazoid): We should [00:20:56] UrdiePie: We should make a thread :w [00:21:06] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Ok [00:21:15] Butthead (Pinkazoid): I'll make it tomorrow [00:21:17] Butthead (Pinkazoid): [00:21:18] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Nvm [00:21:21] Butthead (Pinkazoid): You do it [00:21:26] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Copy this chat logue [00:21:29] UrdiePie: The cloud wills it [00:21:36] UrdiePie: ALL HAIL THE CLOUD [00:21:37] Butthead (Pinkazoid): *log [00:21:38] UrdiePie: PRAISE HIM [00:21:39] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :v [00:21:45] UrdiePie: What if [00:21:51] UrdiePie: The cloud is really a she? [00:21:56] UrdiePie: Whoa [00:22:05] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Na'h [00:22:08] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Girls are dum [00:22:10] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :v [00:22:17] UrdiePie: :w [00:22:23] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Except pinkie pie <3 [00:22:28] UrdiePie: :wwwww [00:22:35] UrdiePie: Pink [00:22:37] Butthead (Pinkazoid): OMFGBBQ [00:22:41] Butthead (Pinkazoid): WHAT IF [00:22:43] UrdiePie: What if clouds were pink? :0 [00:22:45] Butthead (Pinkazoid): WHAT IF [00:23:07] Butthead (Pinkazoid): WHAT IF PINKIE PIE, IS THE CLOUD'S LONG LOST SISTER [00:23:14] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :00000000 [00:23:16] UrdiePie: :00000 [00:23:17] UrdiePie: WHAT IF [00:23:21] UrdiePie: WHAT IF [00:23:25] UrdiePie: PINKEH IS IN THE CLOUD [00:23:26] UrdiePie: WHAT IF [00:23:32] UrdiePie: EQUESTRIA IS IN THE CLOUD [00:23:36] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Oh god [00:23:38] UrdiePie: AND IT ACTUALLY EXISTS [00:23:42] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Twilie, if you're reading this [00:23:55] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Please remember to never let me eat candy at night [00:24:00] Butthead (Pinkazoid): And also [00:24:24] Butthead (Pinkazoid): ...yeah that's pretty much it [00:24:30] UrdiePie: Pinkazoid [00:24:34] UrdiePie: It all makes sense now [00:24:40] UrdiePie: The staff of MLO [00:24:43] UrdiePie: *MLP [00:24:48] UrdiePie: They're prophets [00:24:57] UrdiePie: Chosen by the cloud [00:25:00] Butthead (Pinkazoid): No [00:25:05] UrdiePie: Each episode is acutally a vision [00:25:07] Butthead (Pinkazoid): They're the government [00:25:10] UrdiePie: OF INSIDE THE CLOUD [00:25:14] UrdiePie: OH [00:25:14] UrdiePie: MY [00:25:15] UrdiePie: CLOUD! [00:25:20] UrdiePie: IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW [00:25:43] Butthead (Pinkazoid): CLOUDDAMNED BE THOSE WHO DARE OPOSE TO THIS [00:25:57] Butthead (Pinkazoid): ALL HAIL CLOUDIA [00:26:03] Butthead (Pinkazoid): OUR GLORIOUS LEADER [00:26:07] UrdiePie: ALL HAIL THE CLOUD [00:26:10] UrdiePie: ALL HAIL THE CLOUD [00:26:17] Butthead (Pinkazoid): *CLOUDIA [00:26:20] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :v [00:26:28] UrdiePie: We must bring him tribute [00:26:33] UrdiePie: Gather all of your dirty socks [00:26:40] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Actually [00:26:48] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Cloudia isn't a he or a she [00:26:55] Butthead (Pinkazoid): It's a hua [00:26:56] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :v [00:27:01] UrdiePie: Whoa [00:27:11] UrdiePie: We're like a bunch of stoners :w [00:27:21] Butthead (Pinkazoid): waaaaaaaaaaaat? [00:27:24] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Nooooooooo [00:27:37] UrdiePie: What if [00:27:46] UrdiePie: Marijuana is actually a holy plant? [00:27:54] UrdiePie: And it lets you glimpse into the cloud? [00:28:05] Butthead (Pinkazoid): It's he holy plant of hua :v [00:28:10] Butthead (Pinkazoid): *the [00:28:21] UrdiePie: The government doesnt want us to use it [00:28:26] UrdiePie: BECAUSE THEY'RE AGAINST THE CLOUD [00:29:03] Butthead (Pinkazoid): :v [00:29:06] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Noooo [00:29:15] Butthead (Pinkazoid): The cloud rules the government [00:29:26] Butthead (Pinkazoid): The government was brainwashed [00:29:37] UrdiePie: Whoa [00:29:45] UrdiePie: I wanna be a cuttlefish [00:29:54] Butthead (Pinkazoid): By hua! [00:30:04] Butthead (Pinkazoid): CLOUDIA'S ENEMY [00:30:18] UrdiePie: We should send this to the member named Claudia [00:30:20] UrdiePie: :w [00:30:37] Butthead (Pinkazoid): There's a member called Cloudia? [00:30:38] Butthead (Pinkazoid): XD [00:30:42] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Oh crap [00:30:43] Butthead (Pinkazoid): XD [00:30:44] UrdiePie: No, Claudia [00:30:45] UrdiePie: :w [00:30:51] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Oh [00:30:51] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Meeh [00:30:55] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Don't [00:31:02] Butthead (Pinkazoid): Cloudia would be offended [00:31:40] UrdiePie: Pinkazoid [00:31:57] UrdiePie: Pinkazoid [00:41:32] UrdiePie: :w In order to join our cult of ours, you must change your avvie to Cloudia's Glorious image, along with a name change to match ours. JOIN NOW BOW DOWN TO YOUR CLOUD OVERLORD 5 :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 (edited) WHY CAN'T I BE IN YOUR CHATS??????!???!?!! <:V :( Edited February 12, 2013 by Betez 1 My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Urdnot 2,680 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 ALL HAIL THE CLOUD! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 February 12, 2013 Author Share February 12, 2013 BEHOLD! Cloudia's enemy is Lord Smooze, otherwise known as.... "Gak" THEE WHO'LL END EQUESTRIA :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Callisto 1,877 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 Ah, good sister. I shall take part in this wondorous movement for peace. ALL HAIL CLOUDIA! (I really wanna be in those chats now) 1 Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leafeon 2,702 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 1 Eeveelutions: @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Master~ Button Mash 2,307 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 Oh god. Follow me on Tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 February 12, 2013 Author Share February 12, 2013 Oh god. *Oh Cloud :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Urdnot 2,680 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 (edited) I have betrayed you, Pinkazoid. :3 Edited February 12, 2013 by Lord Smooze 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,681 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 WHY CAN'T I BE IN YOUR CHATS??????!???!?!! <:V :( You are not worthy. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 I have betrayed you, Pinkazoid. :3 What if I had had Epilepsy, huh? I could have died because of you. My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Urdnot 2,680 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 What if I had had Epilepsy, huh? I could have died because of you. I'm Lord Smooze, knave. How dare you address me as such. Don't you know, that nothing can stop the Smooze? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 I have no words... My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Callisto 1,877 February 12, 2013 Share February 12, 2013 Ahaha! Treeford will punish you for not worshipping him no matter what! Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 February 12, 2013 Author Share February 12, 2013 (edited) Ahaha! Treeford will punish you for not worshipping him no matter what! Treeford is a conspiracy Made by Lord Smooze, and the government. Edited February 12, 2013 by Sister Pinkazoid :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 (edited) Pinkazoid, how much to get into your clique? Edited February 13, 2013 by Betez My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Urdnot 2,680 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 Pinkazoid, how much to get into your clique? Add me on Skype. I am lonely. :c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Callisto 1,877 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 I want to change my name back... BUT I'M OUT OF NAME CHANGES THIS IS YOUR FAULT 2 Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 (edited) Add me on Skype. I am lonely. :c Lol I'm not technologically inclined at all when it comes to Skype, but I'll try. Edited February 13, 2013 by Betez My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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