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Season 4 Preview & Info [Spoilers]


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Why write a fanfiction about this story? Why not animate it. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love to make a scene like this one. Of course this means we have to find a writer, VA and/or animator but I'm sure it could be done.


Even easier, just script it out and send to FlamingoRich and his team. I have no doubt that they're not going to stop with Double Rainboom, and so if we as a community start compiling scripts and episode ideas, it will less the work load for the team that (let's be honest here) has the most show accurate quality thus far.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

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This is insufficient, especially since it doesn't make sense that an animator would leak stuff like this on his Twitter.


I'm calling fake until we see something more substantial.

that and it says season 3, and not season 4. i mean sure you dont always hit the right buttons but dont you think theyd notice that before they posted

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that and it says season 3, and not season 4. i mean sure you dont always hit the right buttons but dont you think theyd notice that before they posted


Um, yeah, maybe that's why he said it WASN'T a production BG from season 3. I assume you think he was being sarcastic? I guess I wasn't thinking that way when I saw it. :P


Deviantart: MatrixChicken | Youtube: ThunderFilmStudios Twitter: @JohnAlBerge

Twitch.tv: ThunderFilms Soundcloud: ScootriX


Scootaloo vector by robzombiefan2121

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I cant wait for Season 4....

Im serious....

I feel like I have this butterfly in my stomach that wants to rip out of me and the only thing that will stop it is a new episode of MLP...




Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Here's a little more fuel for the fire for those who may be skeptical about the image I posted:








The above images are all actual, legitimate storyboards from the show, as you can see we have Luna Eclipsed at the top, Call of the Cutie in the Middle, and A Bird in the Hoof at the bottom. As you can see, they are all done in a different style than the show (due to the fact that they use Flash puppetry for the final production), and share many similarities in style to the rumored Season 4 image:




I'm willing to bet that that image is legit, and if so, the only question is, what episode is it from? The most logical guess would be the opener, but it could be any one of them.



Really? I can't see any similarities between the first three images and the bottom one. There no more of a reason to say that this is any more legit than the post about Derpy being removed from season 4 that appeared on Reddit. Anyone one with even a little art talent could do something like that in a matter of minutes. 


But anyways, the whole spike leaving Twilight scenario seems about as likely to happen as Queen Chrysalis teaching Vinyl Scratch to play the Violin. 

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The Crystal Heart Spell is a pony book with an expected launch of April, but people that visit Scholastic bookfairs can pick it up a bit early (usually an elementary school thing). The big thing here is the actual content. While I can't check it here in front of me, the submitter (Sergio) is saying that it is a direct followup to the season finale, though the cover doesn't really hint at that. The expanded synopsis on the back gives a bit of added information:

A royal event has turned Twilight Sparkle's life upside down. To learn how to handle her new status, Twilight goes to Princess Cadance for some guidance. The princess shares her own story about how she came to rule the Crystal Empire and a magic spell that helped her follow her heart. Inspired by Princess Cadance, Twilight Sparkle sets off on a quest for the Crystal Heart Spell!


Holy horse manure!!!
A "Purple Rain", "The Princess Bride", and "The Twilight Zone" references, Cadance spelled Cadance, And Twilight confirmed to having opulent quarters in Canterlot, but choosing to remain in Ponyville with her friends, all in the FIRST SIX PAGES!!! Alicorn is defined in the book as "a special breed" that is "able to harness the magical powers of the Unicorns, the flight abilities of the Pegasi, and the strength of a good, true heart of an Earth Pony." Nice confirmation on the way the nature of alicorns reflects all three pony breeds. Derpy gets an early cameo... Sadly, the Cakes are out of muffins... THE HORROR!!! ◵◠◷ Twilight refers to Cadance as her "Pegasister-in-law" when deciding to head north and visit her. San Fransiscolt. That is all! XD You don't have to be a Unicorn to become an Alicorn.
I repeat... You DO NOT need to be a Unicorn to ascend to Alicornhood!
Cadance was an orphaned pegasus, found in the forest and taken in by an Earth Pony village.
The book's writer was obviously privy to official canon information...
Cadance used her special talents for love and compassion to reform a new villain. The villains necklace amplified both their powers. The book specifically refers to Cadance being surrounded by magical energy and taken to a "Strange Place" where she met Celestia and became a princess. Celestia "adopts" her as her niece, and brings her to Canterlot.
Remember, this was written before Magical Mystery Cure was released! Cadance defines her own destiny to "lead other ponies with my strengths of True Love and Tolerance." Yes, it's capitalized. Cadance also refers to Twilight: "Of course, my dear new sister", seemingly carrying the idea of alicorns adopting each other as family. LOLOLOL! Pinkie's Party Time watch is referenced on multiple occasions! What time is it? It's time to PARTY!!! Gilda AND Trixie leading on and influencing a necklace corrupted Twilight! errmergherd, wat! Dear God!!! There's book fort reference!!! XD Interestingly, The writer is privy to the "Strange Place" where Cadance meets Celestia and becomes and Alicorn, but states that the last time all the Mane 6 visited the Crystal Empire was when they held the Crystal Faire and searched for the Crystal Heart to resist King Sombra. This lends credence to the author being specifically made privy to the Alicorn ascension story, and that this was known before the Equestria Games were revealed. It has been said Magical Mystery Cure was written in November of 2011. The big special moral at the end of the story... "Now I know that a princess is not defined by the things she chooses for her kingdom. All that matters is how she treats other ponies, especially her friends. Princess or not - we are all equal ponies!" Let that shoot down the "Twilight is above her friends" arguments. This book's writer was clearly given access to inside knowledge to write this book. the fact that it both opens with Twilight choosing her friends in Ponyville over the opulent castle, and her declaring herself an equal to her friends at the end, pretty much shoots those arguments right out of the party canon. :P
Don't take the Trixie parts too seriously, while she would be loathe to admit it, her part is rather minor (GASP). This book is clearly written before knowledge of Magic Duel or Games Ponies Play, but given the accuracy of Cadance's ascension, the author was specifically given prior knowledge of The ascension process from Magical Mystery Cure. In general, the book is a one off, but the author was clearly fed knowledge about alicorns that's too specific to be a coincidence. That, and it's appearance just after the season finale, suggests that this was intentionally released as a compliment to the finale. As for Trixie... She does team up with Gilda to put on a show in the Crystal Empire. She's still telling her "stories" again... Meaning she's being a show mare. Go figure, Twi's friends break it up. Gilda basically tells Twilight that "If she were a princess, she'd do what she wants, and not listen to anyone else". Due to certain elements in the story, this messes Twi up. Gilda mostly acts as the antagonist. Trixie is more in there to be Trixie.


  • Brohoof 2


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I really, REALLY want there to be an exploration into other countries in Season 4, namely the Changeling and Griffin Kingdoms. I'd love for Changelings to appear again, especially if the episode will be based on the improving on foreign relations, bringing about peace. Sorry, but if Celestia is so willing to give Discord a second chance, then her willing to repair relations with Changelings is not in the realm of the impossible. I can imagine an episode based on an early episode of Young Justice, where like the North and South Korea based countries, the Changeling Kingdom and Equestria's leaders gather at a peace summit to try and work out peace, with who else being the arbitrator (in Young Justice, Lex Luthor) than Discord.


Or alternatively, the episode could focus around racism/speciesm. Whilst it is true that in season 2, we had an episode based around racism, the 'Hearth's Warming Eve' episode between the different races of pony. However, what the show could then do is take it to a new level and actually deal with relations with an entirely different species. As far as we've seen, a lot of species we've seen outside of ponies are EVIIIL, be they dragons (with the only real notable exception being Spike), diamond dogs, or changelings. It would do a world of good if the show dedicated an episode to how some, or better yet, many members of these 'EVIIIL' species are actually good people and are not uniformly bad. True, some species are kind of set up to come across as evil, but one of the big messages of this show is on love and tolerance, so one of the best examples of that is having the Mane Six realize that 'hey, maybe it's wrong to write off every single one of these guys we hardly know as an 'evil jerk'. They are people, with lives and their own family and loved ones and are, in many ways, like us'. The species that this could very well be done with is the Changelings, mostly because they are the species that are most set up as uniformly evil and thus would make it more interesting and compelling than say, the Diamond Dogs.



•    It also allows the Mane Six to be portrayed as more sympathetic in their distrust and NOT as blind, ignorant bigots as is the case in many fanfictions on this issue, because unlike the incident with Zecora (which was not them being speciesist per say, more fear of the unknown), which was based more on ignorance than hatred, they have more of a founded reason to see all Changelings as the enemy; an army of them, led by their Queen, invaded their country! Unlike Zecora and the different races of pony, there is a solid reason for which they are actively expected to not like Changelings. It does not justify their prejudice entirely, but it makes the audience sympathies and understand them more. No one side is entirely in the wrong.
•    The Mane Six, in the end, would come to understand that Chrysalis' army is not representative of every single Changeling and that it is wrong to paint all Changelings as their 'enemy'. That they are people, with lives and their own family and loved ones (on a side note, this is why I do not support the hive-mind idea that some fans endorse, because it mostly takes away the opportunity to show Changelings as individual characters). They (the Changelings) are like them (the Mane Six and ponies in general) in many ways.
•    Their kingdom and culture and society could be revealed to based off that of similarities to Oriental cultures, like Japan and Korea, the rationale for this mainly how Chrysalis' designer, Rebecca Dart was inspired by the work of manga artists Junko Mizuno and Hideshi Hino. Therefore, if we see the Changeling Kingdom in the show it can potentially enable the show writers and animators to explore some East Asian art, architecture and culture. And picture this: Changeling Samurais!
•    It has many ways in which the episode could be played out:
o    The Mane Six are stranded in an isolated area with a group or family of Changelings.
o    The Mane Six find themselves trapped in the Changeling Kingdom and disguise themselves/They are sent to the Changeling Kingdom as spies and go undercover. Either way, they then get an understanding of what the Changelings' lives are like, and how privileged ponies are in Equestria in comparison to a Changeling's daily hardship and squalor.
o    The familiar scenario of them finding a Changeling baby and have to return it to its family, as examined in detail below. The twist? It's Chrysalis baby! How're they gonna get themselves out of that one, especially as Chrysalis believes they kidnapped her baby?
o    Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom go to, or are at the brink of war.
This sort of thing relates to real life in ways a lot of us may not realize. We often associate entire certain nationalities or groups of people as our enemies because of what their leaders (past or present), ancestors or a select minority of them have done, when in reality, many of them have done nothing to antagonize us and could otherwise be our friends.

Great opinion, and I'd love to see your ideas on the show! They'd make for great episodes. Anyway, despite my initial disappointment in the Twilight alicorn thing, I believe that Season 4's gonna be epic and I can't wait for it to come out. ;)

Fingers crossed, or hooves crossed, or wait - what? Okay, whatever of the various limbs with the ability to be crossed crossed, that we won't be disappointed!


~Sig by Kyoshi. ;)

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The Crystal Heart Spell is a pony book with an expected launch of April, but people that visit Scholastic bookfairs can pick it up a bit early (usually an elementary school thing). The big thing here is the actual content. While I can't check it here in front of me, the submitter (Sergio) is saying that it is a direct followup to the season finale, though the cover doesn't really hint at that. The expanded synopsis on the back gives a bit of added information:


A royal event has turned Twilight Sparkle's life upside down. To learn how to handle her new status, Twilight goes to Princess Cadance for some guidance. The princess shares her own story about how she came to rule the Crystal Empire and a magic spell that helped her follow her heart. Inspired by Princess Cadance, Twilight Sparkle sets off on a quest for the Crystal Heart Spell!




Holy horse manure!!!

A "Purple Rain", "The Princess Bride", and "The Twilight Zone" references, Cadance spelled Cadance, And Twilight confirmed to having opulent quarters in Canterlot, but choosing to remain in Ponyville with her friends, all in the FIRST SIX PAGES!!! Alicorn is defined in the book as "a special breed" that is "able to harness the magical powers of the Unicorns, the flight abilities of the Pegasi, and the strength of a good, true heart of an Earth Pony." Nice confirmation on the way the nature of alicorns reflects all three pony breeds. Derpy gets an early cameo... Sadly, the Cakes are out of muffins... THE HORROR!!! ◵◠◷ Twilight refers to Cadance as her "Pegasister-in-law" when deciding to head north and visit her. San Fransiscolt. That is all! XD You don't have to be a Unicorn to become an Alicorn.

I repeat... You DO NOT need to be a Unicorn to ascend to Alicornhood!

Cadance was an orphaned pegasus, found in the forest and taken in by an Earth Pony village.

The book's writer was obviously privy to official canon information...

Cadance used her special talents for love and compassion to reform a new villain. The villains necklace amplified both their powers. The book specifically refers to Cadance being surrounded by magical energy and taken to a "Strange Place" where she met Celestia and became a princess. Celestia "adopts" her as her niece, and brings her to Canterlot.

Remember, this was written before Magical Mystery Cure was released! Cadance defines her own destiny to "lead other ponies with my strengths of True Love and Tolerance." Yes, it's capitalized. Cadance also refers to Twilight: "Of course, my dear new sister", seemingly carrying the idea of alicorns adopting each other as family. LOLOLOL! Pinkie's Party Time watch is referenced on multiple occasions! What time is it? It's time to PARTY!!! Gilda AND Trixie leading on and influencing a necklace corrupted Twilight! errmergherd, wat! Dear God!!! There's book fort reference!!! XD Interestingly, The writer is privy to the "Strange Place" where Cadance meets Celestia and becomes and Alicorn, but states that the last time all the Mane 6 visited the Crystal Empire was when they held the Crystal Faire and searched for the Crystal Heart to resist King Sombra. This lends credence to the author being specifically made privy to the Alicorn ascension story, and that this was known before the Equestria Games were revealed. It has been said Magical Mystery Cure was written in November of 2011. The big special moral at the end of the story... "Now I know that a princess is not defined by the things she chooses for her kingdom. All that matters is how she treats other ponies, especially her friends. Princess or not - we are all equal ponies!" Let that shoot down the "Twilight is above her friends" arguments. This book's writer was clearly given access to inside knowledge to write this book. the fact that it both opens with Twilight choosing her friends in Ponyville over the opulent castle, and her declaring herself an equal to her friends at the end, pretty much shoots those arguments right out of the party canon. :P

Don't take the Trixie parts too seriously, while she would be loathe to admit it, her part is rather minor (GASP). This book is clearly written before knowledge of Magic Duel or Games Ponies Play, but given the accuracy of Cadance's ascension, the author was specifically given prior knowledge of The ascension process from Magical Mystery Cure. In general, the book is a one off, but the author was clearly fed knowledge about alicorns that's too specific to be a coincidence. That, and it's appearance just after the season finale, suggests that this was intentionally released as a compliment to the finale. As for Trixie... She does team up with Gilda to put on a show in the Crystal Empire. She's still telling her "stories" again... Meaning she's being a show mare. Go figure, Twi's friends break it up. Gilda basically tells Twilight that "If she were a princess, she'd do what she wants, and not listen to anyone else". Due to certain elements in the story, this messes Twi up. Gilda mostly acts as the antagonist. Trixie is more in there to be Trixie.

When Twilight chose to stay in Ponyville with her friends, does she return to a normal unicorn, or remain an alicorn for the remainder of the book?


Based on Twilight's lack of wings on the book's front-cover, it was probably obvious that she lost her wings due to her decision to stay in Ponyville with her friends.

Edited by Commander_PonyShep
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When Twilight chose to stay in Ponyville with her friends, does she return to a normal unicorn, or remain an alicorn for the remainder of the book?


Based on Twilight's lack of wings on the book's front-cover, it was probably obvious that she lost her wings due to her decision to stay in Ponyville with her friends.


Sorry to be the bearer of unwanted news... but Twilight keeps the wings and remains a princess. Please stop hoping for a temporary change or you'll just set yourself up for more disappointment. (And I mean this in the most caring way possible)

Edited by Ficta_Scriptor

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


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Sorry to be the bearer of unwanted news... but Twilight keeps the wings and remains a princess. Please stop hoping for a temporary change or you'll just set yourself up for more disappointment. (And I mean this in the most caring way possible)

Then why is it on the front-cover, Twilight doesn't have wings?


Besides, you didn't even read the book yourself, meaning that you have no idea.

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Then why is it on the front-cover, Twilight doesn't have wings?


Besides, you didn't even read the book yourself, meaning that you have no idea.


I've read roughly 4 or 5 reviews about the book, some of them going into totally spoiler-ific territory, and absolutely nothing has been mentioned about being 'turned back' for any reason. Though one reviewer did confirm that unicorn Twi pics were used in the book, this appeared to merely be a case of not having a wealth of vectors of alicorn Twi. (It's in a comment a little way down the page)




You know, I could go ahead and link even more stuff that confirms that she doesn't change back, but quite frankly, I don't see why I should bother, because you'll just shout it down and say something about "BUT BUT THE HUB HAVEN'T CONFIRMED!" I dislike Twilicorn too and wished that it was just temporary, but it still stands....


Every single piece of evidence points to it being permanent.


Oh, and check EQD for info on a new book coming out in September where the mane six are on the front and Twi is an alicorn. It's called something like 'Pony Friends Forever' I think. I'm guessing that's no proof either, right? Just like every official statement ever...

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


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Really? I can't see any similarities between the first three images and the bottom one. There no more of a reason to say that this is any more legit than the post about Derpy being removed from season 4 that appeared on Reddit. Anyone one with even a little art talent could do something like that in a matter of minutes. 


But anyways, the whole spike leaving Twilight scenario seems about as likely to happen as Queen Chrysalis teaching Vinyl Scratch to play the Violin. 


The rumored Season 4 storyboard was originally posted by a staff member (@BaloneyBrony) on their own Twitter. They're either trolling really hard, or it's legitimate.


As for the difference in art style, it's very possible that the third storyboard was drawn by a different storyboard artist (believe it or not, they have multiple artists working on the show), which would explain the difference in style, and by the looks of it, the "Season 4" storyboard seems to be an early draft, and not a final draft like the previous three, which all have backgrounds and more detail in them.

Edited by Twinhead B

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

Steam: twinheadb

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I've read roughly 4 or 5 reviews about the book, some of them going into totally spoiler-ific territory, and absolutely nothing has been mentioned about being 'turned back' for any reason. Though one reviewer did confirm that unicorn Twi pics were used in the book, this appeared to merely be a case of not having a wealth of vectors of alicorn Twi. (It's in a comment a little way down the page)




You know, I could go ahead and link even more stuff that confirms that she doesn't change back, but quite frankly, I don't see why I should bother, because you'll just shout it down and say something about "BUT BUT THE HUB HAVEN'T CONFIRMED!" I dislike Twilicorn too and wished that it was just temporary, but it still stands....


Every single piece of evidence points to it being permanent.


Oh, and check EQD for info on a new book coming out in September where the mane six are on the front and Twi is an alicorn. It's called something like 'Pony Friends Forever' I think. I'm guessing that's no proof either, right? Just like every official statement ever...

Then, I guess, really...


When that Twilicorn plush-doll from Funrise comes out this Fall, I might as well purchase it, and use it to replace the wingless Twilight doll I have right now, just to reflect Twilight's transformation.

Edited by Commander_PonyShep
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Then, I guess, really...


When that Twilicorn plush-doll from Funrise comes out this Fall, I might as well purchase it, and use it to replace the wingless Twilight doll I have right now, just to reflect Twilight's transformation.


Meh, I'm not gonna support Twilicorn unless the writers really give me a reason to. Hopefully, season 4 will actually convince me to like Twilicorn, but I'm not expecting it to. They'd better blow me away!


If it all goes to pot, there's still seasons 1-3 and unicorn Twi fanfiction. =P (I'm totally coining the phrase 'Pre-Twilicorn Era', also known as 'the good old days') ^_^

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


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Meh, I'm not gonna support Twilicorn unless the writers really give me a reason to. Hopefully, season 4 will actually convince me to like Twilicorn, but I'm not expecting it to. They'd better blow me away!


If it all goes to pot, there's still seasons 1-3 and unicorn Twi fanfiction. =P (I'm totally coining the phrase 'Pre-Twilicorn Era', also known as 'the good old days') ^_^


I'm still relatively certain they're going to change her back, maybe not in the opener, but at some point. The actual effort on her part to become a princess was minimal at best. All Twilight really did was create a new spell, which as we've seen isn't really that difficult (didn't Rarity create that gem-finding spell?) as other unicorns have done it in the past.


I'm all for rewarding Twilight, and if that means making her princess, bring it on. I just don't feel what she did in Magical Mystery Cure meritted that kind of reward.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

Steam: twinheadb

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I'm still relatively certain they're going to change her back, maybe not in the opener, but at some point. The actual effort on her part to become a princess was minimal at best. All Twilight really did was create a new spell, which as we've seen isn't really that difficult (didn't Rarity create that gem-finding spell?) as other unicorns have done it in the past.


I'm all for rewarding Twilight, and if that means making her princess, bring it on. I just don't feel what she did in Magical Mystery Cure meritted that kind of reward.


I think the whole 'You switched cutie marks so deserve to be a princess' deal was mainly a cause of only having one episode for the coronation. They couldn't have had a new villain or whatever, because there simply wouldn't have been enough time for villain's entrance + finding weakness + defeat + coronation. I think it was just a device so that Celestia could say something about what she'd learned over the past 3 seasons and say that it's because of her concerted efforts, not just the one spell.


Still, it leaves things at a bit of a weird point, since Twilight technically wouldn't need to prove anything else. She's already a princess, so she's apparently learned all there is to know about friendship. (or at least, anything else she learns is just superfluous, like an RPG character with maxed-out stats finding slightly better items. They've already reached the top, so there's no reason to care about making progress. Even Celestia pretty much said she was at her level)

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


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I think the whole 'You switched cutie marks so deserve to be a princess' deal was mainly a cause of only having one episode for the coronation. They couldn't have had a new villain or whatever, because there simply wouldn't have been enough time for villain's entrance + finding weakness + defeat + coronation. I think it was just a device so that Celestia could say something about what she'd learned over the past 3 seasons and say that it's because of her concerted efforts, not just the one spell.


Still, it leaves things at a bit of a weird point, since Twilight technically wouldn't need to prove anything else. She's already a princess, so she's apparently learned all there is to know about friendship. (or at least, anything else she learns is just superfluous, like an RPG character with maxed-out stats finding slightly better items. They've already reached the top, so there's no reason to care about making progress. Even Celestia pretty much said she was at her level)


That just about sums up my feelings on Twilicorn. I feel like there's no need for me to care about her anymore other than for her to come swooping in during Season openers and finales and save the day. It's a real shame, because Twilight was one of my favorite characters, and probably the most relatable character in the entire show.


Since the finale, Twilight has steadily fallen all the way to the bottom of my favorite pony list. :/

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

Steam: twinheadb

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I think the whole 'You switched cutie marks so deserve to be a princess' deal was mainly a cause of only having one episode for the coronation. They couldn't have had a new villain or whatever, because there simply wouldn't have been enough time for villain's entrance + finding weakness + defeat + coronation. I think it was just a device so that Celestia could say something about what she'd learned over the past 3 seasons and say that it's because of her concerted efforts, not just the one spell.


Still, it leaves things at a bit of a weird point, since Twilight technically wouldn't need to prove anything else. She's already a princess, so she's apparently learned all there is to know about friendship. (or at least, anything else she learns is just superfluous, like an RPG character with maxed-out stats finding slightly better items. They've already reached the top, so there's no reason to care about making progress. Even Celestia pretty much said she was at her level)


Here's what I think. :P


I think the finale probably turned out just how M.A. Larson wanted it to. Season 4 has been described as "the most epic thing they've ever done on pony", and I'm sure Season 4 will answer all our questions, and we'll all feel really silly for being worried.


And if not, then sue me. :L


Anyways, I think it could go either way; Twilight staying an alicorn or reverting to a unicorn. The fact that the season 4 premiere is a continuation of a three-parter that was started with the season 3 finale makes me think that she will turn back into a unicorn. I mean, why do there need to be more episodes in that arc? It's finished already, right? Maybe not. Or, maybe the other two episodes are just a continuation and it's about Twilight and her friends learning to get used to her new wings.... At this point, who knows?


Deviantart: MatrixChicken | Youtube: ThunderFilmStudios Twitter: @JohnAlBerge

Twitch.tv: ThunderFilms Soundcloud: ScootriX


Scootaloo vector by robzombiefan2121

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That just about sums up my feelings on Twilicorn. I feel like there's no need for me to care about her anymore other than for her to come swooping in during Season openers and finales and save the day. It's a real shame, because Twilight was one of my favorite characters, and probably the most relatable character in the entire show.


Since the finale, Twilight has steadily fallen all the way to the bottom of my favorite pony list. :/

But hey!  Look on the bright side!  Celestia did say it herself: Twilight is now her friends' mentor, and in some regards Celestia's as well.


That means while S4 will no longer be Twilight's journey, it will instead become that of her friends', and that Twilight will act as their mentor just as much as Celestia was her's.


It's like Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect trilogy.  Even though his/her mentor was Captain David Anderson, he/she would eventually become the equivalent of a mentor to his/her squad-mates, namely through means of taking the Paragon route and using charms over intimidates.  I know because I've played through the entire Mass Effect trilogy, and every time I have my FemShep go down the Paragon route, I felt that she went from becoming a student of Captain Anderson's, to a mentor to her squad-mates'.  Hell, the premise of Mass Effect 2 was to not only collect teammates for a final mission, but also to help them overcome their fears and doubts, and fulfill their hopes and dreams!  Though, in ME1, I also remember collecting Wrex's family armor and sparing him on Virmire, teaching Garrus about following the law when catching criminals, giving Tali'Zorah geth data to complete her pilgrimage, and romancing Kaidan Alenko.  Likewise with Mass Effect 3; in my playthrough, I cured the krogan of the genophage with Wrex and Eve leading them, as well as brokered peace between the quarians and the geth.


Long story short, my FemShep and I were paving the way for everyone else's chances at building their own futures, as any responsible leader would.  Likewise with Princess Twilight; as princess, she now has every obligation to help her new subjects overcome their fears and doubts, so that they and they alone could build better futures for themselves.  And, that includes her friends, as it's now their story rather than Twilight's.


Ironic, though, that I--an Anti-Twilicorn brony--would find actual benefits to Princess Twilicorn.

Edited by Commander_PonyShep
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But hey!  Look on the bright side!  Celestia did say it herself: Twilight is now her friends' mentor, and in some regards Celestia's as well.


That means while S4 will no longer be Twilight's journey, it will instead become that of her friends', and that Twilight will act as their mentor just as much as Celestia was her's.


It's like Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect trilogy.  Even though his/her mentor was Captain David Anderson, he/she would eventually become the equivalent of a mentor to his/her squad-mates, namely through means of taking the Paragon route and using charms over intimidates.  I know because I've played through the entire Mass Effect trilogy, and every time I have my FemShep go down the Paragon route, I felt that she went from becoming a student of Captain Anderson's, to a mentor to her squad-mates'.  Hell, the premise of Mass Effect 2 was to not only collect teammates for a final mission, but also to help them overcome their fears and doubts, and fulfill their hopes and dreams!  Though, in ME1, I also remember collecting Wrex's family armor and sparing him on Virmire, teaching Garrus about following the law when catching criminals, giving Tali'Zorah geth data to complete her pilgrimage, and romancing Kaidan Alenko.  Likewise with Mass Effect 3; in my playthrough, I cured the krogan of the genophage with Wrex and Eve leading them, as well as brokered peace between the quarians and the geth.


Long story short, my FemShep and I were paving the way for everyone else's chances at building their own futures, as any responsible leader would.  Likewise with Princess Twilight; as princess, she now has every obligation to help new subjects overcome their fears and doubts, so that they and they alone could build better futures for themselves.  And, that includes her friends, as it's now their story rather than Twilight's.


Ironic, though, that I--an Anti-Twilicorn brony--would find actual benefits to Princess Twilicorn.


Even still, to invest so much time and development into a character alot of people really loved only to have her deus ex'd and made irrelevant leaves a sour taste in my mouth. There was still so much they could've done with Twilight that they can't necessarily do with her now because she's a princess.


Princess Twilight opened up alot of story opportunities, sure. But, we lost just as many opportunities at the same time. Only time will tell if Meghan and her team made the right choice...

  • Brohoof 2

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Here's what I think. :P


I think the finale probably turned out just how M.A. Larson wanted it to. Season 4 has been described as "the most epic thing they've ever done on pony", and I'm sure Season 4 will answer all our questions, and we'll all feel really silly for being worried.


And if not, then sue me. :L


Anyways, I think it could go either way; Twilight staying an alicorn or reverting to a unicorn. The fact that the season 4 premiere is a continuation of a three-parter that was started with the season 3 finale makes me think that she will turn back into a unicorn. I mean, why do there need to be more episodes in that arc? It's finished already, right? Maybe not. Or, maybe the other two episodes are just a continuation and it's about Twilight and her friends learning to get used to her new wings.... At this point, who knows?


The line "most epic thing we've done on pony" does make me a little worried. I've always felt that my favourite episodes and moments were the ones that dealt with friends just being friends, or doing things that didn't have 'the fate of Equestria' tied to them. (Only exception is the Canterlot wedding because I frickin' LOVED Chrysalis and the changelings) It does make me a bit worried that we'll see more stuff about Twilight's role when ruling Equestria and less about their silly little scrapes and squabbles.


Even still, to invest so much time and development into a character alot of people really loved only to have her deus ex'd and made irrelevant leaves a sour taste in my mouth. There was still so much they could've done with Twilight that they can't necessarily do with her now because she's a princess.


Princess Twilight opened up alot of story opportunities, sure. But, we lost just as many opportunities at the same time. Only time will tell if Meghan and her team made the right choice...


Yes, THIS. So much THIS. We're bound to have gained certain episode opportunities, but some will inevitably be lost. And if it comes down to "Being a Princess has no effect on her life whatsoever" then it makes you wonder why they even did it in the first place. At least, this early on in the series. (I'm betting 6 seasons when all is said and done)

Edited by Ficta_Scriptor

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


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Even still, to invest so much time and development into a character alot of people really loved only to have her deus ex'd and made irrelevant leaves a sour taste in my mouth. There was still so much they could've done with Twilight that they can't necessarily do with her now because she's a princess.


Princess Twilight opened up alot of story opportunities, sure. But, we lost just as many opportunities at the same time. Only time will tell if Meghan and her team made the right choice...

Again, this is now Twilight's friends' journey, as they now have one of their own to guide them to a better tomorrow.  That means that while we might not have any more Twilight episodes save for the possible S4 premiere, at the very least we'll have more episodes of the other Mane Five, as they turn to Twilight for answers just as it used to be the other way around.


Who knows?  Twilight might even form diplomatic relations with griffons, changelings, dragons, and what-have-you, and run Equestria with greater efficiency than even Celestia and Luna combined!  The world will have so much friendship and so little conflict, that it'll have that one unicorn-turned-alicorn to thank... though it also leads to less episode ideas for the show, because you can't have an episode if it doesn't have an overarching conflict.

Edited by Commander_PonyShep
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Again, this is now Twilight's friends' journey, as they now have one of their own to guide them to a better tomorrow.


Who knows?  She might even form diplomatic relations with griffons, changelings, dragons, and what-have-you, and run Equestria with greater efficiency than even Celestia and Luna combined!  The world will have so much friendship and so little conflict, that it'll have that one unicorn-turned-alicorn to thank... though it also leads to less episode ideas for the show, because you can't have an episode if it doesn't have an overarching conflict.


*Slaps self in the face* PonyShep? Being positive about this!? Dude, are you feeling OK? =P


Yeah, I can see things like that happening in the future, but I can't say I'd be interested in them. Perhaps the series will end with Twilight bringing peace to the world and becoming the true ruler of Equestria, but... erm... I don't think I'd want that. I want my cutesy slice-of-life please! It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside! (Actually, I'm tempted to watch through seasons 1 and 2 again)


New episode idea: Twilight falls down a well and injures her wings. Her friends work together to free her, but unfortunately, her wings are infected and have to be amputated. Cue credits! *MY LITTLE PONY!*

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


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Twilight's role when ruling Equestria


Wat. Twilight won't rule Equestria... That's still Celestia's job. Twilight was, however, intended to be Celestia's successor, so she probably will take over once Celestia a) dies, or B) decides to retire. It's been confirmed that Twilight will stay in Ponyville, and will stay the same Twilight we know and love (personality-wise).


EDIT: Haha! My  b )  turned into a  B) xD

Edited by MatrixChicken
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The line "most epic thing we've done on pony" does make me a little worried. I've always felt that my favourite episodes and moments were the ones that dealt with friends just being friends, or doing things that didn't have 'the fate of Equestria' tied to them. (Only exception is the Canterlot wedding because I frickin' LOVED Chrysalis and the changelings) It does make me a bit worried that we'll see more stuff about Twilight's role when ruling Equestria and less about their silly little scrapes and squabbles.



Yes, THIS. So much THIS. We're bound to have gained certain episode opportunities, but some will inevitably be lost. And if it comes down to "Being a Princess has no effect on her life whatsoever" then it makes you wonder why they even did it in the first place. At least, this early on in the series. (I'm betting 6 seasons when all is said and done)


Well, with the confirmation of Season 4 we're well past 65 episodes now, which is usually the mark of doom for cartoons. The sky is the limit with how long they keep MLP going now, I suppose if popularity keeps it, we could make it well beyond six seasons.


That said, the notion that we still have a ways to go before Twilight and her friends "are put out to pasture" makes me feel better about the Twilicorn situation. I say let them toy around with some Twilicorn episodes, as they can always change her back later (and knowing these writers, it won't feel cheap either). Even if Friendship is Magic ends, the Mane 6 have had a big enough impact that I imagine we'll being seeing them again soon enough.


After all:



  • Brohoof 3

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