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Was Twilight Sparkle becoming an alicorn a good thing?



357 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Twilicorn is good or bad news?

    • Good!
    • BAD!
    • Idk, as long as the show goes on.

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Lauren Faust planned for her to be a princess so that is fact. Also, if you look at her whole life and the whole show it is very clear her destiny was to become a princess. Heck she's part of the royal family by marriage anyway and her brother is Captian of the Royal Guards. Plus she is Celestia's most faithful student and her go-to-pony and representative in Ponyville. I think season 4 will be about Twilight and her friends using the Elements to help everypony even more.


As far as Rainbow, I don't think her loyalty would allow her to join the Wonderbolts. Weather patrol may not be as cool as the Wonderbolts, but Ponyville clearly depends on her.

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


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I love mlp and I love Twi, but this is just crazy! Expected, though. The episode is weired! Twilight got her wings and so now is she still going to be in ponyville with her friends?blink.pnghuh.png

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I love mlp and I love Twi, but this is just crazy! Expected, though. The episode is weired! Twilight got her wings and so now is she still going to be in ponyville with her friends?img-1307222-1-blink.pngimg-1307222-2-huh.png

We can't know till next season, but it's likely that she will stay with her friends. I guess we have to be patient and just keep creating more head canon.

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


Princess Luna: Princess of the Night


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Will Twilight be immortal and/or will outlive her friends?


Well from what others have told me is that alicorns do live for a long time, but they are not immortal. There is an upside and a downside to this though:


Upside: she will not have to live on forever and be forever alone.

Downside: she will more than likely outlive her friends.


The good news is that the show will probably never touch base on the death of the mane six, because it would simply be too sad (and frankly unneeded).

Edited by ~Scootaloo
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Aw nuts. I made my defence in the wrong thread. Whatever, Just to sum it up "Yes it's a good thing, it shows that they're willing to have an actual story over more random plots pulled from a hat."

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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To be fair, I haven't watched the episode Magical Mystery Cure, because you know, I heard that there was going to be a lot of songs and I don't like the show music, so I skipped the episode, and just read the synopsis as "watching the episode".


However, I feel like Twilight Sparkle turning into an alicorn is way too early in the show's run. Sure, it didn't happen like in the first and second season but they should of delayed it until the series finale or the 4th season finale. That way, we know that it is in its half-way.


However, what I was expecting was that with princess duties, she can travel around the world, making new friends and going on an adventure. That's what I hope will happen. Slice of life is already getting too boring for me. It would of been awesome if she could use her alicorn powers and defeat any enemies on her journey.


She doesn't need to rely on her friends for every episode. So, I believe that Twilight Sparkle can be on her own and hang out with her friends once in a while. I don't know why some bronies are stirring up drama with the Twilight Sparkle being turned into an alicorn but I can just see that new doors and possibilities will open up with her being a princess. I also like to see what an alicorn's life looks like. Princess Celestia and Luna don't appear often as they do in the show, but with the main protagonist being a princess, we can see a more detailed look of her duties and such etc.


However, the anti groups need to go. I know there is one group on deviantART that is totally laughable. The owner of the group, upon watching the episode had been depressed, loss of appetite and started a petition just to change Twilight Sparkle to a unicorn. At least he got into his senses but he wouldn't delete his group, he'll just have another leader be in charge while he leaves. In fact, one of the members said that it was devolving to G1 (lol) and said that they weren't focusing on them (the bronies).


One thing, is that the show was never designed for bronies in the first place. It was only after the craze started up did it start to have some references for them, but nonetheless, still focus on the girls. It was designed for girls, and I don't see why bronies are making a huge fuss over the show's targeted audience.



Hey, who said I can't have an opinion?

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My opinion is that it was a good idea and great for the development of the series, especially since the learning about friendship and letters to the princess thing is three series old.


Everypony seem to be stuck with the idea that Twilight will be a ruler of a kingdom, but as a junior princess and the lack of free kingdoms it will mean more development in the magic area and/or showing her learning to handle her new responsibilities with a little help from her friends.


S4 may be Twilight getting used to her princess role if you consider Princess Celestia's response to "Is there a book I should read, on being a princess?"

It suggests that Twilight will be taught how to be a princess by the other princesses and possibly cover her friends ideas on how to be a good princess. 

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I think that people have kind of missed the potential behind Twilicorn as a whole. Think for a second.


In the beginning, the target audience would have been, let's say, six. They would have been still at home with parents or nannys. Now, around 3-4 years later, the target audience is about 9 or 10. This would be about the time where they would be ready to take on more responsibility.


Now, those of you who are perceptive may see where i'm going here. I don't think this decision was because Hasbro wanted to or the writers were out of ideas. I think the decision to make Twilicorn was an opportunistic decision to open up the show to newer morals, more applicable to both the target audience and the Brony community as a whole. At this point, we would be in the higher levels of schooling if not employed, and we'd be able to learn a lot from Twilicorn having some problems at her now stress-filled life as a princess.


All i'm saying is that you should be receptive, and stop deterring Hasbro and the writers to make big changes like this. THIS BIG OF A DECISION would have taken many months to plan out and they had to be careful about how they handled it. Other than the exact reason (which seems a bit cop-out), they did a good job. Why are we all being so negative about it? Keep in mind that the vast majority of other kid's shows wouldn't even think of changing a character this much all at once.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think that there's a lot of potential, but with every way this could go right, there's at least 9 ways it could go wrong. I am looking forward to episodes that deal with Twilight learning that being a princess isn't all about being fabulous and that they have a whole country in their hands. It's likely the fact that she becomes a princess will give more screentime to the other princesses, which hopefully will result in some episodes about the princesses origin, how exactly Cadance is related to Celestia and Luna, how they became princesses themselves, stuff like that. And like some of you said, this could be an oppurtunity for Twilight to travel across Equestria and meet new friends. Maybe there could be an episode about how the other 5 are dealing with Twilight being absent for so long, or maybe they could join in on the travels. Ooh, there are so many oppurtunities for episodes!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it was an  interesting idea. But it leaves a lot of questions. Is this how all alicorns are created? Is this what happened with Princess Cadence? Were Celestia and Luna even born alicorns? See it was an interesting idea but leaves a lot of questions unanswered. 


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Either one is being inspired by the show or not. Either you can be happy for Twilie or not.

But imagine your best friend became a prince/princess and you were like : "Wow, this sucks!"

  • Brohoof 1

All you have to do is take a bunch of letters! Add it to the thread! Now just take a little something bold, not italic! A bit of underline, just a pinch! Writing these words is such a cinch! Add a teaspoon of punilla! Add a little more, and you count to four, and you always get your filler... Onehundred! So sweet and tasty! Hundred! Don't be too hasty! Hundred! Hundred, hundred, HUNDRED!



"Aw, Pinkie. You have got to stop talking to yourself."
- Pinkie Pie

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Now the fact of twilight sparkle becoming a alicorn is way out of the question, if the show will go on or not. Because if you look all episodes close enough, you will notice the tiny little hints, the one everyone knows is the fact twilight has god like magic, when she talks about getting her cutie mark.

  • Brohoof 1
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My reaction was ALL HAIL PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!! XD Before that episode, it was what I wanted to see the most, her turning into a princess. When I realized she was an alicorn I went like YES with my arms up in the air. Literally. I was THAT excited laugh.png

  • Brohoof 1
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Well for one... I was screaming when I saw the transformation happen. I literally screamed: YES SHE'S AN ALICORN. In the episode of the crystal empire I was wondering what princess Luna was afraid of, but I now see what she feared (btw since she already feared something happening, don't ya'll think Princess Celestia planned all this :P) but anyway, right be4 the transformation I thought... She'll turn up an alicorn... And it happend.

I was also thinking that that would indicate the end of the show, but they're doing such a good job that I really didn't give it a second thought. So looked it up and yep season 4 is gonna be coming so I'm glad.

Now I'm just wondering what the new season will bring since they hardly wrote letters to the princess in this season or sung hardly any songs :(

Edited by koochi
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I'm sorry if my opinion offends anypony, but I'm not comfortable with the Twilight - Alicorn transformation.

They just can't get away with it and let the show go on.

I'm so not used to it I think I'm going to explode.

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I think it will all be fine in the end.... as long as this ISNT the end... then i might just die... yeah... i would die... i am ready to see how they work this all out though.img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png

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hmm.. let's take a look at what the dev team has told us about the transformation after the Season 3 finale:


1) Twilight will still be the main character


2) She WON'T be separated from her friends


3) The only practical effect Twilight's alicornhood will have is that she has wings, implying her own magic talent will remain largely unaffected by the transformation.


4) Twilight will be presented new challenges as the story goes on.


5) Most recently, it's stated that Twilight WON'T outlive her friends.



So the dev team has basically told us our fears have become baseless, in the sense that what we're afraid might happen because of Twilight's alicornhood actually WON'T happen.


So really, if any of you are still upset about Twilight's transformation even after hearing all that, I'd appreciate hearing your reasons why, otherwise, I suggest to bring up these newfound facts stated above to any other fans who are unaware of them.

  • Brohoof 2

Why don't we ever see humans in Equestria?


they're hiding, the ponies stole all their clothes.

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yeah alicorn twilight is awesome. twilight becoming an alicorn is evolution of her character and that's always a good thing it will keep the show growing old and will allow other characters to be exploded and evolved.

  • Brohoof 1
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One thing I would like to point out that apparently no one else has noticed:


Celestia's mark is the sun

Luna's is the moon

Twilight's is a STAR for crying out loud!


If the cutie marks aren't enough just look at their names. Her name implies a similar astrological connection to that of Celestia and Luna. To the people who were surprised by Twilight being alicornized I simply ask. Why? If you look at this symbolically Twilight becoming a princess should have been obvious for a long time. In fact right around episode 3 in the first season I was wondering to myself "why isn't Twilight a princess already?"


About the season 3 finale, I agree it felt rushed and there was too much music in my opinion. But the only thing that really bugs me is the Twilight was able to fly right away. How did she already know how to do that? I would have liked to see an episode of her being trained by Rainbow Dash and Flutter Shy on how to fly as well as learning to get over a fear of heights. If I were to suddenly sprout wings I doubt I would almost instantly fly hundreds of feet into the air without a care in the world even if I had the strength to do so. The confidence just would not be there. I can just imagine Rainbow Dash shoving Twilight off a cliff and telling her to flap hard and to roll with it as she falls screaming and pulling out of a dive at the last moment. That thought makes me laugh. Reason why being able to instantly fly bugs me so much is that the opportunity for a good episode presented itself with this new development and disappeared in the few ending seconds of the season.


The thing I like most about Twilight is that her skill in magic allows her a certain casual freedom that I have not seen expressed in any character from any form of entertainment I know of. Most other good guy magic users don't exercise their abilities for day to day tasks as much as she does because it is inappropriate use of power or some lame excuse like that. I am sure Gandalf could have incinerated many a orc but simply resorted to hacking them to pieces instead. While still awesome, it leaves a little something to be desired. Twilight's promotion to me is a good thing because I am interested to see how she will apply her new found freedom. She may know a thing or two about being a leader but she still has a long way to go. Besides, who doesn't like a good rags to riches story anyway?


Another thing I would like to point out. Candice was a princess before having an area of the kingdom to rule. I see no reason why Twilight would be separated from her friends for an extended period of time in the near future of the series due to having new royal duty's. And yes, this does put her on a higher level than her friends. But if she has true friends, they would not be resentful like some of the people who have posted but proud to know that they have been integral to her success and be happy for her. I am thinking some people have missed the point of the show. I am not looking to pick a fight with anyone. I am simply typing out my thoughts. If anypony has a constructive counter argument I would like to hear it.


BTW: This is my first post here. I didn't bother introducing myself in the right section of the forum because I am tired and I knew wouldn't be able to sleep without getting this stuff off my chest. Goodnight, I am going to bed.

  • Brohoof 1

I find it ironic that we often cause what we fear will happen. Just look at Anakin Skywalker!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe it is a great thing. Now that she is an Alicorn she can live FOREVER! Worried she will outlive her friends? She is an Alicorn now. Alicorn = unlimited magic = She can easily cast an age spell. Consider your mind blown. This little change means the seasons can keep coming for decades to come and no one would question it. They had to end the season early anyway so the voice actor for Twilight (Tara Strong) could voice Raven in the Teen Titans reboot Teen Titans Go (Keeping all of the characters voice actors the same) Which if you ask me makes the reboot even better (Along with the fact that Raven watches Teen Titan Go's version of MLP) And we can expect some pretty great adventures and songs from Daniel Ingram, Amy Keating Rogers, Cindy Morrow, Meghan McCarthy, Chris Savino, Charlotte Fullerton, M. A. Larson, and Dave Polsky in season 4 next year.


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