Chevette 1,052 September 5, 2013 Share September 5, 2013 (edited) Man, the worst pain I've ever experienced was the loss of my beloved Forza Motorsport 4 disc. It was more of a spiritual pain, you know? But dude, it was like losing a friend.... This is for rizzles home dawg Jimmy-D. The loss of a Forza Motorsport 4 disc via damage is like a gardening utensil through the foot, a fork in the leg, a rabid donkey bite to the ass, and the worst of all... a broken coffee maker. But for realz son. This is fur-serious business kids. Others may comment and say "WEN EYE BWOKE-TED MEH LAYGUH!" but a trashed Forza 4 disc is like a pain you will never feel (AND, don't say childbirth is more painful than a lost/damage Forza 4 disc.... because it's like totally not bro.) How can I explain this better? Well easily. Just imagine your worst fear. Now imagine a empty cardboard box. Picture a small kitten in the cardboard box. Now you pick up the box, you then put a can of mixed nuts next to the kitten in the box. You begin to back away. Picture your worst fear in the mixed can of nuts. Just wait. The kitten will begin to fuck with the can of mixed nuts. Once the kitten screws the with the mixed nuts, your worst fear will be injected into the kitten's halfway decent but nowhere as sexy as Burt Reynold's mustache and begin to slowly grow larger until it gets so big where it becomes a Illinois politician and rips money off from the government and uses it's legislative power to stay out of prison until he throws his right hand man under the bus for some trampy whore who the kitten met at a truckstop bathroom. Obviously the kitten would get a STD, not recognize it due to embarrassment and slowly die from it and all the kitten's kittens will get put in jail for the original kitten's actions in politics. Would you really want to be that kitten? yeah. it's really that bad too... Never, I repeat NEVER break your Forza Motorsport 4 disc. It's bad. Real bad. Edited September 5, 2013 by Hal 1 Chevette x Chevelle ~ OTP "Happiness is a quarter of a million Chevettes" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning_Flicker 28 September 5, 2013 Share September 5, 2013 (edited) I've sliced my knee open. I triped on something, I don't know what, and i landed on a sharp corner of a cabinet. I never felt my knee get cut, but when I got up, I see a blood stain, and then i see my knee gushing with blood, and a big opening. I couldn't feel my leg for weeks. It was an inch deep. I was lucky it never toutched my knee-cap, or else my leg will be replaced with emptyness, and a stump. What I hated THE MOST about my hospital visit, is that i was waiting 4 hours for them to stitch it close. For all they knew, I could have been bleeding out. To give a hint on how much I bled... my whole sock was red, and felt really heavy, dripping red. I was only in 3rd grade. I still have the scar, and I can't feel my leg that I got the cut on. Edited September 5, 2013 by Lightning_Flicker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrauWitz 1,010 September 5, 2013 Share September 5, 2013 Seven years ago, when I was 6 years old, I was at my Gran's house. My sister and I were fighting and she elbowed me in the chest hard, winding me. It felt like my chest was on fire, all the air had come out of my lungs! There was a huge fuss about it and I was absent from school for a week. It was the most painful thing I had ever expierienced. Then, four years ago, when I was 9 years old, I was in the hospital with appendicitis, but the pain in my stomach was a tickly sensation compared to the blood test I had to get. It was a giant spike stuck into my arm to take a sample of blood, and it felt like being stabbed with a white-hot knife. The Doctor was nice though. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firetorn 187 September 5, 2013 Share September 5, 2013 The worst pain i ever experienced would have to have been my ingrown toenail which went untreated for about a year and i repeatedly stubbed it. It was infected and agonizing and i have never felt anything like it since. When it finally got removed the piece inside was the size of a large razor blade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Narf 24 September 5, 2013 Share September 5, 2013 My cousin threw me down a marble staircase. I couldn't walk or sit or stand or lay down for weeks without crying. I now have scoliosis and 3 large scars from my back being torn open. Other than that the 2nd worse is when I was 5 all the skin was ripped off the back of both of my hands. Hey kids! For bonus fun, googe "Scoliosis surgery" to see what might happen to me when I'm 30! The Original pegasisters /) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Red Diamond 549 September 5, 2013 Share September 5, 2013 (edited) 1st Place: Stepping on a Lego (2003, 2004) 2nd Place: Thumbtack in my foot (2009) 3rd Place: Stubbing my toe on rocks(2011, 2012) 4th Place: Being slapped so hard it made me go about 3 feet(today) Edited September 5, 2013 by sovereign_ ATTENTION!! I DO NOT TAKE REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FluttershyForever 15 September 5, 2013 Share September 5, 2013 Mine would be...either Menstrual cramps (Sorry for the TMI...but its the truth, im a female, it happens) Oh god those S U C K! I hate it! I dunno, probably getting shot in the cheek by one of my brothers friends with a bee-bee gun. It hurt like crap. 1 Ermegersh, it's Miss Cheerilee! ι'м вeιɴɢ adorable......... αɴd ɴo poɴy cαɴ stop мe! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fire Bomb 121 September 5, 2013 Share September 5, 2013 (edited) I have two that both rate the same, probably because of how much i remember it (one happened earlier this week and the other was over a decade ago.) Earlier this week i fell down a hard-wood staircase, about 14 stairs, hitting every single one, the other one was when i was 2 years old and i sat in a fire-ant hill. dont remember much from that though. both rate about 15 / 10, stepping on a lego being 10/10 Edited September 5, 2013 by boulder I'm a bomb. . . made of fire. So I bomb things. . . with fire. . . and do nothing else NOTHING! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idonotreallycare 94 September 6, 2013 Share September 6, 2013 The first one would have to be when I stuck my foot down an open vent when I was two or three. I was told multiple times not to, but I decided that no harm could come from it, so I did it anyways. Turns out, there were sharp pieces of metal sticking out inside it, and I ended up with tons of cuts up and down my leg. The second would be when I was insanely sick with the flu when I was six. It was so bad, I had to go to the hospital to check that it wasn't appendicitis, and I couldn't stop throwing up for a week, plus I had sharp pains in my stomach. This was probably the worst pain I was ever in. The third is the most recent, and probably the least painful. It happened when I was ten or eleven. I was running in my house, when I stubbed my toe on a bookcase. I then walked on it for a day before going to the doctors, where it turned out it was broken. They're not as bad as most of the stories in this thread, but they all really hurt a lot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RubyVesper 100 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 I've been scooped by a car before, but the most painful was when my shoulder completely cramped up. It completely locked itself in the most painful way possible. Only lasted a day luckily. So, that was the most painful stuff that happened to me, but I've had a lot more incidents: Fell down a hardwood spiral staircase five times. One time there was a large plastic box on it. I landed on that box with my head, completely devastating it. I've had about 15 bicycle crashes when I was young and loved racing my brother. He was the most reckless of us two, so he caused almost all crashes. Two pretty nasty ones: Having my brother cut in my way before a small bridge. I dodged, slid onto the steep grass next to the water, my bike slid from me and I smashed into a pole the same time the bike smashed into me. After noticing there was a dirt hill on a path, my brother and me decided to jump it. Went right about 10X. Then, as I approached the ramp with about 22 mp/h, I drove onto a bunch of acorns on the ground. I completely lost traction, my bike went sideways, then gripped and threw me off. I did 3/4 frontflip and landed on the hill with my back. Lay there on my back for a couple minutes until I could get up. I also often avoided incidents. Nowadays when I pull off awesome stuff like this, I call myself "Mr. MLG": My brother was coming with about 15 mp/h from an alley, and I from the grass field at a 90 degree angle at about the same speed. We were about to do a head-on collision, so instinctively, I jumped up from my bike and crouched. My bike smashed into my brother while I barely soared over the collision and landed in the bushes. I've also had numerous cases of "SUUUPAAAA DOOOORIFTOOOO", where I completely lost control, and managed to recover in Formula D level drift fashion. PE was also usually painful for me. Some of them were silly: We were dribbling basketballs, when one of my classmates went head on towards me. The balls smashed straight into each other, and he lucked out. I got my basketball back in my face, almost knocking me out and disabling me for the rest of the hour. Some were also a bit more serious: I sprained my left ankle so much I don't know how many times I've done it before. Nowadays I've actually toughened up so much that I sprain my ankle, and can just continue on after a few minutes. Then again, I sprain it in much more controlled fashion nowadays. But it is still spraining. We were doing trampoline jumping over a rope, and I was one of the highest jumpers in my class despite my small length and weight. We were doing 6' jumps, and I lost control in mid-air and faceplanted... I've faceplanted more times, but that's not worth summing up. I've also had numerous occasions of having to jump over an object, and then forgetting to pull away my left arm. The result, every single time, was my wrist getting crushed backwards by my full body weight at a decent speed. It is also a habit of smashing my foot into something hard about 3 times a week. The most painful one was when I was running into my room, and smashed my bare foot into my violin case. I am not one to cry at pain, I actually withstood it fairly well, but I knew it was pretty bad because my body made me cry. I've never ever fainted, but I did have a couple times were people fainted and landed on top of me. All quite painful. Speaking about people landing on top of me, I used to go to a club for autistic children where we went out on monday to either do PE, or something else like midgetgolf or bowling. It was quite boring and annoying, so I stopped after a year. We were playing a game in the "clubhouse", and I was tired so I lay down on the carpet floor. To my luck, the club had a 17-year old very overweight, and I was 10 years old and didn't even weigh 70 pounds. The 17-year old decides that it is pile-up time, so he just jumps on me, and the rest jumps on him, resulting in about 500 pounds on top of me. Then there's the countless times that I pulled a muscle. My previous PE teachers all thought I was weak and not really trying, but they just weren't used to kids my size and weight. Honestly, I was constantly overworking my small body, resulting in many pulled muscles. I also used to get sick a lot. Some sicknesses painful, some torturing, none very pleasant. I've missed about a year of school in total, being sick. Mental pain was also quite a thing when I was young. I was bullied to the point of actual sexual harassment, but young antisocial me had no idea it was even bullying. After someone else saw it happen and told through, the issues were resolved and I started actually making friends and getting social. 2 years later, I was the teddy bear of the class. When I went to high school, that same thing took only 4 months to pull off. Then there's the rest. From people being clumsy enough to seriously hurt me, and me being clumsy enough to seriously hurt myself, to things like a soggy ceiling plate coming down onto my head, I've had pain in so many ways, it would be hard to sum it up other than being generic like this. Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rayalicious 435 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 Hmmm i think i'm currently experiencing it right now xD, yes surgery is not completely "painless" And there was this one time where i broke my nose.That was painful "Adrenalin begins when gravity ends" ~Studio Liverpool Siggy by le awesome: NightOwl Smarticle of my class, problem with studies? PM me would be happy to help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jessper 735 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 (edited) Since I have such a superior genetic make up I didn't get only wisdom teeth, I also got fully developed, but not growing 9th teeth. It used to be all ok, I had all that stuff, but it didn't grow, but one day, my top right wisdom teeth decided to grow in the wrong direction and ruined my 7th tooth (destroyed the root) and could eventually make my nice, straight teeth go zig-zag, so I had the 7th tooth removed so they could get to the wisdom tooth, which was already pretty deep and while we were at it, we removed the 9th tooth too to avoid future complications. Which pretty much involved digging trough bone to get to it. Well, that's all nice, but the anesthetics wear off after 5 hours and then I felt like someone is constantly drilling into my skull with a huge drill while pouring hot iron on my face for two weeks. Oh and that was when I was taking almost three times more painpills than is the recommended dose. It sure was a new experience. Fracking nature. Edited September 8, 2013 by Jessper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Norman 177 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 Once I fell off my bike and landed on a pile of jagged rocks. Another time I picked up a metal marshmallow stick after it had been in the fire for 15 minutes (was not thinking). The burns were nearly black. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lavo 786 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 When I was young, somewhere near the age of 8 I think. I was "playing" around with the door to my estates underground garage. I would keep running in as it would trigger a sensor to start the gate opening again. My Estate, the garage is on the right. It was something similar to this. Well, one time I decided how close I could let it shut before running in to open it again...Well... that wasn't a smart idea. When I ran in I got my head stuck. Put two hands behind your ears and that's where the gate was pushing against my head, now imagine with the force those damn gates push at, I guess I was lucky that it only had a small engine and that someone came along after a minute or two and was able to re-open the gate. For about a week after this I couldn't move my head because I had two giant areas that scabbed up where the gate was crushing my head. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Powercell 30 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 Getting an operation on my testis.... 100% conscious... I had a tumour and as I'm allergic to anaesthetic they jut cut me open awake.. I passed out half way through from pain though... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Th3 Chaos Theory 89 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 The worst pain I've been through is when I was walking home from school and all of a sudden, a car went hella fast and it broke my thumb. My thumb looks so cool now THE MARKER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ASocialyAwkwardPony 299 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 (edited) Physical pain, when I managed to step on a sharp rock as a kid and had to get the wound sewn shut, only for the awful school doctor to not apply Anesthesia while he was doing it.Mental pain, my great grandmother dying a few days after we last visited her and I forgot to say goodbye to her when we left. I have never been able to forgive myself for that. Well, that and the whole nearly getting murdered several times, but that is the happening that still hurt the most. Huh, this makes me realize how little those murder attempts truly did hurt physically for me, either that or how much I have managed to repress the feelings for those. I am not sure which of those applies. Edited September 8, 2013 by Nightmare Lyre Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Handmaid 19 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 Being awake during foot surgery has to be mine. The shots took a minute per each, and there were about 5 shots. And then the day after I couldn't even get out of bed. The pain was so horrible, and I hope that I never have to do anything like that again in my life time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dedacct6 2,591 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 ...well...I was very accident probe as a kid So I got some stuff for you people. So one time my mom was running on the treadmill, and I was playing around behind it, then when I thought it wouldn't hurt, I slipped my hand inside it and it skinned the top of my hand. It hurt...badly!!! another story is when I fell off my bike, now this ones funny! I was riding my bike down a hill, and it was a small bike, I was wearing shorts and a shirt that was way too big for me, even now it still is. (It was a men's XL ?Idk) Anyways I was riding down a small hill and my dirt got caught in the chain and I fell off onto the rough concrete on my knee, and I was stuck to the bike because of my shirt it was quite a shit show. I had blood down to my foot and now there's a permanent mark on my knee from where I was hit. So there you have it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CT-1138 3,183 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 Getting an operation on my testis.... 100% conscious... I had a tumour and as I'm allergic to anaesthetic they jut cut me open awake.. I passed out half way through from pain though...Aw man, from one guy to another, let me just say: OOOOOOOOOOW! Anyway, just remembered another one: Can't remember how old I was, but as a kid, I impaled my hand on the exhaust pipe of one of those little Lionel semi trucks. Love is a most potent magic My FiMFiction | My DA | My Facebook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hezraey 7 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 The Worst Pain I've encountered in my 13-year-old life so far is getting into an accident... I managed to leave the scene with a little bit of major and minor injuries. I left the scene and my burnt, wrecked motorcycle. I went home, limping for over than 50 km, and trust me, it is one heck of a painful misadventure. Luckily, I wasn't dead! XD Thank god! P.S. That incident happened in Indonesia... So much for my holiday... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scooterlou 23 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 (edited) Oh man. The worst pain I've ever experienced is after my scooter accident, when all the pain meds I was given in the emergency room finally wore off. I'd bruised my ribs, dislocated my thumb, got road rash on my hands, knees, and face, fractured my cheekbone, nearly broke my nose, and had two black eyes (I couldn't even see out of my left eye for three days, my face was so swollen) - and a concussion on top of that. I was on high doses of ibuprofen, but it only really dulled the pain. I was absolutely miserable for about a week. It could have been much much worse if I hadn't been wearing my helmet! The funny thing is? My scooter only got a couple scratches. I got back on and started riding again as soon as I got a new helmet and the swelling went down in my face, heheh. Edited September 9, 2013 by scooterlou Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Child Of Darkness 285 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 This one time when I was 4, my family had a metal side in our garden. I was on top of it one day and, I don't know how, but the slide fell over so I jumped and landed on the ground on my stomach, I tried to crawl away but the slide was too close and it landed on my leg. My low leg bones where instantly smashed and broken, I suffered many fractures around my ankle and a stray bit of broken plastic sliced my leg. To this day the leg is still funny, as the bones where mangled and are now slighly irregular, and because of all of that I now cannot run or it is extreamly painful, walking is slighly harder and slighly painful and my left leg (the one that broke) is no slighly smaller than my right leg, which makes balancing and standing still mission immposible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carimyp 16 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 Slamming my thumb in a car door comes close, Had to get the nail removed. It was kinda sore, The guy pierced the nail first with a very very VERY hot needle. But what trumps it, and I don't mean to sound Sheeple here, but a kick to the nuts, Multiple infact, in the same night, It was agonizing, I got a revenge kick, but not worth it, moving my leg wasn't much fun either. But again, something tops that, One time I was cycling, Trying to impress a girl, I would have been about 13, maybe 14. I was going pretty fast and they had recently re-stoned the roads, I tilted to the side and gritted all the skin off my lower leg and knee. It was so much agony. Buuuut! I was still trying to impress her, so I didn't cry, my shoe's were squelching with blood people kept asking if I was ok "Fffffffiiine... Urghk!" That however wasn't the painful part, I gritted my teeth for that, but a friends mother wanted to put an antiseptic spray over it, AAAAAAAAAAAARGH! That was not comfortable! And before that pulling my trousers out of the blood. So many scars over my leg still too! So there you have it, May not be much, but hell, I am only 19 yet, give it time, I will be in more pain yet. Especially the way I do stupid stuff! Yay! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maerchen 38 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 My arm got bent when I was a child. I wanted to play at some money bars and fell down. It didn't break but it was near to and the nerves got hurt. THAT was the worst pain I ever had.. for months. I can still remember it. x_x Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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