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THE worst pain you have ever experienced

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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Here are the top 5 worst pains I have experienced.


1. Waiting for Season 4 of MLP. (It's only been 2 weeks, but it's already feeling like 6 months).


2. Being friend zoned by the hottest girl in my school when I was a kid.

3. Being dumped by said hottest girl in my school when I was a kid.

4. Season 3 wait of MLP.


5. Season 2 wait of MLP.

Edited by Sir.Flutter Hooves



This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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  • 3 months later...

Well there was this one time I got a couple fillings with no pain relievers of any sort. In case you didn't know, how it works is the dentist takes a drill and bores into your teeth and then fills it with this stuff... it hurt.


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Physically painful would've been the time last fall when I got appendicitis out of the blue and had to go to surgery all by myself, no friends or family around (since I was at college at the time).  My mom showed up afterwards, which was a great comfort, but that doesn't change the fact that that appendicitis hurt like a mother bucker!!! ph34r.png


The most emotionally painful thing I've ever gone through would've been when my parents divorced when I was about, oh, 10 or 11.  Despite moving on from, pressing through, and growing from this pain, it still stays with me to this day (as I imagine it does with any other child who goes through the same experience), and my dad and I don't really have a good relationship and haven't talked to each other in quite awhile, like, at least a couple of years now.  Still, God has blessed me immeasurably in my life with loving friends and family to help me move on from and grow stronger from this experience, so I have no complaints; still, that doesn't change the fact that it hurt a lot, and still does to this very day.


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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Chronic migraines for me. I describe them as someone repeatedly slamming a large instrument on your head for an undetermined amount of time. (Usually feels like foreverz) Not fun, y'all.


Shin splints is a big owie, too.

  • Brohoof 1


Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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Definitely when I sliced open my index finger while doing dishes a few months backwards.
I was  cleaning a set of knives, and instead of using a dish brush to remove an especially persistent smudge on the blade, I resorted to using my hands. Disaster ensued.
I actually managed to cut almost bone deep, and the pain was so great that I went into a shock.
I was later hospitalized, and patched up with six stiches.

So, yeah. Not an especially captivating, or a painful-sounding story, but there it is, nonetheless.
As for psychological pain... well, let's just say that it can be hell of a lot stronger than physical, but I guess that's a story for another time.

Edited by Sickman
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The greatest pain? Well... There are two instances that come to mind. The first one is when I went to the hospital with a blood clot in my lung. It was hard to breathe and when I did breathe in, a shooting pain filled my chest. I felt as if I was being stabbed over and over again. The other pain is when I had my IUD inserted. It was baaadddd. It took my worst cramp ever.. multiplied it by ten then froze it to last five minutes straight. I wanted to scream.


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My brother split his face in two and I'm pretty sure that beats periods. but what do I know. xD 

that's my bro anyways. I broke my collar bone perfectly so that if I moved my arm at all the break would fit right then break all over again. 





I basically broke my collar bone 13095103968 times in one day. or at least thats what it felt like to me. xD but I'm not too tolerate to pain. I think the next worst thing was being hit in the happy area by an apple moving at a good 30 miles an hour that had been launched out of hell.

I never forgave her for that..

why do girls think its so funny!?


asthma. forgot that. it can be a killer. you cant sleep. it takes a huge amount of focus to even breath once. at least my asthma's that bad anyways...

Emotional pain would have to be the day my girlfriend dumped me, one of my best friends committed suicide, and I think my brother was mad at me for some reason. it wasn't important but it added up to a lot. 

Edited by SoundRaptured
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The worst pain I've experienced you ask? For me, there's many pains one normally doesn't think about nor has acknowledged. When my parents divorced and I was the only one who stayed with my father. The day I moved away from my my childhood friends and my father had an emotion breakdown. Being rejected by someone you love or betrayed by your best friend.


But the most painful thing that I have experienced was the death of my father. The last words we had between one another was that of hate and bitterness, not of love or kindness. I'm still struggling over what we said to one another, but time heals all wounds. Love your family and those you care about, they won't be there forever. 

Edited by Accellerant
  • Brohoof 2


If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


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Recently I had compressed my vertebrae. Which, if you don't know, is this:





I don't want to tell you how it happened, as it was an embarrassing situation. But yeah, it hurt.

  • Brohoof 1
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The worst pain I've experienced you ask? For me, there's many pains one normally doesn't think about nor has acknowledged.


Those are the worst pains, I would agree. I'm not even going to try to delve into the psychological hell that was my childhood, so many repressed memories.


Physically: Chopped off the very tip of my pointer finger with a french fry cutter, so much blood. Got thrown off a motor scooter and had a  huge triangle shaped cement burn on my back, elbows were also pretty scraped up, and my head nailed the ground hard. Foot cramps, they are the fracing worst. Banged my head a good number of times on peoples oddly shaped car trunks at my job, hurts like hell.

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Well myself, physical pain-wise I could name a few I suppose. For some reason anesthetics doesn't work well on me and even the deep one never really goes in full effect. When I was 8 years old I had a viral-type meningitis and they had to do the spinal tab and had done it without any sort of pain reducing stuff, so I felt the entire length of that operation.

Also 2 years ago I had to drill most of my tooth due to the severe cavity I suffered from, (I couldn't afford to do it until I went to the foreign country due to not having dental insurance and the insane payment that comes with the dental service in this country) The doctor shot probably more than ten times around the gum area and I still felt the pain. So I ended up just feeling the entire thing and because of that, the doctor had to perform the cavity filling over the span of 3 days because of the amount of pain I endured.


My life probably will be royally screwed if I ever get a sickness that requires a major surgery because my body doesn't react to the anesthetics that much, ahaha.

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Well it all started as a simple twing inmy stomach. Then it turned into the flu. Then I slept for like three days straight, waking about every hour screaming. Then i couldnt sleep so I had to deal with the pain. Everthing i ate i threw up. My parents finally decide something is wrong with me. Then i spent two weeks in a hospital recovering from surgery.


The simple twing turned out to be appendicitis. It had went unnoticed for too long and ruptured, so now i have some wicked scars on my stomach. Not to metion it was when i was on vacation.


I tuely get to say this, WORST VACATION EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im just one hell of a butler.

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Depression is something I face all the time but physical wise I haven't had an accident since 2010.


I had a new bike and it stopped so hard I flipped over it and broke my wrist for a month or two.

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i once had a fight with my older brother, i was maybe 13 and he was 15, and he is way,WAY stronger then i am. so yeah, i kinda lost that fight when he grabbed me by the hair and smashed me face first into a door clank for about five times, knoking me out.


but the worst pain i ever had till this day was when i was riding my bicycle when a car smashed in the back of my bike, leaving me to smash on the car's windshield with tha back of my head, when the car slammed the brakes, it send me flying forward smashing my face (AGAIN) into a lamp post, breaking the part of my skull just above the eyesocket where your eyebrow is located.

got a pretty nice damage claim afterwards though $$$ XD


turned out later that the police calculated that the car was going at about 80 Km/h idk what that is in miles but that's pretty damn fast. i was lucky i only broke my skull. some doctors said that i should have died then.just from the impact

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Being prone to getting epileptic seizures, I tend to experience three simultaneous pains once I return to consciousness.

1) the headache, which gets especially bad if I've hit my head really hard. At one time it got so bad I threw up.

2) the tongue bite. It doesn't help that my molars are kinda sharp.

3) My right shoulder is already prone to dislocation so it always ends up dislocated when I get seizures.


But hey, at least I return to consciousness at all and still have all my previous motor and cognitive functions intact after a day or so. The tongue bite and shoulder tends to persist as a discomfort.

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Being prone to getting epileptic seizures, I tend to experience three simultaneous pains once I return to consciousness.

1) the headache, which gets especially bad if I've hit my head really hard. At one time it got so bad I threw up.

2) the tongue bite. It doesn't help that my molars are kinda sharp.

3) My right shoulder is already prone to dislocation so it always ends up dislocated when I get seizures.


But hey, at least I return to consciousness at all and still have all my previous motor and cognitive functions intact after a day or so. The tongue bite and shoulder tends to persist as a discomfort.

man that sounds rough, real brohoof to you for not letting your seizures get the best of you /) 

i had a very close friend that went completely insane because of his seizures, he was very photosensitive, but he used to go to hardcore party's with me all the time. it seemed like the only time where he could really be himself.

he killed himself maybe a year back, not going further into that for obvious reasons.

now, every time i go to a party or festival, i party for the both of us, i still feel like he is by my side then.

keep up doing what you do,whatever it is that you do. 

you are the best! /)


also after further getting lost in my daydream, i guess that the impact of the car from my earlyer post was nothing compared with what i felt whan i heared my very best friend killed himself. i wasn't  accountable for nearly a moth.

Edited by repsol rave
  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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man that sounds rough, real brohoof to you for not letting your seizures get the best of you /) 

i had a very close friend that went completely insane because of his seizures, he was very photosensitive, but he used to go to hardcore party's with me all the time. it seemed like the only time where he could really be himself.

he killed himself maybe a year back, not going further into that for obvious reasons.

now, every time i go to a party or festival, i party for the both of us, i still feel like he is by my side then.

keep up doing what you do,whatever it is that you do. 

you are the best! /)


also after further getting lost in my daydream, i guess that the impact of the car from my earlyer post was nothing compared with what i felt whan i heared my very best friend killed himself. i wasn't  accountable for nearly a moth.

You have my condolences. This thread makes it out to be about physical pain but the emotional pain you've gone through just doesn't compare.

  • Brohoof 1
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I had bootcamp once, the dude made me do all the work since the rest was too whiny and weak to do it. I ripped what felt like all my muscles in my stomach, arms and legs. I couldn't even move the next day for some reason, not because it hurt so much (which it did) but I guess I had snapped quite a few muscles.


I've never felt such a pain before ever, it felt worse than breaking a bone or being stabbed, everything just felt so sore and the constant feeling of having what felt like acid going through my body made it worse. Even when I could move I blanked out most of the time because of the pain, either that or I threw up.

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  • Getting kicked in the balls...twice
  • My eyes hurt when they first saw Justin Bieber
  • I once stepped on a lego


I don't really know.

But it is progably when I got some sort of virus that made my stomach hurt incredibly much. I had to sleep at the hostpital for three days.


..I can't really remember andthing else.. I guess I am quite careful :P


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1.) I attempted to sit down on a swing but the wind blew it away at the right moment. I landed straight on my tailbone. It bruised (apparently bruising it is more painful than breaking it) and sitting or jerking around suddenly was agonizing. Have two scars from where it punctured the skin.


2.) When I stepped on a large piece of glass, it didn't get to the bone but I sure bled and screamed a lot. Pulling it out was even worse. I'd constantly step on pins and nails going up the stairs too. (it's an old house so the carpet is thinning out, exposing the nails)


3.) At my nan's old house, her backyard led into the woods which was always fun to play in. So I went in to discover something new, I did. It was a small, wooden play house that had been left to rot. Being the 10 year old me, I went in and decided to sit down on a red booth attached to the wall. Little did I know a hive of wasps was living under it. Let's just say it didn't end well...


4.) Our family has a genetic condition on the women's side where the left hip bone is lower than the right, so it pinches several nerves below it when you quickly jerk your leg around (yoga, dancing, etc.), it hurts, I often have to take a moment to recover from it. 


5.) Around the age I was stung, I stubbed my toe several times on the floor vent. Nails cracked and it was a mess.


6.) Another painful childhood time, I tripped on my shoelaces when I was playing catch with my sis. I fell face first onto the concrete patio. Luckily I just scrapped my gums and bruised my nose. It was pretty cool to see the huge puddle of blood frozen the next morning though.

Edited by Idyll Wisp



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The worst pain is probably when I nearly broke my neck at camp.

And then this year one of my classmates hung himself. He wasn't my friend but I was still so sad :(


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

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It would probably have to be me cracking my chin open when I was a little kid. I've also stood on a pin, but it was nowhere near a bone, muscle or vein. Most recently I've got over my bad nosebleed problem. By bad I mean quite a bit of blood lost and not a little bit under the nostrils.

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Around the time I was finishing 4th grade I was riding my bike. I was being dumb like usual and I lost my balance and fell. My bike fell on me and my left ankle twisted the wrong way and I almost broke it. Luckily I just sprained it. It hurt a lot. I still have scars on my knee and my whole left leg from falling. sad.png

~Cursed Dawn


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The worst pain I've ever been in, I kid threw a rock at me and it went into my eye. Not a pebble but like freakin' fist sized and it stayed in there. I was on the ground in agony, I thought I would lose my eye but thankfully I didn't

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