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gaming Video Game Achievements. Yay or Neigh?

Tom The Diamond


57 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you like Achievements?

    • Yes, I enjoy them.
    • No, I dislike them.
    • I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

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I actually really dislike achievements... I feel obligated to earn them all. Sometimes I play through a game, get all achievements, and then I get bored because I feel like I've done everything, but I know I haven't.


I preferred the old days where I just played however I want...


"In the end it all comes down to just how far we can slide"

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Like you said, I do like achievements, but not because I'm a completionist or anything like that, I just feel satisfied, as if it were something I actually accomplished IRL

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  • 1 month later...

Unlike the average gamer, achievements are half of the reason I play a game. But I dont do the ones that are stupid like "Play the game for a total of 1 year (aka total play time= 8 765.81277 hours)

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Im part achievement whore, so I have my moments where I go only for achievements when I can just to have them, and other times where I go out of my way to get them.


In short I really love achievements.


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I like achievements where you get something to do, those ones you have to work for, or just random moment ones.

I strongly dislike story related achievements, or the kind "Acheivement unlocked! Jump." I know I just did that! I as there! I don't NEED you to tell me!


One of the best games for achievements "Just for the lulz" in my opinion in TF2.

You get one for just about any ridiculously stupid or entertaining thing you do.

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I like getting achivements but i wont go out my way to get an achivment! XD

for people who say 'turning a crapy 3 hour game into 70 hour grind fest' ;) achivments are only opitional and your not gonna try and get the achivments if the games bad!


ALSO I liked fallout 3 and oblivion for achivments! ^_^

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It's honestly dependant on whether I think they can be gotten without having to look at a FAQ to get them or not. Star Ocean 4 is one Platinum Trophy I'll never get because of how much you need to look at a FAQ to get them.


Plus I don't particularly care for impossible trophies like "Beat the game on Hard Mode without using a Vita Chamber" in Bioshock.


I only ever do trophies if I think I can get them, only Platinum I've gotten so far is Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time and if you know anything about that game you'll know just how little I care about trophy difficulty in general. I know they are MEANT to be difficult but when they are impossihard (made up words ftw) I can't stand them.


Only other ones I've gotten even remotely close to were Darksiders and Sonic Generations. I might be able to get The Darkness' achievements too though.

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I like my achievements to have depth. I feel like most of them are just hollow rewards that get gamers feeling proud and compelled to keep playing a game, like giving cheese to a mouse as an incentive to finish a maze. If you're going to get in-game achivements, at least make them FEEL like actual achievements, is all I'm saying.


You played a match online and lost horribly? Have an achievement!


The way most of them work is totally pointless. I can appreciate the achievements you get for finding hidden things, or completing 100% of a game, but I can't take achievements overall very seriously anymore, just because of the sheer number of ridiculous ones.

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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I'm an achievement hoarder. I try to get as many as I can cause they look cool on my achievements wall. :3


Don Mec. Lean x Cloud Chaser

All You Need Is Love ~ John Lennon

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

Avatar made by Dragonshy

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I think WoW has the best achievements, even though I don't play that game anymore.There's only a few other games (like Dungeon Defenders and Portal for example) that I played a while longer just to get the achievements.

[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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I guess I'm leaning more towards disliking them. While I appreciate Achievements giving the psycho 100%-ers something else to go for (therefore keeping them in their caves and off the streets), the obsessive utilitarian in me doesn't see a reason to hand out pointless numbers for killing three Zomblees with one shot. I suppose it's rewarding to some extent to get a little blip on your screen after finishing Duke Nukem 3d on the Damn I'm Good difficulty, but it doesn't serve any real purpose but to give you a little ego boost. It's especially annoying when games hand out Achievements like popcorn. Prototype 2 on the 360 (fun game, by the way. A bit short, though) gives you, no joke, around three 10G achievements for getting through the unskippable tutorial and opening cutscenes. I guess it is funny when they're used for some comedic purpose, like the 'Get 500 Lua Script Errors' achievement in Gmod.

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I actually really like achievements. I always try to get all of them, and they do show skill. The only kind that I don't like are the ones where you have to do stuff online (Because I hate having to rely on other players) and ones where you have to play through the game again or are easily disabled due to a choice in a game. In the long run, I would say that achievements are pretty cool, because if you are getting bored of a game, you can always go through and get the acievements. My friends and I sometimes compete to see who can get the most/best achievements, and who can platinum a game first (PS3).

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I love achievements that are realistic. Like, the ones that you can get just by PLAYING through the game. I hate the ones that are like "Play through the game, TWICE, on INSANE difficulty." Wtf? Who DOES that? I'm not a masochist..sorry...I love my achievements but I do have a life.

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When I played sh1tloads of xbox, I was total achievement whore. I just had to get every damn cheevo there is, no matter what kind of grinding thing that was.


I think the most horrible experience with achievement whoring was when I played 7 hours in a row that one start of chapter in Gears of War 2 and grinded kills...


Now I do not care about them that much.

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I love achievements but I hate the ones that require you download something/play online because they're not going to be available forever. I like completing things, and when I'm not able to complete something because they took down dlc or the online play is no longer supported then I feel like there's no point in trying to get any of the achievements at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I enjoy achievements because there's nothing like that satisfying feeling of knowing you did something right, and then getting approval because you did it right.



Or when you don't look at the achievements, go into the game, and get a random one that you're all like "How the Heck did I get that?"





Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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  On 2012-05-23 at 5:39 PM, 'Titan Rising' said:

I love achievements but I hate the ones that require you download something/play online because they're not going to be available forever. I like completing things, and when I'm not able to complete something because they took down dlc or the online play is no longer supported then I feel like there's no point in trying to get any of the achievements at all.


I like achievements as well but that by FAR is my biggest dislike about them.

There need to be a system in place that can handle when a game goes offline and such.

EA is a top monster in games that are impossible to get 1K in since they shut off servers.


Personally I feel all Online achievements should have criteria that allows a offline way to unlock as well.


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I feel that most of them are to easy in most games. Like "You completed the tutorial huuuurr duuurr!" thats all that urks me. I like the ones that provide challenge and actually gives me some incentive to get it, like an in-game item or something. I don't really get all that gamerscore shtuff.

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I like achievements because they give me a sense of achievement. Even the stupid ones like "jump up an down for the first time Yay!"



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I usually don't mind them. They can be good fun if done right i.e. sending Gnome Chompski to space. But some of them are just eh. Like Play every class in TF2. That's not an achievement, that's just playing TF2.




I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

Sound the beige alarm.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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