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I Don't Understand What The Significance Of Sombra's Glowing Horn Is

Pony Of The Month

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During King Sombra's brutal explosion of death, we see his horn  glowing in the center of the screen in less than half a second. Everyone seems to think that there's some special significance to that tiny shot, but honestly, all I thought of it was a logical animation choice.


He was performing some sort of magic right before he exploded. Logically, the glow of his horn didn't fade out yet. I don't think his horn would have immediately stopped glowing right after his explosion. It makes more sense to me that since he was performing magic right before exploding, his horn's glow didn't just magically go away.


Everyone seems to think that this was foreshadowing his return in the future, but honestly, I think he was killed off for real.


But maybe I'm wrong. What do you think?



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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Well the theory is exactly as you said that the glowing horn would be foreshadowing his return (especially when you consider that they showed he could regenerate etc). But because he was considered such a let down as a villain it's generally believed that they aren't going to resurrect him so for all intents and purposes he's dead.

Shame really because I thought he had a lot of potential.

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I personally think Sombra had a severe lack of screen time and character development... As an author myself, Sombra seemed like an interesting character with an interesting back story. (Even if he looked like an overly designed OC.)


I would like to see him come back with a deeper story and get more voicing other than "crystal" and yelling, along with additional information about him in general...


Of course we don't need any anime flash backs or filler episodes here.

Edited by Silver Marcato

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

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So far, the show hasn't even touched on death. No one has died from a fight. 

Nightmare Moon - Transformed

Discord - Reformed

Chrysalis - Flung out of Equestria

No one in the show dies.

I don't think sombra is dead either.

He might be coming back.


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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So far, the show hasn't even touched on death. No one has died from a fight.  Nightmare Moon - Transformed Discord - Reformed Chrysalis - Flung out of Equestria No one in the show dies. I don't think sombra is dead either. He might be coming back.


To me, it looked like he obviously exploded, which is quite different from being transformed, reformed, or banished, because exploding can cause death.



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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To me, it looked like he obviously exploded, which is quite different from being transformed, reformed, or banished, because exploding can cause death.

So can being turned to stone, as in the case of discord, and even Twilight Sparkle. I'm saying that since the show avoids death, Sombra probably isn't dead.


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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So can being turned to stone, as in the case of discord, and even Twilight Sparkle. I'm saying that since the show avoids death, Sombra probably isn't dead.


This is exactly why Sombra's explosion surprised me so much. I know the show USUALLY avoids death, but when I first watched this, I legitimately believed, (and still do) that I just witnessed the first death of the show.


It wouldn't surprise me if a kids' show killed off a villian, even if it had never killed anyone else off before. I don't expect this show to ever kill off a good pony, but a villian death is a little different. 



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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This is exactly why Sombra's explosion surprised me so much. I know the show USUALLY avoids death, but when I first watched this, I legitimately believed, (and still do) that I just witnessed the first death of the show.


It wouldn't surprise me if a kids' show killed off a villian, even if it had never killed anyone else off before. I don't expect this show to ever kill off a good pony, but a villian death is a little different. 

I guess we'll have to wait and see then :P I hope he isn't dead, honestly, he has a lot of potential, and we don't know much of his backstory.


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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I think it may be like the Master's ring not being destroyed in the funeral pyre leading to the Master's eventual return in Doctor Who. Perhaps next season we'll see some young pony find the horn and it will take them over until Sombra reconstitutes himself.



Maybe Diamond Tiara. She can go from bully to real EVIL!






                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Not to be that guy, bu I heard that he is considered officially dead.

In the Las Pegasis con when asked a question about Sombra, they said that he is officilay dead.


So ya.


Now will his influence be seen later or will he be referenced later on?


I don't know.


Anyway it may be possible that they may bring him back, but it is unlikely.


That said I don't know what will happen.

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I guess some view Sombra's horn like the One Ring.


One word: multiverse.


Meaning anything imaginable and unimaginablecan happen.


While it may not happen (Sombra come back to life) in the show itself, it will happen in fan fiction.

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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Remember when part of his horn chipped off from coming in contact with Cadences barrier? It landed on the ground and was absorbed and expanded creating dark crystals that come into contact with it. If his horn survived the blast it's bound to land somewhere and do the same. Who knows how long it'll be spreading dark magic and changing the landscape for before it's discovered.

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I do recall an official mention of him being considered dead. Granted that doesn't mean that later on down the line the writers can change their mind if they find something else to do with him. It is a shame to write him off so easily. If he doesn't return though, I hope with all my heart that the 'black magic' or whatever it was that was being thrown around all over the place in the first episodes makes a return. Seemed a little too important to just brush away.

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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To me, it looked like he obviously exploded, which is quite different from being transformed, reformed, or banished, because exploding can cause death.

 Maybe he'll explode twice!!!!


-sorry I had to say this!


Seriously though....Equestrian magic is still underdeveloped in explanation from the show (look at the season finale for goodness sakes).  We, as the audience still have a lot to learn about how magic works and what its limit can be.   King Sombra was obviously powerful, very much so, and we don't know much at all about evil magic (besides the alicorn amulet) since we have seen very very little evil magic in the series...His glowing horn could have meant something, or it could have just been an animation choice, i don't know. 

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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I just think it's a waste to get rid of such a well drawn villain to be cast aside so quickly. His story had potential as well. And honestly we never saw Discord or Chrysalis' pasts either. There was mere mention of Discord being the spirit of chaos that ruled Equestria before Celestia and Luna but that's it.


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My prediction is he's coming back in some way shape or form.  It would make good use of the glowing horn shot.  Even though Sombra mostly looked liked a bad OC I still think he should make a return.

He had too much potential to just be "killed" and move on.

Edited by Dashicorn

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My prediction is he's coming back in some way shape or form.  It would make good use of the glowing horn shot.  Even though Sombra mostly looked liked a bad OC I still think he should make a return.

He had too much potential to just be "killed" and move on.

Seiously???? ALL Villains looked like OC NMN looked like one, Discord looked like one, even Chrysalis looked like one. why is Sombra alone getting bashed?

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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Seiously???? ALL Villains looked like OC NMN looked like one, Discord looked like one, even Chrysalis looked like one. why is Sombra alone getting bashed?


I don't know just something about he's appearance just simply does not match up to the awesomeness of the other villains for some reason.

No one is more qualified than you are to decide how you live; no one should be able to vote on what you do with your time and your potential unless you invite them to. ”

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I don't know just something about he's appearance just simply does not match up to the awesomeness of the other villains for some reason.

He is a Seriouse villain. In AmericaN Cartoons those types are hated for some reason and Most of the MLP fans want all villains to have a goofy side

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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