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Brony Survey


Brony Fan Survey  

154 users have voted

  1. 1. What Year Did You Become A Brony?

    • 2010
    • 2011
    • 2012
    • 2013
  2. 2. How Did You Become A Brony ?

    • All On My Own
    • Someone else persuaded me
    • Other (Explain in post)
  3. 3. Are You A Contributor Or just A Fan?

    • I contribute Fan Art
    • I contribute Fan Music
    • I contribute Fan Fiction
    • Im Just A Fan
    • Other (Please Explain In Post)
  4. 4. What Age Group Are You?

    • 12 And Under
    • 13 - 16
    • 17 - 20
    • 21 - 26
    • 27 - 31
    • 32 And older
  5. 5. Male Or Female? (Or other)

    • I Am Male
    • I Am Female
    • Other (Explain In Post If You Like)

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This is just a small survey to obtain an idea on how many of you became Bronies,when it happened and what age groups you are.


Just answer the poll above and if you like, post your "How I became a Brony" Story below ^_^

Edited by Dawn Rider
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I got into FiM in 2011, and Kurtiss pushed me over the edge to start a forum about it.


I don't really write fan fiction, couldn't draw for my life, and have no time for music, but I like to think that I contribute valuable websites to the brony community that serve its specific needs and capture the spirit of the show we all love. :)

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I got into FiM in 2011, and Kurtiss pushed me over the edge to start a forum about it.


I don't really write fan fiction, couldn't draw for my life, and have no time for music, but I like to think that I contribute valuable websites to the brony community that serve its specific needs and capture the spirit of the show we all love. smile.png


Of course... Tech Bronies are some of the most talented. We wouldn't have sites such as our wonderful site and Equestria Daily, if we didn't have ponies like yourself ^_^

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Well for the why did you beco e a brony I maybe should chose maybe but kinda all on my own I saw pony stuffs everywere and said allright wtd.... I need to wach now im here lol

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Of course... Tech Bronies are some of the most talented. We wouldn't have sites such as our wonderful site and Equestria Daily, if we didn't have ponies like yourself happy.png


Finagling a fine detail, maybe, but EQD would still be around... they use Google Blogger, which lets them get away with never so much as needing to think about what a bandwidth bill or a server is.

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I'd say right now im going through a transition from regular Brony to more of a creative Brony. Something about the show just fills you with the desire to draw characters and make your own content relating to the series. 

It's so magical wub.png

Edited by Bucky_McGillycuddy
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Finagling a fine detail, maybe, but EQD would still be around... they use Google Blogger, which lets them get away with never so much as needing to think about what a bandwidth bill or a server is.

Good point...


Perhaps FimFiction then as an example? xD

Still, we wouldn't have THIS site without Tech Bronies who are knowledgeable in the realm of science and Magic :D

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I became a Brony in 2012. I found some pony memes in a website named memecenter.com which I found in a signature of someone in a forum which I found during my search of my favourite game forum. laugh.png


The one who's responsible for my Bronyness is Rainbow Dash. I first saw her in that meme. Her mane was so colourful, and her expression was so spirited. That attracted me. I wasn't a man who's spirited to do things or well, lively. I wasn't emo or anything. I was just...my faith in today's generation was kinda ruined. They were lack of mercy and compassion. They took 'love' as 'sex' and many more. Sorry. I will end my rant here.


The thing is, Rainbow Dash brought me my old spirit to...cheer people. Odd that she's not the Element of Laughter 'eh? laugh.png

That was just a first glance, but it didn't hook me at the first place. Days later was followed by other pony memes. Most of them are about Twilight Saga and MLP. Then from a meme I found that the rainbow coloured pony was named Rainbow Dash and she was from a show called My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic. I just giggled at the meme. How could completely adult men in the Internet watch this kind of show? With coloured ponies? Friendship is Magic? And some rainbow? Seriously!


Week by week I saw more and more ponies in the website. Then a screenshot of a facebook status and its comments. They said something like "watch five episodes and you will be hooked" and stuff. I accepted the challenge. I downloaded the first five episodes, but didn't actually watch it. I just skimmed over the episodes and stopped whenever I found Rainbow Dash. Then I finished skimming the fifth episodes and I left those videos in my hard drive. I gave it supper-hidden attribute to the folder so no one could see it if somehow they hacked my computer (my class mates are troll hackers and they hacked their class mates' computer to find some private pictures and post it in the class facebook group for fun).


Another week passed. Somehow I missed Rainbow Dash and her colour, so I insisted I will watch the episodes completely. At the first and the second episodes, I was like "just like another girly show" but I proceed to the third. It was kinda funny, and my thought was "not bad." I couldn't help but watched the fourth the next day. Simply, it was pretty good I thought. I watched the fifth right after the fourth. The next day I spent my afternoon downloading the rest of the season. I didn't realize how I was hooked by that pony show. laugh.png


The odd, after watching the show, my grades increased and my will to study came to its peak. That was a period of mid term, and I hadn't studied enough, but I got a pretty good grade. Later I found out that the show had given me a good spirit booster. I wasn't really care about the current broken generation anymore. We still have our children and more importantly, my friends, even the trollest one.


Actually I already had interest in writing before I became a Brony, but never got serious about it. Those confounding ponies dragged me to learn more and more. I learnt about writing deeper, I came back to my martial art (I went passive since almost a year ago), and well, many things. Heck, even now I learn more about programming, herbal, art, and human meridian system for healing (and instant killing). My friend who often sat next to me in class asked me "what is that bucking song you're humming all the time?". I told him that it was Pinkie's Smile Song and continued humming as I coded. They got me watching some pony stuff in the Internet and laughed, but they still respected me because I respected them as well. laugh.png


Now I have more spirit to study, and my life became better because of that. Now I'm a lively and friendly man, but still as merciful as I was. All because of those cursed ponies! laugh.png

Edited by Sky Warden
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Well this is my story...


Early Last year I joined a gaming site based on 343 industries.

It was a ton of fun and such and I met some very good people there, one of which became my best friend.

Now he told me he was a Brony, and at the time I had no idea what they were, he told me and I was sort of taken back..


"how on earth could someone your age or even older watch My little pony?"


So I decided to take a look, and watched the first few episodes on youtube, and I fell in love.... I loved teh characters and how their personalities differ, yet remain such strong friends.


Truly an inspirational show, it really made me change my attitude in life.

I became alot friendlier and kind to people, always being helpful If I can.


I became a Brony and was more then Proud of it ^_^


So thats my story....exciting eh?  xD

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So When did you discover MLP and become a Brony?

Partway into Season 2's Showings...

Do you contribute art,music,fan fic's or otherwise to the community?

Art: yes

Fan fics: yes

Music: (in process) yes

: P


What Year Did You Become A Brony?
How Did You Become A Brony?
All on my own.



Male Or Female? (Or other)


Most definitely male.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey
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I become a Brony arround july 2012.


There were some con called SupaNova in Sydney, where i was for a while, and some of people, whom i know, suggest me to come there. Actually, i never been on such well...  actions... and they called it like something super interesting about animation, computer games and different stories aka fantasy e.t.c (Overall everything that i enjoy of), so i decide to come.

One of supanova parts was cinema, that translate some of animations all the time. I was really curious to see Fullmetal alchemist there, and My little pony just follow over it. So when alchemist is end and i stand up to leave (cuz you know that thing, i am not here to look at some show fer a little girls =) ) i was a bit surprise to find full house of grown people inside, waiting for my little pony. I'd hear about it before, but wasn't excited about it, but i give it a chance and put my butt back.

Well... first episode was good. Really i've enjoy that. Nice animation, decent story, even songs - something that i not like in animations very much - was just goood.

When i come back this day i find mlp in internet and watch first episode. Than second. Than third. After all this resulted in about 7 or 8 hours watching this show. Think that was a turning point =)

Day after i just finish my watching and search a web for bronies. Find Equestria daily, derpyhoovesnews and a bit later fimfiction. The whole fandom was just so active and incredibly kind, that i fall in love with fandom, right after the show. And regret nothing =)


All musicians, writers, animators just good at what they do. There is so lot of fan piecies about show, that i felt a bit upset - i did nothing to it. So my personality kinnda split - on a one half i want to give something to fandom, to share something with other bronies, i believe that i can do that, but on other hand - i am really shy guy, and probably everything that i do is a fail, so i am terrible writer (How actually i can be writer if i even cannt follow english grammar? smile.png ) i am absolute profane in drawing and i never tried a music mixing (actualy, i even dont have any preferences in genre of music). Well... as start fandom inspired me to write fanfiction, that i writting for now moment (I hope that will do it well, and if so will try something more =) ).


I am 23 year male brony from a snow lands of Russia, and this is my story.

Edited by IceBeerG
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I am a 19 year old male who joined in December of 2012. I contribute Fan Fiction and anything else I can.


I wouldn't say I was persuaded per se. More like intrigued after being shown one of the .mov videos. I wasn't even forced to watch 'em. I was wondering what a friend was watching and then we ended up watching all of them (that were out) and then when he went home I thought "why not?" and started watching season 1. 

Edited by Parsleyshy
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I became a brony in late 2012, perhaps a month before season 3 started.  My assimilation was influenced by the internet, but in being the first brony in my group of friends, it was basically a decision I made on my own.  I could tell the whole story, but it's sort of long and not exceptionally interesting.  I said both 'just a fan' and 'other' for the contributor question because I really want to create music, but I have yet to do so.  I have the necessary tools and I have plenty of ideas, but none of these ideas have been put together yet...  I'm also 20 years old and male.

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What year did you become a brony?
April 2011.


How did you become a brony?
I put other. This is partially someone else, partially of my own accord. I live in Japan, didn't know anything about MLP gen 4 until a friend of mine started posting a few links on facebook. I took it upon myself to look up the show, and started watching. I recently did a whole post on this, so I kinda don't feel like writing it all again, but you can read my story here, if you like.

Are you a contributor or just a fan?
I put just a fan. I draw, but I don't tend to share my work. That doesn't really count as a contributor, does it?


What age group are you?
I'm 25.


Male or female?
I put other. My sex is female, but as for gender, I'm agender. I also identify myself as a brony, not a pegasister.


And I did vote in the poll, but most of my answers required further clarification, so, what the hell, I did them all.

Edited by Clover Heart
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Well, I have actually been trying to contribute. Unfortunately, I have met with very little success. A single chapter in a single fanfic. Nothing big at all. Except that It's supposed to be a series of fanfics and not just a single chapter. And I can only write when I'm in the mood which I am certain many others are the same way.

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I noticed an MLP thread on Silent Hill Heaven a ways back.  I didn't click on it becasue I thought it must be a big joke.  That or (and I feel awful saying this now), I thought it might be a show that gay people liked because SHH had lots of gay people.


One day when I was watchig Johnny Bravo on Youtube (also a great show), I saw a link to the first episode of MLP.  I clicked on it, thinking it would probably be crap, and by the end of the first season it became one of my top ten shows.  It might be the ultimate don't judge a book by it's cover show.  I love the series now, and read fanfics and watch videos and am impressed by the amazing art.

Edited by Dr. Eggnog
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Ahh I remember when I joined the fandom.

Like many others whenever I heard about male fans I was just sort of like wth why?

Though my curiosity got the better of me while I was at the field and I watched the entire show while our there. From there I knew I was fan.

Just wish I had a way to contribute but I'm not creative in the slightest

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Became a brony in mid-2011.

How? My friends, but I blame a best friend of mine for persuading me to discover this amazing fandom.

At the moment, I'm not really contributing to anything, but I'm actually discovering the talent of writing and art. On my spare time, I'm writing a story about my OC ponies. I don't know when I'll have that released, but I'll have it soooon. :3 

My age group is between 21-26. I'm currently 22. 

aaaand I'm female. :3 


Here's a tl;dr'd version of my story of bronyhood. I posted this in another thread a month ago or so, but managed to dig it out so I don't have to spend another hour writing it & missing the important points of the story. tongue.png





Once upon a time, there was a 20-year-old college student who felt lonely in the big city of San Diego. She lived with her sister at the time, but most of the time she did feel alone. She had nothing to do rather than play Pokemon, keep her apartment clean, and watch boring television shows. She had a hard time adjusting herself to the city, as it was large and easy to get lost in. However, the worst case scenario, she was really shy and always isolated towards people.
In June of 2011, three months after meeting her (now) best friend online, the My Little Pony craze hits a Pokemon forum she frequented all the time. She became confused, awkward, she didn't want to go near the people who had pony avatars and signatures. She felt isolated once more. All she wanted to do was to play and talk about Pokemon, as she had Oshawott as her avatar and signature, and refused to take it down. Shortly thereafter, she noticed that her sister bought her nice a G3 Cheerilee plush doll (still has it today). She kept disregarding it, until one night, her best friend finally told her that he watched MLP.
For days, he begged her to watch the first episode. But she refused. She thought it was stupid, absurd, she would be embarassed in front of her sister, and her family in general. Watching a little girls' cartoon at 20 years old? Her mother wouldn't approve at all. Each day, many of her online friends from that Pokemon forum were converted to bronies/pegasisters. Until three weeks of holding on, she finally surrendered. Curiosity FINALLY got to her.
"Hey, can you link me to the first episode?" was the IM she sent to an online friend on msn that one fateful morning. Gladly she did, and immediately, she took twenty-one minutes to watch the first episode of the first season. It felt intriguing for her. She couldn't pause and set her laptop aside to continue on her homework. As the episode finally ended, her reaction was "I should watch the second episode just to see what happens next."
She watched the second episode, then watched the third during break time at school...where she finally realized she was slowly converting to a brony/pegasister herself. She stayed up until 1-2 am watching ponies. Almost 1-2 episodes each, alongside watching random pony videos on youtube, as well as looking for images on tumblr and other sites. Everything changed for her. She felt extremely happy, confident, she became the most talkative in all of her classes, she felt comfortable meeting new friends. She was finally able to join the MLP social group, finally took down the Oshawott post theme and replaced it with a Twilight Sparkle theme (that was her favorite pony at the time before Rarity), and as the days go by, she got deeper into the fandom. Even though she took a break from time to time, she still appreciates the fact that friendship is always magic.
If she hadn't known about ponies, she would still be the person she was before.
The end!

tl;dr: best friend got into ponies, online friend linked me to first episode, "holy crap I love this show". I was miserable and a pessimist back then and now I think ponies are awesome. tongue.png



Edited by Starflower
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I became a brony because my sister made a post on facebook about how the show isn't really all that interesting...so I watched the first two episodes and didn't really like it...then I watched more and I fell in love with it.

I became a brony at the beginning of last year (2012)

I are 16

I make music but I suck at it...so I guess I am just a normal fan.

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I became a brony somewhere in very late october of 2011, or the same date I joined the forums.

The 2 masters of mine mentioned that they'd be going to another website (here) after having some issues with an old-old forum back in the day. They mentioned something about mlp, so I decided to watch the show.

Outcome: Happy.

So basically after I became a brony, I joined here. Now I wasnt a full brony at the time since after a month or two I took a 1 1/2 year hiatus from it until I decided to start watching the show again when a little depression hit.

Ever since, ive been here on the forum enjoying everything here. It feels quite nice to get back into something after a loong while of leaving.

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I became a brony on December 7, 2012. A month before that I heard in a school club that someone was a brony, I had no idea what that was, so I searched it, and the entire next month I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I decided that day I would watch an episode to get it out of my system, watched the first two episodes. 19 days later I watched up to apple family reunion.

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I became a brony at the end of 2012. I heard about the show before but was to close minded to watch it. Bored one day, i decided to check it out. Been a brony ever since. kinda. I try to contribute Art and Fan Fictions but i am horrible at it. So horrible in fact, that is funny.

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What Year Did You Become A Brony?

2011 during the summer, July or August.


How Did You Become A Brony ?

Back in the Sonic Stadium Message Board, there were ana bundance of avatars with cute and very well-done character design. Simple, colorful, well-proportioned, and appropriate from a quality standard for all ages, ranging from Rainbow Dash to Luna to Pinkie Pie to Twilight Sparkle to Hell's Angel Bunny. :lol: I read the reviews, and they were all very good, so I decided to try it out, beginning with the pilot. It got me hooked, and I started watching every episode from season one. I became a brony after one to two days, and I've followed it ever since.


Are You A Contributor Or just A Fan?

I'm both. I watch the show and love it because it's good. But I also dabble in other contributions like fanart and fanfic. Yet, what I do most is reviewing episodes and blogging on the brony fandom in general in the form of essay-writing and editorials.


What Age Group Are You?

I'm 25 years old, but will turn 26 soon.


Male Or Female? (Or other)

Male brony.

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