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ITT: We take another personality test.


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Disorder | Rating

Paranoid: Low

Schizoid: Low

Schizotypal: Moderate

Antisocial: Low

Borderline: Moderate

Histrionic: Low

Narcissistic: Low

Avoidant: High

Dependent: Moderate

Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

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Disorder | Rating

Paranoid: Moderate

Schizoid: Moderate

Schizotypal: Moderate

Antisocial: Moderate

Borderline: Low

Histrionic: Low

Narcissistic: Moderate

Avoidant: High

Dependent: High

Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

Edited by Freckle
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Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: High Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

I don't think Iam THAT Avoidant, the rest seems fitting

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Paranoid: High more info | forum Schizoid: Moderate more info | forum Schizotypal: Very High more info | forum Antisocial: Moderate more info | forum Borderline: Low more info | forum Histrionic: High more info | forum Narcissistic: Moderate more info | forum Avoidant: High more info | forum Dependent: Moderate more info | forum Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate more info | forum
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Paranoid: Low

Schizoid: Moderate

Schizotypal: Moderate

Antisocial: Low

Borderline: Low

Histrionic: Moderate

Narcissistic: Low

Avoidant: Moderate

Dependent: Low

Obsessive-Compulsive: Low


Hmm, didn't think Histrionic would be anything other than low. Other than that it seems about right.

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Disorder Rating Information Paranoid: Low more info | forum Schizoid: Low more info | forum Schizotypal: High more info | forum Antisocial: Low more info | forum Borderline: Low more info | forum Histrionic: Low more info | forum Narcissistic: Low more info | forum Avoidant: Low more info | forum Dependent: Low more info | forum Obsessive-Compulsive: Low more info | forum


I'm not really anything. Not sure if that's good or bad.

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Disorder Rating Information Paranoid: High more info | forum Schizoid: High more info | forum Schizotypal: High more info | forum Antisocial: Moderate more info | forum Borderline: Moderate more info | forum Histrionic: Low more info | forum Narcissistic: Moderate more info | forum Avoidant: Moderate more info | forum Dependent: Moderate more info | forum Obsessive-Compulsive: High more info | forum


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Disorder Rating Information Paranoid: Low more info | forum Schizoid: Low more info | forum Schizotypal: High more info | forum Antisocial: Moderate more info | forum Borderline: Low more info | forum Histrionic: Very High more info | forum Narcissistic: High more info | forum Avoidant: Moderate more info | forum Dependent: Low more info | forum Obsessive-Compulsive: Low more info | forum
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I do not like this test at all. The use of simple yes/no answers makes each question extremely difficult to answer appropriately, because it lacks the followup to explain WHY you answered in the direction, nor does it cover how often you might feel that way. For example, take the question "When you are talking to someone, do they sometimes have difficulty following your train of thought?" This question is difficult to answer because it doesn't give context. Talking to someone online can often be different from speaking to them in person, and thus the context would change my answer, meaning that my answer to this question may not be an accurate reflection of the circumstances.


However, that said, I did go through and answer, and here were the results:post-1234-0-39326800-1328153196_thumb.png

Edited by Kyronea
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I've taken this test long ago. But I guess maybe things have changed...

My results:

Disorder | Rating

Paranoid: High

Schizoid: Very High

Schizotypal: High

Antisocial: High

Borderline:Very High

Histrionic: High

Narcissistic: High

Avoidant: Very High

Dependent: High

Obsessive-Compulsive: High

Nope. Still crazy

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This test was wayyy to black-and white. I feel like I cold have answered "somewhat" for a lot of them, if only they had given me the option. The only correct thing on here is Avoidant, which should probably actually be high. I could have figured the rest out for myself -_-


Disorder Rating Information Paranoid: Low more info | forum Schizoid: Low more info | forum Schizotypal: Low more info | forum Antisocial: Low more info | forum Borderline: Low more info | forum Histrionic: Moderate more info | forum Narcissistic: Moderate more info | forum Avoidant: Moderate more info | forum Dependent: Low more info | forum Obsessive-Compulsive: Low more info | forum

Edited by Aureity
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Disorder | Rating

Paranoid: Moderate

Schizoid: Low

Schizotypal: Low

Antisocial: Low

Borderline: Very High

Histrionic: High

Narcissistic: Low

Avoidant: Moderate

Dependent: High

Obsessive-Compulsive: High


I don't know... Histrionic is probably quite accurate. Or at least it used to be. I used to be a real attention-seeker, but I like to think I have moved away from those days. Dependent does accurately describe me, but I'm only that way because of certain happenings in my life.


Borderline? I don't know... Doesn't sound like me. I'm not an angry person. I don't think in black and white, and I'm very peaceful in a relationship. Probably too much so. D: But I do have a poor self-image and mood instability. While I have not ever directly harmed myself, I have not taken very good care of myself at certain points, and with not so positive intentions.

Edited by Envy
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Paranoid High-----------Sounds about right.

Schizoid Moderate-------Er, don't know what that is, to lazy to google.

Antisocial Low----------I think I'm pretty antisocial.

Borderline Moderate-----See schizoid

Histronic High----------See schizoid and borderline

Narcissitic Moderate----I don't know alot of words...

Avoidant Very High------I honestly think I'm higher than that.

Dependent Moderate------See Paranoid

Obsessive Compulsive High---That makes 5 things I don't know.

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I feel okay about my results...but there should have been a "between" button, it would have been more accurate.



Disorder: Rating

Paranoid: Low

Schizoid: Low

Schizotypal: Moderate

Antisocial: Low

Borderline: Low

Histrionic: Moderate

Narcissistic: Low

Avoidant: Low

Dependent: Moderate

Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

Edited by PinkieDaShy
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Disorder | Rating

Paranoid: Low

Schizoid: Moderate

Schizotypal: Moderate

Antisocial: Low

Borderline: Low

Histrionic: Low

Narcissistic: Moderate

Avoidant: Low

Dependent: Low

Obsessive-Compulsive: High

URL of the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv

URL for more info: http://www.4degreez.com/disorder/index.html


Well, i was kinda expecting some of this, i already know i suffer from asperger sindrome and OCD and i got surpriced i got this results, i was expecting some things a little bit higher (obsessive-compulsive was just as i expected, i HAVE problems but i know it and probably i will have to live all my life with some of them) i think the treatment and the medication i took for like 1 year really helped out, if i had done this 1 year before, im shure it would be very diferent. i wanst expecting Narcissistic, i am not the guy that loves himself, i am self confident but i don't love myself THAT much :P

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Paranoid: Low

Schizoid: Moderate

Schizotypal: Moderate

Antisocial: Low (okay, this thing is broken)

Borderline: Low

Histrionic: High

Narcissistic: Moderate

Avoidant: High

Dependent: High

Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

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