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Why does Luna get most of the love while Celestia doesn't?

Lewis the Brony

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I think that Luna gets most of the love is because she has more of a misunderstood or questioned that a lot of people can relate to in real life. Also Celestia got more hated due to the memes people around the world been making Molestia,Trollestia, ext. It's the same reason why Rainbow Dash is so popular, because a lot of people could relate to that specific character and would like to follow in their footsteps or see how they encounter similar problems. Luna is also a not-show character in the series, Luna is barely seen except for that one episode "Lunar Eclipsed" which is Nightmare Night. Luna's catchphrase is also "The fun has been doubled!" increased the popularity. So to put this all in a simple matter, Luna gets more attention/love because a lot of people can relate to her. sleep.png


Signature made by me.



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I think Luna gets most of the love because, at first she felt misunderstood and now later on we finally understand her. Even if she is still socially awkward and very adorable.


But, when it comes to Celestia being the royal monarchy ruler of Equestria and a very generous pony unless you get on her bad side. It is something that we might not understand. But when they change Luna's design in Season 4, we might see a huge uprise in changes for Luna's fans and Celestia's fans.

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I agree with those saying Luna has more freedom in her actions and such so it makes her more relatable ,while Celestia really stays in her role.I really liked Celestia's ballad, I thought that was a nice moment for her character.


Personally I'm a Princess Pony fan and I love all three of the original Princesses. ( I like Twilight too) 

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I kinda like Luna more for her personality and design, not to mention her flaws. Although Celestia does have her good moments....


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Well, Since everyone is sympathized with Luna because she was banished to the moon for 1000 years! blink.png

and Luna seems to be more cuter and more tomboyish a lot of people love tomboyish girls here.

Well, i think that it is all the reasons i know :P

'ey b0ss

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I really want to like Celestia more. In that last episode I did gain some more respect for her. Now if they only keep that aspect going, I will like her a lot more.

Edited by Argumedies
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I just find Luna more likable. I also love her character design. Not to mention the ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE!!!!!!!!! Celestia is cool and all but Luna is just better.

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  • 3 months later...

People are surprised I like Celestia the most but let me tell you why. 1000 years ago she had to lock up her Little sister for what was 1000 years and if you have a brother or a sister that you love. You know how hard that must of been and during this time, she had to rule the night and day. she must of got little rest as it was a full time job. She had to answer her subjects in day and watch over there dreams at night. With also baring the hate from Luna prospectors for doing what she did and not finding a way to help her. All that added to the pain she was already feeling of loneliness and sadness over what she HAD to do. I am glad this story had a Semi-happy ending but if you notice.  Celestia is still lonely even though she has her little sister, they do not see each other much as Celestia sleeps through the night and Luna through the day… Another point to make Remember Season 3 final? She was watching Twilight which made me wonder why she needed letters if she had it in almost pure visible Memories. Maybe Celestia is still lonely maybe she wants a good friend. As the show stats “Friendship is magic". but in the wedding she was defeated by one colts love. When Celestia should of had her love from all of her subjects and so called friends. To me it didn’t make much sense but what I am saying is I feel that Celestia has a deep story, one I want to come to light one day.

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Luna wins because she is the most adorable, attractive thing ever and Celestia is not.


That is not what I meant to say.  Well, it is, but not worded like that.  Wording goes as such:
Luna is awesome.  She is loved because she has more "Look at how cute I am as I frolic through my 1000 years of innocence!" moments to Celestia's 0 of those moments.  And I do agree with you about the Solar Empire VS. The New Lunar Republic thing.  I mean, for Celestia's sake, they haven't seen each other for a thousand years, and both of them love each other more than an American loves bacon, and that goes for a lot.  Why would they possibly be fighting for control over Equestria?  WHERE IS THE LOGIC IN THAT, SPOCK.  Although I do enjoy picturing and placing myself in that situation a lot of the time, in the middle of a war between the two armies, and I am like a high-ranking officer or something, the leader (Luna)'s right-hoof pony.  That's just because I've never daydreamed about war before, or battle, it's mainly D'aww moments in my head, so if I'm going to put myself in a fight scene in my head, than it would be fighting ponies, with ponies, for best pony, in pony world, as pony.


"May the Force be ever in your favor, Mr. Potter" ~ Gandalf the Grey

This is my OC with the unoriginal, therefore original name,

John Smith

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Well its probably got to due with many factors.


I think one of the main ones is actually because Luna has got her own episode, where as Celestia hasn't. Sure she shows in the end of episodes and randomly in the show, but she hasn't been highly developed.


Thats not to say she doesn't have any character, but she is a bit lacking when it comes to being developed I think. Mostly due to her lacking her own episode.


Shes also normally doing Royal business or something, while Luna has actually participated in regular life for a little kinda.


Some people misunderstand the consequences and whole sending to the moon thing, so some people may dislike her for that, even if she didn't really have much of a choice in a way.


Some people just prefer Luna's Color scheme, or find her character more relatable.


However I wouldn't say shes the most hated character or something. Theres plenty of fans of hers, if I'd to say the most hated character is probably Blueblood. :P.


Like I said before though, i think a big factor is due to her lacking her own episode yet. Maybe she also comes off as "Mary sue" to some, even if I don't personally think of her as quite that.


I personally don't bother myself to much with who likes who overall, i like the characters I like, doesn't matter to me if people don't like them as much as I do or something :P, besides everyone has different opinions, which makes things more interesting then if we all thought the same.


Excuse my rambling by the way.

I agree with most excluding 'she didn't have a choice'. The two sisters were both too caught up to telleach other anything Celestia didn't NEED to send her away, she chose to because she was far too late to reason. Celestia 'tried' reasoning, but she didn't put forth effort to help Luna when she felt in the shadows. I see no evidence that she really tried to reason and solve the problem Luna had until she broke. Luna didn't tell her sister until her sister finally understood and she held onto the belief. Its quite possible that Celestia honestly didn't know, but Ithink she simply never thought of it due to her regin being first. Basically, both were at fault and could have easily avoided the 1,000 years of that thing, but didn't.




LUNA=Best Princess


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You see Celestia represents the form of tyrancy and capitalism, two of the worst things there are. Luna on the hand is a symbol for revolution and order as she opposed her sister to bring upon a new world order.

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Personally, I like them both. I don't know why Celestia is hated so much. She isn't that bad. Sure she's kind of a mary sue, but whose to say Luna isn't one too? All of the princesses seem a tad generic, or boring to me, with the exception of Twilight. Celestia is kind of boring, Luna is cool looking but she rarely speaks, and Cadence could use use character development. 


In the end, I like 'em equally. Luna seems overrated, and Celestia seems to get too much hate though. 


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Honestly, I don't hate any of the princesses. I just like/love/adore Princess Luna more because of her adorable yet stern demeanor that is portrayed in the show.

Also, she has the best color scheme of all the ponies in the show IMO.


And yes, I would say in most cases, the memes of Celestia's other "personalities" are probably ruining her image a bit


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I don't know why others don't like Celestia as much as Luna, but my reason is that she is just a cooler princess.  I mean Celestia is like a mother figure, and for some reason I don't like that as much.  Luna seems to have flaws that are really pointed out.


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I don't actually know.......

To me both of them are equal, so I don't really care one way or the other about them.

If someone is completely into the show.. I guess they could feel sorry for Luna since she was banished to the moon for so long and then she is no longer evil?

Ehh my wording is horrible....


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  • 3 months later...

Okie Dokie Loki! Here are my reasons for liking Luna more then Celestia!


1.When Twilight and her friends used the Elements against Nightmare Moon they had little to no idea how to use them so they must have used they're default settings. But when Celestia used them against her she banished her to the moon for 1000 years(And that in itself seems kinda harsh) which means she must have had a concuss thought to banish her to the moon.


2.Celestia does not make friends with the 'common' pony. One may argue that she tries but I think she doesn't try hard enough. See, the ponies are afraid of her and she doesn't do much to make them less afraid. But the ponies are even more afraid of Luna and what does she do? She tries even harder to befriend them. And she succeeds.


3.To me, Luna had a pretty valid reason to be upset. I mean pretend you have a older sister who everyone likes, and you're in her shadow even though you are just as good, and nice and beautiful and some may even argue better(I will explain that in number 4). But Every one ignores you. How would you feel? Pretty upset right?


4. The night. I just like the night better then the day. I mean the day sky is kinda boring. What is there? A sun that burns your eyes if you try to look at it? A bunch of fluffy clouds? A plain old boring light blue sky? And then there is the night. Which has thousands of beautiful shining stars and some planets. A moon that you can gaze upon without fear of eye damage. You can't see auroras during the day. You get sun burned during the day. A grey cloud during the day is ugly but at night with the moon it's beautiful. The only thing the sun is good for when it comes to navigation is telling you which way is East, West, North, and South. But pretend you wake up in the middle of the day is the sun gonna help you if you don't know whether it's AM or PM? Nope. But the stars are consent and have helped sailors navigate for centuries, and the north star never moves.


5.Luna watches over dreams so if somepony has a nightmare she can help console them. Can Celestia do that? I think not!


6. What happens to the moon when Luna is banished? Celestia takes over, which meas that Luna was never really needed, that she was useless, that her special talent had no meaning. Kinda like Flutters during the Grand Galloping Gala, but no one made to big a deal out of that except some gossip. I mean their situations where pretty much the same. Their special talents were useless and ignored but when Luna takes a stand she's banished to the moon. When Flutters takes a stand she causes some gossip and chaos but no long standing effects, not even a bill!(I love Fluttershy don't misunderstand me)


7. Celestia traps Dicord in stone but what is he set free by...Three arguing fillies...Seriously Celestia? Really?


8.Celestia traps nightmare moon in the moon for 1000 years. She's your sister Celestia! You couldn't trap her for 100? Her hatred probably grew even more during those years! And when she is released is there any effect? No, there is no effect. So why couldn't she be banished for 100 years? Surely there would be other ponies to bear the Elements of Harmony! 


9. Where was Celestia during the Summer Sun Celebration!? Did Nightmare Moon imprison her? But then why did she just walk in at the end of part 2? Was she just sitting on her plot letting Twilight and her friends take care of it? Also why did she send Twilight and her friends to defeat the dragon in dragonshy? They almost died! And they would have had Flutters not given the stare! I mean she is one of the most powerful ponies in existence she couldn't flown over and done it!?


And those are my opinions! Sorry if you don't like them! Also sorry for the wall of text!

Oh! And also! I don't hate Celestia and I don't think the sun is useless or anything! I just prefer and like Luna better. Also, I haven't really seen any of the Celestia memes so those haven't influenced and opinion.

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  • 7 months later...

I think Luna is more popular because she has a very interesting past and was a former villain like Discord (he seems very popular). Celestia is so genuinely good that she can be a little boring and viewed as one of those flawless characters that has never made a mistake. This may be why. It's just a suspicion.

- "Um... I was just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?"


:fluttershy:Fluttershy is Best Pony! :kindness: 



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I love Celestia. She is one of my favorite characters. Her personality and wisdom I admire and I love just how much of an "older" person she represents. Like a Nanny or something similar. I love Luna as well but I think I like Celestia a bit more.

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I think Luna is more popular because she has a very interesting past and was a former villain like Discord (he seems very popular). Celestia is so genuinely good that she can be a little boring and viewed as one of those flawless characters that has never made a mistake. This may be why. It's just a suspicion.

I agree, this is what I suspect too. Also, Celestia seems a bit motherish and teacherish. Whereas Luna is dark and mysterious. And people like dark and mysterious things. And not so much motherish and teacherish things (I know those aren't real words). So therefore a lot of people like Luna.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

For some celestia just seems too "perfect". But guess what, she was young once too, im sure, if we look back, we'll see a celestia we've never seen before. Chaotic, emotional, unconfident. But as she lived over a long time she became much more confident, and relaxed. Just to have that said.



Secondly, if feel like i've been overlooking such an important detail.

I always liked luna because she had her struggles every teenager has. Lonelyness, depression, jealously, that kinda stuff. So it wasn't too hard to relate to her.

But now, i feel like everything has been switched. Now Luna is loved by everyone because of that, and who cares about celestia? Isn't she the one who needs the love and is lonely? As a person of course, not as princess. As princess she is "loved" out of respect and all that.


The most struggles gave me this picture:





It really got me thinking, is celestia really so perfect as we think?

Oh, and some intense feels.

Edited by FizzyGreen

"You are right Starlight, you are more talented in magic than me. But talent doesn't mean, that you are privileged to have more power. It's the heart! All you need, to have power, is a heart!"

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