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What episode(s) do you think are underrated?

Pony Of The Month

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Ghostface, I love Rarity just as much as you, but RTM is considered by many here to be one of the best episodes of the season, if not the best. And the entire reason why there was no banner is because the website went kaput that weekend.

dammit, hawkflame, I do what I want :P


I think it's underrated simply because of how badass it is.


(I'm also a bit surprised people are more upset I put that up there rather than how I slammed a whole fanbase in the MMDW one. I thought people would get pissy about that one :D)


I feel compelled to provide an actual reason.


Now, I feel that this episode is objectively and subjectively the best of the series. Now, of course, it received high amounts of praise, but I also see people say Pinkie Apple Pie and Pinkie Pride were better, which, is bullshit, hence, underrated.

Edited by ghostfacekiller39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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"A Friend in Deed" was rather underrated, probably because Pinkie Pie seemed a little annoying.


I agree about "Magical Mystery Cure". I'm not against Twilicorn, but she did get a lot of hate. Also, the episode was much too rushed. The only episode to successfully get more than five songs in it was probably "Pinkie Pride". Don't get me wrong, I loved the songs in "Magical Mystery Cure", but there were a bit too many.

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Applebuck Season, Family Appreciation Day, Over a Barrel, The Last Roundup, Games Ponies Play, Castle Mane-ia, and Daring Don't were all good in my opinion, but they often get forgotten about or get criticism for their concepts alone.

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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Quite a few actually:


Griffon the Brush Off: I've noticed that opinions on this episode tend to be centred around Gilda - if you don't like Gilda, you'll despise the episode; if you are at least neutral toward Gilda then you'll love it. I for one don't mind and even kind of like Gilda. Sure, she's a bully and an arse, however I find her to be quite a fleshed out arse if you read between the lines a bit... gee, that didn't come out right did it?


Boast Busters: Okay, this'll require some explanation. Where I live, we have an urban legend of a certain lady called Trixie who gives... erm... certain favours  :comeatus: . So when a character introduces herself as 'The Great and Powerful Trixie', performs a variety of 'tricks', ties people up, puts others in stupid clothes and has two guys pull her on a chariot whilst she whips them how can you not expect me to laugh myself silly the whole time? Also, I actually found the flea market line hilarious.


Magical Mystery Cure: I get how some could see this as rushed... but the pacing worked for me and hit all the right notes. This is actually the only episode of MLP that nearly made me well... :(  a little.

Castle-Mania: It was a Scooby Doo esque romp where not a lot happened plot wise. That doesn't mean it wasn't entertaining from start to finish.


Daring Don't: I don't mind Daring being real and I liked that we had a more action-orientated episode. Also really enjoyed the whole 'battle of the nerds' thing.

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Short of her personal Fandom (we like to be called the most fabulous mlp fans!), I would have to say any episode that is a "Rarity Episode".


Hooves down, she is thee most disliked or at very least under appreciated mare of the mane 6. (Honestly, I do not see why. Perhaps its just modern society :shrug:)


In my personal ring of Bronys, we talked about this last Saturday after the episode Pinkies Pride (mind you this was after hours of geeking out over the possibility of a new Weird Al album after this recent return to the mane stage, lol, of pop culture). And the five of us came up with an interesting theory. Me being the big Ra-Ra fan of the group was quick to defend her, but I still listend when this theory came to light.


To Quote...badly,


"The reality is, todays girl/young women is shoe horned from birth to not be -what some man wants you to be-. This is all fine and good, and a great step in the right direction here in the States since many countrys still treat women as objects and really there are few such as our home that have them in such positions of power as Soldier or Doctor. But lets think back to what makes a women a women besides the gooey parts when compared to a man. Women are faster on the gun when it comes to thought process and clearly have eyes for detail a man could never know. (He went on to tell us about how his wife to be had a stroak when she found out he only had one set of bed sheets and set of bathroom towels and didn't see anything wrong with that) Women, at least in my opinion are the corner stone of our society, they cover the edges of everything a man tends to splatter about and is there to direct the next attempt. Rarity seems to be this embodiment of femine thought process. She is detailed and always eager to attempt anything some pony else may need. But as we all know (we are also a D&d ring, so lots of Rping lol) a good created character with perks such as the ability to just FIND gemstones, or have the IQ to create a detailed blueprint in a heartbeat for a new design, needs flaws. And the more flaws, the better. She as a character has the most obvious flaws of the mane 6, they are on her sleeve all the time and really she had made them strengths long before the other girls have begun too. This alone causes young women to put there noses up due to society telling them that they should be more then able to do there place in society as well as a mans. Rarity lingers in the place of true femine glory and this just grinds hard on a "juicy pant" wearing youth, the thought of a dress or even worrying about looking good for a simple walk around town is beyond them. She is a throw back, a call back, a reaching for another time in female society. She mingles well with the other remane 5 who are also shout outs to stereotypes of femine orders. The Tomboy, the Worker/house wife, the delicate lilly, the chip on the shoulder student, and more modern times the girl who just wants fun. They didn't create Rarity to be a target or a relief to the other mane 6s flaws, in fact they created her to give a buffer, a gateway to other standards and practices. Notice she has a younger Sister who adores her, much like AJ, these two where pegged from the start to TRY and express, at least by the writters, that these are pinnacles of female society."


As I said, I quoted my brother in hooves, badly, but this is what I recall the most about his rant. The guy has a lot of good points, most are beyond me but hey, he went to school for psychology so he must know something.


ANYWAYS, back to the topic.


I firmly believe, Rarity takes Mane-Hattan. Is the current most dishonored episode. Many dislike it due to its slow pace, others hate it for its plot holes, and even others seem to just eye roll over a Rarity Episode in general. That being said, I really enjoyed this episode. 

  • Brohoof 2

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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I really loved Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.


The towns amusing obsession with cider, the rumor that it's alcholic, Flim and Flam being a montage to "The Music Man" along with their kickass song. Lot of crazy fun.


I also like that Applejack remembered her lesson from Applebuck Season and wasn't afriad to ask her friends for help. I also like that even though they won, Flim and Flam got driven out of town as a result of their cheap methods.



And for all you guys who wonder about why people don't like Mare-Do-Well, it's not Rainbow Dash that most people critisize, it's the other girls. Instead of doing something logical like having an intervention for Rainbow, they create this persona and repeatedly humiliate her in front of the public. Kind of a messed up way to "help" her.


I LOVE the Music Man!!!! I got the reference right away to the Trouble in River City song from the play! I love that episode and yes it is underrated.

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The reality is, todays girl/young women is shoe horned from birth to not be -what some man wants you to be-.

This alone causes young women to put there noses up due to society telling them that they should be more then able to do there place in society as well as a mans. Rarity lingers in the place of true femine glory and this just grinds hard on a "juicy pant" wearing youth, the thought of a dress or even worrying about looking good for a simple walk around town is beyond them. She is a throw back, a call back, a reaching for another time in female society.


Rarity doesn't "fulfill her place in society". Not even that; she's defied it the most out of any of her friends.


Rarity isn't rich. She was born in a low class family in some forgettable town with a family that doesn't exactly support her interests enthusiastically. Applejack, with her adventure to Manehattenhad more contact with high society than Rarity as a filly! 


Really, the big appeal of Rarity for me is exactly how she's a self-made mare, "not what some man wants her to be", a business owner, an artist. She chose to be a feminine girl who loves dresses and hooficures on her own will and she loves it. Rarity does what she wants with her life. 





Notice she has a younger Sister who adores her, much like AJ, these two where pegged from the start to TRY and express, at least by the writters, that these are pinnacles of female society


Sweetie Belle? Adores Rarity? I mean, a little bit, in the standard big sibling-little sibling dynamic, but there was that whole episode about their conflicts and the two really don't see eye-to-eye. Applejack's little sister loves her because Applejack is a very family focused mare who is absolutely sweet to Applebloom. AJ's brother is just as much a part of her "society" as she is; the whole family is loving towards each other, as we saw in Pinkie Apple Pie


Rainbow Dash has an admiring fan. Is Dash, frequently insecure and rude, our pinnacle of female society? Or is it that Scootaloo wants to be a cool athlete and Rainbow Dash has those traits?



I firmly believe, Rarity takes Mane-Hattan. Is the current most dishonored episode. Many dislike it due to its slow pace, others hate it for its plot holes, and even others seem to just eye roll over a Rarity Episode in general. That being said, I really enjoyed this episode. 


D-whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? What I saw from the fandom was


1. Extreme excitement over finally getting another Rarity episode

2. Everyone rating it as one of the best episodes of the season


Rainbow Falls gets some dislike. The premier gets some dislike. Daring Don't gets some dislike. Three's A Crowd gets some dislike. Heck, even Bats gets some dislike.


But Rarity Takes Manehatten? I don't think so.

  • Brohoof 4

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Hearth's Warming Eve- a lot of people just seem to forget about it... it's definitely one of the best episodes though, imo. Very different from the rest of the series though. :huh:

Daring Don't- a more recent one, seems a lot of people don't like this episode but it's really not that bad, it's an awesome episode actually if you ask me. :P

Apple Family Reunion- one of the best episodes of season 3, I don't see it get hated on really but it doesn't get enough praise either- with some kooky new Apple family characters, an amazing song and lesson, and some of the best symbolism of the show with the shooting stars representing AJ's parents, it's a true gem of an episode to me. :wub:

Magical Mystery Cure- a lot of the community likes to think this is the worst episode ever, but it's not... it should have been longer, sure, but for what it is it's a wonderful musical episode with some nice retrospective on past episodes and a boatload of feels... those feels man, they drive me to love this episode... :(

Dragon Quest- now this episode is always fun for me to watch, one of my all-time favorites. Man does it get bashed a lot though... it's in no doubt the best Spike episode of all time in my mind, though, and nothing's gonna change that. ;)

  • Brohoof 1


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Name nearly every Applejack episode and it is underrated, it is really sad because she has some great ones but despite that she still has the reputation as the "boring one."

Yup, it's a damn shame.


Honestly, certain other ponies have pumped out nothing but shite episodes, imo, but they're all loved because of the pony that tops the bill.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Family Appreciation Day- Everyone seems to forget about this one.  However, I love it.  There's a good amount of world building, and actually gives Granny Smith some character, with her and Applebloom's relationship getting some development.  It also has some really great visuals and music.

Hearth's Warming Eve- This episode tends to be somewhat ignored by the fanbase, while I personally find it a really. really good episode.  It provides a lot of world building, and tells a very interesting tale that fits within the context of the world, and actually does the racism moral properly.

It's About Time- First of all, I am biased as hell.  I can REALLY relate to this episode.  I, like Twilight, tend to worry myself over things in the future.  The moral was really great.  Also, Pinkie was awesome here.  Madame Pinkie was hilarious, and I loved how Pinkie was really trying to help Twi, even if she was oblivious, and immediately tried cheering her up when Twilight realized what she had done after time traveling.  It also kinda teaches two morals, with the subplot of Spike eating ice cream.  Twilight learned not to worry too much about the future, but Spike learned that he shouldn't just act like the future doesn't matter.

The Crystal Empire- Why does this opening get so much hate?  I really don't get it.  Season Three was very much a finale for Twilight's journey from Celestia's antisocial, paranoid student to a leader who understands friendship.  This opener shows this, as she is willing to "disobey" Celestia for the empire, while before she was willing to brainwash ponies so she didn't disappoint her.  Spike also got to actually save the day for once, and it showed just how much Spike loves Twilight when he looked into the door.  That scene, honestly, did what Owl's Well that Ends Well did, so, so much better.  Sombra, while not really doing much, was a true threat.  He planned everything out, wasn't defeated by his own pride, and managed to keep the Crystal Ponies down.  He represented fear and sadness, and used it as his weapon, making sure to haunt the Crystal ponies so they couldn't defeat him with their positive feelings, and used it against Twilight and Spike.  He wasn't another large ham, but a much more "behind the scenes" villain, and I love it.

Just for Sidekicks- I don't get why so many people dislike this one.  Not only is it quite funny, but Spike acts like an asshole who cares more about a cake than the pets his friends trusted him with, and the episode actively punishes him for it.  He also was refusing to even learn the lesson, which also makes his punishment quite justified.  He was bringing a good amount of it on himself, and even after he learned his lesson, he still pretty much deserved what he got at the end.  Plus, Angel in this episode, while a selfish asshole, does seem to actually care about Fluttershy.

Magical Mystery Cure- Yes, this episode was rushed, and should've been a two parter.  That doesn't make it bad.  First, in this strange world where they got their cutie marks in different fashions, they were never able to see who they truly were ("I don't really know anything about animals-Fluttershy).  Meanwhile, the song "A True, True Friend" shows how friends can show each other paths they could not see before, and realize things about themselves, making them truly happy.  The message of that song is really great and sums up the message of the entire show perfectly.  Also, Celestia's Ballad.  Like I said, Season Three was a finale for Twilight's journey, and this episode was a great ending, showing Twilight's growth and understanding as a character.  This song really did show that, and made me very, very proud of Twilight, through a downright beautiful song.  By the end of the episode, I actually was tearing up.  It was just that...amazing.


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I also find It's About Time to be kind of underrated. The biggest complaint of the episode was that Twilight was acting out of character. I feel like her lack of common sense is justified by the fact that she was freaked out, causing her to be stressed, which caused her to lose common sense. I've had this happen to me when I take a test before. Plus there were a lot of funny moments from Spike's dream about Rarity in the beginning and him eating ice cream to Pinkie being a fortune teller.



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  • 2 months later...

"A Dog and Pony Show" needs more love :D

I was just talking about this in the fan club :D It gave us some of the best Rarity moments :wub: Of course, the Rarity episodes that get all of the attention are "Suited for Success," "Rarity Takes Manehattan," and "Sweet & Elite" :D Those ARE better episodes, but I think "A Dog and Pony Show" is one of her best performances in the series :wub:


  • Brohoof 3


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Rainbow Falls isn't half as bad as most people make it out to be.

It's better than "Sonic Rainboom," that's for sure >_>


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Dog and Pony Show- Self reliant Rarity, Manly spike day dream, almost smooching AJ? YES PLEASE!!!! Also one of hte best quotes of all time...Whinning? This is complaining!


Mysterious Mare-Do-Well- Love Bucks McGillicuty and Kicks McGee!


One Bad Apple- Great song, one of the better CMC ones.


Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000- Being that I love the Music Man and that Flim and Flam were based off of Professor Harold Hill, and their song based off of "Trouble," this ones a winner.

  • Brohoof 1
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"A Dog and Pony Show" needs more love :D


I was just talking about this in the fan club :D It gave us some of the best Rarity moments :wub: Of course, the Rarity episodes that get all of the attention are "Suited for Success," "Rarity Takes Manehattan," and "Sweet & Elite" :D Those ARE better episodes, but I think "A Dog and Pony Show" is one of her best performances in the series :wub:


Forgot to mention that one. That was one of my favorite episodes when I first got into the show. I think it's just overshadowed by other episodes around it.

  • Brohoof 1



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