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request shop I'll take requests for drawing OCs...


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So, I'm told by friends that I can draw with some amount of skill, and due to the suggestion of a friend, I am starting up a request thread for drawings of OCs. (preferably OCs, at least.)


Basically, when college classes become the majority of your high school curriculum, the high school classes themselves feel a bit negligible. So, I draw ponies and changelings instead.


Of course, saying ponies and changelings is a bit misleading in my case. it really should be changelings, changelings, changelings, and the occasional pony. So, due to my tendency to look at a pony and see a bug in it's place, I'll be drawing your requested OCs as changelings unless you really don't wan't me to.


Also as a note, I almost never work on drawings outside of my English and Web Tech classes, so please don't expect these to be done quickly, or even in the next few days. I do have work I need to do. 


Then there is the issue of color. I am limited to the five pens and four highliters (plus a pencil) that I have in my backpack. I can get awfully creative with those tools, but chances are high that I won't be able to get the colors of your request spot-on. Especially if one of the colors is red. the closest I can manage is pink unless I find a red pen lying around. 


a few guidelines I will follow when doing this: 

1: I will do the drawings in the order I approve them in, not in the order they are posted in.


2: I will either need a reference picture to draw from, or a full description of the OC, including their personality. (yes, personality does matter. if fact, it would be great if I could have a personality description along with a reference picture. It does change how the drawing turns out.)


3: I reserve the right to ignore outrageous posts asking for something I can't draw. I'm not Da Vinci. please don't request something too complex. I'll probably ask you to lower your expectations and try asking me for something else.


4: If I forget to draw certain features, (horn, wings, etc.) I may or may not go back and fix them. Ink on paper has a tendency not to erase.


and I will make a list here of requests I have approved. It won't get any longer than 6, and I'll remove names as I complete them.


1. XC Brony

2. MyShiningArmor

3. MyLittlePonyTales

4. Oireann

5. Lunar Red



finished drawings : (look through the thread to find the pictures)

Cobal Crescent

BroWhoovian test subject

Butter Bean


a few samples of my work thus far:


my OC Gale, in her dress for the Grand Galloping Gala



my first OC, Trace Echo



the third version of my first character, glacialchill.

perhaps not my best drawing, but it sure helped improve my mood when I drew this.


I'd upload some better pictures, but MLPforums seems to frown upon certain file extensions. So... I'll put more up when I happen to convert them.

Edited by glacialchill

I'll draw you as a changeling... http://mlpforums.com/topic/57546-ill-take-requests-for-drawing-ocs/

or my friend will make you a web app. http://mlpforums.com...y-apps-anypony/


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draw my OC?  YES!! FINALLY!  I actually get to see what I look like as a pony!  I don't have a reference picture, but I can provide a detailed(ish) description since writing is my forte.  Well, I am a Pegasus.  AI have a blue coat and a green mane, with the flat-ended snout-mouth thing and my eyes are blue as well.  I am random, or spontaneous, or whatever you want to call it, and I am also crazy.  Otherwise, I am funny and enjoy being so, and I also like reading, and writing even more so.  My cutie mark will have a stick of celery overtop a book with the number 42 on it's cover and will look somewhat like the picture below... except much, much better, so people know it's a book.  And celery.  Thank you in advance, and let me say that the drawings I observed up there were amazing!  Of course, I draw horribly, so... I doubt I would know.  But still, good work!




"May the Force be ever in your favor, Mr. Potter" ~ Gandalf the Grey

This is my OC with the unoriginal, therefore original name,

John Smith

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a book with 42 on it, hm? that wouldn't happen to be a hitch-hiker's guide, would it? 


Either way, it doesn't matter. I'll take the request and draw you a pegasus, considering it will be first picture you have. XD 

I'll draw you as a changeling... http://mlpforums.com/topic/57546-ill-take-requests-for-drawing-ocs/

or my friend will make you a web app. http://mlpforums.com...y-apps-anypony/


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I have two OCs who i would be forever greatful to see

drawn like this! Not of lions of course, still ponies, but

in these poses.

They are a mare and a stallion named NightShade and

Crimson Flame. The pose for the mare is a bit odd but

its a concept out of my fanfiction. If you could make

the faded half of the mares face just a tad more visible

it would be AMAZING! And if you cant, perhaps just a

front leg visible and a full body view on the water. Id

also love to see them together like in the bottom pic

too but im kindof moving houses atm and cant afford

anything thats not free.

Also- the stallion looks just like Shining Armor. His

eyes are not that big! And they are also BLUE, not

gold. thank you! :D






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Oooh can i get one? my OC is named Rocket Blast, he is a runner and is friendly and likes to have fun. he can have some issues wit confidnce and can have bad cases of tunnel vision. a pose i would like is just of him in mid run.


here is a picture of him. i hope he gets accepted! also his eyes are blue if you want to draw him without glasses



Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


SIgnature by Reverie


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apparently commas and brackets are illegal to use in posts. So I'll be posting this without commas or mentions. sorry...


Butter Bean hm... I think I'll have fun turning you into a changeling. I've drawn adowable little hatchlings before and I'll do my best to make her look just as good. 


MyShiningArmor I'm temped to just say that's out of my league try again. but you know what? I'll give it my best. Also unless you specify that you want them to be ponies you will get a picture of two changelings... I'll just give you the chance to specify before I add you to the list.


XC Brony looks good! this will be my first drawing of a pony in motion but I'll see what I can do for ya!

I'll draw you as a changeling... http://mlpforums.com/topic/57546-ill-take-requests-for-drawing-ocs/

or my friend will make you a web app. http://mlpforums.com...y-apps-anypony/


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Well, this seems like a good thing to put into. I'll enter. If you can put them standing side by side, thatd be great.


This ones semi-antisocial, a bit grimy at times. He is a blacksmith, after all.


This one is very social, friend of the first one.

Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper.

I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. 

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apparently commas and brackets are illegal to use in posts. So I'll be posting this without commas or mentions. sorry...


Butter Bean hm... I think I'll have fun turning you into a changeling. I've drawn adowable little hatchlings before and I'll do my best to make her look just as good. 


MyShiningArmor I'm temped to just say that's out of my league try again. but you know what? I'll give it my best. Also unless you specify that you want them to be ponies you will get a picture of two changelings... I'll just give you the chance to specify before I add you to the list."


They are ponies. :D

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Ah, sweet! Okay, I shall give you the choice... You can draw Tales as a Changeling, or you can draw my Changeling OC, Shadow. It's up to you! I would prefer the Changeling, really, but I see that you didn't just want people to post Changelings.



"Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there."

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Ah, sweet! Okay, I shall give you the choice... You can draw Tales as a Changeling, or you can draw my Changeling OC, Shadow. It's up to you! I would prefer the Changeling, really, but I see that you didn't just want people to post Changelings.

Can you draw http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lunar-red-r3104 as a Changeling? Please!! I would be very greatful if you do so. He's my newest (and only) OC.

EPRBoM Official Threads




P.S Want an avatar like mine, send me a pic of anypony in a PM and I will make an awesome avatar for you!

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So, I'm told by friends that I can draw with some amount of skill, and due to the suggestion of a friend, I am starting up a request thread for drawings of OCs. (preferably OCs, at least.)


Basically, when college classes become the majority of your high school curriculum, the high school classes themselves feel a bit negligible. So, I draw ponies and changelings instead.


Of course, saying ponies and changelings is a bit misleading in my case. it really should be changelings, changelings, changelings, and the occasional pony. So, due to my tendency to look at a pony and see a bug in it's place, I'll be drawing your requested OCs as changelings unless you really don't wan't me to.


Also as a note, I almost never work on drawings outside of my English and Web Tech classes, so please don't expect these to be done quickly, or even in the next few days. I do have work I need to do. 


Then there is the issue of color. I am limited to the five pens and four highliters (plus a pencil) that I have in my backpack. I can get awfully creative with those tools, but chances are high that I won't be able to get the colors of your request spot-on. Especially if one of the colors is red. the closest I can manage is pink unless I find a red pen lying around. 


a few guidelines I will follow when doing this: 

1: I will do the drawings in the order I approve them in, not in the order they are posted in.


2: I will either need a reference picture to draw from, or a full description of the OC, including their personality. (yes, personality does matter. if fact, it would be great if I could have a personality description along with a reference picture. It does change how the drawing turns out.)


3: I reserve the right to ignore outrageous posts asking for something I can't draw. I'm not Da Vinci. please don't request something too complex. I'll probably ask you to lower your expectations and try asking me for something else.


4: If I forget to draw certain features, (horn, wings, etc.) I may or may not go back and fix them. Ink on paper has a tendency not to erase.


and I will make a list here of requests I have approved. It won't get any longer than 6.


1. BroWhovian

2. Butterbean

3. XC Brony





a few samples of my work thus far:


my OC Gale, in her dress for the Grand Galloping Gala



my first OC, Trace Echo


I'd upload some better pictures, but MLPforums seems to frown upon certain file extensions. So... I'll put more up when I happen to convert them.

Yes! You made a thread. Well not that i got that out of the way thanks for drawing that picture of Cobalt earlier today man. I relly like it. Also ill be more than happy to supply with pencils and what not if i find any around the house. Ill bring them to you at school one day if you would like any specific colors let me know ill c what i can do for ya.

Avatar by Midnight Scribbler

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sorry everyone, I'm trying desperately to post, but I keep getting errors telling me that I need to enter a name between 3 and 11 letters, or that I can't use certain symbols. If anyone knows what's going on, I would appreciate an explanation.


meanwhile, I'll just keep updating the first post as best I can. sad.png


[edit:] Good news! I may have found a way to avoid these weird errors.

@@MyShiningArmor, okay then, ponies it is.


@@MyLittlePonyTales, looks like I'll be drawing shadow, then. funny thing... Her story is almost like an inverted version of Gale's. How interesting... and it reminds me to go back and fix Gale's OC page as well.


@, ok, looks cool. I must ask though: are those mechanical wings?


@, hey, I've finished penciling your drawing. if you want, I'll scan it in and let you see my progress thus far. 


Edited by glacialchill

I'll draw you as a changeling... http://mlpforums.com/topic/57546-ill-take-requests-for-drawing-ocs/

or my friend will make you a web app. http://mlpforums.com...y-apps-anypony/


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Yeah, they're mechanical-ish. Hes a cyborg, (fake backstory following) he was bullied and stuff, so he decided to make himself a cyborg to get them back. The real thing is it just looked neat, so I decided to add those wings instead of regular.

Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper.

I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. 

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I had told my friend @ that I'd draw his OC, and then a mirror image of him as a changeling. Finished that today, and I'll upload it here for others to see as well.


Forgive the slightly sloppy coloring, my blue highlighter has seen better days. I'll be using a new one soon.


Edited by glacialchill

I'll draw you as a changeling... http://mlpforums.com/topic/57546-ill-take-requests-for-drawing-ocs/

or my friend will make you a web app. http://mlpforums.com...y-apps-anypony/


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@Glacialchill: Can you do them digital? If not its fine im jw. Ill be happy wither way. ^_^ youre artwork is really awesome. And part of the worry is that Crimson Flame is kindof a maroonish red. Lol. I camt wait though! :D

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@@MyShiningArmor, well, I could do them digital. But really, I'd rather not/. It takes a lot more time than I'm really willing to spend, and I usually mess up anyway. Good news, though! Cobalt is getting me red pens. So I can do the color for your request!

Edited by glacialchill

I'll draw you as a changeling... http://mlpforums.com/topic/57546-ill-take-requests-for-drawing-ocs/

or my friend will make you a web app. http://mlpforums.com...y-apps-anypony/


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@@MyLittlePonyTales, looks like I'll be drawing shadow, then. funny thing... Her story is almost like an inverted version of Gale's. How interesting... and it reminds me to go back and fix Gale's OC page as well.


Cool, great, thanks! Shadow is actually from a fanfic I was/am writing, but I decided I might want to Roleplay with her so I came up with a bio. Works good for commissions though! Oh, and as for her eyes, you can eye do pupils, or just have them a solid green, like most of the drones in show have solid blue.



"Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there."

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                    Hush hush, Starlights asleep, hush hush, through her telescope she weeps, hush, hush, as she hunts for mars, hush, hush, and head for stars!

                                                  Starlight Request shop My page


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