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Extremist Bronies


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Umm... I don't know where else to say this, so I'll just say it here.


I am an extremist brony. Now I don't mean I have MLP posters and plush toys and dolls or things like that. I mean that I don't just watch MLP, I take in the messages and adopt the lessons that are presented to Twilight and her friends, and use the morals in everyday life.


Brohoof if you think that this is okay, and reply if you feel the same way.



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Well, I wouldn't label that as an "extremist", because an extremist something entirely different.  I would call that a conformist.  So you are a Conformist-Brony.  


EDIT: I don't mean this in the sense of conforming because of oppression or such things.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey
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Not sure I'd call that 'extremist' either but I like to think I've learnt some things from the show and the fandom as well.

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Oh, well...you can't really name it "extremists".


Same with you, I adopt the morals too myself (not fully, but trying). It's not easy because of the "me" before.

^ One of the reasons I watch MLP : Friendship is Magic.


Then, to label myself, I'll just call myself a "brony", which means I'm a brony.

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Umm... I don't know where else to say this, so I'll just say it here.


I am an extremist brony. Now I don't mean I have MLP posters and plush toys and dolls or things like that. I mean that I don't just watch MLP, I take in the messages and adopt the lessons that are presented to Twilight and her friends, and use the morals in everyday life.


Brohoof if you think that this is okay, and reply if you feel the same way.



SugerCube corner is the best place to discuss this since it's Brony talk not in direct relation with the show...for future reference ^_^


And im pretty much the same, I take the values to heart along with some of my own ^_^

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To be honest when I saw this title, I thought by extremist you harassed other people but nervermind.


I think it's great you adapt the morals from the show into everyday life. They are made to positively influence the ponies that learn it and that even includes people.

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I wouldn't really call you an extremist. It's not that far fetched that you take the morals of the show to heart, after all they wouldn't be called lessons if you didn't learn anything.


I think it's good of you to do that. I myself find it rather difficult to find situations to apply these morals, so good luck to you.

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I'm part of a collector's group on another forum, and we recently had one of our more "extremist" members (read: his collection is massive) reveal to us that he was being approached by shows like My Strange Obsession and Taboo. He declined to appear because he knew they'd paint not only himself but the entire collection community as a bunch of freaks.


He's perfectly okay with who he is, as he should be (I'm personally envious of his collection). But he's also quick to point out that he doesn't necessarily represent everyone in that group. It's an important message that a majority of people external to the hobby don't want to be transferred, because it's easier for outsiders to see a group like that as "off". They can then fit it into their ideology about how the world works.


In short, I don't think it matters if you are an "extremist brony" or a "mild-mannered brony" or a "closet brony", or just consider yourself a fan of the show. But the diversity of the fandom is its greatest strength. So, when someone wants to classify me as representative of bronies everywhere, I set `em straight pretty quickly.

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I was coming in expecting this to be yet another doom and gloom the sky is falling argument because of the actions of a few idiots and I am pleased that is not the case. You might want to use a term other than "extremist" though since that has all sorts of negative connotations that I don't really think you are going for here. The messages of the show are good ones so I don't see anything wrong with trying to live up to them, many of us learned these lessons as children but as none of us are perfect a little reminder now and then can help.

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I feel the same way too. I also listen to the lessons and take them in, and I also stock up on pony merch. etc. 


But then again, I don't think either you or me is an extremist brony. We don't shove it down others' throats, we are just rabid fans.

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Extremist Bronies = those who complain about every little factor about the show and send threats to the crew!!!! I mean adults males etc. who are complaining over a cartoon show intended for girls... Yes I have just said my peace. Some of you bronies out there are annoying and bring a really bad name upon the fandom seriously. 


By no means are you extreme I am just sick of hearing all the complaining over a cartoon show.

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I wouldn't really call that being an extremist brony. I'd have to say that, your a brony who follows the lessons from the show that's all. :P

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Extremist Bronies = those who complain about every little factor about the show and send threats to the crew!!!! I mean adults males etc. who are complaining over a cartoon show intended for girls... Yes I have just said my peace. Some of you bronies out there are annoying and bring a really bad name upon the fandom seriously. 


By no means are you extreme I am just sick of hearing all the complaining over a cartoon show.

Hmmm, I agree with this.

There is way too much of that going on, that's the real limit of extremism.  I suppose just showing your love/appreciation for the show in extreme WAYS, doesn't make you extremist.  It's when you start crossing the line of civility.

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Just don't force Ponies upon people like a Nazi Brony.


Nazi Bronies make us all look bad. We need to understand not everyone will like Ponies.

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So...Do you quote from the show as well? Like:

"Honey, I make some muesli, do you want some as well? With oatmeal?"

"Oatmeal? Are you crazy!?"


"That was a quote from MLP, episode-"

"Nevermind, you Extremist Brony, you."

(I couldn't resist *ducks in shame*)

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I wouldn't call you and extremist Brony. Extremists are the ones that go around (usually YouTube comment sections), trying to shove the show down people's throats and calling anyone who dares to resist or doesn't like the show a hater and a sinner and a heretic who should be burned at the stake for their bad taste in cartoons.



Nazi Brony.

This word has now been added to my vocabulary.

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The lessons the show puts out are pretty easily applicable to our world (this is intended for little girls anyway), so making the connection between the obstacles the mane 6 face and the obstacles you have is a pretty cool thing to do imo.

  • Be proud of yourself, but don't let your ego get the best of you
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it
  • Never judge a book by its cover
  • Know that not all people are alike. Some like peace, others excitement.
  • Sometimes, all that someone needs is a second chance



I think the word you're looking for is "normal", which is a feat on its own considering all that's happened.


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I wouldn't call you and extremist Brony. Extremists are the ones that go around (usually YouTube comment sections), trying to shove the show down people's throats and calling anyone who dares to resist or doesn't like the show a hater and a sinner and a heretic who should be burned at the stake for their bad taste in cartoons.



This word has now been added to my vocabulary.


Nah man, extremist bronies strap party bombs to their chests, go into crowded public areas and set them off, like so 




And of course, they do it all for the greater glory of Celestia and Luna above! Now THAT is the definition of an extreme brony!

Edited by Windy Runner
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When I came in here, I thought for sure this was going to be another debate about hating the YouTube haters' comments so everybody could hate the hate while they hated the haters... img-1480179-1-blink.png






...Nah, you're hardly an extremist, man. That's the whole point of the show is to learn lessons in friendship. Appreciating the show for its original intent sounds pretty normal to me. img-1480179-3-smile.png

Edited by Questio and Ashling
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I wouldn't call that extremist, you're just taking the messages from the show and living by them. That's a good thing! There's a lot of good morals taught in MLP, and if you're a better person for following them, great on you!


If that's what it means to be an extremist, then call me an extremist, too! :3

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Thanks everypony! I am so glad that you are there by my side, ready to console and comfort me. I can't believe there has been so many replies, even more than my first Hi I'm new topic! (and trust me, that's saying something)

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I think extremist bronies would be something totally different then what you describe yourself.


Honestly I take the messages and morals of the show to heart when I can, maybe not super strictly, but I do consider them.


I would consider Extremist bronies the type who go around spreading MLP everywhere trying to force everyone to like it, when in reality not everyone will.


And also the ones who send death threats to other bronies(And apparently to staff members) over the show.


I think your fine though, not really what I'd call extremist personally.

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