dash360 102 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 I had another today. My mom ran ito one of her highschool friends, He was in the marines for several years, he asked my mom what that thing was on my keys. She said oh its fluttershy. then throughout the conversation his eyes kept drifting my key chain, i eventualy walked away and sulked inthe sporting goods area. Im sure they had a long chat about it when i was away.......... the awkwardness was unbearable. Im just one hell of a butler. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Avatar tag: shipping 299 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 I had another one last week. I ran an MVA with a drunk driver. It was a rollover but no one was hurt too bad. When I was pulling the driver out of the car, I noticed a RD keychain on her purse. When my partner went to put the bags away, I asked her about it. I thought she would be a brony. Her reply? "What, you mean my daughter's keychain?" Uh oh, luckily she was drunk and probably wouldn't remember it anyway. Sig by the one and only Doc Volt! Gone but not forgotten! Guess who's back!!! Luna damn it!Your PMs are not safe! Trust no one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 (edited) Went to a party last night and got black-out drunk, [The Following Is According TO My Army Buddies] Eventually we wound up at someone's home and continued to drink/ party/ etc... where he has two daughters; 12yo and 8yo, and one of them was watching an episode. I sat down with a bottle of Jack Daniels and started watching, and then one of the girls at the party who was seeing one of my friends joined us and started recording me on her phone...wow (facehoof*) I looked at her laughed, and then I said something along the lines of 'I got an awesome idea!' I stagger into the kitchen, grab some apple juice and pour it in the JD. "Applejack Daniels!!" A few moments later Derpy makes an appearance and I yell, over the music, "Derpy is best pony!!!!" When I woke up this morning, I found all this out... ...Damn, that is just an awesome story. Applejack Daniels...priceless! You most definitely sound like someone I'd like to party with. Oh well. I know another poster, who it was I can't remember, said that their parents questioned why he couldn't be into something normal like drugs. Wow...jeez. I honestly don't know whether to laugh or facehoof at a statement like that. Maybe both...maybe both... Edited June 6, 2013 by Lowline 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 There was one time when I went to school, I was caught wearing a Rainbow Dash t-shirt then the whole class started to laugh at me. The thing was, it wasn't that bad. 1 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 Wow...jeez. I honestly don't know whether to laugh or facehoof at a statement like that. Maybe both...maybe both... Yep, same exact reaction I had to be honest. Parents these days... *Does drugs AND watches ponies* But serious, time to share that embarrassing Brony moment I was talking about... I was in my brother's room at my parent's house, and I was talking to him. My brother and I were sitting in some chairs in the middle of the room; in my lap I had my binder filled with pony card after pony card, and I was just casually sticking some new ones I had bought from Target into the binder while I was chatting about video games with my brother. The door was closed but not locked. Suddenly my mother bursts into the room asking about something, what I don't recall, but I react super fast and tilt the binder toward me, hiding the cards from view; on the floor next to the chair was a lunchbox type tin that some cards had come in, and tried to hide it with my foot. Her face lit up and she asked me why was hiding the binder from her. I just said "Nothing, you just surprised me." But she wasn't buying that; she actually asked if I was showing my brother porn in the binder or something. My brother finally just sighed and told her it was just some trading cards, and she just gave up and left the room. Suffice to say, I was still nervous as heck, as I didn't know what my mother's reaction would be if she saw me sitting there with a binder with hundreds of pony cards in it and a lunchbox with ponies covering it. I mean, to me it's not that big of a deal, and heck, it shouldn't even bother me if my parents know; I never treat me liking the show like it's some huge secret or something I need to hide. But you know... I dunno, they're my parents and it'd be weird I guess. 5 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 I mean, to me it's not that big of a deal, and heck, it shouldn't even bother me if my parents know; I never treat me liking the show like it's some huge secret or something I need to hide. But you know... I dunno, they're my parents and it'd be weird I guess. I have to admit I still kind of get that way myself, even though my family (or at least my dad and little sis) already knows. Whenever I'm watching the show, browsing these forums or looking at pony artwork, I still feel the need to tab over to Facebook or something innocuous every time someone comes into my room. Even though they all know, I still don't want them to "catch me in the act", if that makes any sense. Like you said, it'd just be...well, weird. For this reason, I'm still a little iffy on getting a plushie of any kind, even though I'd really like one. But once these ones finally hit the market, all bets are off. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 I have to admit I still kind of get that way myself, even though my family (or at least my dad and little sis) already knows. Whenever I'm watching the show, browsing these forums or looking at pony artwork, I still feel the need to tab over to Facebook or something innocuous every time someone comes into my room. Even though they all know, I still don't want them to "catch me in the act", if that makes any sense. Like you said, it'd just be...well, weird. For this reason, I'm still a little iffy on getting a plushie of any kind, even though I'd really like one. But once these ones finally hit the market, all bets are off. It's funny, because I don't do that around my friends or brothers, since I really don't care if they know what I'm doing. But yes, definitely around my parents I tab away. I just... it'd just be awkward is all. Not life-breaking awkward, but awkward nonetheless. I'm definitely getting a plushie at some point, when I don't know, but it's going to happen, darn it! 2 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MilBrony 214 June 10, 2013 Author Share June 10, 2013 TRY THIS AT HOME! 1) Go to a public place or area with a large group of people such as say...a battalion-level meeting where all the bigwigs are going to be briefing you on something absolutely pointless to your job. (not like this would EVER happen in the military, right?) lol 2) Whistle the opening bars to My Little Pony 3) wait for someone to finish with the 'aaaaaah Ahhhh AAAAHHH aahhhh' bit... 4) Declare that person 20% cooler yes, this happened! 12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LightsCameraAction 100 June 11, 2013 Share June 11, 2013 Okay there is one idiot brony at my highschool. As you have probably guessed I'm pretty okay with people liking MLP, but this kid bothers everyone with ponies, be they brony or not. Somehow he found out me and some friends of mine were bronies and decides to bother us extra because of it. He walks up in the middle of personal conversations and trying to get a brohoof, tries to force me to sing along to songs from the show, and bothers me nonstop about the show, it is incredibly annoying. This is exactly how one of my friends acts and we all tell him that he is super annoying but he doesn't stop. And I feel bad telling him to go away because he doesn't have any other friends but it gets old quickly. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinyl Scratch (Filly)™ 936 June 11, 2013 Share June 11, 2013 Hoo boy, do I have a story for you guys! Okay, so my entire family was over for a barbecue on Saturday and my brother thought it would be funny to plug his laptop into the widescreen, turn on the surround sound and shout "THIS IS THE SHOW NIALL WATCHES ALL THE TIME!" and played Season 1 Episode 1.... My brother is 24 years old :| 11 My OC's Viola Soulstrings Solar Ray Miles Check out my FIMFiction account ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LightsCameraAction 100 June 11, 2013 Share June 11, 2013 (edited) I looked at her laughed, and then I said something along the lines of 'I got an awesome idea!' I stagger into the kitchen, grab some apple juice and pour it in the JD. "Applejack Daniels!!" This might be the greatest thing I have ever heard someone say while being drunk, we have a pretty big house, so we have huge parties all the time with kegs and stuff like that, I have seen a lot of drunk people. This is still the best. Anyway, story time! So, I was trying to learn the words to the song "Beyond her Tomb" by heart. I was watching a YouTube video with lyrics and I was lip syncing to the song, but I had headphones on really loud. I couldn't hear my 17 year old sister pounding on my door and telling me dinner was ready. So, her and her friend walking in on me rockin' out to Beyond her Tomb. I just looked at them, then back to monitor that they both clearly saw, and slowly tabbed out, took my headphones off and gave her a "you will never speak of this ever, ever again" look. And we walked out of the room. Edited June 11, 2013 by ♫Floating Castle♫ 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheCraftyWhiteFox 371 June 12, 2013 Share June 12, 2013 idk if i have a very good embarrassing brony moment - im a very open brony/pegisister- what ever you want to call it- but if i had choose a moment that was the most- red faced and flashy moment i'd have to say it was one night- i was at walmart with my brother- who is a brony hater- and i dragged him all the way down to the pretty pink isle and showed him all the mlps i wanted and then grabbed a plush pinkie pie and hopped away saying "fun fun fun" on the top of my lungs- past parents and random guys- at one point- i think i told a few frowners to smile - but i look back now an some of those people .... lol im proud of myself- 7 DO things with a passion, or not at all and where ever you go, go with all of your heart! Be soo happy, that when others look at you, they become happy too! 20% Cooler! - Rainbow Dash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lateon 589 June 14, 2013 Share June 14, 2013 So I was looking through the stories in this thread, and I was thinking, "Hmm, I haven't had anything particularly memorable happen to me yet..." Then I remembered this gem. So last semester, about 4 months ago now, I was wearing my RD "this shirt just got 20% cooler" shirt - you know the one. Hideously common. Anyway, one of my friends and I were eating lunch before we had to go to class at 2 PM. This old guy (I'm talking like 50-60, something like that) walks up and says to me, "Cool shirt you're wearing" to which I reply "thanks" while thinking Okay, just roll with it, since this was the first time someone actually commented on my MLP shirts. That's not all. The next thing he says is, "You know, I wish I was that brave when I was your age," and then he walks off. My friends says, "How the hell did that old guy know about ponies?" I reply, after theatrically looking down at the rainbow on my shirt, "I don't think he was talking about ponies, dude..." We then both proceeded to howl with laughter, since I'm straight. I retold this story to my suitemates, and they all concluded that the guy was saying he had the courage to come out of the closet when he was young. I said that was preposterous, and that he was only commenting on the fact that he wished he had the balls to do something as ballsy as coming out of the closet. They all agreed this made more sense, but didn't make it any less funny. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Letter 1,832 June 15, 2013 Share June 15, 2013 Went to a party last night and got black-out drunk, [The Following Is According TO My Army Buddies] Eventually we wound up at somepony's home and continued to drink/ party/ etc... where he has two daughters; 12yo and 8yo, and one of them was watching an episode. I sat down with a bottle of Jack Daniels and started watching, and then one of the fillies at the party who was seeing one of my friends joined us and started recording me on her phone...wow (facehoof*) I looked at her laughed, and then I said something along the lines of 'I got an awesome idea!' I stagger into the kitchen, grab some apple juice and pour it in the JD. "Applejack Daniels!!" A few moments later Derpy makes an appearance and I yell, over the music, "Derpy is best pony!!!!" When I woke up this morning, I found all this out... Applejack Daniels really does sound awesome. I don't think I'm ever going to have an embarrassing moment myself but I never know...my first plushie is coming and I don't think it's going to stay hidden. Silver Letter!!! Silver Letter's MLP collection Have: 946 https://data.mlpmerch.com/checklist/180/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Szmeszek 29 June 17, 2013 Share June 17, 2013 Enbarrassing? Nah, never happened to me... but well, my brother one found a pony figurine on his desk, and that's how Lyra learned how to fly. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Squishy Skies~ 756 June 17, 2013 Share June 17, 2013 Me and my stupid mouth... So yesterday, I had to explain to my mom what a "clopper" is, all because I couldn't stop my speaky hole from spouting diarrhea-words about this freakin' show about talking horses. I'm unmoved by awkward situations most of the time, but this wasn't all that comfortable... 4 Rabbit-Kin ~Paris' Waifu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 June 17, 2013 Share June 17, 2013 Alright, I'm back with some more pony stories of my own! Before I go into them, I have to say, Handman... your story made me laugh so hard tears formed in my eyes! Good on ya, that story was golden. Now then, onto my own... I have two stories, one of them not so embarrassing and one of them very embarrassing. The first one happened about two weeks ago when my brother and I traveled to a hobby shop to pick up some Warhammer 40K miniatures. I know the people who run the place very well since I hang out there all the time, so I was chatting with the clerk while we were checking out. I have my jacket unzipped when he notices a shirt underneath of it. He asks me what it was, and I freeze for a moment, remembering that it's my "Have you Seen this Wizard?" Trixie shirt that they sell at just about every Hot Topic. I then remove my jacket, and he jokingly tells me to put the jacket back on and leave his store. Yeah, this story isn't embarrassing, but I wonder how they'll react knowing I'm a Brony... I already knew a lot of the people who work there aren't really fond of Bronies or My Little Pony, but I know that they get a lot of Bronies as customers. Now for the actually embarrassing one. So yesterday was Father's day, and it started out fairly normal. Except I was wearing that darn Trixie shirt again and wasn't thinking about how curious my family would be. My brothers already know I'm a Brony, but my parents and grandparents don't, and I of course was going to see both of them today. My mother kept asking yesterday morning what it was from, and I just didn't know how to answer that question. I didn't want to lie to her, as I'm just not that kind of guy... but luckily my brother is. He told her it was from Spider Man, and she bought it hook line and sinker. I thought I was in the clear, but later on my youngest brother, who is an off-on Brony, I can't really figure him out, kept saying to my mother "You want to know what that shirt's really from?" but luckily my mother mostly wasn't paying any attention to him. Doesn't end there though. I should've just taken the shirt off, but we went ahead and traveled to my grandparent's house. My grandmother, who has seen the shirt before, had originally thought that it was some kind of cat wizard from Magic: The Gathering, which I do play a lot. But then she and my mother kept asking me what it was from, and I held on to the Spider Man thing, although my grandmother knew that was a crock of pony manure. My grandmother kept asking if it was something dirty or inappropriate and that's why I didn't want to tell... lord, if only she knew it was the opposite of that. Regardless, I made it through the day without spilling the beings, and I changed out of that shirt lickety-split. Lemme tell ya... Father's day was awesome otherwise, but that part was so embarrassing it was ridiculous. On another note... You say you're not easily embarrassed, Keiichi, but explaining what a clopper is to your mother... Awkward. 4 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 June 17, 2013 Share June 17, 2013 Got a couple of mildly embarrassing ones: A few days after I set my new pony figurines on my TV, I was talking to my little sis and offhandedly asked her if she'd been in my room recently. She said no and asked why, and I just kind of cryptically left it at "You'll see soon enough, I guess." That piqued her curiosity I suppose, and not even ten minutes later she came into my room to ask me a question that I’m sure she already knew the answer to, and eventually her eyes settled upon my TV and just kind of froze for a few seconds. She then proceeded to utter “Oh…my…GOD…” (To which I should’ve retorted, “Becky, look at her butt!” Ha.) You’d think she’d be a little less shocked about it, considering how long she’s known about my…broniness. The other one: I drew Twi for D1SC0RD’s thread on drawing ponies a couple nights ago. Because I’d somehow misplaced the connector cable for my printer/scanner a while back, I waited till my parents went to bed so that I could use the scanner that was hooked up to their computer. I successfully scanned it, uploaded it to my Dropbox, deleted the evidence, and trotted on. ...Guess what I saw sitting on the scanner the next morning? And face-up, no less? *facehoof* 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Elusive Cinder 1,328 June 18, 2013 Share June 18, 2013 Not as embarrassing as some of these gems, but here goes: Yesterday I was working on some code for a pony-game I'm writing while my girlfriend is reading: she knows I'm a brony but I don't think she quite understood the scale. Anyway, my desktop background is this awesome picture of Rarity as Tali from mass effect. A week or so back I mentioned that a full - cast picture would be really cool. She looks up and sees the picture (I'm working on the other side of the screen) and says: "You should have a go at drawing some of those, I bet you could." Instinctively, I open ponyscape and freehand draw a pony in about 5 minutes. (I draw ponies a LOT on there.) She looks up again and just says: "Uh, how do you know the exact proportions of a pony from memory?" ... I minimised the folder full of banners and vectors I've got saved pretty quickly. 4 Never quite forgotten. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheRedSlime 2 June 18, 2013 Share June 18, 2013 (edited) Okay, WELL, Me and my pal were at Kmart. And of course he goes to the MLP Area to start something stupid... Then theres this little girl that's browsing and is minding her own beeswax. So my friend does one of the most "STUPID" things that he could POSSIBLY do! He climbs up on the shelf so he can see the whole store (most of it) And yells, "DASHIE FOR DA WIN!!" And I'm thinking "Facehoof through skull, Facehoof through skull, Facehoof through skull...Xc" And of course, everyone was looking at us... That night I turned off the internet so his daily dose of MLP was cut short! (For payback) AND that's pretty much it... Edited June 18, 2013 by TheRedSlime 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ali_Derp 89 June 18, 2013 Share June 18, 2013 Today, Well I'll Start From The Beginning My Friend Was Talking 'Bout Sex... Again (No, I Didn't Bring Up Clopping. Nor Do I Clop Either) We Got Out Of The Food Hall And Someone In My Friends Said Infront Of Primary 3s "So Euan, Did Watch The MLP Episode Last Night It Was Soooooo Bad! Did You Know I'm A Brony Too >:)" So I'm Like "Final Warning You 2. Mention It Again And I Will Summon The God In You (Alicorn Day On YouTube Reference)" My Friends "O Rly?" Me "YES I WILL" So By This Time My Other Girl Friend (This Will Be Kim) (Im Not In A Relationship) Walks Over Says "Sup" Me "Oh Hello! How Are You?" Friend 1 "Did You Know Euan Likes M-" I Interrupt Him By Saying "Millions, the Sweets. You Know?" (Phew That Was Close) Friend 2 Quickly Says "My Little Pony!" Me "No No.... Ummm. Ok I Give Up" I Just Run Away As Fast And Hide In The Toilets So I Walk Out And Friend 3 Is There Kim "What Did Those 2 Say?" Me "I Can' Explain. Where Did They Go?" Kim "Oh There Here!" Kim Grabs Me And Pins Me To The Wall Me "Whats Are You..... Doing?" Friend 1 "Soo Whats One Of Them Ponys Name?" Friend 2 "Colgate, He Told Me!" Friend 1 "Let Him Speak" Me "Well, Depends What You Want... There Are Quite Alot" Still Pinned To The Wall In Fright Friend 2 "Kim Let Him Go" So My First Reaction Is To Run.... Kim Blocks Me And Friend 2 Comes Right Up To My Face "Tell ME Your Favorite" Me "Mine, My Pony. Rain Chaser" Friend 1 And 2 Start Running Around Saying "EUAN LOVES RAIN CHASER HE LIKES MY LITTLE PONY HE A BRONY LOL LOL" I Push Kim Over And Run Away This Time Around The Whole School Hide At A Bin They Run Past Then Run Back To The Building This.... Was A Awkward One 2 This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dashabel 381 June 20, 2013 Share June 20, 2013 (edited) Schools, because kids can be right idiots. Majority of kids in my school are disrespectful, big-headed and would make fun of my obsession with the show for sure! As for an embarrassing moment... I was delivering a speech in my English lesson about something that was special to us (wanted to choose MLP so badly, but I have to keep that and school separate at all costs) and I was using my iPad to show pictures to the class. I have TONS of MLP pictures on my iPad and I wasn't really looking down at the screen while I was talking and I suddenly noticed that the screen had flicked over to a picture of Fluttershy! It was soooo embarrassing, but I came up with the excuse that my little sister uses my iPad and saves these ridiculous pictures... :L Also, I keep accidently saying "applejack" instead of "apple juice!" At home at the dinner table and at school! Luckily I could just laugh that off though.. Edited June 20, 2013 by Dashabel 6 Signature banner made by Champion RD92 You can't have a rainbow without a little rain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dash360 102 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 So, i recently hung out with a friend i havent seen since i was 9. We were talking and he noticed my fluttershy key chain. He was like whats that, so me not wanting to make the moment more awkward then it was, said nothing then tried to hide it. during the entire day we were hanging out he was pestering me about it. In public, around around random people, asking what it was where i had gotten it, so i finally told him i was a brony. He started smileing and trying to hold his laughter. then he asked me how long i have been a brony. i said bout a month, he said about a year. I was like whaaaaaaa he was like yeeeuuup then i punched him for making me endure all that crap. 5 Im just one hell of a butler. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brony Number 42 10,073 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 I do it on purpose. I put a couple of pony stickers on my computer at work. I work in the oil field and I have a sticker on my hard hat. A couple of people asked about it. To one guy I said "My daughter put that there." He said, "you have a daughter?" I said, "No, I just use that as an excuse for why I have a pony sticker." One time I was sitting in the truck waiting for the other guy. I was going to plug my phone into the stereo to play some music, but at the last second I remembered that I was previously listening to some MLP songs. @@MilBrony Right there with you man, We hadn't had a barracks inspection in several months so I figured it would be safe to hand a poster I bought from another member on here in my room and lone behold, next day a surprise Room Inspection by the CSM. Needless to say, he was not very thrilled or amused. It's "lo and behold" not "lone behold." What would that even mean? Why would you say something if you don't know what it means? This is worse than mere bad grammar. Or should I say "mirror" bad grammar. Whatever. 5 This is my new signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lateon 589 June 26, 2013 Share June 26, 2013 (edited) Another one has just come into my head. It wasn't so much embarrassing as it was awkward, and kind of funny. Before this particular event happened, my mom and brother had been generally accepting of my "bronyness," with my mom actually watching the show with me when new episodes came out in December. The one I was afraid of, though, was my dad, who is pretty damn conservative. He's a pretty manly man, in my mind. He knew about it, since I opened my MLP shirts up on Christmas (thanks mom!) and showed them to the family, but he hadn't talked to me about it yet. So, over winter break about 6-7 months ago, I was about to take a nap at about 6 PM in my room. I had just gotten up from my computer and flopped onto my bed, so my laptop's wallpaper was in full view. I have a running slideshow of around 250 pony wallpapers, and it happened to be on one with the Mane 6 on it. 2 minutes after I lay down, my dad comes in to retrieve something from my room. I wasn't asleep at that point (it takes me ~30 minutes to lose consciousness unless I'm really fucking tired), so I turn my head and look at him. He then proceeds to look at my wallpaper, and then back to me. This is what transpired: Dad: "So...ponies, huh?" Me: "Mhmm..." Please God let's just get this over with so I can go to sleep for an hour! *Silence* Dad: "...chicks dig it." And then he left the room. Me: Well...that happened, I guess. Time for sleep! Only after I woke up did I realize how ridiculous that conversation was. He's welcome to draw any conclusion he likes, as long as it keep him out of my proverbial mane, as it were. But THAT one...well, it could have been worse. A LOT worse. Edited June 26, 2013 by HandMan 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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