Key Gear 6,663 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 (edited) I understand that time is a valuable commodity, and I do not intend to require much more of it than necessary from those that may read this. To make a long story short, I am resigning from my position as community technical administrator. I write this with such a heaviness of being, that I am rendered numb, but this is a necessary step that I must take, immediately, for myself. I realize that this may sound selfish, but I can assure you that it is anything but. My journey as a volunteer for this community began a little under a year ago. It was with a, rather humorous, message that I received from someone that I had, in all honesty, never expected to hear from. It was Zoop. I was, apparently being invited for a moderator position. At the time that I read the message I was rather distracted, so I was unable to answer it. The next day (or, rather, later that same day), I wrote my response. My answer was strange, long-winded, and whimsical. It was also the beginning of beautiful things I embarked on a journey. I helped others, I loved others, I made friends, I experienced such a feeling of joy and belonging that I had never felt before. The community, this community, was special. The general membership on this site was one of the most singularly well behaved memberships that I had ever come across on any site. It was a joy to serve, a joy to help. I had so much fun, and more importantly, I was able to open the gateway for others to have fun as well. Even in the midst of my hand pain, which continues to this day, I would push myself in service of the community. When an emergency occurred, I was willing to, regardless of my level of exhaustion, push myself past reasonable limits. Staying up all night with work the next day? Yes. Doing whatever was necessary to preserve the performance and reliability of the site behind the scenes? Yes. Coming home from work after a long day and immediately diving into more work? Of course. I know that this sounds brutal. In fact, I am certain that many of you are having mental images of Applejack right now. Erase that image. Replace it, and hear me out, please. Let there be no misunderstanding, I did what I did for one reason and one reason alone - joy. It wasn't just joy for myself, but it was joy for others. To me, this place, it wasn't just a forum. It was a tool to bring happiness to others, on a larger scale than I had ever before done. If you've ever heard me, then you've heard my laugh. It is, admittedly, loud, wild, obnoxious, frequent, and probably illegal. That laugh isn't something that I do on purpose. When I am happy, it bubbles out. I can't do anything to stop it, and if I try, then I will fail. I like my laugh, I think that it is a gift. Even the hardest hearts are unable to resist at least a confused smile when I begin to roll with laughter. It's just the way that things are. I write that to write this. I love to laugh, and I love to make others laugh. I'm not saying this to demean myself as no more than a clown. I am a productive member of any team, and I am willing to put in the hours, the energy, and the thought to make things happen. I only describe my love of laughter to say why I worked so hard. It was not out of duty. It was not out of loyalty. It was not because I "had to". It was because when I looked around this community and saw so many people experiencing joy, I would feel uplifted - a joyful "high". It was this love of spreading joy that drove me. It was the experience of bringing joy to those that had never felt it that kept me going. The thought of losing this place or of this place being somehow dysfunctional filled me with deadness, dread. I had to fight to preserve the joy that I saw here. I fought. I worked on everything that I was called to work on, I spearheaded whatever projects that needed my services. I did everything in my power to fuel the maintenance and well-being of something that I viewed as a fountain of joy. A forum without members is, really, nothing more than some soulless code sitting on a soulless server in the midst of some soulless data center. None of these things, by itself, can bring joy. Even together, they may bring momentary joy to a programmer or administrator, but they are still soulless, nothing. It is not the code that brings joy, that spreads love. It is the people that make usage of the code. This is always and will forever be the case, and it is as it should be. For me, this place was important because of the people, all of the people. There were so many things to me that were just as important as the code and the operations of the site. Offering a strong arm of support to one that had fallen, spreading true words of encouragement to a friend, making peace between those that had fallen into contention, preserving the integrity of the rules of the site. I didn't view myself as a developer, I saw myself as a knight, in service of some glorious cause - the spread of amusement, joy, love, and laughter in such a way that it could be a gift to all. Let's stop. Imagine, for a second, a world filled with code. Bits, bytes, symbols, operations, data, inputs, outputs - a beautiful symphony of calculations and lambda calculus, stretching out as far as the eye can see, then even beyond this and into infinity. Imagine that this is the finest, most succinct, most elegant code that has ever been written. It is a wonder of the world. Now, imagine that, in this place, there is no love, no passion, no joy. These things are gone, because there are no people to share them. Now, imagine that, in this world, there is no light. In fact, take this further. Imagine that, even if there is a light the light does not exist. For, without the presence of people to perceive the light, then the light is meaningless. If the light is meaningless, then it may as well not exist. Thus, the world of beauty is rendered in darkness, total darkness, a darkness beyond even the normal darkness. Because, you can shine a light to pierce ordinary darkness, but you cannot shine to pierce the inverted darkness of a world in which the light is devoured by non-perception. I once visited a place that was something like this. It was quite a few years ago. I was a member of a team that was revisiting a convention in Dubai. We had been to Dubai just one year earlier; it had been a place that was vibrant and bustling with activity. I remember that first visit so clearly, you could feel the energy flowing through the crowds at the convention. Our second trip was the polar opposite. We set up our table in the convention, and we waited. No one was there. Just as before, I was the primary individual at the table. I was ready to, with energy and vigor, pounce the first person that came by. There were no visitors. It seemed strange. I'm not sure if you are familiar with Dubai or not, but the city is vast. It has some of the most impressive feats of architecture to be found in the modern world. It was, at our first visit, one of the most wealthy areas in the world. The perfect place to go for a small company that was hungry for business. Much like our world of code, Dubai was the very image of power - vast, sophisticated, functional, beautiful. Now, again like the world of code. It was empty, beautiful but without soul or life. One of the most powerful memories that I have in my life was a search for ice cream. If you know me, then you know that I like to grab ice cream whenever I'm feeling pressured or stressed. Well, after that horrible day on my feet for more than 8 hours, I needed some ice cream. It was odd. I wandered through several buildings, all large and impressive, and they were completely empty. All of the ice cream places that I had gone to on our first visit were completely deserted, some of them looked as though everyone had left in the middle of service. There was one building in particular that I remember. It was, by far, the most beautiful. I felt like I was wandering through a temple when I walked its halls. However, there were no people, none of them, anywhere. My footsteps echoed throughout the elephantine structure. The sound of my breathing and heartbeat could be heard over the deafening silence. After some time, I stopped, I looked around. I realized something. I was afraid. The sun had begun to fade, and I would be here, in this place without light – they hadn't paid their utilities bill, it seemed. My joyful quest for ice cream had taken me a place unintentional, a place where there was nothing but structure and superstructure, a place of empty beauty. I looked through that place, and I saw things. There were toys that had apparently been dropped by children, just lying there, motionless. There was, indeed, an ice cream shop. Like the others, it was empty. There were hundreds of places to see, but there were no eyes to see them but my own. As the shadows lengthened, it was, at once, both beautiful and fearful. The silence became almost painful to my ears, and my heart began to race. I didn't get my ice cream. I went back to the hotel. I tell that story to say this. Our imaginary world of binary and octal elegance is like that building. Its beauty is not truly beautiful without light and the presence of the joy and the laughter that bring the place to life. No matter what mechanisms work beyond the surface, a world without people and without their emotions is hollow. It is not worth speaking of, it is not worth admiring. Not only must this world have people, but it must be filled with them, and they must be happy, otherwise the world itself serves no purpose but as containment. Joy is enriching. Without it, there is nothing. My long journey in service to MLP Forums has provided me with memories and friends that will last a lifetime. I would name everyone that has made some positive impact on me during my time here, but I would never finish writing, the list is, as far as I am concerned, near infinite. Because, you see, it isn't just the members that brought me joy, but it was the countless stories of the impact that they made in the broader world, the joy that they spread, that they felt, that they were led back to when darkness threatened to cover them. This joy, as I've indicated, was my fuel. It was depleted by my efforts in support of MLP Forums but it was always brought back by the smiles that I imagined to be on the faces of those that I interacted with and that used the site. It is only with the greatest of sorrows that I must write that I can no longer continue. My fuel supply is depleted, beyond depleted, and based on my own recent experiences, I do not believe that I will be able to regain sufficient fuel to continue in my duties and responsibilities as a member of staff. I realize that, to many, this may seem to be a sudden occurrence. It is not. I have, for some time, been falling further and further from the state of emotional "high" that was truthfully required to continue. At the same time, the amount of daily depletion was increasing significantly. Still, I intended to carry on, in spite of my own continuing feeling of dullness. However, the death of a family friend this past week combined with the death of a relative has pushed me far past the point of return. I am not a robot. I hurt, I feel, I suffer. With that said, since my time volunteering for this site, I have served silently through numerous personal tragedies that have occurred to me, including the death of my grandfather some months ago. I kept these things to myself, and I soldiered on, a soldier for the cause of joy. I was here for a purpose, to have fun and to preserve an environment where others could as well. This site was not a burden because I always left at the end of each day feeling better than I had before logging in. In recent times, this has not been the case. I am not Applejack. I will not work for the sake of working. I cannot promise strength and endurance regardless of circumstances. I will not push myself for the pure sake of noblesse oblige. I will, however, readily expend my energy for the promise of a party. I want to have fun. I want to love, I want to laugh, I want to share laughter. I want to sit around with friends and do nothing. Because if one cannot do nothing with a friend, then what is the nature of that friendship? A fried should be able to call a friend and talk about things that are total and complete BS, without feeling like it is a waste of time or that they are not being understood or not being empathized with. I am Pinkie Pie. I want my friends to laugh, I want them to be happy, I don't want them to be hurt, I don't want them to be lonely, I don't want them to suffer, I don't want them to be sad. I will push myself to whatever extents are necessary to preserve, protect, and proliferate the joy of others. I will do this until I break, until, for me, there is no longer any fun. I will always continue until it is not longer fun for me to do so. When that point is reach, I have nothing left to give. So, you see, it is not selfish of me to leave. If I cannot contribute, if my well is dry, if I am depleted, then what could I hope to give? I am useless at such a point. I need to reroot myself in joy, regardless of what this entails. There's a rather interesting book that I once read. It was by a fellow with a funny name, Umberto Eco. The book was called "The Name of the Rose". I loved this book. It was a mystery, it told a story steeped in intrigue, rich with history, and poignant in its significance. The story, well... I will not spoil the story. Instead, I will limit my remarks to the title. Even after reading through the entirety of this book, I could not fully grapple with the meaning of the title. Throughout the book, I looked for the meaning. It couldn't be found. Then, I realized something. Some things are not meant to be known for certain. They cannot be measured with precision, reasoned through with logic. They cannot be experimented on to discern their true natures. There is no data to analyze, there are no spreadsheets to make, and there is no graph illustrating significance. These things, they are simply felt, hazily and with great uncertainty. A rose, after it has withered, no longer exists in form but only in name. Its purpose has been served. The beauty that it once provided to the eyes of all has ascended into its name – into story, mythology, memory. It is thus, in name, that the rose endures for so long as the name is spoken. I am reminded of a quote. “Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell.”Lately, death seems like it surrounds me. Both of the individuals that I lost within this past week were so young. The first, he was only 28, two years my elder. The second, she was only 34. At such an age, their stories were nowhere near finished. Despite this, I reflected, they were rich in story. The first was a hero to his family that fell, only to rise again, working hard despite otherworldly obstacles to provide for his family. The second, was a young lady that had gone through much, surviving abuse, suicide attempts, and a time of drug use. She was building a new life for herself when sudden sorrow darkened her world. Long after we are all gone, what will carry on for us within this dimension of existence? Is it not our stories? Just like the rose, after our physical existences become ash, we endure only in our name – our stories. These stories, convey our uniqueness and beauty through memory, words, pictures, and other forms of preservation. Make no mistake, everyone leaves a mark on this world in such a form, either individually or in the abstract, whispered existences in the subconscious minds of others. What will be your mark? For me, mine will be one of joy, the raw emotional energy of joy, tinged with the love, mystery, and passion that give it flavor. Of course, there is a caveat to all of this. In a world where there are no people, there are no minds to carry the memories, no eyes to see the images, and no ears to hear the words. Even the most elegant rose, where there are no people, cannot endure, not even in name, for their will be no lips to whisper the name of the rose. The people, they cannot be robots, either. They must laugh, they must love, they must exist. Robots? They cannot laugh, it is inefficient, it produces no output. Robots must be efficient. They cannot love. Love is meaningless in a world of productivity and efficiency, it is a wasteful activity. The people cannot exist when they are robots, because people are not robots. They are different. Please. Don't forget the name of the rose. I will remain a member of the community, but the time is now for me to recover myself. My friends, all of you, I love you all. I may not be as active as I once was, but take care of yourselves. Love each other, remember to hesitate before you assume bad intentions, remember to guard your joy and that of others, remember your story, remember beauty, and, I repeat, remember the name of the rose. Don't forget. Please, don't forget. This chapter for me closes, a new chapter begins. Edited May 21, 2013 by Key Gear 93 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flicker Sweet 3,391 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Thanks for all that you did Scootacool. I'm sure the great Feldian dictator watcher appreciates your hard work and effort. You helped make this website special for me, for that, and that alone, I thank you. 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Damn Key, this is beautiful. I can only barely imagine how you've been feeling lately, and I understand your need to move on. I can honestly say that it's been a pleasure to work with you. Now that you have more time for RP less administrative burdens, I hope that you feel more of that joy that you deserve. Thanks for all that you've done. 21 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Heavy 53 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 I kind of wish I'd gotten to know you before resignation, but it's obviously my luck just messing everything up again. After all, I didn't sign up until a few days ago. I would put something else here, but it seems somewhat awkward for me to even be posting here as it is. 1 People who say "Nothing is impossible" are morons. I've seen it done on too many occasions to count! Proud Owner Of Samurai Hotel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
---------------------- 1,645 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 First of all Key, that was something amazing to read, you never cease to make amazing posts. Key, I am not a man of many words when it comes to topics like these, not to mention I have already said everything I wanted to say to you already. Key, you have been one of my closest friends and one of the few people I could talk to if I was feeling down...I don't get many friends like that. You have put an amazing amount of time into this community and it's time that you took a rest. I am sorry that all this happened to you, and I only wish the best for you. I don't know what you new chapter will contain, but i hope it's filled with the joy and laughter you are looking for. I also hope that it's full of the friendship you seek as well, and I hope you know that I still consider you one of my close friends. I will have your back and maybe this leave of administration will grant us a chance finally enjoy our selves and get to know each other better. This is not really a good bye for me because I know that even after this there is still much goofiness to be had with you and your crazy laugh XD. Thank you for the time you have put in and thank you for being an amazing friend. - Your Buddy Phoenix Wright Marco.P 17 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nas 2,873 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Your words and contributions to the forum are infinitely meaningful, and shall not be forgotten. I understand the struggles of your current IRL situation, and I think that this leave, even if permanent, is necessary. You're a very strong person, I know that. I am glad that you are moving on, for the sake of your life improving from here on. I am forever thankful for everything you've done for this place, and all the fun times we had together. And most of all, I won't forget your spirit. I always knew that your potential in succeeding in life was massive. I only hope that you are happier from this point forward. Farewell, HAL. 11 My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evilshy 5,090 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Well shit... that was beautifully written. I've never known you very well, and the fact that I am rarely active on skype didn't help, but I do know you've done far more for this site than anybody should ever feel obligated to do, and you have my (and, no doubt, plenty of others) sincerest thanks for that 9 Signature now 99% less edgy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Periwinkle 3,775 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Woof. I don't know you, but now I wish I did, and I know I won't forget you after reading that. All the best in wherever your life takes you next. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,881 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 You better post around Show Discussion some more now with me, you Alien Turkey bastard For an anxiety wreck, I found myself mentally unstable over the proposition of losing someone so awesome from le team, and how in Celestia's name we can move forward. But shortly after you told me in private that it was official, I began to realize that ultimately, we're going to be fine. In the end, I know we will be able to move forward. Something this powerful can do so, even if it won't be easy. Much like Jonke, the important thing is that you're not leaving us entirely; not ending the memories entirely. But instead just allowing for new ones to be had. I'm going to be twenty in less than two months, and I've yet to see anyone do as much for a website community for no -real- compensation, as you have; put in so much work, time, stress and just dealing with complete bullshit at every turn from IPS because they're idiots who can't code for shit. So, yeah. You definitely deserve it. I can't wall of text as effortlessly as you can; I gotta be in a certain mood. Right now, I'm distracted by deep feels from the entire situation. You'd think that'd help, but it just distracts </3 But rest assured, if I could, and I knew others wouldn't do it for me, I could write an essay on all the times you've helped me out personally, dealt with my own personal pushiness in trying to get crap done when stuff built up, and even more how you've helped out the entire community. Endless amounts of features you've implemented remain timeless on the site to this day; blogs, the basic core of the fantastic staff page, the temperature topic tags, the list goes on. While you'll no longer be doing these things, I'm sure you'll be helping the community just as well by being your happy-go-lucky Pinkie Pie self. Helping members, discussing things with them, and not being tied down by the curse of staffdom. Seriously, fucking christ, go enjoy yourself and have fun. Scoot on little alien turkey. Scoot on, and prosper. 31 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 That was one beautiful speech, Key Gear. There will always come a time where we have to move on in life, and we know how you put in dedication to handle your duties like the rest of the staff members here. So, we shall never forget about you. We thank you for everything that you have done for us. ''The end to something else, to the start of something new.'' Live long and prosper my friend. 8 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Somebody 570 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 That has to be among the most beautiful things I've ever read. It would take an equally gorgeous person to write that. Key, I don't need to see your face to know you are an amazing person. If I were there next to you, I'd give you a big hug. You've left your mark on this place, and for the better. No one can ask any more of you than that. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Key Gear, it has truly been a privilege having you as an Admin here. Thank you for all that you have done. I understand that you have a life, and I'm sorry so much has happened to you. I wish you luck. I hope I'll see you soon. 3 My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quilava 1,290 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 I may not have gotten to know you Key, but there is one thing that will always stick strongly in my mind. And that was your laugh. Whenever you gave your true laugh during Marco's streams (whenever I was able to actually watch 'em x_x), it always made me smile. No one could fake a laugh like that, it had power, and it had soul. Your story here is beautifully crafted (at points I felt like I would cry) and it's emotion, could not be any more pronounced. The hurt you feel now, the sadness you feel of leaving, and the joy you once experienced. I can relate to the feeling of experiencing happiness or joy just knowing the fact that you have helped others be happy as well. It is a very unique feeling and can only be felt by those true of heart. Your chapter may have reached its limit now, but your story is far from finished. Perhaps you will find the fire that once fueled your eternal love for this place, maybe you'll find what it missing. However, only time can help this, and if now is the time then it is good you are acknowledging it as such. Based off this writing, I can tell you are a person who actually knows limits, that it's not worth it if only one side is happy. I wish you the best of luck in you endeavors, and hope to see you back here with that laugh that always made everyone smile 8 ^~Signature by Me~^ ~^Click on the Image above for already made signatures/graphics^~ Request A Signature | Have a Question? | Signature Tips/Tricks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,334 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 certainly feels like only weeks ago that I see you mucking around in GCT in your first username, newly joined member and all. I can't remember the details, but watching you rise through the moderation team, it's... damn unbelievable that time. Seriously. Then without any warning you and Feld0 started churning out things that I thought would be impossible to be implemented in a forum. In your time as an admin, you have done so much, and you asked for nothing in return, only that we enjoy ourselves. Seeing it all end like this, it was definitely unfortunate. I know I could never fully understand the reason why... things happen over there, but I pray that everything will be turn out just fine for you, and... *is a total sucker at things like this Welp, I hope you can still mingle around us commonfolks in the Roleplay sections. I can't do shit to help you, but I will try to make you proud on the train. Good night, sweet prince 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WingMcCallister 368 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Key... as we often say in the physics world to one another... you are a gentleman and a scholar. I salute you because you're damn scootacool.... 6 Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now... Wick I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Night 870 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 It's honestly been a wild ride for me since I joined. I got the chance to get to know you in the remake of the Shifted RP and I got to work with you again for the Mystery RPs. Although I know that this is really just a message stating your resignation from being an admin, I really respect how much work you done with the forums. Scoot, I hope you find what is that you're looking for and I hope to share more journeys with you on the forums. 3 Twitch channel: Alexnight91 YouTube: Alex Night My OCs: Alex Night Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky Warden 2,243 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 (edited) (Finally can upload this gif. ) When I first read it, I was like: And then I was like: That's beautiful, Key Gear. I don't know what to say. I'm terrible at bidding farewell. It's kinda sad that you leave the team, but better remembering the time while you were in. Thanks for your effort. You will be remembered. Edited May 21, 2013 by Sky Warden 12 Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,680 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Well shoot, does this mean we can talk about more football, ponies, and code on Skype from now on, Scoots?! The theatrics aside, you made your ride as a staff member an extremely valuable one for both the forum staff and especially the community! From my perspective, it doesn't seem that long ago where you were just coming up with the code for the infamous character limit over on the moderator chat. That was mid July, come to think of it. Time really does pass by like *that*. That's all right, though! What's most important is that you enjoyed the time you had with your colleagues and even though the chapter of yours wasn't always pleasant, rest assured the experience is blissful enough to last a lifetime. In more ways than one, you've definitely left your mark on this site. Your posts, your contributions, are all timeless. Even if the rose does wither away, its essence will never truly be forgotten. 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Diamond 7,574 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 I think CD said about as much as I could have said in undoubtedly more succinct prose. As is all too often the case, one only begins to cherish time spent with someone else after they take their leave. I suspect we will all encounter that feeling over the next few days, even though you will still be with us on the forums. You had become such a fixture in the rough and tumble world of overseeing these forums; it's difficult to conceive of the place without you tinkering in the background. Perhaps there will even come a point when one of us, having encountered a technical problem, will say, "Let the Chicken know about this one." I'm sure it will cross our minds at some point. Surely your contributions will not be forgotten. In the spirit of CD's words, you owe it to yourself to step down, take stock, and move on with your life, unencumbered by what is ultimately a volunteer job. We are indebted to you for your time acting as our colleague; but you will always have our gratitude as friends. That will never, ever change. 17 Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boop 102 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 It's depressing that you are leaving your rank to join us, your fellow commoners. I really wish I could have talked to you a little more Key Gear. You're a great person, and I may I add a great ex-admin. Even during the beginning of my arrival, you had greeted me so kindly. I felt welcomed to the forum right away. There's no need to feel selfish, as you should always take care of yourself first or you'll get seriously sick. Having taking such a role as admin and another job at the same time is more than just hard work. It is dedication, responsibility, and difficult. I'm honored I was acknowledged by you. You are a great person, and I loved your cackling laughs in Marco's livestream's, hilarious! You are truly an embodiment of Pinkie Pie for sure. As an adios. I give you best wishes and hope the future brings great promise for you Key Gear, friend. 10 Thank you Marco for the awesome signature Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King 5,625 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 For the little time I've been here Key, you have been nothing but a friend to me. And as such, I wish you all the best with your future endeavors, you deserve it.Not only was this probably the most beautiful post I've read here, It's also somewhat amazing too hear what you have been through.As always Key, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask <3 Dawn 8 Goddamn right, you should be scared of me Twitter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apple Bloom 2,933 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Key Gear... I knew about your friend but I had no idea what all you were going through. I can't even begin to come up with the words to express how I feel right now. That's one thing I've always envied you for. You're so good at writing long, beautiful walls of text. That's also one of many things I've always admired about you. Ever since the day we met, which I can still remember now, you have always been a joy to be around. Even those early days in SynchTube when I had no idea who you were. I didn't know you could code. I didn't know you could RP. I didn't know you could write tl:dr, but even then, you were fun to talk to. You always made my day a little brighter, whether it was chatting with you, or reading one of your brilliant posts. I'm saddened that your joy is gone but I hope it will return, at least to some extent. I may be looking at your metaphor the wrong way, but I think of it as a rose who's petals have fallen off, but that doesn't mean that it can't grow back. I hope that it can. I hope that these forums... no... the community that makes up these forums can bring joy to you again. Even if you never return to the staff team, I hope that you can at least find joy in being a member here. Simply put, I don't want you to go, not forever anyway. I don't know if it feels the same to you, but you're almost like family to me... in a way. It just doesn't seem right without you here. I know that you may have to leave for a while. In fact, I think you probably should. You need to take time to deal with all the burdens you've been forced to carry for so long. I just hope that you can return someday and bring joy and happiness to us again. Until then, I'll miss you. 18 Signature by @Nico. Come join us for movies and more! Every Friday on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Wow, I don't think I can read all that... Anyway, you were the best of the best man, it'll be sad to see you leave the team but we will hopefully stride on. Your contributions as a tech administrator will certainly always be remembered and appreciated by me and by all though, and I wish you luck in your future endeavors my friend, and that everything works out alright for you. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Cassie 3,057 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 Wait, Scoots resigned? But who'll maintain the forum? Who'll take care of things when they break down? Who will save us from Feld0's inevitable assimilation of our minds into his Borg-like master computer?! 11 Used to be known on here as Kyronea. Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,881 May 21, 2013 Share May 21, 2013 I don't know if it feels the same to you, but you're almost like family to me... in a way. It just doesn't seem right without you here. Alien Turkey was the glue that held the staff team together just effectively enough to get things done. Without his psycho laughter and constant smile emoticons, we're doomed. Look at this disreputable behavior, discussed about what to do without Key's nonsense there to guide us: [5/20/2013 11:05:14 PM] ~Chaotic Discord~: So...we could throw tomatoes at Spoon instead. Might not be as entertaining, but, ya know. Might be a little funny. [5/20/2013 11:08:51 PM] DashForever : I'm more in the mood for a pillow fight [5/20/2013 11:11:10 PM] ~Chaotic Discord~: Pillows filled with tomatoes. Akita can keep score. [5/20/2013 11:14:39 PM] Marco Paparatto: ya know CD [5/20/2013 11:14:47 PM] Marco Paparatto: I was about to say that was touching [5/20/2013 11:14:49 PM] Marco Paparatto: but now I am scared [5/20/2013 11:14:54 PM] Marco Paparatto: (as I was reading the last bit of it) [5/20/2013 11:15:05 PM] DashForever : It can be both [5/20/2013 11:15:26 PM] akita-ken: Score will be kept. [5/20/2013 11:16:00 PM] Marco Paparatto: CAN I KEEP SCORE? [5/20/2013 11:16:02 PM] ~Chaotic Discord~: Staff Productivity: Zero [5/20/2013 11:16:05 PM] ~Chaotic Discord~: No fucks [5/20/2013 11:16:06 PM] Marco Paparatto: I WILL WRITE IT WITH A BANANA But same here :c Key is like the bro I still don't have </3 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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