MK15 68 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Hi guys. I've noticed recentely that the most common complain from bronies right after all the Alicorn Twilight mess (and before the EG trailer was released) is all the hate Rainbow Dash got. And I'm wondering.... why? She was mean only once in the whole season (in TCE when she powns Fluttershy in the Jousting), in the rest of the season she did only positive things, and I can demonstrate it: I don't get it.... why would RD get so much hate despite the fact she got better trought the whole season? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Friendship_Cannon 1,676 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 (edited) I don´t really get what you mean xD. Despite from the fact that I´m a Pinkie Pie fan, and I hate Rainbow Dash (hurr durr)... Just kidding, Rainbow Dash is cool, and I actually don´t see her get too much hate. She evolved over the last season, took responsibilties in the Wonderbolts Academy and took care of Scootaloo, nothing bad about that. there are others of the mane 6 who got a lot less attention, didn´t evolve all that much further (according to many people I know Pinkie Pie is a good example for that). Not to mention that hate is nothing I wanna see towards any of our beloved characters, at all . Edited May 25, 2013 by Friendship_Cannon 4 Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~ I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Dash received a crap ton of character development this season between SiP and WA. Imo, anyone complaining about her either does it for something specific ('merrrr she was mean to Fluttershy in jousting, off with her head!'), or is groundlessly ignoring those two episodes from their bias towards not liking her :3 12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fanned 88 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Because haters gonna hate whatever they can hate. And haters hate anything hateable, thus why they're called haters. They even hate when there's nothing to hate. 2 THEY SAY DUKE NUKEM HAS NO EYES UNDER HIS SHADES, ONLY ANOTHER GUN. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna's Husbando 61 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 People don't like her because she's arrogant, sometimes to an unreasonable degree, and is often only able to think about herself and how "awesome" she is while not having any kooth. You're right, though: they actually did develop her character in more recent episodes and she is a good character a lot of the time. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Dash Loyalty 1,275 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 The last time I saw a ton of hate comments was the season 3 finale when she was jousting against Fluttershy to keep her reputation, other than that I don't know where you're reading all this hatred comments. But she's definitely received a lot more respect in this season if anything after the scenes that you've posted, 3 ~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Doopliss 2,351 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 I haven't seen much RD hate. I for one did hate RD during season 2. Season 3 did get me to like her a bit better, but she still had her downs. Like Crystal Empire and Games Ponies Play. Signature by @Sparklefan1234 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Cause people are jealous that she probably had (objectively) a better season than any other character (Cue neighsayers in 3...2...) But honestly, I haven't seen an inordinate amount of hatred lately, probably less than usual really. I think most would agree that she did have a great season, but some likely still find her personality or actions grating, or are upset that she recieves so much attention from the fanbase. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,786 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 The jousting was revenge for when Fluttershy stomped on her in Dragon Quest. I don't think the hate was no where near as bad as season 2, though I did see some bullshit every now and then(mostly the jousting, and bullshit like getting Fluttershy to sneak out in Magic Duel, telling scary stories, getting Lightning Dust demoted/kicked out, hating Discord, etc. ) At worst there was a lot of people complaining that she got a too much screentime, despite a lot of positive character development(which is annoying, considering how many complained about the character in season 2), it even got to the point where people flat out said she was out of character in Wonderbolt Academy 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nobody Special 210 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 I don't see how people can hate Rainbow Dash. I have an entire Playstation 3 account deticated to her, and PLUS SHE MADE THE SHOW 20% COOLER!!!!! 1 I am not creative so... Battlefield Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Sole~ 852 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Because she is so awsome! Whenever there is a hugely popular character (especially one as awsome as dash) then there is going to be a large list of haters. Its mostly out of jealousy that their favorite pony isn't the most popular, or they're just blind. Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz My OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discovery Dream 592 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 I don't hate Rainbow Dash because of anything in the show or despite of character development, I dislike her because she is so grossly overrated. The same reason I don't like Trixie. She's never had much appeal to me since I can't identify much with her, and beyond that, bronies love her because she's cool and tomboyish and athletic, traits I just don't find appealing personally. If you love RD, great, more power to you, but I quite like Pinkie Pie myself. no rest for the wizardly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Actually there has been hate toward Rainbow Dash at least since season 2 and possibly before then, she is one of those characters that most people seem to either love or hate. I have seen just as many people say she is best pony as there have been people who have said she is worst pony. I think the main reason for the hate is that she is a loud, brash and often cocky character and some people just don't care for that character type in general so they judge her based on that. I personally think that a cocky character if done right can actually be quite interesting, it is no secret that Rainbow Dash is by no means a perfect character, I personally think her and Rarity are the most flawed of the mane 6 but she has had some great character development especially in season 3. Thanks in part to this character development though there is still some hate directed at her it has gone down a bit. 3 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bright Honor 2,705 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Well for starters it is the internet, the land of the whiney lol. Anyway, some people just don't like arrogance. But they have to understand, almost every show that focuses on a group of characters has that "I'm awesome" character. It's just natural. Those who are more open minded can see that RD has certainly improved over the course of the show, especially in season 3. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dzastur 1,719 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 IMO, Rainbow Dash is gonna be hardest on Fluttershy: she's her "opposite". All the Mane6 have one: RD is opposite Flutteshy Rarity is opposite Applejack Pinkie Pie is opposite Twilight ...and they've all had episodes which specifically demonstrate how they're opposites, and where they have a "breakthrough" in their friendships. But their opposing personalities will always cause a bit of friction between them; it's to be expected. "Friendship isn't always easy, but it's always worth fighting for", and so forth. RD is now snuggling with turtles, being a big sister, openly reading, and she's opposed the Wonderbolt Academy. It's hard to hate the pony who's undergone the most personal growth - by a mile. 2 Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Sherbet 36 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 I haven't noticed any more hate on Rainbow Dash than there usually is. The thing is with RD, you either love her or hate her. I don't like it when she's cocky, but I have a lot of respect for her because of what she's done in other episodes, like the two you showed above. "When the sun goes down and the lights burn out then it's time for you to shine, brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 First of all,I don't see that she's gotten any more hate now than before. Secondly, I think that there is some resentment for her being the most popular character in the series (Which really isn;t helped by Rainbow Dash fans complaining about how she's "hated" , whereas Rarity and Applejack have been voted among the least favorite since Day 1). I probably fall into that group, as I've always been puzzled as to why she's #1 by such a large margin. 2 Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mutemutt 773 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Cause people are jealous that she probably had (objectively) a better season than Yo DashForever, I love you and Imma let you finish, but Applejack has the most amazing episodes of all time. Ahem. I wouldn't say I hate her, I'm just not a fan of the general idea behind her character. She went through some good character development and all, but she's just not the type of character I like. And it's not even the cockiness that gets to me, I like cocky characters, it's the coolness. Also I haven't noticed anymore hate than usual. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Secondly, I think that there is some resentment for her being the most popular character in the series As a longtime Applejack fan I can personally attest to the fact that this resentment does in fact exist among some people as I used to have some of it myself. I never hated or even disliked Rainbow Dash but until Sleepless in Ponyville and Wonderbolt Academy that did hold me back from fully appreciating her as a character of course Applejack getting her due in season 3 also helped bring this down. It is possible that continuing this trend with Applejack and giving Rarity a bit more attention could remove this in some other fans as well. 1 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehepicpony 22 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 Applejack deserves SO MUCH MORE screen time and dialogue. But dashie, Well season 2 i got mad because ALL OF THE HATE. I like her, and It seems like a lot of pepole do, but i have no idea what the hate was about, I have only seen hate by pepole who love fluttershy. Darn fanboys. Really? YOUR GONNA HATE HER BECAUSE OF THAT? I don't hate pinke because of cupcakes (even though thats not canon) Rainbow dashie is mai waifu, and i love her. SO I DON'T CARE. Pepole are even starting to think i'm not crazy! PERSONA 4!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yes-Man 597 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 I haven't seen much hate besides the usual, "Ono she hurt shy-shy! she must die!!!11!!!" But in the cases where there are actual reasons, I can sort of see where it comes from. She's really arrogant and a braggart at times, and I've seen a few moments where she cares little for anyone but herself. She also did have a lot more coverage than any other character this season, and I can see a lot of Fans of Flut... Other ponies getting mad over this. (Which is stupid, because if their favorite pony got the same coverage, they wouldn't be mad.) I haven't really said anything anyone else hasn't, but it's nice to see other people with the same viewpoint. "I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MK15 68 May 25, 2013 Author Share May 25, 2013 The point is, I get that she is a "love or hate" type of character, but recentely the hate part is a little bit more..... strong than the love part, and honestly I don't get why. I've already shown all her develpoments in the S3 that make better her character... While I'm more a Twilight and Luna fan, RD is my 3rd favorite character and I want to defend her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 May 25, 2013 Share May 25, 2013 (edited) I don't know where you're finding all of the Rainbow Dash hate. She seemed to garner a lot of hate during season 2 because most of her episodes of focus had her acting like an enormous jerk. But after season 3, I find that the Rainbow Dash love has skyrocketed. This forum has more Dash fans than I've ever seen in one place, and outside of pony sites, you'll find more Rainbow Dash avatars and signatures than any other character by a good margin. So even if there are haters, there are so many more who love her. She's a very polarizing character. You either love her for being the awesome action girl, or you hate her for being a cocky and arrogant jerk. I also think a lot of fans resent the fact that she's so popular and is probably the most well-represented pony as far as merchandise and adverts go, and a large deal of fan work involves Dash as well. Dash gets a lot of "star" treatment, so naturally people will see her as being grossly overrated whenever she outshines their favorite character. I'm human and I admit to the fact that, while I love Dash, I don't like seeing her get more love than the other five because I feel that they are just as strong of characters as Dash is. I don't find Dash overrated in the sense that she's bad in any way, just overrated in comparison to the other main characters who get less attention. I wish the love was more balanced and well-spread out, but that can only happen in a perfect world. I wouldn't worry about the hatred. A lot of people have terrible reasons to justify why they hate her, just like Rarity and Applejack who are so underrated it's sad. If anyone should complain about hatred of a certain character, it's the AJ and Rarity fans. Applejack is the least loved character, meaning the least likely to be someone's favorite, and Rarity is the most common least favorite out of the Mane Six and gets the most criticism by far. Rainbow Dash is fine. Edited May 25, 2013 by Sugar Cube 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarligPegasi 315 May 31, 2013 Share May 31, 2013 I'm not sure, but I used to hate her because she was mean to Fluttershy in like either Season 1 or 2. But then after the Scootaloo episode I started to like her a lot. Signature by @@Champion RD92, Examples of my Art Work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starswirl the Trixie 975 June 3, 2013 Share June 3, 2013 Rainbow's always been hated by many in the fandom. It's hardly new. I guess that blue coated ponies are just too awesome for many Bronies to bear. 2 #SOCKS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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