Drehgunklew 136 October 25, 2013 Share October 25, 2013 Yeah. Mom doesn't really care. My little bro is a brony as well and last year we built a gingerbread house for Christmas and me and my bro decided to put ponies in it mom didn't care at all, she thought it looked awesome though. Dad thought it was strange and said "But it's a show for little girls, you know." and I just replied "I don't really care, you know." (my relationship with my father isn't great) and that's it I guess. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pomfritter 165 October 25, 2013 Share October 25, 2013 I suppose I fall into that "other" category, since I'm unsure. I never told my mother, but she has seen my desktop background and whenever anything brony related appears on anything, I take interest and talk about it. I'm pretty sure my mother isn't stupid enough to not realize that I enjoy the show, but she probably doesn't understand it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PixelSketch 11 October 25, 2013 Share October 25, 2013 I told my dad a while back and told me not to be a brony, i slowely explained to my dad that he should just except that im a brony but now my brothers and my dad and step mom now im a brony it was hard to talk to my dad without being rude but it blew over well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lonepony744 17 October 25, 2013 Share October 25, 2013 My mom and dad are very much aware that I enjoy ponies.But they don't care,its my life and I can spend it doing or watching anything that I want. XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imlizyeah 56 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 Yup. My parents kind of roll their eyes at it. they think my boyfriend being a brony is weirder. Oh well. Can't please everyone. XD then again there is a lot about me my parents don't approve of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AfTeRwArDs 509 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 (edited) I actually got my mom to watch MLP with me once or twice. She thinks it's stupid. My sisters used to think so too, until I actually got them to watch a few episodes. Now they're both pegasisters, and I'm just like. "Haha yes." Now I just need to get my cousin to watch it... Edited October 26, 2013 by Afterwards Thank Naminé. Ask me things dammit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messershmitt 289 October 26, 2013 Share October 26, 2013 My Mum Knows i watch it, i was walking home from school with her onetime and she started talking about the tv shows she watched when she was growing up and she went to say that Applejack was very clumsy in generation one and i stated in a southern accent (Taking the Piss) Now listen here, Ah may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but am honest and a Hard workin' pony as a matter of fact. she asked me why i was talking like that and why i said it like that, so i explained to her about the fandom and the show, i even made her watch the first episode and she was trying to remember who was who. i won't tell my dad anything because he's not worth my attention, he never was. i won't even attend his funeral, didn't attend his wedding either. it's what he gets for ;eaving me and my mum at a young age, never seeing me, never even saying Happy birthday, never even seeing me attend my first day at school. sorry for the mood-killer moment i just had 1 http://dascottishbrony.deviantart.com/ My DeviantArt Page. Why Only Tuesdays, I'm Not even in this fandom, i've just been sent here to spy on all of you. You guys are defenseless without your tin-foil hats! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techite Sparkle 354 October 27, 2013 Share October 27, 2013 My story... Well its not complete yet. My best friend recently found out I was a brony and being the person he is. (A little bit intense on the sporty side) accepted it pretty well. But my parents have no idea whatsoever. And considering that they know practally nothing when it comes to internet/outside combined communitys. I don't even know if I should get even close about it infront of them. Yeah I'm keeping a good A-B average in school (15 and a sophomore btw) Gosh I still am really... scared actually to let them know or see. Yesterday I was watching equestria girls at 9 and I heard the garage do opening and was sort of thinking of mabe showing them through this but at the last moment I fliped the channel from hub to food network. Because I keep thinking of how little they know of things like this. I feel like they would think that I'm the only person in the world that likes my little pony that is a GUY. I just don't know what to do... they would probably think I have a mental problem or I'm gay or think that my ADHD is making me crazy... I just don't know In life when you are given gratitude. Be accepting and thankful of it. Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Troblems 5,619 October 27, 2013 Share October 27, 2013 My parents live with me, rather than the other way around, so they see ALL the pony stuff. And I have a lot. I've always liked cartoon stuff though, so it's not really that unusual. I got an extra hour in the ballpit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lyrafinish 72 October 28, 2013 Share October 28, 2013 No, im kind of scared. My parents wouldnt really care, but my siblings would tease me, because one day my brother randomly started talking about bronys and how stupid they were, and my mom seemed to agree. i dont care though Lyra, Photofinish, Pinkie and Luna>> Noelle Spells: http://i.imgur.com/USLIEKJ.png Holly Rose: http://i.imgur.com/BjsxnDf.png Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Theshadowmaster235 70 October 28, 2013 Share October 28, 2013 No and I don't plan on telling them anytime soon my dad would constantly mock me and call me gay I don't know what my mom's reaction would be like plus my friend is anti-brony so it probably wouldn't end well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Derpyderpderp 65 October 28, 2013 Share October 28, 2013 No, and they never will. My mom is supportive of me, don't get me wrong. But I don't know how supportive she will be of this... I mean come on. To someone who's never seen the show, I'm a fourteen year old normal boy... suddenly watching a show full of colorful ponies learning about the magic of friendship. My dad... I don't know. He is very intelligent and won't automatically come to the conclusion that I'm gay or insane like my mom would, instead he would know that there was some sort of deeper meaning to it. Oh, and he's no stranger to the internet either. I guarantee that he knows good and well that there are millions of other guys that watch it too. Then again, fathers are always the one's that want guys to grow up normally and be manly and all that. So I don't know... Your argument is invalid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hypn0ticD 1,213 October 28, 2013 Share October 28, 2013 No, they don't. And I don't plan on telling them, either. It'd be too weird if I did. My sister doesn't know, either, and I don't plan on telling her, either. Hypn0's Art Dump! Check it out sometime! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andaasonsan 3,205 October 28, 2013 Share October 28, 2013 No, but not that I think they'd care, it's just never come up in conversation. "Oh hey Dad, how are things going with you?... ILOVEPONIES!" Application REJECTED! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spikey-Wikey 378 October 28, 2013 Share October 28, 2013 My Mum knows I watch the show, she does not know what a brony is.My Brothers think I am pretty mad watching it, but I ignore them. Bronies forever Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ianpiersonjdavis 513 October 28, 2013 Share October 28, 2013 They're pretty open-minded, but I was still worried about telling them. I started with my Mom first and she seemed to enjoy the concept and was actually willing to watch it, (being an animal lover with anxiety-her favorite is Fluttershy) My Dad knew when I ordered the 'Bronies' Documentary and at first I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but it didn't seem to bother him too much. Then after watching it, they said they understood why I was so nervous about them finding out and couldn't understand why people had such a big problem with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
techno915 408 October 28, 2013 Share October 28, 2013 yes, they know. do they approve? no. idk what research, if any, they've done, but they don't understand why the show could be liked by a guy. we don't talk about it much though. This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915Previously: TARDIS915 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,407 October 29, 2013 Share October 29, 2013 Yes. They weren't bothered too much by it. I was an eccentric kid growing up, watching, Transformers, Sailor Moon and Batman since I was 4, so they just accepted it as another weird thing I'm into. Of course they wouldn't have much room to criticize me for my interests if the ever did. My mom used to play neo-pets and is now into monster high. My dad watches Doctor Who and Torchwood. Both of them are Die Hard tabletop RPG players, and along with my brother used to play world of warcraft and are now into star wars online. So So yeah, MLP is a decent fit in this household. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dog man 48 October 29, 2013 Share October 29, 2013 (edited) I've been caught watching MLP by my brother, who then I thought " He won't tell anypony if I convert him!" so I asked him to watch one episode and give it a try. He absolutely loved it. I asked him not to tell anyone about it. but when I was in the my mother's Car getting ready to go to Piano lessons, He said that he liked to watch MLP! Luckily though he didn't say I did and my mother didn't care much about it. Maybe she thought that he was joking around? Anyways, my parents don't know but My brother does. I am trying to make sure no-one knows, My mother knowing wouldn't be that bad, bad my Dad knowing would be as bad as jumping into a pile of stingy netels,,pins and knives while naked as lava slow pours down and burns you slowly while people are throwing live tasers at you Edited October 29, 2013 by Nye1254 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The ADHD PONY 0 November 1, 2013 Share November 1, 2013 My perents may know... my dad was scrolling through Netflix and saw "Because you watched mlp fim" and he did a double take. My brother knows I told him and he started being homophobic and later told my mom I was a brony (she has no idea what that is so I'm safe). My friend introduced it to me a while ago so my friends know. My mom grew up playing with mlp toys as a kid so she might understand. I plan on telling them when the time is right. I need to get my hands on some merch but don't know where to look. (It's not that big of a fandom in Canada). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonicwing 57 November 4, 2013 Share November 4, 2013 Yup and they couldn't care less. They just reckon its a phase or some new hipster thing. They will be ever so surprised when my Fluttershy socks and figurine arrive in the mail? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absolute_Discord 7 November 4, 2013 Share November 4, 2013 They know, and honestly it seems that my Mom doesn't care. My Father however, he thinks its a phase and I will go back to 'normal' soon enough, well its been a year so far and nothing has changed so meh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Static 27 November 5, 2013 Share November 5, 2013 My mother knows. No one else does. Currently too afraid to tell anyone else. For a while, I was so afraid to tell anyone about being a brony that I resisted seeing a counselor to vent (and hopefully reconcile) the dissonance within me. I feel like a waning earth-confined red flare in the midst of an endless sea of grass at night. I'm the only brony I know and sometimes the pressure of being potentially ridiculed, rejected etc for being a brony can be quite overwhelming. Last weekend, I was eating at McDonalds with my family when I saw some guy sitting alone wearing an alicorn Twilight Sparkle t-shirt. I didn't notice him until my mom quietly pointed him out. I gave him a split-second of eye contact and then proceeded to look in another direction. As in all of my social outings, I was afraid of being suspicious or rude and my social anxiety levels sharply rose. He, too, looked a bit distressed. I wanted to go up to him and say something to him but I just couldn't with my father and brother present. Anyways, I'm still a mostly covert brony. That may change when I go to Nightmare Nights this upcoming Friday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ac3xAssasin 453 November 5, 2013 Share November 5, 2013 Yes, my parents know. My mom is completely cool with it (she even bought me an Applejack plush about a week after I told her). My dad was a little weirded out at first, but he doesn't really care anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techite Sparkle 354 November 5, 2013 Share November 5, 2013 My mother currently knows and recently turned the channel from FX to the Hub because she noticed it was on. Supprised the heck out of me xD. Anywho we watched it together and she actually got a few laughs out of it . If my dad found out though he would most likely be like. Umm your 15 this show is for young girls. GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY BASKETBALL IN 5°F WEATHER SON. IT IS HOW JUU BECOME TRU MAN! But yeah … (btw I was watching Iron man 2 on FX ) In life when you are given gratitude. Be accepting and thankful of it. Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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