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Pony-Show Round 3 [August 2013]

Princess Periwinkle

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End of day 6.

I made my last post today but since we got different time zones it's yesterday for you.........


Can I haz one moar post?

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+ Rainbow dash, Octavia, and Luna


- Pinkie Pie , Lyra, and Celestia


I've got nothing against pinke pie it's just she has won two times already and i think somepony else should have the spotlight like my best friend rainbow here

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+ RD, Lyra, Cadence

- Pinkie, Octy, Luna


End of day 9.


+1 to Pinkie Pie, Lyra and Celestia

-1 to Rainbow Dash, Octavia and Luna


(Shouldn't Chrysalis be below Sombra?)


Thanks for pointing out my mistakes. I'm only a poor old man trying to make his way in life and you're just bringing me down just kidding lol thanks for letting me know.

(I would like to point out again that you may only vote up one pony per category and vote down one pony per category. If you vote a pony up in a category, you must also vote a pony down from said category. This has been a PSA from yours truly, Sky Chaser.)

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Doctor Whooves



Pinkie Pie


Bon Bon



Hope some more peeps join in so they can possibly help even the odds against Pinkie. With about 4 people always voting for here it's a challenge bringing her down.

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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