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Well, while all this information is valid, it does not really prove she is a genious.

I believe she is just as shy as fluttershy, so she will do anything to keep her friends.

And the second she thinks her friends hate her, she goes off the deep end.


...And Twilight Sparkle gets even crazier over ONE friendship report.

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Pencils, your theory here is studendously well-researched and I'd even say likely. Just a few days ago, I read this article in the Scientific American Mind magazine which explains how and why people with high IQ's can sometimes (or even often) act irrationally or exhibit less-than-"normal" behaviour. What you wrote about Pinkie Pie fits together with that article perfectly. I'm simply awestruck. :o


This needs to be on ED.


Agreed! Send it in!


...And Twilight Sparkle gets even crazier over ONE friendship report.


Trust me, it wasn't as odd of her as it looked. As an overachieving perfectionist myself, I know first-hand how to have a complete mental breakdown over something seemingly ridiculous.


Is this just a happy coincidence? Your version seems more fleshed out.




Funny, I was just reading the series of those analyses. But yeah, what Pencils's writeup lacks in imagery it more than makes up for in sheer detail. Seriously, send this in to EqD. It's brilliant.

  • Brohoof 5

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Trust me, it wasn't as odd of her as it looked. As an overachieving perfectionist myself, I know first-hand how to have a complete mental breakdown over something seemingly ridiculous.

I know, but I was just using that as an example to prove that Pinkie having a breakdown from thinking her friends don't like her doesn't make her any less of a genius.

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i would have to agree with pencils on this, theres more to pinkie then meets the eye and as for if she thinks she is losing for friends she will go off the deep end this is also true but given that pinkie loves her friends going back to a state of not having any would be scary for her

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My problem is that whilst it may have been Pinkie's plan with regard to Luna, it wasn't a very good plane unless it had built within it Twilight's insight and persistance. Without Twilight, Luna would have gone off sadly into the woods, and none of Pinkie's plan would have come to anything.

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Is this just a happy coincidence? Your version seems more fleshed out.




This is the first time I have seen this picture but it sure is similar! And cuter. I have been upstaged.


My problem is that whilst it may have been Pinkie's plan with regard to Luna, it wasn't a very good plane unless it had built within it Twilight's insight and persistance. Without Twilight, Luna would have gone off sadly into the woods, and none of Pinkie's plan would have come to anything.




Pinkie was able to predict the persistence and nature of Twilight's insights and likely counted on her to keep dragging Luna back to the situation. She already knows how stubborn Twilight is and also is aware of the personal relationship of Twilight to Celestia as well as the part she played in restoration of Luna back to good side. Making her feel naturally responsible of Luna in such situations. Pinkies genius therefore surpasses the shallow observation and ventures into the mastermind territory in how she can manipulate and direct events around her.


Pencils, your theory here is studendously well-researched and I'd even say likely. Just a few days ago, I read this article in the Scientific American Mind magazine which explains how and why people with high IQ's can sometimes (or even often) act irrationally or exhibit less-than-"normal" behaviour. What you wrote about Pinkie Pie fits together with that article perfectly. I'm simply awestruck. :o


Thank you again, and this "dysrationality" mentioned in the article is something I've observed and concluded myself as well. I had not seen it documented yet and since I am not officially a psychologist / therapist despite having read a ton of literacy on the field I have not thought of officially releasing my observations in any established environment, I've done similar study to dozens of other fields of science too in my renaissance man ambitions to know everything about everything that can be known of. Making me perhaps a bit too spread thin in sense of mastery of areas other than artistic expression.


In regards of research and introspection I have slight advantage. My thirst for knowledge goes hand in hand with my information retention, so making inferences and deductions comes somewhat easy. Remembering episodes and dialog when making analysis is handy way to speed up the process instead of having to bring up the episode on computer for overview. Only when I face a situation where I am unsure of the implications of some scene I need to actually go to it and visually look into it. I guess it is like freeing more capacity for data processing from recall function.

What I am trying to say in my less than concise way is that I do this kind of thing to draw more enjoyment from something I enjoy, to fully appreciate the love and work put into it by the creative team.


Oh my, This post got pinned! :blush:

  • Brohoof 5


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A very good read Pencils, I am truly impressed. :)


Another episode where these behavioral traits and abilities are clear to see is Swarm of the Century. Pinkie recognized the Parasprite threat immediately upon seeing the very first one. Before the things had even begun to propigate she was already gathering resources to get rid of them. While everyone else was running around frantically trying to figure out what to do, Pinkie was assembling an entire one-pony band of instruments, which not only did she know would lead the Parasprites away, but she also managed to play them all by herself! How many other ponies could play all those instruments by themselves? She showed not only keen knowledge of the imminent threat posed by the parasprites, but also the ability to get rid of them efficiently. But because of her bubbly nature and wanting to fit in socially she wouldn't stand there and lecture Twilight Sparkle on the need to use music to lead the infestation away, but rather just set about doing it. She knew that in the end, her actions would speak louder than any argument would have. :D


And again, regarding her mechanical aptitude, she's the only pony with a hot air balloon! Fall Weather Friends, that was so awesome.


Actually, I wonder if the writers really planned for her to have such depth of character, or if this was sort of an accident that came together as they were writing the season? I know there have been situations where writers for various tv shows started off with no intention of doing anything particularly special with a character, then as things came together and they saw where the character development was going they decided to put more into it. Seeing as MLP is a kid's show, I doubt it was their original intention to make Pinkie Pie such an awesomely advanced character. Maybe this was something that sorta came together by accident, and when they saw how good it was going, they decided to continue to delve into her personality and give her the depth she truly deserved. At any rate, I definitely look forward to future episodes to reveal more. :)


I am curious what you expect to happen with her. Maybe you could summarize a little of what you think will take place, and as the episodes come we can watch with you and see what happens.


Edit: I'm also curious how you'd explain her behavior in the Return of Harmony where she seemed to obsess over the chaos rather than be interested in helping save Equestria. "Chocolate rain you guys!"

Edited by Tyroq
  • Brohoof 3

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I'm not as eloquent as you and I never think that deeply into the show but I had a feeling all along that Pinkie was smarter than she seems from her care-free bubbly attitude. There's just too many signs like when she knew just what to do to drive the parasprites away.


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Pinkie was able to predict the persistence and nature of Twilight's insights and likely counted on her to keep dragging Luna back to the situation. She already knows how stubborn Twilight is and also is aware of the personal relationship of Twilight to Celestia as well as the part she played in restoration of Luna back to good side. Making her feel naturally responsible of Luna in such situations. Pinkies genius therefore surpasses the shallow observation and ventures into the mastermind territory in how she can manipulate and direct events around her.



Actually, I think you're very probably right, but the above needed to be explained. A master work! :)

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I am curious what you expect to happen with her. Maybe you could summarize a little of what you think will take place, and as the episodes come we can watch with you and see what happens.


Edit: I'm also curious how you'd explain her behavior in the Return of Harmony where she seemed to obsess over the chaos rather than be interested in helping save Equestria. "Chocolate rain you guys!"


First of all, thank you for reading this all! I am glad you found it stimulating read.

Now to issue the development I expect to see:


This is more of a character nature and interaction prediction than actual scene I wait to see so it may be left up to some degree of interpretation but here we go:

What I expect Pinkie to do, which would confirm her status as genius is to figure out a mystery far before anyone else does, and try to help ponies around her to see it for what it is, in order to save everyone the effort of running after every clue. Proving her deduction and observation abilities both to surpass and completely put in shame those of learned Twilight, fast thinking RBD, the realist Applejack and observant Fluttershy (Rarity's creativity likely is on par with Pinkie but without her genius degree of mental faculties she is likely to bypass the elemental clues).


This is my estimation of her character development stage to come in a nutshell. There's more analysis and indicators to point out but they currently are irrelevant to explore as they are partially hypothetical.


Now then the next issue: Pinkie's reaction to chaos and the persistence of things like popcorn and chocolate rain was actually very logical, first of all, chocolate rain would have eliminated famine if there is any in the poorer sections of Equestrian society. (high energy source and good source of vitamins, milk makes a great supplement for many protein deficit and low fat diet the poor people in vegane society may have to resort into). Not to mention it was delicious. The effect it all had on fruits (mega botany) and seeds (cooking / popping the kernels) making food preparation cost lesser all seemed like a great deal to her in logical sense in exchange for some colour and silly demi-deity having fun on the expense of a pony here other there. It's not like he was cooking them alive or exploding ponies to bits.


She naturally expected that with abundant food and disruption of usual systems ponies could even likely be happier in overall after adjusting to the situation. Only after she discovered the true extend of problems Discord might cause she made up her mind to defeat the malicious entity. Instead of accepting something good or evil just because it was told to be so. In her boundless wisdom she decided to consider and evaluate both sides of the story and in order to do that she needed time, which she tried to gain through stalling. Like a proper genius she was willing to make her own decisions of good and evil instead of being told what to think.


Twilight as more disciplined character biased to side Queen Celestia (She rules the land, she's the authority and has her own country, she is queen, even if the title was demanded by Hasbro to be denoted into princess, which is the rightful title of Luna as secondary ruler under the 20 year clause where a rule, who has served nation longer than 20 years gains superior authority in equal ruler-ship situation due higher amount of knowledge and bonds made in their reign) naturally chose to act on the basis of her loyalty imminently, making her vulnerable for distraction by Discord, whereas Pinkies inquisitive nature and willingness to negotiate served to teach her how Discord conducts himself and by directly attacking Pinkie and magically corrupting her on the basis of her insecurities taught her that he certainly is evil being. After which she was fully dedicated on the attempt to defeat her foe.

Edited by Pencils
  • Brohoof 3


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It all makes sense! This explains everything!




All geniuses have a mental breakdown at some point, sometimes just a small one from stress, or a massive hallucinogenic breakdown, as is the case with Pinkie Pie.


Reference Scheldon from Big Bang Theory. Bazinga!


Actually, I almost compared her more to Dee Dee from Dexter's Laboratory (who is actually also far more intelligent than she seems).

Edited by SBaby

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I must admit, when I wrote my first post, I hadn't read your entire study but now that I have, I have to say, it literally brought a tear to my eye. I'll never think about Pinkie the same way again. I kind of hope this is confirmed for canon because it's beautiful.

  • Brohoof 3


Signature by @Nico.

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Agreed. Whether it's confirmed officially or not, I'll never be able to see Pinkie quite the same anymore either. If anything could override the Cupcakes Pinkie fanotype, it would be this: Genius Pinkie. :D


Applejack: ...How about you, Pinkie? What'cha doin'?

Pinkie Pie: Oh, letting Twilight secretly follow me without me knowing...

Twilight Sparkle: You mean you knew all along?! Why didn't you tell me?!

Pinkie Pie: [giggle] Silly. That would've spoiled the secret.

  • Brohoof 4

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If anything could override the Cupcakes Pinkie fanotype, it would be this: Genius Pinkie. :D


I really wish this would happen. I like Cupcakes and all, but it made Pinkie different to everyone. She kind of got stereotyped as the 'freaking crazy' one. Genius pinkie would've been better.
  • Brohoof 2


Why are you dragging your cursor over my signature? Is there a problem here? Do you maybe expect something special? Honestly, that's kind of creepy. Are you trying to get as much information about me as possible? Maybe you're going to copy and paste this into onto your little collage or all things Lyra? (me, not the awesome BG pony...) You seriously have issues dude... I pity you.

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Something else to consider, along the lines of the Tragedy of Pinkie...


There's a lot of speculation among the fan community, and quite a bit of evidence to support it, that Equestria used to be a cast based society. The Alicorns were and still are the ruling class possessing apparent immortality. The unicorns were the magi and nobility, based in Canterlot, attending the Royal Magic Academy. The Pegasi were the military cast, Celestia's royal bodyguard, and based in their own city of Cloudsdale to watch over the land from above. And the poor Earth Ponies were the simple commoners and farmers. While the cast system was likely abolished some time ago, there are still traces of it in Equestria today. Look at Ponyville; it was founded by earth ponies, most of them farmers or simple shop keepers. And we learn in Winter Wrap Up that the traditions of ending winter in Ponyville have roots that go back many years to its founding, when apparently magic was not allowed for them to use.


Obviously things are different now, we have earth ponies like Hoity Toity to prove it. But not everything can change overnight. Tying this in with Pinkie Pie, she was born to a lowly family of rock farmers. She had no unicorn heritage, so she could never have been sent to Celestia's magical academy. She indeed had never even been to Canterlot, prior to the Gala. Neither could she fly so she couldn't go to Cloudsdale or hang out with the privileged Pegasi. She had to do everything on her own, the hard way. She wanted to learn, but couldn't go to the Academy, so she took to the library and read everything. She wanted to fly, but wasn't a pegasus, so she built a hot air balloon. She demonstrated overcoming the difficulties in a post-cast society by putting her mind to work and accomplishing everything she set as her goals in life. It is really inspirational when you think of it that way. :)

Edited by Tyroq
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Something else to consider, along the lines of the Tragedy of Pinkie...


That is a very good observation there. I think it is another parallel actually intended as canon in the show's background lore, due there being so many indications of this. Also I suspect that winged unicorns (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winged_unicorn Alicorn is the material of which unicorns horn is made of) were the root form of both unicorns and pegasus in Equestria but something happened to their species to make them split into either winged of horned creatures making the combination somewhat rare. And Celestia, as well as her sister whom are immortal magical entities are rather remnants from the primeval era when there only were earthen ponies and winged unicorns. The division of species likely led into caste system coming into place leaving the most outright magic users as the highest class of scholars and then winged ones as their enforces in exchange for some of the glory the magic could provide to ponies in form of curative magics and other. Leaving only remaining pure bloods, the earth ponies as "savages" who had to serve their more competent "masters" where as the other pure blooded lineage of winged unicorns was withering away as their offspring kept being born as pegasus or unicorn, lacking one or the other feature ofg their parents. Perhaps this was the work of Discord who then sought to take over the world.


As last resort to protect the blood of winged unicorns they made two siblings into demi-gods to fight Discord with magical sacrifice that infused their bodies into magical energies of harmony and hid them into ends of earth to grow stronger in a palace, they then one day returned to birth lands after gaining master of the elements of harmony and defeated discord, but too late as his magic had ended the winged unicorns bloodlines. giving him the dominion unmatched in power, except by that of those two sisters carrying the magical powers of their whole race.


This would also explain why they need to turn the planet and raise the moon to keep cycle of day and night going after discord had obliterated the balance of natural world to make it into his play thing. Now the planet needing magical intervention to resume functions. The sisters were locked to eternal duty and they, now in world of broken hierarchies started to rebuild a society and help the ponies to restore all Discord had destroyed in his infantile irresponsibility. A sort of order needed to be established so caste system was likely deployed just to organize skills and abilities to areas where they were needed the most. And then after hundreds of years, Celestia then abolished all old castes and restored equality to Equestria.


Celestias final attempt to remove in all possible caste thinking from ponies required herself to find champions from all types of ponies for all to celebrate as the saviors of the kingdom. Instead of Celestia directly confronting all trouble, she started to train twilight as her agent of magic that makes all elements of harmony function together. So she then tasked twilight to make friends in a town populated by earth ponies to make sure she will have herself allies from all possible segments of society to help to unite the kingdom in celebration of every kind of pony. So in a sense My Little Pony is also a story of overcoming racial favoritism and caste system, overcoming stereotypes and uniting entire world as one happy family of ponies no matter how different they seem. But this is a matter of different thread and different article which is why I have tried to avoid speaking of it except now that you mentioned it. :blush:

But as so much of Pinkies identity is tied to the role her family and she had to live with as a child, it is of course a good thread to cover a little.

  • Brohoof 5


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You pony deserve a party from Pinkie herself.

I always saw that Pinkie was misunderstood but never made all these connections.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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You all forgot one simple thing that shows Pinkie's genius beyond a shadow of a doubt. Pinkie Pie independently invented a Pony Powered flying machine in Griffon the Brush off! Reminiscent of the Flintstone Flyer, this fore and hind hoof pedaled device enabled her to fly almost as effortlessly as a Pegasus pony!


Also, she has extrasensory powers seldom, if ever, seen in an Earth pony!


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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You all forgot one simple thing that shows Pinkie's genius beyond a shadow of a doubt. Pinkie Pie independently invented a Pony Powered flying machine in Griffon the Brush off! Reminiscent of the Flintstone Flyer, this fore and hind hoof pedaled device enabled her to fly almost as effortlessly as a Pegasus pony!


Also, she has extrasensory powers seldom, if ever, seen in an Earth pony!


Rather I omitted the obvious to spare the reader and covered it with "engineering skills" and "intuitive understanding" encompassing also future potential feats of similar nature.


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I am actually pretty smart when it comes to algebra, geometry anything that involves math but I try to hide by using my randomness to get people to think of me as a fun person to be around, but some people (even teachers) mistake me for being a retard I just ignore them and move on but when they actually insult me directly at my face I get sentimental because after proving everybody my kindness no one dares to insult me because they know I am not the kind to have any type of revenge and I don't hold grudges (And they are scared of my friends since they are really protective about each other), so summary I am smart but I act dumb.

Edited by OceanBreeze




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