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general Do you smoke ?


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I really wish you guys would stop insulting people because their addicted... Thats like saying :" I hate people who take their kids to McDonalds 1. Their making them eat that unhealthy food which causes loss of inteligence,obiesety and overall bad health

2.They give them a bad example

3. They hate their kids and don't care since they do bad stuf in front of them

This is actually even worse, considering when you'r parents smoke they don't tell you to smoke with them but when they take you to McDonals its bad for thw whole family

Love and tolerate people. this is really insulting to me since u basecally said my dad and mom don't care about me, since they smoked infront of me. You really need to understand that 1. Its not real poison. Inhaling a small amount can't do anything, have you ever heard that someone died because they hung out with smoker, nope.

2.Just because their doing something it doesn't mean youll do it. Its enough if they tell you it's bad and that you should stay away from it

3.Look at 1. you're really overreacting


First, you defend those inhumans, then, you compare cigarettes with McDonalds! What has our world came to...

And I'm not overreacting.

Mostly inactive.

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Smoking is the complete opposite of "badass". It's nothing to be proud of if you're a smoker. It should be something shameful.

I don't smoke tobacco/cigarettes . I do occasionally smoke marijuana, but I don't think that's what you meant.

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First, you defend those inhumans, then, you compare cigarettes with McDonalds! What has our world came to...

And I'm not overreacting.

Well whats wrong with comparing them. I know people that have smoked for 40-50 years regularly and yet their still alive, yet i wont meet anyone who eats at mcdonalds regularly for more then 5-6 years and is still alive.

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Well whats wrong with comparing them. I know people that have smoked for 40-50 years regularly and yet their still alive, yet i wont meet anyone who eats at mcdonalds regularly for more then 5-6 years and is still alive.

Still you need to stop defending smoking. Smoking still kills, but slowly. And whoever was visiting McDonalds regularly for years must be a total glutton.

Mostly inactive.

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I smoke once or twice a month. It's not that I think smoking is "badass" (Because it really, really isn't), am addicted or that I give in to peer pressure. It's just that I generally like smoking, call me crazy but I find smoking fascinating and fun to do. The only times I smoke is after a hectic competition on some FPS game or after a long and tiring RTS match. It's just chill to open my window, look outside at the lights of the city and smoke a cig to calm down. I don't care if smoking kills, smoking is a conscious choice I made myself and nobody's argument is going to change that.


Smoking marijuana on the other hand is something I do once or twice a week. But I don't think we were talking about that.

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Only badass if you are a dictator 


Even then, still iffy 


I do not smoke myself nor will I ever smoke. Same goes for Drugs. 


The only smoke that smells good is the smoke from a woodfire. 


Funny you post Castro, because he gave up smoking in 1985 both for his health and to set an example for his people, and even said something along the lines of "give the cigars to the enemy so they may kill themselves slowly". Not an exact quote but he did say something like that.


Anyway, I don't smoke, if others do that's fine but I simply won't. I'm largely inspired by my father who quit smoking when I was little for both his health and for the family. If someone fought so hard and long to quit, why on earth would I start?

Edited by Iron Shield


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Smoking does not mean your a badass.


Smoking does nothing but pollute the earth's atmosphere, and endanger the body systems though it's lungs and health.


I don't smoke, and I never will in my life. 

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saying its badass is a joke pure and simple there. There is no way to even begin to justify that line of reasoning, no matter the risks.

theres nothing badass about it IMO.  

You want badass via life risks, go join the military and put your life on the line there like many of us have before, join the police force, fire fighters, or take up a job as a stunt pony or something.

Smoking.. not badass...


Admittedly i do take a pipe once in awhile (usually using Paladin or Smokers pride tobacco, figured i had to add that since most automatically assume pipe = drugs)

but its a rarity (pun not intended) and tbh been on the same bag of tobacco for 3+ years or so now. And this bag was only about $12 (round the same price PER pack of cigarettes in NYS)

often i forget i even have the stuff, or just push it aside when i do come across it.

Aside from the pipe its even more rare i see a cigar, usually only had those to trade off for various reasons.. Military life isn't to far from prison i understand... :P

tobacco = high currency, especially when deployed.


mostly smoking though is a bad habit, and a massive waste of money, especially if you are easily addicted to things. Thankfully i can drop things at the tip of a hat myself smile.png sadly, most cannot. :(

My only true addiction.. gaming, PC namely, can't get enough :) over 400+ games in steam, and tons more off steam :) 

Edited by GrimCW
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I dont smoke and i never plan on starting.  I just think its overall disgusting,all the chemicals and toxins, the smell of them, and how they cause cancer and lung problems.  Those are all things i can afford to live without.


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Smoking has been quite a thing with my family, everyone seems to smoke in some way except me. I've tried it myself but much like drinking I just don't understand what's so great about it. I remember the first time smoking I took such a deep breath I coughed uncontrollably to the point where I felt as though I was going to puke. I even tried an e-cigarette, while not as bad I still didn't really get what's so great about nicotine.


Maybe I'm just 'weird' in comparison to the rest of my siblings, I wouldn't have it any other way happytsplz.png?2


If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


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Smoking is a very bad choice and basically what it bulls down to it is something that is going to affect you health-wise. Why do something to affect your own health? That idea in itself sounds stupid to me.



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If wasting money on something that slowly but surely deteriorates your lungs, I'd rather be a whimp. So yeah, I don't smoke, and I'm glad that I don't ;)

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Used to smoke on occasions, then I lost interest in it, especially when I heard chewing tobacco was somewhat better that cigarettes. Now I've moved down to chewing tobacco, and certainly better than smoking, it doesn't threaten anyone around me, doesn't leave any shit smells, all it does is just gross someone out when they see me spittin' my snuff on the ground.


Awesome signature by Gone Airbourne

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I make my joints/bowl by my own XD

You only need a piece of paper smoking stuff and matches to smoke :P

Yea I know its pretty bad and can die from it but hey its not crack :P

If you know how to roll them its fine

I know friends who smoke I deal cigars with them

I never smoke tabbacco I only smoke herbal stuff

I don't care about death everyone I know thinks im gay and a Pedo because I like MLP:FIM

Better death then being annoyed by haters 24/7

Smoking actually makes you feel more happy (if you use the right ''ingredient" :) )

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I cannot stand smoking. I start choking if I smell the fumes.. Oh, and yes, I have friends whose parents smoke and who smoke!  I am curious at how smokers stand the smell of the smoke... It just smells.. So nasty.. I could never risk my life for some stupid bad smelling smoke,.. I'll take smoke from a bonfire anytime over smoking. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Only badass if you are a dictator 


Even then, still iffy 


I do not smoke myself nor will I ever smoke. Same goes for Drugs. 


The only smoke that smells good is the smoke from a woodfire. 


Or if you're this guy.





also, I'm not sure, if this was stated or not...but only when I'm set on fire. /rimshot


but in truth, I don't smoke...can't stand the smell of cig smoke...though pipe and cigar smoke don't seem to bother me for some reason.

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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All i can say why do people always say "we need to look cool" I don't like following the herd of smokers it is a bad choice it would be like sheep following the reason (i think) 


But i listen to heavy metal and modern metal and i don't see anyone saying that is baddass they just say it is emo which it isn't it is just a taste of music


And smoking is terrible. imagine your lungs start to crackle and coughing really badly No just NO! 

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I don't smoke anything. Even if I wanted to, I have very sensitive lungs. (Though not asthma.) I have some family members that smoke and I start having coughing fits if I get near them with something lit.

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I don't smoke, and I don't like the smell of it. With one exception. Whenever I go to the local Casino in the winter time with my family (to eat, not gamble). Just the cold winter air mixed with the smoky smell. There's just something about it, that I like. I don't know. Back on topic, no I don't smoke, and I don't plan to.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I'll never smoke, nor am I even old enough to do so. I know what it does to your lungs, and your health in General. I'm not going to risk any of it myself.


And I'm lucky I don't live in the age where smoking was considered "cool" or when there were ads on TV.

Edited by Twi Rubix

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One thing i feel i must get off my chest atm...  Don't get me wrong, i'm going to say this multiple times, i am NOT DENYING THE INCREASED RISKS GIVEN.

Evidence does support that smoking has detrimental health affects YES, but it does not FACTUALLY support the link to cancer.

Much like hotdogs, drinking water, and Asbestos, the link is a barely casual and hardly solid.

Basically they took groups of people and that did and didn't smoke and clustered them asked questions and decided that just because the majority on one side ended up with things the other didn't that it must be true.


For the record i personally question if its tobacco itself or the loads of chemicals the companies ADD into it, or the (U.S.) federal government REQUIRES they add into it (much like the link between drinking water and cancer is taken from added chemicals that the federal gov requires added for cleaning and sanitation)


Its not too dissimilar to the violence caused by video games, if your already at risk it WILL increase that risk, but it won't necessarily cause it.

In most cases the patients were already at risk, or the doctors had little in the way of knowledge of cancers to even have had records on family history and possible related deaths.


Now i'm not denying the increased risk of cancer, or the obvious other effects that smoking has. But the constant lies saying that it DOES cause these things is just a load of bull. READ the text on things that boast it, they use a lot of theoretical words, Possibly, might, may, can, and could. But they don't say MUST,DO, WILL, DEFINITELY, UNDOUBTEDLY, and so on. Well.. unless you count the public mass hysteria behind it where people have eventually stated things. But official documents still only believe it RAISES the RISK of cancer and most other issues.They do not claim that it CAUSES the cancer.


In most cases, the text actually states "In the state of california this product is known the raise the risk of certain types of cancer"

so presumably if you don't live in california, your clear right?!


Smoking is not cool, i don't recommend it, I do recommend avoiding it, but i hate how the facts get twisted by mass hysteria, lying media outlets, and misread information.

Edited by GrimCW
  • Brohoof 2
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I smoke, and it's nothing to be proud of. I consider smoking a method of self harm for me. I don't finish a pack a day or anything, I'm really a light smoker. But when times get tough and I'm really depressed, a cigarette is nice while staring out into the rain, listening to radiohead.


But since I'm fairly knowledgeable about biology, I know the in's and out's of how I am killing myself, but it doesn't motivate me to stop because, like I said, it's really a self harm sort of thing for me. I do hope to quite that though, and find an alternative thing to do when I'm sad, for the sake of my friends and family. It's such a gross thing, it stinks, and it's definitely not cool. In the real world, people look down on smokers, and they have (to an extent) the rights to. 

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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I don't smoke habitually, but yes I will sometimes spark up a fag if I'm at the pub and the mood strikes me. But even then I'll usually just puff through one or two and then go weeks/months without smoking another. So I don't really consider myself a full-on smoker, per se.


Yes, I know full well that it's detrimental to my health, and I do it because I chose to do it, just as when I drink or do anything else that's less than healthy.


Now this is in reference to cigarettes. When it comes to other stuff, well that's a whole 'nother subject entirely...


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I'm in the same boat as you are lol I know exactly what you're hinting at ;) 

That subject though, is dense. There's a lot of key factors that changes peoples opinions on that (unfortunately) 

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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Sadly, people my age already smoke.


I hate smoking and have nagged my mom and gramma into quitting after my dad got a cardiac arrest.


The smell is suck and it affects your dental health too.


But, when I go to my bro's place, it literally smells like a sewer because of all the tobacco (rolled cigs).

Oh well, at least he doesn't have all that nicotine, tar and chemicals like brand-name cigarettes.

  • Brohoof 1

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