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The Valentine's Day Topic

Pinkie Diane Pie

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At my age I don't even want to think about a special somepony. Girls at my age in high school are all overly dramatic and insecure. I friggin' shut my Facebook account down because it ticks me off so bad. I'll start looking after college is over.


This times infinity plus one.
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Alright never mind then.

I know how it feels.. It's the same for me :(


It probably doesn't help the fact for me that I've been homeschooled starting from 6th grade in Middle School, and isolated at home...

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I really don't understand what the big deal is about not having someone on valentine's day. All my friends always seem ridiculously down on the day, and yet it has never mattered to me.


Without him, it used to be just another day to me. Never paid it any heed.


With my fiancé, I don't need a day to tell him I love him. I do it frequently.

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Being forever alone sucks.


But I'm not actually depressed about it today. I am home on Tuesdays, so it's nothing different from normal. =P

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I really don't understand what the big deal is about not having someone on valentine's day.


It's not about valentines day... I've never had anyone.

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I really don't understand what the big deal is about not having someone on valentine's day. All my friends always seem ridiculously down on the day, and yet it has never mattered to me.


Without him, it used to be just another day to me. Never paid it any heed.


With my fiancé, I don't need a day to tell him I love him. I do it frequently.


It's the day everything reminds you that you're alone.


Still, like Zero said. Even at my age, relationships are waaay too much of a drama.

I think I'm way too self-centered and lazy to even be in a relationship, plus I really feel I don't even have enough time and I'm constantly getting tired, because life is hard for me, enough problems in it. I know I could get one, if I really wanted, but I don't so I just figured I don't really want, I only want it because others have somebody and I don't. The Ferrari-effect. Sure everypony wants a Ferrari, but which would you go for a nice house or a rather pointless car, if you only had money for one?

Edited by Sigu
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You know what sucks more than being alone in the first place? Knowing that you got fooled by a girl who was just playing with you when she tried to be with you a lot just for the sake of being with someone and not because she really cared.


Now that I think of those days when I had lots of crushes, I'm glad I'm alone now. I'll forget about dating until college is over (Still, at my university, there's a joke that people actually get engaged right after their last year in college. It actually happens).

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For today, ALL SINGLES are The Doctor's companions :3


*opens the doors to the TARDIS and awaits to give hugs to everyone*


Lucky me. *glomp* ^_^
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