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Save Flash Sentry!


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Sorry, especially if I'm late here, but you're not going to see my signature on there. First of all, a petition like that is HIGHLY likely to be ignored. Second, even though I actually like Flash Sentry, it's kinda obvious that he was only intended to be used for the Equestria Girls movie and nothing more. I just don't see him becoming an actual character on the show any time soon.


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Sorry to burst your bubbles, Flash Sentry fans, but this petition's just a waste of time and resources.


First of all, Meghan has already confirmed that Flash is in no way, shape or form showing up in Season 4. If you're gonna sit there and insult her like that, get out of here. That kind of attitude is just uncalled for. Second of all, production is pretty much completed at this point, so it'd be too late to put him in, writing- or animation-wise. Come to think of it, post-production should be close to being finished. Third, Lauren had said that she didn't want any sort of romance in the series. I'm willing to bet Meghan and the team are trying to uphold that. Lastly, he was pretty much designed as a one-shot character, they didn't flesh him out well enough to warrant a return so soon. After all, this was Hasbro's decision to have EQG made.


The best you people can hope for is if they snuck him into the background in the Crystal Kingdom, but that's it, or heck, even wait to Season 5 if it happens. Personally I would not get your hopes up either way. As much as I don't mind Flash myself (having met his VA), it's just way too late to get him in. So don't spend your time complaining about his absence. You're just gonna have to accept it and move on to Season 4 as is. I don't mean to sound so harsh, but all I'm asking you guys is to not ruin your experience by campaigning in vain for him to come back. Leave DHX to do their job, please.

  • Brohoof 5


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Lol season 4 is going to be whatever it's going to be no matter how many people sign it. Some things you just can't change, and i'm not entirely convinced season 4 should be changed in any way being that we haven't even seen a single episode of it yet.

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I Dont really think we need flash right now. I was really afraid of EG, i thought this is first step for MLP to became a girly stuff. You know, typical schoolgirs with magic, and ,ofc, every one of them is gonna get a boyfriend and so on and so on. And they will fight monsters every episode instead of finding what else friendship could be.

Im afraid that adding Flash will be a step into it. Girls will ask for more love lines, and main idea of Friendship will die.

I think they must find their love in very last episode. For a good end and good lesson.

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Guest DJ Hydrolicious

He is one my most hated characters right now. If you read To be a wonderbolt. You will know why I hate him so much and wish for him to die.

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I don't really see the point for this petition at this point. It would take the creators way to long to put him into episodes and to give him a role. Also kinda being a downer on this one, but we don't even know if there is going to be a season 5. So this could all just be pointless. Besides didn't the Derpy petition fail? She was still taken out of the show and only came back for the last episode. We don't even know if she well be in more.


So I'm not going to wast my time with this one.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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As nice as it would be, it's like others have said already. Season 4 was complete long ago because they make the whole thing ahead of time to avoid possible delays. They're not going to throw work away and re-do entire episodes just to squeeze him in.


The best we can hope for his him being in season 5 or the comics. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


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I don't really feel one way or another about Flash. Mainly (I could have gone with manely there!) because he came across as Flash Pod Pony, with his incredible lack of personality. Besides, let me clue you in here. It is possible for a young girl to be interested in someone, and then move on with her life. Dancing with somepony (Yeah, I decided against someone) at a school function doesn't mean you're destined to marry the guy. When Twilight returned to Equestria and bumped into Flash prime, she could have been thinking "Thank goodness I left that weird bipedal guy in another dimension!"


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Whatever the writers decide to do, I'm fine with. If they decide to make him canon, fine. But I apologize, I really didn't like his character at all, soooo... Forgive me, but I'm not signing the petition.



Don't kill me.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by- Kyoshi

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The way I see it, they wasted a perfectly good opportunity for shipping in the movie, so they really should make it up with shipping in the show. BUT, they still need to make them a rarity, so the ones who dislike Flash won't be TOO upset.



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I really don't get the point of signing a petition just to save a fictional character and this really isn't necessary but I do agree that they only had to add Flash Sentry in the story for Twilight Sparkle's love interest. Believe me, I think Twilight looked quite cute when she blushed.


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You people who do these petitions don't seem to care that you are causing more problems for more bronies than you are helping those who want this. Also, Lauren Faust directly stated that there wouldn't, and never was going to be, any romance in this series. The addition of Flash Sentry into the show will break that statement, and there is the fact that characters added in movies that are based on show are never brought into the show. It appears to be a rule of film/story telling which is not meant to be broken.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I think it would be cute.  Like...really, really cute, but I can't sign.

For one thing, this seems like it's forcing the writers to do something that they don't want to do.  They already have to take this stuff from Hasbro, I don't want them to have to take it some us too.  (more than they already do, probably)

And then there are a lot of people who would hate this, possibly more than who love this.  Adding him to any season would cause another 'Twilicorn'-like incident, and we don't need anymore of those.  Half the reason they decided not to add him to season four, was for us.  It would be horrible of us to go back on that, just like it would be horrible for them to go back on their word and put him in anyway.

But have fun with fanart?

  • Brohoof 1



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  • 3 weeks later...

I personally would like to see him in season 4, not in a relationship with Twilight though. I want to see his character developed more, as I see a potential and it would be nice to see another male character aside from Shining Armor. I don't know why but Flash Sentry reminds me of Major Tom from Chaotic.

Edited by Emperor Posh


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But if twilight gets a love interest then the show will take a more mature turn.

Spike and rarity is all well and cute but it's more a background thug rather than a main story point.

If twi had a love interest ten he's basically have to join the mane 6, and that just wouldn't work, it would be too complicated and the show would lose something it's always had

Blissful innocence and downright cuteness ;)

Edited by joecal97
  • Brohoof 1

If you actually took the time to read my forum post, I thank

Love you Dashie :wub:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes please bring Flash Sentry so twilight sparkle can file for divorce, against the Brony who married her against her will  :)


but on a serious note, as the others mentioned his character will have to be fleshed out and i would rather the writers use that to focus more on the story and the characterization of the  Mane 6

Edited by Renon Strike
  • Brohoof 1
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I agree. I wish he was in S4. But I think Megan M. Said on Twitter that he has no appearances. And considering during the wait during the season they make episodes. I don't think that it is likely to have him be in an episode. :(



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Everything in Season 4 has already been written long ago, and I'd assume they've done the same for Season 5 if there's going to be one. I don't see much point in petitioning the writers to make changes to the show even if that weren't the case though. I'd rather they just did what they do best with as little outside pressure as possible, whether from us or from the corporate side.


If people want to see love and relationships explored in MLP though, I think it can do far better than Flash Sentry. If anyone from Equestria Girls comes back and becomes a regular face in the show, I'd greatly prefer Sunset Shimmer.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ick, no. His scenes in the movie were a complete waste of time, not to mention incredibly cringeworthy. The movie as a whole would've been better without him. If someone from EqG is getting brought back, I want it to be Sunset because she actually has a personality.


Also, here's something my fellow Flash haters will enjoy. These are a few edited panels from the comic.



  • Brohoof 8



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