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KH is wretched and far too overrated, true. Though I'm curious where lack of freedom comes into Skyrim...Pretty big world, can basically go anywhere, do whatever within the confines of the game mechanics...Hell, I've seen some people avoid the main questline entirely and mete out a pretty epic adventure just roleplaying as a farmer. XD


i played it on xbox. ... so lack of things to kill

i walk into a town .. .cant kill a child .. which is fine but THERE IS ALWAYS ONE UNKILLABLE GUARD ...

i would be walking around town and all of the guards are dead, the town people are calm but there is one guy who chases me and when i knock him down he gets up a few seconds later


 then im stuck wanted in a town due to a quest killed itself (meaning i broke it :D)

i cant simply kill a quest giver like i could in fallout


so im stuck playing by there rules and it frustrates me


please take note that i play as an orc with a two handed axe and heavy armor

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i played it on xbox. ... so lack of things to kill

i walk into a town .. .cant kill a child .. which is fine but THERE IS ALWAYS ONE UNKILLABLE GUARD ...

i would be walking around town and all of the guards are dead, the town people are calm but there is one guy who chases me and when i knock him down he gets up a few seconds later


 then im stuck wanted in a town due to a quest killed itself (meaning i broke it :D)

i cant simply kill a quest giver like i could in fallout


so im stuck playing by there rules and it frustrates me


please take note that i play as an orc with a two handed axe and heavy armor


Ah, well, now you're not talking about lack of freedom so much as "I don't like the game's rules." It's pretty free overall. :PAnd breaking quests is bad.


Reminds me of AC3, where everyone magically became unkillable because kids were added. It bugged me a ton. XD Though I'm also in favor of killing the kids in gaming. Inane moral BS has no place lording over a pile of code.

Edited by Xanatos
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Ah, well, now you're not talking about lack of freedom so much as "I don't like the game's rules." It's pretty free overall. :PAnd breaking quests is bad.


Reminds me of AC3, where everyone magically became unkillable because kids were added. It bugged me a ton. XD Though I'm also in favor of killing the kids in gaming. Inane moral BS has no place lording over a pile of code.


hhmm.... i liked what fallout two did with it

you could kill a kid, blow its head clean off but you would get a really bad reputation and everyone pretty much hated you

this also made a few quest and a lot of companions become unavailable

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hhmm.... i liked what fallout two did with it

you could kill a kid, blow its head clean off but you would get a really bad reputation and everyone pretty much hated you

this also made a few quest and a lot of companions become unavailable


Why would you want to blow a child's head off? That's just sick.


Also, I don't see the benefit in unavailable quests. When playing games, the quests are there for a purpose, so you can progress.

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Why would you want to blow a child's head off? That's just sick.


Also, I don't see the benefit in unavailable quests. When playing games, the quests are there for a purpose, so you can progress.


its only a side quest, don't worry to much

fallout two had a lethal and unforgiving tone to it anyway

and your telling me you never wanted to kill a kid at some point?

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and your telling me you never wanted to kill a kid at some point?




Why would I want to kill an innocent child? That's absolutely disgusting.


its only a side quest, don't worry to much



Well, I'm more of a serious gamer, I try to complete everything in a game; challenges, side-quests, main-quests, collectables, etc...

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Here are some of mine.

  • Skyrim is severely overrated. The world is as wide as a lake, but as deep as a puddle.
  • The best Legend of Zelda game isn't Ocarina of Time, or Majora's Mask; it's Wind Waker.
  • The best Pokémon game, by far, is Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
  • Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 is miles better than Roller Coaster Tycoon 2.
  • Duke Nukem Forever wasn't that bad.
  • Amnesia is far scarier than Slender.
  • Maplestory pre-2009 was one of the best MMORPGs in existence.
  • Sonic Unleashed was a very good Sonic game and a massive improvement on previous titles.
  • Project M is a terrible feature for Smash Bros. Brawl, and destroys the distinction between it and Melee.
  • Snapshot deserves more attention.
  • Brohoof 1
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Why would I want to kill an innocent child? That's absolutely disgusting.



Well, I'm more of a serious gamer, I try to complete everything in a game; challenges, side-quests, main-quests, collectables, etc...



simple reasons why i kill them, they annoy me, that's it .... well they are often caught in the cross fire but i don't think that's justifiable


and im sorry, but sometimes in real warfare ... sometimes your not just killing a man, sometimes it could even be a woman or a child with an ak, there only intention is killing you




I think you cant get 100% on fallout 2 anyway because some quest shut others off due to others


in the end, you will have to pick sides and you cant help everyone


(im going to stop now)

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Here's a few more:

  • Rayman Origins wasn't that great.
  • Gaming on Windows 8 is better than gaming in Windows 7.
  • Homefront was almost not terrible, if it wasn't a total copy of Call of Duty with a bad, completely implausible storyline and glitches that make the game literally impossible to complete.
  • The Extreme is better than One-Winged Angel.
  • Roleplaying as video game characters is okay if you understand the character perfectly. I don't like it when people act/dress up like a game character and then act completely out-of-character, even when not being asked a question by someone.
  • Minecraft was fun, but only for the first year. After that it became boring as fuck.
  • Final Fantasy V is the best game in the series.
  • If you're going to make a language for your game that can be translated into English or whatever perfectly, make it sound like an actual language. For example, in German, "prince" is "Prinz". In Russian, it's "принц" (princ). In the nameless dragon language by Bethesda, it's... kulaan.
  • Gaming on a smartphone or tablet is dumb and you should be ashamed of yourself if you prefer Fruit Ninja or Angry Birds over the likes of Team Fortress 2 or The Legend of Zelda. You shouldn't even call yourself a gamer.
  • Angry Birds is bad and you should feel bad, Finland.
  • Difficulty in video games is GOOD! I don't like having my hand held the entire time and I especially HATE forced tutorials. I think I know how to use a keyboard and mouse, thank you game developers. Figuring out things on your own and having to fight for your life and come up with new tactics rather than having the game basically lower the difficulty for that one boss if you die to it too many times is more fun, anyway. I like getting my ass handed to me by games, it feels good for some reason.
  • Competitive TF2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modded funtime TF2 (e.g. Vs Saxton Hale and its derivatives)
Edited by Daring
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-The 7th gen of gaming was the worst generation so far.


-HD killed video games


- Chie and Yukiko (kinda) are the only good characters in Persona 4. But the anime all the characters were horrible.


- Persona is overrated and I hope that P5 goes back to how the Persona 2's were.


- SMT: Nocturne was the best game on the PS2


-Kingdom hearts started out great but 3D overcomplicated the story to the point of no return and made me not un-excited for KH3.


-Nintendo has a horrible marketing team.(Is that unpopular?)

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Alright, let's see here:


  • I didn't really like Portal 1 that much...I liked it...but it was meh to me.
  • I don't really like the Mario games, I think most of them are boring and that Pokemon and Sonic are better.
  • I don't like Legend of Zelda.
  • I think COD is an awful franchise.
  • I didn't hate Sonic '06 and Shadow the Hedgehog.
  • I actually like Silent Hill Downpour and Homecoming....that's why I avoid the Silent Hill fandom like the plague.
  • I thought Adventures was the best Star Fox game.
  • Most scary games I don't think are that scary.
  • I want a fighting game with fictional horror killers.
  • I honestly hated the old Pokemon and I think the new ones are  A LOT better. 


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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The Zelda series has been suffering since the 64 games. The shift in art style has made it far more goofy, losing the sophistication it once had in it's character and enemy designs. The detailed and wonderful world building had been lost. Twilight Princess was very weak, and Skyward Sword is the least interesting game so far in the series.



Miyamoto's insistence that franchises like Mario have bare minimum story telling is causing a lot more harm than good.



Earthbound, or Mother 2, has very bad story telling. The game is too much of a mash up of weird events that don't tie in to any kind of theme. It's the complete opposite of the brilliant writing and symbolism that the original Mother game has, which is severely underrated.



Megaman 9 is better than Megaman 2



Gamefreak didn't get Pokemon right until Gen 4. It was only then that they separated physical and special moves based on the move itself rather then elemental type. It was also when they finally fleshed out every type, such as ghost and bug. It's ridiculous that it took them nearly ten years to make these adjustments.



The main plots in the Professor Layton games aren't very good, other than the first one. The problem is that the fake scenario's that are presented in the beginning are far more interesting than the later revealed truths.

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Why would I want to kill an innocent child? That's absolutely disgusting.



Well, I'm more of a serious gamer, I try to complete everything in a game; challenges, side-quests, main-quests, collectables, etc...


Two things:


1) We're talking about games. Relax. People get way too uptight about this stuff. I saw a Bioshock Infinite LP where the guy playing tried almost immediately to off a child NPC and later successfully blew away a pair of civil rights advocates. The comments on that video overflowed with inane moralistic drivel about how he was a psychopath and he killed innocent people and all this...They're piles of code. Kids die in films and books. Hell, Stephen King had a girl's head bashed in with a brick. It's no moral travesty. And honestly, there are PLENTY of games where you can mutilate civvies as you please, and nobody bats an eyelash. How is carving up an innocent adult better than offing a kid? Their lives are not magically more valuable and it's about time people figured that out.


2) Being a completionist isn't being "more of a serious gamer". It's being a completionist. You're no more serious just for being more obsessive.



OT: Nintendo has the best staff. Miyamoto and Iwata are just pretty cool people. But their output is of minimal interest.

Edited by Xanatos
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Kingdom hearts 1 and 2 while good have absolutely, unbearably schmaltzy, melodramatic, contrived dialogue. I mean I know they're kids games but does every sentence need "Darkness, light, hearts, friendship" in it? This was especially bad in 1 and so far 358/2 days is the only one that improved.


Call of Duty now=Shit


The Legend of Dragoon>Every Final Fantasy game ever....


Final Fantasy 13 holds your hand for 8 hours and turned a great series into Mash X/A to win, seriously their is a button called Auto that basically chooses the recommended attacks for you...


Gears of War 3 fans: "OMG Dom died SOOO sad :'("...No, he died in yet another cutscene firefight that required a deus ex machina followed by cheap, pandering, super sad [crying super sad face :''''''( ]music, 5 minutes of Micheal Bay explosions and then Marcus grieves for 3 seconds...Not sad, hilarious...


Mirror's Edge needs more love...


Moxxi's underome DLC ruined Borderlands for me...Unwinnable without a level 60 friend and 10 hours of repetitive nonsense.


Rainbow 6 vegas....Not fun

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^^^ Agreed on Legend of Dragoon.


I think Final Fantasy 13 is just as good as the rest. The character designs still seem off somehow but I love the mythos, the encyclopedia that recaps cutscenes (contrary to popular belief, having a recap section is not a flaw of the game - these are long games, sometimes people take breaks, things are forgotten.), and the Auto option just adds a nice fast pace to battle. Honestly, you'd have picked those options anyway. It isn't changing anything drastic so much as saving you one or two button presses. All in all, if any FF game could get sequels, I'm glad it was this one.

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The Kingdom Hearts series, although complicated, really does have some brilliant characters and fantastic gameplay.


Pokemon Black and White and the sequels are the best Pokemon games to date.


Twilight Princess is a superb Zelda title.


Skyward Sword is also a great Zelda game.


Call of Duty is not fun.


The Sims series is fun for a while, but otherwise is made by a company who just wants money, and after a while of playing the characters are not unique, the gameplay is tiring, and the game itself is just overpriced and is not fun in any way, shape, or form.

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1. I dislike video games.
2. The gaming industry has become stagnant and unimaginative.
3. The FPS genre sucks.
4. There are way too many needless reboots.
5. Developers focus too much on the technology and trying to make their games as flashy and crisp-looking as possible, and forget about story.
If the story and characters don't work, you just don't give a shit about how good the game looks... well, unless you're a shallow douchebag.

It's like how that one director that everybody hates nowadays once said:


Edited by Sickman
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>Call of Duty sucks
>Assassin's Creed sucks
>The Elder Scrolls sucks (Skyrim included)
>Pokemon sucks
>Fallout Sucks
>Borderlands Sucks
>The time and effort being used to make video games can be used for an infinite number of better projects/causes

I'm now hated by the 99% of all the gamers on this forum


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1. I dislike video games.

There's few new games I'm interested in, (GTA V and Pokemon X & Y) but most of my interest in gaming is dead. It's like almost every game nowadays is a flipin' FPS. I'm horrible at FPSs, but that seems to be whats popular nowadays...



>Pokemon sucks

Pokemon is what's keeping my interest in gaming alive, and right now it's 90% dead.

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Call of Duty: World at War at least as good as CoD 4 (I know they're both Call of Duty, but the only problem I have with the series is that ever since then they've been taking out the good parts and making the bad ones worse...)


Too Human would have been good if it were a single game rather than a trilogy that got cancelled after the first release.


"click to move" is a stupid control scheme for any game that doesn't require simultaneous but independent control of multiple units or groups.


Bioshock: Infinite's ending was bad in almost every way a video game ending can be bad.


Microtransactions aren't inherently bad.


Oblivion was the best Elder Scrolls game (though admittedly I've only played since Morrowind).


I can think of better ways Microsoft could have handled the Xbox One than removing all DRM.


The Pokémon Contests from Ruby and Sapphire were the best side-competition that has ever been in a Pokémon game. (Not actually sure that's an unpopular opinion, but they haven't brought it back yet so maybe it is.)


Final Fantasy Tactics: A2 was better than Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance, which was better than Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions.


The combat system introduced in Final Fantasy IV made every single numbered release afterward unplayable to me. I am extremely happy that FF XV looks like a realtime action game.


Eternal Sonata should have been played by every single person ever.

This space intentionally left blank.

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I've got more:


  • I like to believe Assassin's Creed 2 put the nail in the coffin for the series.
  • Sonic Colors isn't anywhere near as good as Unleashed.
  • Shadow the Hedgehog was a decent game.
  • The 2008 Prince of Persia was a good game.
  • Subspace Emissary is a chore to go through.
  • I enjoy Soul Calibur V more than the other games, mostly due to the fixed character creation.
  • Shadow of the Colossus is pretty boring at times.
  • Slender is not a horror game.
  • Neither is Dead Space.
  • Resident Evil 4 is where all the "problems" in the series started.
  • Let's Play is completely pointless and not entertaining in the slightest.
  • Some indie games get more praise than they should.
  • Minecraft isn't an indie game.
  • Every game Blizzard makes is overrated.
  • Halo should have ended at 3. Reach was great, but not necessary. 
  • I refuse to call Call of Duty: Ghosts by its name. To me, it's Modern Warfare 4.
  • Xbox One may be a complete disaster, but Project Spark looks really cool.

1069380_225185867630471_1919660758_n.jpg               "A man chooses, a slave obeys." -Andrew Ryan

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Oh yay! Another opinion thread! I have opinions!


Summoner 2 had and still has the best combat system of any RPG ever made.

Dragon Age 2 was better than Origins, and the Legacy expansion for DA2 was even more amazing.

Final Fantasy 10 was the pinnacle of Square's artistic ability, and I view it as many view Metallica. They should have stopped after Master of Puppets.

FFX-2 was an OK game if you don't compare it to FFX, because seriously, that is like comparing fridge art to the Sistine Chapel.

I thought Other M was great fun to play, more so than the other Metroid games, even if some of the dialogue was hysterically cheesy.

Hard Reset has the only good FPS campaign (Not going to count Call of Juarez:Gunslinger as it is more an Arcade Shooter) in the last 15 years, between story and mechanics, it is a thing of beauty.

The only reason I played all the Halo games was a friend kept buying them for us to co-op. Every second sucked. He doesn't deserve me as a friend, I know.

I enjoyed Fable 3 and have happily sunk more hours into it than all the other Fable games combined.

Little Inferno needs a sequel.

FF9's Kuja was the best RPG villain ever. Few villains are even in the same bracket of awesome Kuja resides in.

Not all smart phone app games suck. Waking Mars proved that.

The PS2 was the greatest console ever made. Proof? Mine was purchased on launch day and after years of heavy use, still works perfectly. Oh, and one of the most amazing RPG libraries we will ever see on any single console.


/Opinion mode disengaged

I do the YouTubes! Join me in derping at video games here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Carnasid

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  • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team is one of the worst games I ever played.

On that note, Call of Duty: Black Ops is the worst game I ever played.

Intel/nVIDIA > AMD

Consoles are underpowered pieces of shit that hold gaming back for years and years while screwing over PC gamers like me

After you play The Stanley Parable seven times (to get all the endings), the game loses its charm.

PlanetSide 2 doesn't have anything special going for it other than looking really fancy

Don't fucking whine about how that really cool single-player game could use multiplayer. Multiplayer is not needed in every single game out there, many are just fine as a single-player game. Multiplayer has even ruined some games to me, and in some with shoehorned in multiplayer (e.g. Tomb Raider) I refuse to touch it.

When I want a game to end, I want it to end. I don't want there to be a continued story after the ending.

Pokemon Battle Revolution was so bad it killed the Pokemon series for me. Not even the narrator from the American English dub of the Pokemon anime was enough to save it.

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  • I enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2. I also like Lightning as a character.

I wish there were more turn based RPGs

Usually, I enjoy JRPGs far more than WRPGs

I have absolutely no interest in Persona 1 or 2 and I hope Persona 5 sticks closer to the formulas of Persona 3 and 4

I don't think the Free 2 Play model is the scourge of the Earth even though I prefer the subscription model.

I don't have a problem with DLC for the most part. Though I do have a problem when it feels like companies really abuse it and nickel and dime you to death.

Marvel vs Capcom 3 is currently my least liked current fighting game. Super Street IV is currently my second least liked.

I like the Dissidia games much more than the Super Smash Bros games. In fact, if Square Enix gave me a console sequel to Dissidia Final Fantasy, I'd probably lose most of my interest in SSB4.

I find FPS in general to be upsettingly easy to play (at least, compared to fighting games which is one of my favorite genres).

 I can't stand how popular the FPS genre is. It's gotten to a point where every time I hear about or see a new FPS game is being developed, I grimace.

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