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sad A Canterlot Wedding-The Alternate Ending


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  On 2013-12-05 at 5:59 PM, BlueEyedPegasus said:

Of course not. I just feel that there was absolutely no way Twilight could have collected any evidence in this case. The reason I bring this up is because if you really expect me to get upset about what Twilight did at the end of part 1, well, I'm sorry, but I just can't. If you were in Twilight's position and saw the bride-to-be to be truly evil, you'd naturally get all worked up about it, and most likely have no alternative but to out her as being so, even if you didn't have any proof to back you up, and in the case of Twilight's peers, they still should have at least given her accusations some consideration. Am I making myself clear?

Totally. Given the time and what Twilight was dealing with, she could not have possibly collected evidence, and to top it all off, there was no evidence to collect in this case. Open confrontation was Twilight's only option, unfortunately it failed thanks to Chrysalis's Wounded Gazelle stunt, which left Twi as the only guilty party in the aftermath. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the circumstances were not in Twilight's favour. Open confrontation was her only option, given the time she had before the ceremony actually began, which was not much.



"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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  On 2013-12-05 at 6:52 PM, Firebolt Blitz said:

Totally. Given the time and what Twilight was dealing with, she could not have possibly collected evidence, and to top it all off, there was no evidence to collect in this case. Open confrontation was Twilight's only option, unfortunately it failed thanks to Chrysalis's Wounded Gazelle stunt, which left Twi as the only guilty party in the aftermath. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the circumstances were not in Twilight's favour. Open confrontation was her only option, given the time she had before the ceremony actually began, which was not much.

That's a very good insight, and I may have to agree.

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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Chapter 4-Devils, Monsters and Misery (oh my!)


Twilight woke up the next morning, surprised to find she had cried herself into a deep slumber. Quickly gathering her thoughts, she assumed her so-called "friends" were looking for her, and considering this was the first place they'd look, she knew it was in her best interests not to stick around. The purple unicorn spent the next moments packing her saddlebag with all the necessary essentials, before opening her personal map of Equestria to figure out what place the girls wouldn't guess she'd be hiding in. Having given deep thought, Twilight decided to make her new home in the caves deep within the Neighagara Falls. Ideally, it suited her as it would be the last place the girls would think to look. With her destination set, Twilight left the library and began making her way out of Ponyville. Despite her melancholiness, life as usual continued in Ponyville, with the townsponies going about their business, laughing and making merry with each other. Although things around her seemed bright, it only made Twilight feel worse, as she wished she could've been with her friends, doing what the other ponies were doing. In fact, she noticed an earth stallion and mare with their fillies having a picnic on a grassy plain just nearby the town. The fillies were galloping and leaping about, laughing happily. Twilight could only wish that it could've been herself and her friends doing that. Unfortunately, Queen Chrysalis got in the way, and it was everypony she loved and cared for that took the bait. Her friends, who she cared for so deeply, her brother, who she loved and was so excited to see after all those years, and her mentor, who she served for with such loyalty and diligence.......they had all hurt her, and in Twilight's mind, this was only the right thing to do. Isolate herself from the world, and haunt those responsible for her pain. "Well, this is it I guess". Said Twilight to herself. "It will hurt, but this is exactly what they deserve". With that, Twilight went off into the horizon, leaving behind all that she lost.


At the Ponyville train station, Claymore and his royal guard platoon awaited the arrival of Princess Cadance and the Element Bearers, who were coming to Ponyville on important business, so they were told. Claymore's business was strict and to the point; hold position until the princess arrived, before receiving whatever briefing she had for him. After a moment's wait, the train finally arrived, and Cadance disembarked, followed closely by the Mane 5, who looked a little weary. It was obvious that they had spent all of the previous day and night looking around most, if not all, of Canterlot for Twilight, with no reward for their efforts. To Claymore, however, he assumed that the girls had suffered constant nightmares brought on by the Changeling attack, which was still fresh in the Equestrian military's collective minds. "Princess Cadenza, welcome to Ponyville". Said Claymore, who was quick to salute Cadance. His royal guard platoon was also quick to follow suit. "Thank you commander". Said Cadance. "Now, if you'll bear with me, we're here to search for a purple unicorn pony by the name of Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia requires her to return to Canterlot unharmed for immediate debrief, so if you can pass the word onto your men-". Before Cadance could continue, Claymore cut her off. "Forgive me for the interruption, my princess, but you needn't say anymore. I will inform my men at once". Said the commander, who turned to his troops. "Royal Escort! RIGHT, FACE!" The guards did as ordered, swiftly rotating to face the exit. "Royal Escort! Quiiick, MARCH!" Barked Claymore, who began marching in sync with his troops, Cadance and the Mane 5 following close behind.


Having received his orders from Cadance on behalf of Princess Celestia, Claymore led his guards to the barracks, where he immediately debriefed the garrison on Twilight's disappearance and the mission from Celestia to return her to Canterlot unharmed, as well as the mission to secure Ponyville in case of a retaliatory strike from the Changelings. As the girls waited outside, Applejack noticed Cadance, who was looking thoughtfully at a fountain in the middle of the square. Her face displayed a frown, while her eyes cast themselves on the running water, as if they were looking deep into it for an answer. "Princess, are you ok?" Asked Applejack, concerned. "I'm fine Applejack". Replied Cadance. "It's just.......with the way Shining Armor acted, ruthlessly putting down his own sister as he did, I'm beginning to think he's not the husband I dreamed he would be". "Aw, come on Princess". Replied Applejack. "Don't forget that while our actions were unforgivable, Twilight was no better than us. For Celestia's sake, she ran up to...well....you, and started wailin' on about you being evil with no proof! Ah just hope she knows what woulda happened if she were wrong". Cadance could see it on the orange farm pony's face. She was concerned for Twilight, but still angry at her for how she confronted the impostor Cadance. Clearly, AJ knew that, especially for how she knew Twilight, her unicorn friend's actions at the rehearsal were totally out of order, and thus considered Twilight lucky, following the events of the Wedding That Never Was, as it had come to be known. Huddling next to Applejack, as well as extending a wing across her back, Cadance proceeded to comfort the cowpony. "I'm sure she knows Applejack. But you must also understand that two wrongs do not make a right, and none of you had the right to just walk out on her". "Ah.....Ah know Princess! But you have to understand! We were only acting on behalf of Shining Armor! And how were we expected to believe Twilight?! It would've been stupid to have stood by her and defended her in the face of who she just......bullied!" "Be that as it may, Applejack" Said Cadance, doing her best to retain her composure "you should always remember that Twilight would always act for your best interests. I should know, I was her foalsitter for the best part of my teenage life, and if I recall correctly, didn't you and your other friends learn a lesson about not taking Twilight seriously?" Applejack could feel a knot in her throat when Cadance spoke those words. They had hurt her, but to be frank to herself, she deserved as much pain as Twilight suffered when she was abandoned that night in the castle. Applejack, along with Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy had all forgotten one of the most important lessons they could have ever learned; the lesson they dubbed as "Lesson Zero: Always remember that your friend acts with your best interests at heart, and you should always, always, take their concerns seriously". It was clear to Applejack that, by failing this, they had learned nothing since the first day of their adventures with Twilight. Since the freedom of Luna from Nightmare Moon, since the day they reconciled their friendship and defeated Discord, right up to the point where they assisted Cadance and Shining Armor in defeating the Changelings, they had learned absolutely nothing about friendship, and again, Applejack's right to call herself Twilight's friend was thrown into doubt. Did she really deserve to be her friend, despite her actions at the rehearsal? With a deep sigh, she looked back up at Cadance with a face glowering with fragile resolve. "Yeah Princess, we learned that lesson. Sadly, it seems we didn't learn it well enough. But still, that is the price we must pay for our mistakes, and we, all of us, are ready. We failed Twilight once, but I swear Princess. We will not fail her again. After all, our mistake nearly cost the poor girl her life......". Applejack slowly dissolved into tears, as Cadance smiled warmly, huddling the broken cowpony closer to her body with her left wing. She could see that Applejack knew the magnitude of what could've been a very costly mistake. Applejack then whimpered again, her Stetson masking her tear-flooded eyes. "Twilight......could.....have....died.........and with her........everypony in Equestria! And.....it would've been our fault!" Cadance frowned at that, for it was the stark naked truth. If Twilight had indeed perished that night, then Chrysalis would've sent most, if not all, of Equestria to their deaths as well, keeping only a lucky few to be transmorphed into Changelings. Knowing this, then Twilight's own brother, best friends, and mentor would all be held responsible for a crime they both directly and indirectly committed. The direct crime was totally ignoring Twilight's concerns of a possible enemy presence within Canterlot Castle at a time when security was at the highest level possible, and any warning would've been welcome. The indirect crime, however, would be the infamous crime of murder. It was only so lucky that Chrysalis decided to merely lock Twilight up in the same caves Cadance was imprisoned in, and if it weren't for that happening, as well as Twilight blasting open Cadance's stony cell with her magic, then surely they wouldn't have been alive. Cadance knew this, and now Applejack knew it too. In fact, everypony involved knew the truth, and for all their sakes, a heartfelt, utterly sincere apology to Twilight was the only answer. "Applejack? Are you OK?" Asked Rarity, concerned. "She's fine Rarity" Replied Cadance, gently stroking Applejack with her left wing. "She's still struggling to come to terms with the....recent events that have plagued us all". Rarity frowned sadly. She could understand why Applejack was so upset. The previous days had taken a great toll on them, Twilight especially. All Rarity wanted was to see the purple unicorn again, so that they could reconcile and move on from this. The only question was; how long would it be before that happens?


Meanwhile, deep in the Equestrian Badlands, lay a hive from which a long line of ponies, captured by the Changelings, were led into a big, rocky fortress shaped out of black, sharp rocks, with glaring rays of green light poking through holes in the walls and ceiling. Deep within, this same line of prisoners was being dragged either to their deaths, or their transmogrification into fresh Changeling recruits for the Queen's new army. Speaking of which, Chrysalis was seated on her throne, glaring deeply into a burning green flame which showed Twilight arriving at the Neighagara Falls, the first phase of her plan. As the flame changed to show Chrysalis a view of Ponyville, two Changelings flew up, carrying the Queen's personal meal: a freshly captured female pegasus pony, with a coat of bright yellow. Smiling evilly, Chrysalis charged up her love-sucking spell, firing it deep into the hyperventilating pegasus's heart, sucking every ounce of love out of her system. With every minute that passed, the pegasus's breathing began to slow, as her love began reaching critically low levels. Finally, within seconds, Chrysalis had cleaned her plate, and waved off the pegasus in the direction of the transmogrification hive. The Changelings then flew off in the aforementioned direction, the pegasus dangling limp and miserable below them. Chrysalis returned her gaze to the flame, which showed Ponyville, and the several royal guardsmen that were organising patrols, as well as the fortification of the town's outskirts. Smiling evilly, Chrysalis turned to call her military commander. "Commander! Come forth". Hissed the Queen, her commander flying up to her as ordered. "Yes your Majesty?" Hissed the commander in response. "Mobilise the army, and ready your men. The first target is Ponyville. Your orders are to attack, and capture the Princess of Love. Her essence is vital to our quest to conquer Equestria". "As you wish, your Majesty". Hissed the commander. "Oh, and commander?" Asked Chrysalis, who snatched back the commander's attention. "See to it that Twilight Sparkle does not leave the Neighagara Falls. I will not have her interfering with my plans this time". "Of course, your Majesty". Hissed the commander, who flew off. Chrysalis looked back to her flame, which showed Twilight setting up camp in the caves. With a chuckle, Chrysalis watched with glee as with Twilight out of the way, this time she couldn't fail. "Well Twilight, it would seem we can't trust everypony, can we?" Said the Queen, who began cackling with delight. The Changeling's ultimate revenge was about to begin, and this time, there would be no stopping the horde.

Edited by ~Psychotic Blitz~



"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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  On 2013-12-09 at 11:02 PM, draph91 said:

what's with the name change?? 

I had gotten bored of Firebolt Blitz, and decided to take on the Twilight Psycho theme. In fact, long before now, I was searching for a replacement to Firebolt Blitz, only to come up fruitless. Anyway, you like?

Edited by ~Psychotic Blitz~



"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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  On 2013-12-10 at 7:43 AM, ~Psychotic Blitz~ said:

I had gotten bored of Firebolt Blitz, and decided to take on the Twilight Psycho theme. In fact, long before now, I was searching for a replacement to Firebolt Blitz, only to come up fruitless. Anyway, you like?


yes it's a bit scary to be honest

Friendship is not Magic, it's just a word

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No offenise but I like your Firebolt Blitz self. but that my opinion.


As for the chapter:

Oh boy, Chryilis is on the offensive. How isn't that non of the ponies in Canterlot noticed any ponies missing. It's good to see AJ is questioning her worth as a friend, so she might be redemable. Hope Twi can handle them. great chapter and it good to see you're alive again.

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  On 2013-12-10 at 5:27 PM, rst64tlc said:

No offenise but I like your Firebolt Blitz self. but that my opinion.


As for the chapter:

Oh boy, Chryilis is on the offensive. How isn't that non of the ponies in Canterlot noticed any ponies missing. It's good to see AJ is questioning her worth as a friend, so she might be redemable. Hope Twi can handle them. great chapter and it good to see you're alive again.

Don't fret, I haven't snapped like Twi did. I might be an insane young buck, but I'm not that insane. I'm just mad off my cap, and I love it.


Thanks for the review. It was obvious to me that Chrys would be wanting revenge, but how it hasn't materialized in the show as of late still continues to be a thorn in my side. You'd think the writers would know that. I hope the Changelings re-appear somewhere along Season 4, but not to be explored or redeemed like everypony else is saying. IMHO, the Changelings need to be taken out for good. They are not sentient beings, capable of mercy. They are parasites, loyal to only their queen, and their food is the love in everypony. And like all parasites, they must be exterminated.


Applejack won't be the only one questioning her worth as a friend. Along the line, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy will also be faced with that question. AJ may have apologised on the Mane 5's behalf in the show, but I wanted to explore what would happen if Twilight didn't forgive them and brought forth the outburst in the first chapter. For Celestia's sake like, the Mane 5 nearly let Twilight get killed by Chrysalis, and if she had, then they would never forgive themselves. And the worst part is, they'd never find out until it was too late.


Now, I'm aware I left out a few key scenes in this chapter (an example being Shining telling his parents of Twilight's disappearance and the flak he gets for his role in her running away), but I did that because if it was included, there would be way too much for me to work with, so I promise that in the next chapter, both Shining and Celestia will get their comeuppance, as will one other of the Mane 5. Stay tuned, yourself and everypony reading this fanfic. Things are only just hotting up. 



"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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  On 2013-12-05 at 5:59 PM, BlueEyedPegasus said:
Of course not. I just feel that there was absolutely no way Twilight could have collected any evidence in this case. The reason I bring this up is because if you really expect me to get upset about what Twilight did at the end of part 1, well, I'm sorry, but I just can't. If you were in Twilight's position and saw the bride-to-be to be truly evil, you'd naturally get all worked up about it, and most likely have no alternative but to out her as being so, even if you didn't have any proof to back you up, and in the case of Twilight's peers, they still should have at least given her accusations some consideration. Am I making myself clear?


I take it your just ignoring Shining armor when he did in fact answer every last one of Twilights charges? Every last one of them. and she was saying sorry to the fake canance. But we are living in a world where intent is far more important than action. and I never said twilight was out of line in what she did. all I was trying to point out is the main 5 and Celestia's reaction also was not out of place. the castle was believed to be secure. So secure that the wedding was going on as planned. but all that dose not matter apparently twilight isn't allowed to face the music for her actions.

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  On 2013-12-13 at 5:33 AM, Noodles said:

I take it your just ignoring Shining armor when he did in fact answer every last one of Twilights charges? Every last one of them. and she was saying sorry to the fake canance. But we are living in a world where intent is far more important than action. and I never said twilight was out of line in what she did. all I was trying to point out is the main 5 and Celestia's reaction also was not out of place. the castle was believed to be secure. So secure that the wedding was going on as planned. but all that dose not matter apparently twilight isn't allowed to face the music for her actions.

I'm sorry, but the reaction of Twilight's peers was indeed out of place, mainly because it contradicts what they learned in "Lesson Zero" about taking your friends' concerns seriously.

Edited by BlueEyedPegasus

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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  On 2013-12-13 at 4:15 PM, BlueEyedPegasus said:
'm sorry, but the reaction of Twilight's peers was indeed out of place, mainly because it contradicts what they learned in "Lesson Zero" about taking your friends' concerns seriously.


how the heck dose take seriously my concerns equate to accept every thing I say as the truth despite having everything explained to her? There is a difference between taking concerns seriously and blind faith in every thing one says or acts.

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  On 2013-12-13 at 5:33 PM, Noodles said:

how the heck dose take seriously my concerns equate to accept every thing I say as the truth despite having everything explained to her? There is a difference between taking concerns seriously and blind faith in every thing one says or acts.

Blind faith does NOT apply to this scenario. Besides, has it ever occurred to you that Twilight and Shining Armor's parents would be rightfully upset with Shining Armor for kicking his own sister out of his wedding?

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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You ever consider that Twilight Sparkle just called the love of Shining armor life evil? would you really want someone at your wedding that believed your spouse was evil?.


Did you consider that Twilight's parents might be upset with her for making such an accusation? but wait this is Twilight the perfectly reasonable pony and totally not paranoid one.

great message slander someone and everyone is ok with that because?????


why cant you try to see things from eyes other than twilights? Your honestly telling me if you had a friend acting like a complete jerk to your gir/boy friend you would go to your friend and not your gir/boy?

Edited by Noodles
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  On 2013-12-15 at 3:55 PM, Noodles said:

You ever consider that Twilight Sparkle just called the love of Shining armor life evil? would you really want someone at your wedding that believed your spouse was evil?.


Did you consider that Twilight's parents might be upset with her for making such an accusation? but wait this is Twilight the perfectly reasonable pony and totally not paranoid one.

great message slander someone and everyone is ok with that because?????


why cant you try to see things from eyes other than twilights? Your honestly telling me if you had a friend acting like a complete jerk to your gir/boy friend you would go to your friend and not your gir/boy?

But don't forget that Twilight was RIGHT. The most intelligent thing to do in my mind would be to at least give her accusations some consideration. Besides, even if Twilight's parents would be upset with her as well, I feel they'd be even more upset at Shining Armor. And to answer your question about seeing things from the perspective of Twilight's peers, well, I'm sorry, but I just can't, mainly because what they did makes it 100% clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that they forgot the lesson they learned about taking your friends' concerns seriously. There's absolutely NO difference here. Our conversation is over.

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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  On 2013-12-15 at 7:02 PM, BlueEyedPegasus said:

But don't forget that Twilight was RIGHT. The most intelligent thing to do in my mind would be to at least give her accusations some consideration. Besides, even if Twilight's parents would be upset with her as well, I feel they'd be even more upset at Shining Armor. And to answer your question about seeing things from the perspective of Twilight's peers, well, I'm sorry, but I just can't, mainly because what they did makes it 100% clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that they forgot the lesson they learned about taking your friends' concerns seriously. There's absolutely NO difference here. Our conversation is over.

I thought I saw a twilight fanatic No amount of evidence will change your mind. even if they did forget the "lesson zero" thing you keep shoving into this. you still freaking want to reward bad behavior? O that's right every thing twilight did was perfectly reasonable and fair and because she lucked out and was correct she gets a free pass and her friends are all massive dickheads. for what again? O that Bucking right A FREAKING TIME OUT!!!! even in lesson zero Celesta first corrected the wrong twilight did then talked to her.

and why was twilight feeling bad? because she believed she was in the wrong and lost her brother.

Edited by Noodles
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  On 2013-12-15 at 10:03 PM, Noodles said:

I thought I saw a twilight fanatic No amount of evidence will change your mind. even if they did forget the "lesson zero" thing you keep shoving into this. you still freaking want to reward bad behavior? O that's right every thing twilight did was perfectly reasonable and fair and because she lucked out and was correct she gets a free pass and her friends are all massive dickheads. for what again? O that Bucking right A FREAKING TIME OUT!!!! even in lesson zero Celesta first corrected the wrong twilight did then talked to her.

and why was twilight feeling bad? because she believed she was in the wrong and lost her brother.

Alright, you know what? I'm clearly getting nowhere with you. I don't want you to respond to my posts ever again.

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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  On 2013-12-17 at 6:22 AM, rst64tlc said:

please stop you two, this will become a hate topic if this continues, everyone has their opinion on how the CW should've been taken but plz keep hateful comment to yourseleves. Thank you.

I don't Believe I said anything hateful, however I have given up.
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  On 2013-12-17 at 8:20 AM, Noodles said:

I don't Believe I said anything hateful, however I have given up.

Well, what you both said did cause a conflict, and I've frankly gotten tired of it. Can't you just call it a draw and leave it at that?


This is a fanfiction by the way, not a discussion. Either leave a review, or shut up and read.

  • Brohoof 2



"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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  On 2013-12-17 at 5:12 PM, ~Psychotic Blitz~ said:

Well, what you both said did cause a conflict, and I've frankly gotten tired of it. Can't you just call it a draw and leave it at that?


This is a fanfiction by the way, not a discussion. Either leave a review, or shut up and read.

I say, good show! ;)


On the other hand, I'm sorry if we've both caused you trouble, but you know how I am when it comes to defending Twilight's actions. Again, on Noodles' behalf and mine, I'm sorry.

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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  On 2013-12-17 at 6:33 PM, BlueEyedPegasus said:

I say, good show! ;)


On the other hand, I'm sorry if we've both caused you trouble, but you know how I am when it comes to defending Twilight's actions. Again, on Noodles' behalf and mine, I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it. We all know this is one of the hottest debates in the MLPverse. One side claims Twilight should've been listened to from the very beginning. Instead, her brother was taken by mind control, her friends were taken by corruption, and her mentor was taken by shame and disappointment. This led to Shining Armor cruelly shooting down his own sister faster than a Spitfire shooting down a Messerschmitt, while also banishing her from being at the wedding (Strike 1). The Mane 5 then trotted past Twilight, indignant looks on their faces, without the slightest bit of care or consideration for their friend, which was just cold (Strike 2). Finally, Celestia followed up with a Kick The Dog Moment, which proved to be a dagger in Twilight's heart, shattering her soul in the process. The look on her face said it all like; her pain was evident on her face. Following this, a side developed with the same mind that Twilight did not deserve such harsh treatment, and more than an apology should come from the ponies involved, which is where you stand. However, others believed that Shining Armor, the Mane 5 and Celestia should each suffer as much as Twilight did, in order to make them realize the magnitude of their sins. Only then would an apology be acceptable. This is where I stand.


On the other side, there are people who believed Shining's actions, as well as the actions of the Mane 5 and Celestia, were totally justified, considering the very pony Twilight had just humiliated, and also how she went about it in the first place. They believed a time out was in order, and given time, Twilight would apologize for her actions, and accept her punishment: exclusion from the wedding (which would've resulted in getting them all killed, considering everypony would've been too surprised to react quickly).


However, there is one thing we cannot deny. Nopony expected the events that followed after Twi's abandonment. Cadance was really evil, and it seemed for a moment that she had sent Twilight to her death. This obviously had the bronies on the edge of their seats, and this is where the divide occurred. The side that you and I are on say that had Twilight's friends stayed beside her, none of this would've happened. They also argue that because of Shining Armor's, the Mane 5's and Celestia's collective foolishness, Canterlot would've been destroyed, and Equestria would've fallen, as I have argued numerous times. The other side just can't see it: When Shining, the Mane 5 and Celestia abandoned Twilight, they put her, and the whole kingdom, even themselves, in grave danger. Twilight was the only one who knew the truth, and with her death, the kingdom would soon follow suit.

  • Brohoof 2



"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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  On 2013-12-17 at 7:13 PM, ~Psychotic Blitz~ said:

Don't worry about it. We all know this is one of the hottest debates in the MLPverse. One side claims Twilight should've been listened to from the very beginning. Instead, her brother was taken by mind control, her friends were taken by corruption, and her mentor was taken by shame and disappointment. This led to Shining Armor cruelly shooting down his own sister faster than a Spitfire shooting down a Messerschmitt, while also banishing her from being at the wedding (Strike 1). The Mane 5 then trotted past Twilight, indignant looks on their faces, without the slightest bit of care or consideration for their friend, which was just cold (Strike 2). Finally, Celestia followed up with a Kick The Dog Moment, which proved to be a dagger in Twilight's heart, shattering her soul in the process. The look on her face said it all like; her pain was evident on her face. Following this, a side developed with the same mind that Twilight did not deserve such harsh treatment, and more than an apology should come from the ponies involved, which is where you stand. However, others believed that Shining Armor, the Mane 5 and Celestia should each suffer as much as Twilight did, in order to make them realize the magnitude of their sins. Only then would an apology be acceptable. This is where I stand.


On the other side, there are people who believed Shining's actions, as well as the actions of the Mane 5 and Celestia, were totally justified, considering the very pony Twilight had just humiliated, and also how she went about it in the first place. They believed a time out was in order, and given time, Twilight would apologize for her actions, and accept her punishment: exclusion from the wedding (which would've resulted in getting them all killed, considering everypony would've been too surprised to react quickly).


However, there is one thing we cannot deny. Nopony expected the events that followed after Twi's abandonment. Cadance was really evil, and it seemed for a moment that she had sent Twilight to her death. This obviously had the bronies on the edge of their seats, and this is where the divide occurred. The side that you and I are on say that had Twilight's friends stayed beside her, none of this would've happened. They also argue that because of Shining Armor's, the Mane 5's and Celestia's collective foolishness, Canterlot would've been destroyed, and Equestria would've fallen, as I have argued numerous times. The other side just can't see it: When Shining, the Mane 5 and Celestia abandoned Twilight, they put her, and the whole kingdom, even themselves, in grave danger. Twilight was the only one who knew the truth, and with her death, the kingdom would soon follow suit.

Frankly, I'm speechless. That is all.

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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  On 2013-12-18 at 1:38 AM, BlueEyedPegasus said:

Frankly, I'm speechless. That is all.

Oh please, this is just a small sampling of the true level of my intelligence. For me, it doesn't take much to know that the fate of Equestria, especially in that key moment, revolved around Twilight. And furthermore, if only Chrysalis wasn't the type of villain who loved to spend her spare time laughing, gloating and bragging, then perhaps she would've played along with Twilight, who had finally admitted that she was wrong about the bride she thought she knew for the longest damned time, and then she would've won. Unfortunately, she got too careless, almost egotistical, and chose to finish off Twily, rather than just absolve her of her sins, as draph91 mentioned.


As a matter of fact, there's a theory flying around that Nightmare Moon and Chrysalis are one and the same, and to add to that theory, may I add that the manner in which NMM and Chrysalis began their defeats is almost the exact same. Just like when Nightmare Moon shattered the orbs after she believed that they had failed to activate, Chrysalis believed Twilight now had no foreseeable way of defeating her, and thus decided to dispose of her. Unfortunately, the forces of good always find a way, as just like when Twi's friends came to her aid against NMM, Twilight discovered Cadance locked up in the caves, and after escaping, the bright pink alicorn came to her aid, exposing Chrysalis for the true fiend she was. Can you guys see the similarity?



"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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yeah I can see the similarities.


One another note: While I see that everyone has there opinion on the CW incident, I have to side with Twilight half of the story for a few reasons:

1.) She my favorite

2.) While I agree that the way Twi handled wasn't that brightest idea, BUT the way the other Mane 5, Shining, Celestia and Spike (not so much as that others) did to her was WAY OFF! I understand if they're angry heck anyone will be angry but come on! banishing her from the wedding, that going too far, even for them. What's worst is that they didn't even think to talk of look for her during the in-between time (which was how long may I ask?) Even worst off, that Twilight could've died if she didn't find the real Cadence in time.


This video show one possible route/outcome.


If I was in Twilight's friends shoes...err hooves, I would've talk to her what she was thinking, then depending on what I hear, I might have taken it into consideration that Cadence isn't the real one. But sadly the situation wasn't her favor as Psychotic said in his eariler post. 


3.) Even after all was said and done, NOPONY even aplogize to Twilight after they won. What Celestia said to Twilight after the changing's defeat does NOT count as an apology.


Celestia: "You have a real wedding to put together."

Me:..."seriously" after what YOU girls did back in the rehearel you say that!?!


4.) Worst off, out of all of this, Chrysalis was by far the only villian in the series to actually expose the EoH weakest indirectly, remove Twilight and Equestia is screwed.


Actual in fact, I think his should've happen:


-same as canon until the banishment.

-Twilight prepares to leave Canterlot in depression but accidently falls into the caverns below, finding the real Cadence.

-the changlings station in the caverns attack Twilght but fails then she finds the real Candence

-same as canon while Twilight explains too Candence what happened to her as to why she was leaving the wedding while escaping after 'This day Aria'.

-Candence promised Twilight that she going to have a few words with the family and friends.

-same as canon (for the most part) until chrysalis's defeat.

-Celestia says her line before Twilight snaps and Cadence take the party and demands an explaination.

-everything it settled, same as canon.

-season 3 should've focused more on repairing the destroyed bond with Twilight while keeping the 13 canon episodes in.


Actually that would have filled in the remaining 13 episode slots for season 3 as the canon season 3 was halfway too short.


And I'm done.

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