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Well, yesterday or 2 days ago I bought Chosen Master Yi. Wasn't dissapointed.

Why buy a skin for yi? All but headhunter yi just seem like recolors to me


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Also, I bought Mejais right afterwards. Everyone else decided they wanted in on the fun too xD



  • Brohoof 1

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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Also, I bought Mejais right afterwards. Everyone else decided they wanted in on the fun too xD



For the Stack Brotherhood!


Also, I still can't get over how salty that Ziggs was that we shrekd them. xD




  • Brohoof 1


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I hate playing on my friends account... -.-

He's only level 11, so some plothole level 5 played with his level 30 silver 3 friend (Who played the already OP Vladimir -.-) and they just stomped me since I didn't have my runes or masteries


Let me sum up the entire chat of my last game:

Nunu: Irelia stop sucking a**

Shaco: Irelia you f***ing suck

Kog'Maw: Irelia uninstall you ret*rd (Yes I'm censoring that too, I don't like the word that much)

Nunu later: You're normally good as Irelia right?

Me: Yeah, why?

Nunu: F***ing liar, you suck too much a** to be good ever

Shaco at the end of the game: Gg, Irelia too sh*tty


And the worst part? Nunu did way worse than I did -.-

Edited by The Blades Shadow
  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Well, yesterday or 2 days ago I bought Chosen Master Yi. Wasn't dissapointed.


And I haven't played Irelia T_T


But today's game all win, which is nice.


Irelia has quite the high skillcap, so I would suggest seeing if she is your playstyle before even buying her.


I hate playing on my friends account... -.-

He's only level 11, so some plothole level 5 played with his level 30 silver 3 friend (Who played the already OP Vladimir -.-) and they just stomped me since I didn't have my runes or masteries


Let me sum up the entire chat of my last game:

Nunu: Irelia stop sucking a**

Shaco: Irelia you f***ing suck

Kog'Maw: Irelia uninstall you ret*rd (Yes I'm censoring that too, I don't like the word that much)

Nunu later: You're normally good as Irelia right?

Me: Yeah, why?

Nunu: F***ing liar, you suck too much a** to be good ever

Shaco at the end of the game: Gg, Irelia too sh*tty


And the worst part? Nunu did way worse than I did -.-

SHACO SAYD THAT? *laughs* but really, shaco either is a 1 shot wonder, bushhero or totally useless. Also were nunu the support in that game? in that case its hard to say if he did worse or not. 

Anyway, welcome to the league of throws and blamecasters.



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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 Also were nunu the support in that game? in that case its hard to say if he did worse or not. 

Nunu was the midlaner -.-

He said he was an "amazing" Nunu mid... I regret taking his word for it :/


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Nunu was the midlaner -.-

He said he was an "amazing" Nunu mid... I regret taking his word for it :/


NO ONE IS AMAZING AT NUNU MID, About anything can outdo him unless its a sustain war in mid. He will just be poked down to junk before anything happens.



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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NO ONE IS AMAZING AT NUNU MID, About anything can outdo him unless its a sustain war in mid. He will just be poked down to junk before anything happens.

Well he was against a free week lux, so I thought he at least had a chance :/


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Well he was against a free week lux, so I thought he at least had a chance :/


uhm, even a bad lux should be able to annihilate a nunu in lane xD 

Can shield his E, Root him if he gets close and poke him to ragnarok and back



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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uhm, even a bad lux should be able to annihilate a nunu in lane xD 

Can shield his E, Root him if he gets close and poke him to ragnarok and back

Well... Now I know that if I ever have a Nunu mid again that I should isntantly dodge. Or find another group if it's in teambuilder


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Well... Now I know that if I ever have a Nunu mid again that I should isntantly dodge. Or find another group if it's in teambuilder


Well stuff happens, I used to go cho mid all the time in season 2 and 3 :D, Nunu had more sustain too back then so he did just fine in mid too. He's not completely useless in mid thou, but you really need to know the champ and have the right comp around you. for example a shyvana jungle would probably do well with nunu on ganking and if he got fed then he wouldnt have any problems in mid as long as he knew what he was doing.


The real problem thou is if he gets constantly poked down and is able to get CS. If he gets the cs under his turret he should have no problems winning the lane as long as he can last hit.


But as I sayd, If its a random, expect the worst.... I learned that from Silver 5 ranked.... *cries*


But really I would have probably somehow managed to get myself to silver 1 or gold if it wasnt for how insanely bad people were in silver 5 and 4 in the last season :| Im not even kidding when I say I enjoyed more playing with Bronze 5-3 people than Silver 5.



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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Im not even kidding when I say I enjoyed more playing with Bronze 5-3 people than Silver 5.

Dear god... I fear what Silver 5 is like...

  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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But really I would have probably somehow managed to get myself to silver 1 or gold if it wasnt for how insanely bad people were in silver 5 and 4 in the last season :| Im not even kidding when I say I enjoyed more playing with Bronze 5-3 people than Silver 5.

Speaking as a bronze 3 I am going to take that as a compliment! :D

  • Brohoof 2


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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So, I just had a Jax teammate in Twisted Treeline still complaining about being on a legendary streak, AND getting a triple kill... Of course playing the most OP Jax I have ever seen... Freaking Tank Jax...


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So, I just had a Jax teammate in Twisted Treeline still complaining about being on a legendary streak, AND getting a triple kill... Of course playing the most OP Jax I have ever seen... Freaking Tank Jax...

Well look at the team we were up against, Wombo combo deluxe. That malphite alone ruined our team comp half the game. Didnt help that the akali kept whining either xP (she was the random)


  • Brohoof 1



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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I have the worst "friends" ever

I've won just about every game as Rumble (Amazing champ by the way, I almost love playing him as much as I love playing Irelia) and they instantly assume he's a horrible champ that I should never play again because I lost once to a super experienced darius -.-


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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I have the worst "friends" ever

I've won just about every game as Rumble (Amazing champ by the way, I almost love playing him as much as I love playing Irelia) and they instantly assume he's a horrible champ that I should never play again because I lost once to a super experienced darius -.-

Sounds like my whole group in general. xD

I usually get told to never play Tristana (especially mid) by one of my friends due to having my few bad games with her whenever I'm with the whole group. However, I continue to play her happily anyhow. x)


Just pay them no attention and keep playing him if you want.


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Sounds like my whole group in general. xD

I usually get told to never play Tristana (especially mid) by one of my friends due to having my few bad games with her whenever I'm with the whole group. However, I continue to play her happily anyhow. x)


Just pay them no attention and keep playing him if you want.


Playing without my friends just makes life wonderful XD


Seriously though, they think that I need to carry myself in every game without any help from anyone and it's kind of annoying -.-

It's like, there's a reason we have a team ya know, it's not a game of all 1v1s


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Which one of these do you guys identify with most? And don't you dare say "Korean smurf"! :P


Also, which one do you hate most?


I'm definitely the Veteran player... Or the Courteous player (Yeah, I'm actually a nice guy at the beginning of a League game), ooh or on occasion I'm the all-nighter player (like tonight XD)



As for who I hate the most... Guys who have lag or Ragers


Speaking of feeders (you know, those people I never mentioned), it's rant time again! I'll put it in a spoiler for those who don't care


So I was playing with a dumb*** Rengar earlier today... He fed Jinx, fed zed, fed yi, and then blamed me for losing us the game... Him feeding Zed put me behind so I was down by like 3 levels, and when Jinx was fed as all hell, had BT and GA, AND had Zed and Sona with her, he expected me to run into a 1v3 and kill her. I told him that I couldn't fight a 1v3 at a low level so he said "Omg this Irelia is such a f***ing pussy, she lost us the game." Oh the things I wanted to say to him... He's lucky I didn't want to be banned -.-


Edited by The Blades Shadow


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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So I was playing with a dumb*** Rengar earlier today... He fed Jinx, fed zed, fed yi, and then blamed me for losing us the game... Him feeding Zed put me behind so I was down by like 3 levels, and when Jinx was fed as all hell, had BT and GA, AND had Zed and Sona with her, he expected me to run into a 1v3 and kill her. I told him that I couldn't fight a 1v3 at a low level so he said "Omg this Irelia is such a f***ing pussy, she lost us the game." Oh the things I wanted to say to him... He's lucky I didn't want to be banned -.-


H-how does a Rengar even feed? :o  

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H-how does a Rengar even feed? :o  

Like so;


"HEY GUYS I GOT ULT, GOING IN FOR TURRET DIVE!" *An ally has been slain* "Omg wtf how did they see me I was ulting & invisible!" Repeat about a dozen or so times and bingo


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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H-how does a Rengar even feed? :o  

I have no idea... I kept pinging for him to get away from my lane because I was low on health and oom, so he jumped in and died to zed anyway... I don't quite know what happened with the other lanes since I wasn't watching, but every time he "ganked" my lane it just put zed further ahead of me.



Like so;


"HEY GUYS I GOT ULT, GOING IN FOR TURRET DIVE!" *An ally has been slain* "Omg wtf how did they see me I was ulting & invisible!" Repeat about a dozen or so times and bingo

Okay, even our Rengar wasn't THAT bad... But he was pretty close


Holy crap... Finally some good news from the world of elo hell!

I just played Nunu support last game (I would've played Irelia but I got last pick and ended up being the support), and I had a feeling we were going to lose... Halfway through the game my comp overheated, when I came back in the score was 25 to 10, and we were pushed to their inhib turret. Once I got back into the game I started catching up on assists and eventually helped win us the game. I'm working my way out of Bronze 3! :D

Edited by The Blades Shadow


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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