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gaming The Official League of Legends Thread


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I loved playing LoL, it was the first MOBA i really managed to get in to, i mainly played Olaf as a jungler towards the end of my LoL playing spree but alas it came to an end when i discovered DOTA 2 ;)




If you ever get bored of LoL, come check out DOTA 2, it isnt released yet but you can get in on the beta or buy in on the beta.



As for the previous post that mentioned GP, i loved playing critplank. Get him 100% crit and open with your parley, the pure awesome damage is just pure awesomeness :D

Although i do usually go OTT on my "100% builds" 100% crit was my favorite for quite a few champions, but my 100% lifesteal Nocturne was truly awesome :D

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

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After a month or two, my goal has been achieved. After such big plays and hard work.

Here comes the freshly baked Platinum-player!


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holy crap man congrats.

I loved playing LoL, it was the first MOBA i really managed to get in to, i mainly played Olaf as a jungler towards the end of my LoL playing spree but alas it came to an end when i discovered DOTA 2 ;)




If you ever get bored of LoL, come check out DOTA 2, it isnt released yet but you can get in on the beta or buy in on the beta.


I played dota 2 a few times, i don't see myself converting over anytime soon, i've really just gotten into a more serious side of LoL and still have friends to play with.
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So we did a 5v5 draft I picked Veigar and the enemy counter picked... Ahri? Well suffice to say her choice of counter reflected on the battlefield.


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Oh and as a bonus:


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This game was pretty fun! At Champion Select sona went like: "Dude! What if I play AD Carry and you support?!? They will never know!~" So we did that and here is the result:


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Edited by Neikos the Omniscient
  • Brohoof 3

I love you! <3

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So, um, yah. I'm bored, Mal's never on at the same time as me anymore and Hypno's being Hypno. If anypony wants to play with me, I generally use General Octavia on NA. Sometimes I use Dawnpath, so I guess it's worth noting. Anyways, ad me.


Ohhhhhhhhhhh, after that last match I need to vent


I suck at jungle, but I'll do it when asked. This team asked me to. I'm doing alright, everyone's fine, and Morg and I decide to go up and gank top. Well, top lane is Darius's, so guaranteed one kill, right? We get their Malphite, but Morg doesn't kill him. So she rages, intentionally feeds, and ruins the whole game. And all I can do is sit there and basically internally scream WTF. Ugg, I hope the tribunal nails her down and drops the banhammer, people like that shouldn't play these kinds of games. LoL is a TEAM MATCH. Emphasis on TEAM. Oh, and feed Teemo apparently equals GG in case you were wondering.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Yes. They went double jungle. It was the most goddamn annoying thing ever for my laners, as there were so many ganks going on that nobody knew what was happening. Eventually, however, we were driven by the urge to 1)not be beaten by a double jungle, 2)not be beaten by trash talkers(which was that Sion), and 3)so that we could show that being cocky when you're ahead is a very bad idea. We punished them severely for never being together by killing them off 1 by 1 at times, and even in a full-on 5v5 they would focus me, the underfed Yi, instead of the hyperfed Ezreal or the Voli that was hitting surprisingly hard or the Zilean who was trolling them hard.


All in all, this game was very annoying at the beginning, and extremely amusing at the end.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature and avatar made by Arylett Dawnsborough.

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*Steps out of three days of intensive torture playing Dark Souls*


Heeeelllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo world!


Question! Is the famous list proposed to do ongoing by someone else or do I have to do it? Did someone asked a mod if we can create a new topic for the list to be creistal clear and not lost in the middle of this thread? If not, how do I contact the right one?

Edited by Unexard

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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So... I was jungling Eve today, game went amazing, ganks all played out well and I got robbed not one but TWO penta kills, one was legit stolen, and the other could have been easily secured if Jarvan had dropped a single.... anything. Funny enough it was Jarvan who stole my penta away from me. Regardless my score speaks for itself.


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Also I gotta try to get on the forums more often, college starts tomorrow so I'll be busy most weekdays, mondays off :D. Try not to miss me too much ya hear (i'll be around enough I am sure.)

  • Brohoof 4

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I finally got a build for GP. Intense farming early-mid game, build support, then win all the teamfights late game. Raise morale, r, q, q, q, q. Rinse and repeat.

  • Brohoof 1

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Wow, seeing all of this is both awesome and disheartening at the same time. I just started playing this game, so seeing some of those numbers are intimidating, especially since I'm not that good yet...

  • Brohoof 3


Princess Luna is best pony

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Well, Ice Storm, I *would* be happy to play with you any time :) I am level 30, but I can make something happen about that :P Anyways I hope you enjoy the game and after a while I'm sure you'll be getting up there. Also, we tend to have bad games too xD

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I'm thinking maybe I should add a few more people (SunlitVoid NA+EuW). Oh well, I can say that this was one of my better games, despite it being a 1.1v5.

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Wow, seeing all of this is both awesome and disheartening at the same time. I just started playing this game, so seeing some of those numbers are intimidating, especially since I'm not that good yet...


You want a gaming buddy? I'm always like playing with people, though my expectations CAN be high of some people (you know who you are!) I am generally easy going on the new players :). Much luck on your future conquest on the Fields of Justice! And WhiteShade, we need to play more! Shoot me an invite, I'll make some time for you if I have to! and nice GP Builds, looks a lot like mine. Ever thought about trying Atma's impaler and Warmogs armor on him? May have gotten nerfed a while back but I think it still is pretty brutal with an IE and Trinity Force.


PS. Ice Storm, You will be good, I shall mold thee if I have to!

  • Brohoof 1

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Wait, he's not talking about me is he? No, no that's not possible. I haven't played Riven in months. Okay, good. I think if I had to live up to those expectations I would probably die under these score I keep getting.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Flawless victory! (minus a hiccup with Vlad) That's the first time I've seen Vlad lose mid lane to Sona. All of my wat. Anyways, Varus was feeding early game, but then got godly, getting doubles, trips, and quads all over the map, he didn't even get a single after 25:00, just multikills lol. Finally got the Tank GP build perfected. Mercs, Reverie, the shield thingy that slows ppl based on armor, warmogs, GA, FH. You can see how I did there. Also there was a moment where GP was at 50% hp, Nid 25%, Jarvan 100%, Jarvan ult, nid gets caught (or engaged, idk), gp double kill. SO tanky.

  • Brohoof 1

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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So. I think I've gotten the hang of Orianna for sure now. It was an extremely fun game for me to play and I did fantastic in my opinion, although I know I made quite a few mistakes. Went 12/2/7 against a Karthus mid(poor Karthus went 2/3/7) And I have also found a really good general build for her.


http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/1954165/ Here you go if you wanna watch the 45 minute game.

  • Brohoof 1
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You want a gaming buddy? I'm always like playing with people, though my expectations CAN be high of some people (you know who you are!)


I just felt an ice storm shoot down my spine >.<, maybe i could make a new account on LoL, and skpye, and MLP forums and get a voice change in order to play without being judged :P
  • Brohoof 2
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Hey guys, Me again. I just got 3150 IP and I was wondering who I should spend it on? I like champions with good CC that aren't easily counter or fall off late game.


I was considering : Akalai,Pantheon,Olaf and Nidalee. I head GP is awesome but i'm kinda iffy about it to be honest.

I'm open to all suggestions though :)



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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Hey guys, Me again. I just got 3150 IP and I was wondering who I should spend it on? I like champions with good CC that aren't easily counter or fall off late game.


I was considering : Akalai,Pantheon,Olaf and Nidalee. I head GP is awesome but i'm kinda iffy about it to be honest.

I'm open to all suggestions though :)


Get Blitz, Shen, Anivia, Rammus, Xin Zhao, Udyr, GP is awesome, and Olaf has nice CC too. Akali doesn't have much in the line of CC, neither does Panth or Nidalee. Lots of good champs, I suggest trying them out and then deciding who to buy.

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Get Blitz, Shen, Anivia, Rammus, Xin Zhao, Udyr, GP is awesome, and Olaf has nice CC too. Akali doesn't have much in the line of CC, neither does Panth or Nidalee. Lots of good champs, I suggest trying them out and then deciding who to buy.


Thanks for the reply :)

I already have Shen and Udyr. I hear GP is easily countered and outclassed by other solo tops.

Also,I thought Olaf and Pantheon fall late game



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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I just felt an ice storm shoot down my spine >.<, maybe i could make a new account on LoL, and skpye, and MLP forums and get a voice change in order to play without being judged :P


Oh come on... I'm not THAT bad... Right? :P either way I have some news. I just got a penta kill, in a live game on NA as... You'll never guess. Teemo! That's right as on hit Teemo. I switched my build half way through so I could carry better however I had my whole on-hit set up when it happened. I have a screen shot showing the multi kill and I am going to upload the recording of it. You should have heard my victory shriek!


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Thanks for the reply :)

I already have Shen and Udyr. I hear GP is easily countered and outclassed by other solo tops.

Also,I thought Olaf and Pantheon fall late game


Olaf can be fairly strong in the late game, though yes he falls off. Pantheon does the same thing, however he can rule a laning phase. His lane presence is insane and he can do serious damage out of no where. GP is in a weird place I'd say. I really don't know where he falls, but he can face down a lot of different top lanes with relative ease.
  • Brohoof 2

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Second try since forums went down...


I'm almost at the 3k mark, and I'm considering either getting Lux, LeBlanc, or Karma. Here's my rationale:


I main Lux on an alt, and I can play her right away at the skill ceiling.

I'm thinking lb will be a good counter to the mids I struggle with (Orianna, Cass sometimes, and more recently, Gragas). Orianna is the big one.

I heard Karma was awesome.


So which should I get first?

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Karma is hard to play and hard to fit into a team comp. She needs a lot of micromanagement of Mantra to be an effective support or mid. I'd recommend against her.


I'd recommend Lux or LeBlanc, and they both have their uses (Lux with that crazy AoE potential and LeBlanc with her ability to instagib carries from nowhere near a team fight breaking out). I'd recommend Lux, if only because you're more comfortable with pulling wins with her. Then save up another 3150 IP worth of wins and buy LeBlanc.

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Karma is hard to play and hard to fit into a team comp. She needs a lot of micromanagement of Mantra to be an effective support or mid. I'd recommend against her.


I'd recommend Lux or LeBlanc, and they both have their uses (Lux with that crazy AoE potential and LeBlanc with her ability to instagib carries from nowhere near a team fight breaking out). I'd recommend Lux, if only because you're more comfortable with pulling wins with her. Then save up another 3150 IP worth of wins and buy LeBlanc.


The options you have presented me annoy me... Lux is really lacking as a late game champion. Her early game has potential, but there are too many champs that just flat out stomp her. I cant tell you how many Lux have shown up to mid with the hope of getting a kill or even some minion kills... LeBlanc on the other hand still lacks late game, but can assassinate with extreme ease and actually does counter most common mids. Granted you mentioned Gragas and Cass in that list. Yeah counters for them don't really exist. Hell, Cass can walk all over Kassidin and he's the counter mid of counter mids xD. I say LeBlanc just because she can snow ball with just a few kills, and really doesn't need to farm to make herself powerful.
  • Brohoof 1

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