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But i've played a few games with alot of members.

I've played alot with Lamii and Freckels.

I've played like.. 3 games with you ;)


Oh my god, Sasha.

Potato girl!

But i've played a few games with alot of members.

I've played alot with Lamii and Freckels.

I've played like.. 3 games with you ;)


Oh my god, Sasha.

Potato girl!


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Hey everyone, I got a question for you all. With the recent Essence Reaver being introduced to the game, do you guys think it would be a good item on Kha'Zix? On paper, it seems like is glorious on him. CDR, Mana Regen, Life Steal... Really, he can use all the stats. However this wouldn't be the first time something on paper doesn't work as well in game, so I decided to see what everyone else said first


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Hey everyone, I got a question for you all. With the recent Essence Reaver being introduced to the game, do you guys think it would be a good item on Kha'Zix? On paper, it seems like is glorious on him. CDR, Mana Regen, Life Steal... Really, he can use all the stats. However this wouldn't be the first time something on paper doesn't work as well in game, so I decided to see what everyone else said first


No. If you need mana for Khaz, buy a tear into manamune. Mana steal only on AA, Khaz doesn't spam high cost skills very often, not enough stats for the slot, etc. Really only good for AD spammers, like Ez.


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No. If you need mana for Khaz, buy a tear into manamune. Mana steal only on AA, Khaz doesn't spam high cost skills very often, not enough stats for the slot, etc. Really only good for AD spammers, like Ez.


Yeah, see, this is why I asked first :P Thanks, I appreciate the nice, quick response! I missed the part about the AA only, but it does make sense... Guess I'll keep it on Jayce for now


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I haven't posted in here in a minute.


Well, from whenever I last posted, I finally managed to get a penta. Two, to be exact. Both of them with Jinx, oddly enough. Both games ended up at least 20+ kills (the first was i think 29 or 30 with maybe 5 deaths I think) and prolly around 5 or so deaths each time. What I find funny is that I can't go as ham with Tristana as I can Jinx and Trist is supposed to be my main adc. :l


Speaking of mains, I need to get back into Mid more. Ive been support/fill so many times now that ive literally just about lost all care for what lane I end up in (minus Jungle. I will bitch about that and then afk farm as Udyr like theres no tomorrow unless im feeling generous).

  • Brohoof 2


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I was saving up to buy Rammus, and now he's on free week. That's convenient.


Speaking of Free Week Quinn Top so far is quite promising, especially against melee tops, she can zone and burst very easily with her E, mess up their last hitting with Q (Slightly outclassed by Teemo there though, who can blind without a skillshot, so take that in mind) and her Ult + W can make it REALLY hard for the enemy to run away/kite you. 525 Range though is pretty awful so I'm not using her as an ADC. It's an off meta pick atm but it's gaining traction and hopefully becomes more popular.

frick tumblr

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I was saving up to buy Rammus, and now he's on free week. That's convenient.


Speaking of Free Week Quinn Top so far is quite promising, especially against melee tops, she can zone and burst very easily with her E, mess up their last hitting with Q (Slightly outclassed by Teemo there though, who can blind without a skillshot, so take that in mind) and her Ult + W can make it REALLY hard for the enemy to run away/kite you. 525 Range though is pretty awful so I'm not using her as an ADC. It's an off meta pick atm but it's gaining traction and hopefully becomes more popular.

Lol I mained that for quite some time. It works really well against champs who need to get up close & auto, such as tryndamere, jax, & nasus. However it can be countered fairly easily if you know how to. Personally I go for a bruiser-y kind of thing, but since my usual build was focused on many of the old ADC items for damage, I am not sure how well it works now... Might have to try that sometime in the future


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Went 28/8/16 as ADC Pantheon with Soraka supp against Jinx and Nasus. Was pretty epic. I was the mobile wall of pain that rained pointy death upon mine enemies and stunned them, while Soraka kept me healed and full of mana and contributed damage of her own. Basically, the only way they could kill me was to get to Soraka, but whenever someone tried, I just stunned them or bursted them down before they could get to her xD


Ranged ADC is a thing of the past, the glorious age of ADC Pantheon has begun :D


That said, anyone from NA want to add me and queue with me? I'm starting to amass a collection of active friends, but could always use more, because I hate solo queue x.x

Edited by Captain Teemo

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Lol I mained that for quite some time. It works really well against champs who need to get up close & auto, such as tryndamere, jax, & nasus. However it can be countered fairly easily if you know how to. Personally I go for a bruiser-y kind of thing, but since my usual build was focused on many of the old ADC items for damage, I am not sure how well it works now... Might have to try that sometime in the future

Of course I wouldn't use it against a ranged top. Quinn's range is ass so she can easily get Zoned out (Teemo is probably the best counter for her, providing he can dodge her Qs) However Melee bruisers are the meta atm so you get a lot of opportunities to use her.

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Of course I wouldn't use it against a ranged top. Quinn's range is ass so she can easily get Zoned out (Teemo is probably the best counter for her, providing he can dodge her Qs) However Melee bruisers are the meta atm so you get a lot of opportunities to use her.

I was thinking more champs like Wukong & Rumble as the former can sort of keep up with Quinn's mobility (and damage) & the latter scales harder while still having really strong poke. Also going Ryze against her is a pretty strong match up in your favor


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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So I just played a ranked match...

Their Nasus started farming like hell, their Jarvan forced about 4 flashes, their Ezreal was dominating completely and their Ziggs was sniping everybody.


Our Shyvana started building Attack Speed...



"Walk always in shadows, so that you will see your foes before they see you."



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I can play with you, though I'll be away for a couple of days starting tomorrow.

I will have my laptop, but it can't handle league at 60 fps which annoys me not to mention the place doesn't have the best internet.

Currently I'm in gold V mainly in bot lane. I can go both support and ADC, my worst lane is top. Message me for my ign.


 Signature made by Sir Lunashy

My OC Midnight Blade:Midnight Blade

And Lightning Strings:Lightning Strings

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I finally have Rammus, bought Ziggs on a whim too (yeah I know he's getting nerfed.) . Recent matches have been really long and stressful though. Last match I had a Jinx rage at me in all caps for like 20 minutes straight because I did my aformentioned Quinn Top and messed up (I assumed that Rango was top and Xin was jungle and then I underestimated Xin's Damage as I had never laned aginst him before. This combined with Rango ganking much more than elise meant that Xin Snowballed pretty bad.) It didn't help that despite having an Elise/Tank Soraka and Me building a bruiser build she spent 5 minutes talking about how there were no tanks because of me (I was second pick btw.) I might have to stop playing all together until my friend gets his internet back (If two people get pissed off at you being a shit they tend to shut up pretty fast.)

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I finally have Rammus, bought Ziggs on a whim too (yeah I know he's getting nerfed.) . Recent matches have been really long and stressful though. Last match I had a Jinx rage at me in all caps for like 20 minutes straight because I did my aformentioned Quinn Top and messed up (I assumed that Rango was top and Xin was jungle and then I underestimated Xin's Damage as I had never laned aginst him before. This combined with Rango ganking much more than elise meant that Xin Snowballed pretty bad.) It didn't help that despite having an Elise/Tank Soraka and Me building a bruiser build she spent 5 minutes talking about how there were no tanks because of me (I was second pick btw.) I might have to stop playing all together until my friend gets his internet back (If two people get pissed off at you being a shit they tend to shut up pretty fast.)

Trust me, I know exactly how that feels. Just a few games ago, I was playing with an absolutely rancid team. Everyone was feeding & raging, especially a mordekaiser. He gave first blood onto their Vayne (yes, first blood on Vayne. You can imagine how well everyone reacted to THAT), add onto that he had gone towards the wraith camp on purple side instead of running to turret (claimed he didn't want to get grabbed by Blitz) & we were off to a LOVELY start... I actually started snowballing against my opponent (I was Vi versus Fiora in top lane), but the other lanes got more & more fed. At 17 minutes in, we lost all turrets except mine (again, not sure how... I am never good against Fiora). The entire team was boiling over like mad... We ended up winning that, somehow, mostly due to the Ziggs supporting getting some great snipes & some great picks onto the Vayne... But oh boy I wanted to give up way before 20 minutes was up  :blink:


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Does anyone watch pro level play? I have nobody to talk to about stuff. :(

I do but I haven't done so in AGES! I watched most of the Winter ones, but not much else. I do watch some of the pro-top laners streams & recordings of their games on YouTube, however


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Xerath is so good <3 I wouldn't let Talon do anything, including ganking the top lane Naut. And when he did, I followed and killed multiple people :D Also, Naut top, Blitz/Rammus bot, Udyr  jungle. I was our only back line, and woo 3 shotting everyone except Nasus ^^


Edit: And evidently I did that with ADC masteries o.O No wonder I had no CDR xD


I haven't posted in here in a minute.

Well, from whenever I last posted, I finally managed to get a penta. Two, to be exact. Both of them with Jinx, oddly enough. Both games ended up at least 20+ kills (the first was i think 29 or 30 with maybe 5 deaths I think) and prolly around 5 or so deaths each time. What I find funny is that I can't go as ham with Tristana as I can Jinx and Trist is supposed to be my main adc. :l

Speaking of mains, I need to get back into Mid more. Ive been support/fill so many times now that ive literally just about lost all care for what lane I end up in (minus Jungle. I will bitch about that and then afk farm as Udyr like theres no tomorrow unless im feeling generous).


Mid's mine sucka >:3 Unless I feel nice sometimes xD

Edited by Eavath

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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I do but I haven't done so in AGES! I watched most of the Winter ones, but not much else. I do watch some of the pro-top laners streams & recordings of their games on YouTube, however


Wait, OGN Winter? Either way the meta's shifted pretty radically since then.

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Wait, OGN Winter? Either way the meta's shifted pretty radically since then.

Oh yeah, big time. Especially with the recent nerfs to LebLanc & Nidalee, which made the mid lane meta turn over on its head, & the ADC items having gotten mixed around... Things have changed heavily in just the last patch alone


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Oh yeah, big time. Especially with the recent nerfs to LebLanc & Nidalee, which made the mid lane meta turn over on its head, & the ADC items having gotten mixed around... Things have changed heavily in just the last patch alone


The EU LCS games today looked a lot more action packed in general. Seems the meta's shifted to encourage a lot of skirmishes for vision and buff control.

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The EU LCS games today looked a lot more action packed in general. Seems the meta's shifted to encourage a lot of skirmishes for vision and buff control.

Again I can't very well confirm or deny this when it comes to full teams in the LCS, but the current games I have seen of WingofDeath, I have noticed that there have been less & less huge teamfights... More focused around just getting onto a certain champ or picks than that, then pushing in for the win. However I think that I should probably check out some LCS soon, to see exactly how this has affected the bigger games

  • Brohoof 1


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I play a mix of bot games and PvP. My name is the same as my profile on here, Unr3alGamer

NA, EU, what? I would add you if you are on NA (& preferably in my rank & division, but I have more than a few high ranking friends)


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Finally found a ranked team. Tried a couple ranked matches, lost both, then did a normal match to practice and won even though the enemy team's Fiora got fed.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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