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What do you think of haters


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I been wondering what do other brony think of haters or deal with them

cause I been into them alot and I hate it when call you gay and they don give us a chance evey time

I come across a hater like this I want to bash there head in

Edited by flutterfire
  • Brohoof 1


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I think they need to just deal with it and stop getting freaking butthurt. It is ridiculous and pointless. If you just see a problem with 20 year old men watching a show originally meant for little girls, ok that is understandable

Edited by GamerTwilight
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I find them funny.


"Your gay"


No I am not gay


"Your Into little Girls"


But you just said I am gay


"Your into horses"



They are cute when their butthurt

  • Brohoof 5

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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It depends on the type of hater. If they plain out despise bronies, then I will not like them...at all. They need to grow up and deal with older people enjoying a show out of the target demographic. If it's just teasing, then I don't really mind...just ignore them and feel glad that you're probably doing something with your life instead of sitting around and hating on a group that have done nothing wrong except enjoy a TV show.




Edited by WheatleyCore
  • Brohoof 7


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In short, I don't give a shit about them. If they want to be dumb enough to hate people over liking a show that promotes friendship and kindness, then they are dirt beneath my feet. Their opinions are useless, whatever opinions they have. More or less their opinions are just repackaged opinions of other people so it is just a giant hive mind of sheer pointlessness, stupidity, and lacking in any sense of having their own opinion. Plus, if they have not even seen the show, that makes it even worse and more pathetic.


So, to hell with them, basically.

  • Brohoof 4



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I feel like most people who could be defined as "haters" are likely just as misunderstood as we are. Though as much as I can have sympathy for them, I also think they should worry about themselves instead of losing their shit about people who like technicolor ponies.


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I could care less on what others think about a TV show I watch. People reply to haters, and that in itself feeds them, just leave them be, they'll starve and find someone else to bother.


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I keep wondering why are they so against the magic of friendship. It's really sad to see that people can hate you without even knowing what you're into, or even worse, just because everyone else does it.


Our fandom has great art, music, animation and even the people involved with the show, like voice actors, go to the conventions. I'm not sure how this makes us want to molest little girls or horses or how it makes us gay. I feel sad that haters can put so much effort into trying to bring us down instead of just ignoring us and finding something they like, so they themselves can realize how it feels like when you love something and you just don't give a flying f... :o  uhh... Don't care what everyone else thinks.

  • Brohoof 2
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How dare we choose to like a TV show! We should obviously be sentenced to death for this! UPHOLD MALE STEREOTYPES BECAUSE... um... REASONS!

But in all seriousness, they're a waste of time  Although, sometimes I troll them back for schadenfreude. It feels good.

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The feeling between me and the haters are, I have better things to do than argue with hypocritical scumbags who have nothing better to do than promote hate on a harmless TV show. I feel that haters aren't really worth anything since, I don't see why people reply to haters since all haters do is come up with bad remarks and bad counterarguments on why people who watch the show are grown men. Look, if your a hater and just put all of your hate on just a TV show for people who enjoy watching it.. you need help.

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hellz yea dem h8terz b h8ten on ma swaggg #yolo #suckit


Alright, for reals? Don't pay them no mind. As annoying they can be, just try to ignore them. Don't stoop to their level. mlp-dhipster.png


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Obviously, I don't really LIKE them, but I don't flip out when I see one, in fact, I usually either ignore them or at extreme points, politely tell them to shove off. If they reply to me angrily, I then ignore them.


I don't really understand them too much. They must really hate colorful ponies if they freak out about people watching a TV show. We don't flip out at Whovians, do we? No. I just think they don't understand. Most of them refuse to give the show a try and end up hating on us because they think the show is stupid. Others watch a 'bad' episode, such as Mare Do Well (Don't get mad at me if you like that episode!), and think that the entire show must automatically be horrible.


I've bumped into haters a few times on YouTube. Most of the bad encounters, I just see in the comments and roll my eyes. But there was one time where a hater said something mean about the show and I, tired of the constant arguing asked, "Excuse me, but have you ever actually watched the show and/or listened to the fandom's music?" He/She replied, "Well, no..." And and I told him/her, "Well, before you say mean stuff, why don't you go listen to the song 'Discord'. That was what originally made me interested in the show. If you like that, maybe you could try watching a few episodes of the show. Then, at least you'll know what you're hating on."


So, apparently he/she took my advice and must have watched the first season and season 2 opener, because he/she messaged me a few days later and told me, "Thank you so much. I've watched a lot of the show now, and I'm addicted to that song! I'm really sorry for saying the things I did. I guess I can credit you with making me a brony. ... BTW, DISCORD IS BEST VILLAIN!"


He/She did actually say that last part. ^_^

So, I guess the point of that was just to say, haters may hate, but that doesn't mean they're going to always hate, no matter what. They are people, just like us, and a lot of them just don't get it. If we are kind to the (take that from Fluttershy, guys), we may find that some of them will actually like the show, if we just convince them to give it a chance, and don't drive them away by cursing them out. It doesn't help the situation at all.


Haters gonna hate, but bronies gonna love and tolerate!!!

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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Haters are people being ignorant, don't get me wrong, not liking the show is ok, but hating the show is simply ignorant.


Why would you waste your breath hating a show? What possible purpose does that serve? How is that productive.


More so a good majority of the actual haters never have watched the show, or only seen very small bits and pieces.


The ones who just don't like the show, but don't hate us or the show are the ones who've watched it and realized it could be liked, but personally don't like it, and also realize how dumb it is to hate a freaking TV show anyways.


So I think haters are just being ignorant typically, I ignore them most of the time.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.<br /><br />This is an automatically generated message, by the way.


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Well, like any other fandom, there's gonna be haters. I think they need to stop being pretentious egotistical d-bags and just accept the fact that people like what they like. 


"Hey, haters! How would you respond if I said football is for attention-whores?"


(I'm sorry football lovers, it was just an example. Nothing against you)


Pretty much in all honesty.

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I really don't think a bout them, for say, yesterday, I was admin on a Minecraft server, my nick name was: ~RainbowDash,and this is pretty much what happend:


Hater(H): rd are you a brony


Me(M):  well, i wonder


M: are you?


H (something like): No, get a life you P*ssy you f*cking clop to ponys


(a server message): S**d**B****t was kicked by ~RainbowDash for reason: disrespect


^^The "*"s are to make sure his name is not publicized.


The hater was also later banned for aking for admin :D

Edited by dyaviator
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If they hate My Little Pony, and they tease and mock others about it, then I feel pity for them, and their insecurity.


"Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind."


-Dr. Seuss


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Yes, well--there are haters out there, but Bronies could do a lot better at times. It's not admirable, or really defensible; blind mockery or intolerance for the sake of self-serving exclusion, but Bronies, we have a hard time claiming we're better than they are if the only way we can react is with the same sweeping generalizations and anger and intolerance that's thrown in our faces. In my opinion, Bronies tend to over-react, to, well, everything, including being disliked--it's frequently our worst weakness.


It's hard; truly, really something difficult, but dealing with that is a part of what being a Brony should mean. It should be, in my mind, what you signed up for when you decided to watch. How much greater are we if we respond with love instead of with intellectual denouncements of all our critics, the kind of love that makes converts instead of enemies? @Above: After all, Dark Horn, if you pity them, genuinely pity them, instead of the kind of pity that's used as an attack--I'm sorry for randomly picking on you, but you were the post above me--why don't you do something about it? Why not reach out to a potential friend who needs some form of help, if there's something about them that makes them deserving of pity?


I'm not saying Bronies are as bad as their detractors. There are plenty out there who act in a way that makes me very proud of this fandom. But we can do better than what I've seen in this thread.

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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I can respect people giving the show a chance and deciding it is not their thing but when someone who in all likelihood hasn't watched the show feels the need to project their own insecurities onto others than that is their problem not mine. Haters are going to hate but I am not going to give them any more ammo, they can say I am a homosexual pedophile man child all they want because I have nothing to say to them and I suggest more of us take that same approach. 

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I feel they are a complete waste of ducking time. Why waste your time commenting to hate? It's like 2 minutes wasted typing a hate comment. I mean, seriously? If people wanna watch a show meant for little girls, let them. Don't hate. Really. It's their opinion, let them have a right to their opinion. I bet there ae people making accounts right now, just to hate. Trying at least. That question I had to try twice (I spelled Generosity wrong) but, really. Leave them alone. Ignore haters. Don't waste your time replying.

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I normally just look at their comment, message, whatever and look for any source of their hating, if i find a good source such as they have seen the show and just don't like it, I let them have an opinion and walk away. If not i ask them if they have seen the show and if they haven't I suggest that they shouldn't hate something they've never seen before.


I'm a bomb. . . made of fire.

So I bomb things. . . with fire. . . and do nothing else


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Of all the hate I get I just roll my eyes and laugh, and troll them back.


Most the hate I get comes from on xbox. people team kill me,or try to get me kicked. In the end I usually do better then them at the game, and they end up leaving, and a short while later they send me a message....it's funny.Sometimes I troll them back.it's funny hearing their responses back.


I've never gotten any real life hate. and I got pony pins on my hat I wear,and I always wear that hat.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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Eeeeeehh... they're... I have no idea. Haters are generally those who hate without ryhme or reason. I can't say I've never been this way. At one point in my life I was a brony hate. Shocking isn't it. But I got curious and did an experiment and here I am today. So I'm not to fond of haters but at the same time I don't dislike them. The world is full of people like this and will continue to be. So as long as they don't get physical, they have the right to say as they please.

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