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Embarrassing occasions of any kind?


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My mom was teaching the Physics class at my house, and I said "everypony." Thankfully, it was soft, and no one was listening, but my heart stopped for a second.

Another time I walked out in the road and didn't look, and a car honked and I jumped.

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;_; me and my friend were going in for a slow run hug thing and i twisted my ankle and headbutted him in btween the legs....


other time my friend told me to 'watch out for the log' and i was like 'what log?!' and -_- well i found it...

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Also, I once was looking at pictures with my brother and his fiancee, and one of them moved, and I screamed, but only then did I realize that it wasn't scary at all, it was only Pedobear coming out of the picture.



v.v and I was reading a scary story once, and it had a face jump out at me, and I was totally not expecting it, so I gasped and pushed my chair back into a wall, knocking the computer monitor over almost.


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Can't really recall many.


There was one time in school where I found a mutilated pen, so I picked it up, and the central ink container was sticking out of the back and was bent, allowing it to conveniently spin. For my own entertainment I was spinning it only to have the ink container finally burst. Unluckily it was in mid-swing and pointed at my face when it bursted, though I suppose it getting all over my face was less awkward than should it had exploded on the girl in front of me or someone to my sides.


There's also that awkward moment when you are messing around with a pen yet again only to drop it on the the leg of the girl sitting next you. She doesn't realize it and at risk of getting in trouble from talking to ask her for the pen, your only option is to grab it on your own, and then risk having it look like you were trying to violate a girl by putting your hand in that area.



Yeah...I took the secret option of not retrieving the pen at all until after class, and not getting any work done for that class because of the lack of a pen :V


Coulda just tapped her on the shoulder and pointed to the pen. No words neccesary :D

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I don't know if I've told this one before, but it's the only one I can think of at the moment.


Back in high school I was in marching band and we were on the buses ready to leave for the national competition. I had my pillow and blanket and was sitting in my seat ready to go. I also brought a six pack of Dr. Pepper bottles. A 12 hour bus trip can be quite long! So I opened one of them up, and it turns out it had been shaken up too much, and at the time I hadn't learned about opening bottles up slowly. So it got all over everything - my shirt, my pillow, my blanket, and the floor. T_T


My mom was still outside for some reason, so I had to give up my blanket and pillow. Then I had to go back to the bus bathroom and change into a generic band shirt that was way too large for me.


The shirt I had to change out of was my section's shirt, which we had just gotten the night before. We stopped for a rehearsal right before we got there, and my band director made a general comment about how my section was all wearing their section shirts. I was, of course, the only one in the entire section not wearing the shirt. I wanted to cry. lol

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I used to have very long hair.. but not anymore...


When I was about 14 years old I had hair that went down to my shoulders, at that point I had alwasy thought it looked 'cool' although I was homeschooled so I didn't have a good grasp on what 'cool' was. One day I was outside with my sisters, we were walking down town, just heading to the library, when a lady thought she knew me, she started by calling out "mallory" I kept walking, when she said, "Hey girls~" I turned and realized she was refering to all of us, when she saw my face, she went very red, and quickly turned and walked away. My sisters wouldn't let me live that moment down for about three months.

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I slipped and fell into a puddle, soaking all my clothes


Naturally, there were lots of people around (~20 people saw me im guessing), because that's life for ya

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Homecoming Football game/Dance, September 23/24, 2011.


The entire week I had been sick but I showed up to school on Friday. There was a pep rally that day and me being the dumb teenage male I am, I yell at the top of my lungs in cheering during the rally. That night is the football game, and again, I yell and scream during the game like the dumb teenage male I am. After the game, my friend's cousin who lives in New York (We're in Ohio) was visiting and he was at the game and went to his cousin's house. I called him up for directions, only to find out 2 things: 1 he didn't have a clue what any of the roads were called, 2 I had almost completely lost my voice. So I had to struggle to find out the address. Took me about 30 min to get the address from him and when I got there I met his Uncle, who was going to interview me for a job the next week, his cousin, who I ended up dating for a short while, and another girl who I still to this day am crushing on.


So basically after the game I spent 4 hours at their house, and I could only speak in very hoarse whispers and the ones who didn't know me thought I was insane, or high, or that's how I normally spoke. I knew 3 people at their house before that night, and there were 25 there total. Needless to say, my friends being the douchebags they are, pretended that's how I normally spoke.


I went home and went to bed right away, only to wake up finding out I could not even make a hoarse whisper. My voice was completely gone. I panicked because the dance was that night and I was supposed to go to a party before and after. To no avail, I could not recover my voice, so I showed up at the party and just started typing things out to people on my iTouch. We went to the dance and my friend had to be my wingman to get people to dance with me. He told girls "Hey, this kid thinks you're really hot, but he's a F***ing dumbass and lost his voice. You two should totally dance." And that's how it went for the entire 3 hour dance. Afterwards we went to my friends house and I got a text-to-speech app and I used that to start talking, and still people mess with me for that.




Not really embarrassed, but that was funny as all hell.

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I have fallen off a bus, twice in my life. the first time, I tumbled out the door and did a forward roll and came out unharmed. The second time I fell on my butt and slid down every stair, banging my rump on each one until I hit the concrete.

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don't know if this is funny or not but the main thing that comes to mind is the time I broke 2 storm doors with my arm.

The first one I slipped on some Ice and went straight through and proceeded to go into shock.

The second time my brother slammed it on my arm and it proceeded to shatter.

I find it funny now, years later but I kinda' hated it then (obviously).

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I have fallen off a bus, twice in my life. the first time, I tumbled out the door and did a forward roll and came out unharmed. The second time I fell on my butt and slid down every stair, banging my rump on each one until I hit the concrete.



You just reminded me of something so freakin hilarious!!!

I once fell backwards from the steps of my school bus, tripped over like three people, then rolled backwards over the curb and then my pants like flung off of me xD

  • Brohoof 1
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You just reminded me of something so freakin hilarious!!!

I once fell backwards from the steps of my school bus, tripped over like three people, then rolled backwards over the curb and then my pants like flung off of me xD


yeah buses suck like that XP

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I have a hilarious bus story to tell:

At the time I was wearing my old pair of boots, which had no grip whatsoever, and the bus must have been cleaned recently.


My stop was at the bottom of a hill, so I decided to be a smartarse and moonwalk down the bus. (Thus getting everyone's attention)

Physics obviously didn't like my Michael Jackson impression, and when the bus stopped suddenly I slipped, grabbed hold of a nearby metal pole, smacked my face on the opening door, fell on my backside and slid down the stairs, flailing wildly.

when my feet hit the kerb I had the presence of mind to jump up, so I didn't make a complete fool of myself.


Laughed myself silly.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

Today I was in a book store, and some girl walked up to me and started to talk to me. From the way she was talking I assumed she was trying to sell me something, so I was pretty much ignoring her. I don't think I even turned my head to look at her.

She kept asking me questions about what I was reading and how I was doing, so I assumed she was gonna end her talking with a "would you like to buy a...", but after her questions, she just said bye and then went over to her friends.


Turned out, she wasn't trying to sell me something. She was trying to flirt with me, and her friends (whom I thought were sales people) had encouraged her to come over and talk to me. :wacko:



I felt like such a dick. o_O

I didn't really mean to be rude...she did kinda surprise me with how she approached me, so I was kinda confused and because of shyness, basically mumbled answers to her questions.


I didn't really like her but I wanted to apologize, so I waited by the escalator (which was the only way out), but I never actually got a good look at her, so I couldn't tell her from any of her friends. So I didn't say anything as they left.


Though I could tell they didn't really want to walk by me, because when they saw me by the down escalator, they turned around to go down another escalator only to realize it was going up. ^_^


"He's a nice boy, but..." was the only thing I was able to hear as they left. :o

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Once I was racing my friend for track and field. I am a REALLY slow runner but I was actually winning the race for once! And it was in front of the entire grade! I was sooo happy but then I fell face first because one of my shoes fell off!

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oh my... where to start?

In the past week, I have:

1. Slid rockstar style down a hallway and then two flights of stairs, resulting in the loss of a layer of skin on my bare legs...

2. Eaten a bug (on accident)...

3.Told my boyfriend to "go play with his balls", referring to the tennis balls he had in his backpack...

4. Taught my teacher the "Yes" dance (If you don't know it, Youtube is a wonderful thing.)...

5. Fallen out of a desk and into a guy's lap.

Lovely. Such grace, amiright?

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  • 4 months later...

I've forgotten about this one for a while... When I used to live in Virginia, I had a friend who played football. One day, I was over at his house, and I saw his protective cup. I was... I think around 7 or 8 at the time, so I didn't know what it was. Like an idiot, I thought it was a face mask and put it on my lips. He was like: "You do know where that thing has been, right?" To which I replied: "Uh, no." He then proceeded to educate me on the use of a protective cup. I was obviously disgusted. And then I went ahead and DIDN'T wash my face, DIDN'T take a shower, DIDN'T take any logical action to clean my face. Instead, I just went to his basement and played Mario Kart.

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I have a lot. I remember when I drew ponies, and some chick next to me was like laughing and talking crap. Then, one time I was talking about them, and some idiot was questioning me of why I like ponies and that they are so childish. I also remember one time, I was shifting positions in my chair and one little fart slipped out and like 5 people stared at me, so I said it was my shoe rubbing across the chair. Then one time, I was talking with my friends about pregnancy and stuff, and the classroom got quiet and I am swear like everyone heard me and started giggling ._.

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If that happened to me, I woulda been like "Singing MLP, why do you wanna know?"


Actually, knowing the girls at my school, they would probably sit there for an hour in this awkward, homosexual pose with one hand on their chest and another in the air with a pointed finger, mouths slid open in the most... say, "autistic" way possible. After they realize that they hate me, they would then proceed to tell the teacher that I "disrupted" them from learning by singing MLP. Oh yeah, and then tell everybody that I wouldn't want to know.


And no, the girls in my school are not grade-schoolers. They are middle schoolers.

Just... really immature ones. (Most of them.)

How about this:


I wrote a poem for my crush. Some of my so called "friends" decided to rip it and give it directly to my crush. Yeah. That was real embarrassing.


Woah. Dude, that's just harsh. I would have blocked the doorways until they gave it back. Oh yeah, and if you'd like to go back in time and make a better decision than to let them get away with it, don't worry. I'm working on a Time machine right now. It's handheld. :3

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