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gaming What are your top disappointing games.

Walter White

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Well there is a lot of games that were bad but the two that come to mind for me is Gears of War Judgement and duke nukem forever.


I don't like gow j ending. In every past gears of war it always has a gloomy ending in judgment's ending it was lollipops and rainbows. And they have most defiantly killed the series 


And for Duke nukem forever it was just a disappointment.

Edited by Walter White
  • Brohoof 3


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I'm a huge Zelda fan. I had high, but not overhyped expectations after Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. But this game was such a disappointment because it was so mediocre to me. Half of the characters (especially Fi) were very annoying and the gameplay was not as good as I hoped it would be. Most of the "side quests" were unnecessary and the ending was just... *sighs*

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Resident Evil 6. The story was stupid. The game didn't control well. The hit detection was a joke. The driving sections are some of the worst I've ever seen and the steering is extremely stiff. There are a ridiculous amount of QTEs. The only good part about the game is that the partner AI is actually pretty smart so when you get downed, and you will get downed a lot, they'll revive you pretty fast. 

  • Brohoof 2


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Mine was aliens colonial marines. I was gearing up for a survival horror set in one of my favorite franchises, but I got call of duty weyland yutani. Because as we all know if its not call of duty, its not call of duty enough.

That and it was just technically unrefined. If you're going to make Aliens into a generic shooter, at least make it feel satisfying and responsive. Say what you want about Call of Duty, the games feel tight and it's generally polished and responsive. Aliens: Colonial Marines just felt hollow. You kill an alien and think "I feel nothing". That's a bad sign because satisfying game experience are about feeling empowered whenever you do anything.


For me Dragon Age II, Kings Quest VII (look it up), New Super Mario Bros Wii, Super Mario Sunshine were all games I enjoyed, but could be a lot better. I generally do research about a game before I buy it so there hasn't been that many games that I was devastated by due to high expectations.

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All of the Call of Duty titles. - Hyped to the moon every year and mediocre every time. Good for $15, but horrid at full price.


Dynasty Warriors 6 - First next gen entry of the series and it was terrible. The Renbu system was terrible and the game had tons of glitches and just...ugh...6 Empires was surprisingly a lot better.


Uncharted 3 - Graphics that were worse than 2, a terrible campaign for the most part, mediocre multiplayer, the list goes one. Uncharted 2 is one of my all time favorite games (because of the campaign) so I guess I got too overhyped for this one.


Battlefield Bad Company 2 - The campaign. The characters were lifeless and it basically was just a modern warfare clone. The gameplay is vastly improved but the charm and humor from the first game was gone, one of the biggest gaming disappointments that I have had. The multiplayer was fantastic though.

  • Brohoof 2



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I am rarely dissapointed in games, and this game may actually be good but I'm too bad to play this properly xD


I'd say dragon quest IX for the nintendo ds, the game was fun, but maybe a bit too difficult during boss battles, then in the art it drew different bodies for the male and female characters but in game i really just felt like a boy with a girly head.

Edited by TwilieSparklz
  • Brohoof 1



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Nothing really comes to mind for me for this. Usually if i don't like a game, i stop playing it. I normally look at the reviews of a game before i play it. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Aliens Colonial Marines, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and Gears of War 3.


Those games really did disappoint me because, they had trailers that would interest you but when you played them you realized that they would make a very low payout. So sad, really.

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Far Cry 3.
I'd been told by so many people that it was amazing. That everything about it was perfect and really awesome.

I finally get around to playing it and, although there were quite a few cool and fun things("Make it Bun Dem", anyone?), the game was overall too repetitive and easy. A certain major death scene was really disappointing to play and watch, and the game's ending fell flat on it's face with it's attempt to earn abrupt shock value.

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One game in particular was a really great game, but I expected a certain aspect to be better. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Now don't get me wrong I love this game, but I was blown out of the water by the amount of exploration in Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, and to a lesser extent Majora's Mask. To explore in those games required really going out of the way and finding new places and the wholes in the ground. I remember in wind waker just because you found an new island didn't mean you found a cave, in fact you might have found two caves there. There were plenty of things to go and find like charts, treasure, decorations. Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask made trying to find all the little secrets really rewarding.


Then Twilight Princess came around and put these secrets in every single corner for the maps in plain sight to find. Maybe I was expecting something more. Skyward Sword had almost no exploration in it. By the time that game came out I knew I wan't going to be exploring random caves full of treasure. 

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I'm a huge Zelda fan. I had high, but not overhyped expectations after Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. But this game was such a disappointment because it was so mediocre to me. Half of the characters (especially Fi) were very annoying and the gameplay was not as good as I hoped it would be. Most of the "side quests" were unnecessary and the ending was just... *sighs*


Why did everyone hate this? I think im the only zelda fan who actually enjoyed skyward sword. it was not majora's mask or wind waker but it was still an awesome experience. I liked twilight Princess too and everyone said that sucked.

  • Brohoof 1
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Superman 64: easily the worst game I ever played, the controls were sloppy and random and the gameplay itself was incredibly boring and was an insult to a great character.


Batman Forever (SNES): The controls are stiff and sometimes unresponsive making the gameplay feel a bit awkward at times, and the combat was a serious step backwards from the awesome epicness that is Batman (NES).


Yoshi's Island DS: It was good but nowhere near as good as the original and way way too short.

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And the list goes on...


I mean, come on! The one time Sonic and Mario have a game together and it's about the Olympics? There was a lot of missed opportunities here... And Sonic and Mario game with Sonic blazing through the Mushroom Kingdom while Mario does whatever in Sonic's world...


Yeah, not like that would totally be successful or anything.

  • Brohoof 6


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Why did everyone hate this? I think im the only zelda fan who actually enjoyed skyward sword. it was not majora's mask or wind waker but it was still an awesome experience. I liked twilight Princess too and everyone said that sucked.

You are not the only one, I loved Skyward Sword it is my 2nd favorite game in the series behind A Link to The Past and Ocarina of Time which are tied for 1st.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well that's easy 4 games, so far I have been luck over my life when it comes down to gaming, but the 4 I'm talking about really fucking sucked


1# we have post-16621-0-88894100-1376246435_thumb.jpg

The campaign just sucked, noting really that fun about it, the multiplayer had no locust, just cog vs cog...top of all that no, down but not out, and no active reloads in any multiplayer... and no horde.


2# we got...post-16621-0-81575600-1376246660.jpg

I played maybe 30mins of this... and I turned it off... never to play it again, I'm a big fan of Fallout! I have 1-3 but Vegas....


3# post-16621-0-31943700-1376246744.png and 


The games both had soo many bugs that needed to be fixed, the hole pay to fix you're own weapons was bull shit. Cars would break down after hitting maybe 3-5 Zombies, the zombies could do way to much dmg.... skill trees where noting short but terrible, the story was boring.



  • Brohoof 4


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I don't buy games as soon as they are released, I usually wait a while so I can read reviews etc. But I got Fable 3 a few years back and I think, looking back on it now, that it is one of my biggest disappointments. I really enjoyed Fable 2, but Fable 3 was completely dumbed down. I thought Fable 2 was easy, but they somehow managed to make it easier... 


Oh and Two Worlds, although I got it quite cheap and I didn't really know what to expect, so it's not as bad. I like the ideas it tried to do, but the game as a whole didn't seem complete.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well that's easy 4 games, so far I have been luck over my life when it comes down to gaming, but the 4 I'm talking about really fucking sucked


1# we have attachicon.gifGears_of_War_Judgment_Key_Art_2.jpg

The campaign just sucked, noting really that fun about it, the multiplayer had no locust, just cog vs cog...top of all that no, down but not out, and no active reloads in any multiplayer... and no horde.


2# we got...attachicon.gifFallout_New_Vegas.jpg

I played maybe 30mins of this... and I turned it off... never to play it again, I'm a big fan of Fallout! I have 1-3 but Vegas....


3# attachicon.gifDead_island_PC_packshot.png and 


The games both had soo many bugs that needed to be fixed, the hole pay to fix you're own weapons was bull shit. Cars would break down after hitting maybe 3-5 Zombies, the zombies could do way to much dmg.... skill trees where noting short but terrible, the story was boring.

Yes, Yes, Yes and Hell the F@#$ yes! all those games were horrible. You can not get a more spot on list of disappointing games. especially New vegas i played it for like an hour and i was all like "WTF is this?"

  • Brohoof 2
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Call of Duty MW3. Mostly for it's campaign. Lets just say: the only thing I liked was the ending.

Dead Island. Zombie shooter and RPG. Awesome right? In this case, WRONG.

Thrillville games. Don't play them. Particularly on a Nintendo DS.


Really at TPAM? Am I the only person to EVER find New Vegas amazing?

Edited by Gamer P0N3
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Well that's easy 4 games, so far I have been luck over my life when it comes down to gaming, but the 4 I'm talking about really fucking sucked


1# we have attachicon.gifGears_of_War_Judgment_Key_Art_2.jpg

The campaign just sucked, noting really that fun about it, the multiplayer had no locust, just cog vs cog...top of all that no, down but not out, and no active reloads in any multiplayer... and no horde.


2# we got...attachicon.gifFallout_New_Vegas.jpg

I played maybe 30mins of this... and I turned it off... never to play it again, I'm a big fan of Fallout! I have 1-3 but Vegas....


3# attachicon.gifDead_island_PC_packshot.png and 


The games both had soo many bugs that needed to be fixed, the hole pay to fix you're own weapons was bull shit. Cars would break down after hitting maybe 3-5 Zombies, the zombies could do way to much dmg.... skill trees where noting short but terrible, the story was boring.

And for dead island riptide don't forget about the modders that were modding weapons 5 days after release of the game. And another thing to add to gow j is the stim gas and the 2 piece.

  • Brohoof 2


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You know what games really let me down Fable and Fable 3. Fable 2 was awesome but it still committed so many sins like being to easy and repetitive but it was still the best. Its such an awesome premise. How could they mess it up? 

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That game got hyped to death but when it came out it ended up being a linear, very short game that had a very lack-lustre story. There was so much they could have done and was alluded to but was never explored. For instance, the Empress and the heart have the same voice actress but Corvo never seems to realise he's holding the butchered heart of his (implied) love.


That's something else...who is the girl's father? There's no Emperor and Corvo seems very close to the Empress. Yet again, however, this is not explored.


The Outsider was too good of a bad guy to not have been the final boss. How about Corvo realises he's been manipulated from the start and fights the Outsider in his weird world of floating pieces of buildings? Would that have been so bad?


The rat plague is obviously caused by the outsider as Corvo is granted the power to summon rats, Granny rags turns into rats and hires you to poison the bottle street gang's elixir. The Outsider loves watching chaos and what better way of spreading it than causing a plague. However, if you expose the Lord Regent he explains that he brought in the plague to kill the poor people

......WHY?! What could the Lord Regent possibly gain by killing off the working class of his own country?


There were so many plot holes I have to assume the original idea came from a genius but he unfortunately croaked and the responsibility of writing the story fell upon the shoulders of fucking monkeys.

  • Brohoof 1


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You know what games really let me down Fable and Fable 3. Fable 2 was awesome but it still committed so many sins like being to easy and repetitive but it was still the best. Its such an awesome premise. How could they mess it up? 

Your right fable 3 sucks. Its really bad, it lag's, and there is to many loading screens and glitches,and the sanctuary is just a bad idea.

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