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Will the next generation attempt to defeminize the franchise?


Defeminization of MLP  

39 users have voted

  1. 1. Will it happen?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Is it even possible?

    • Yes, they've proven that boys can like it.
    • No, the franchise can't change it's reputation.
    • Unsure.

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I think ponies would have questions about why they were doing that. Ponies may actually think they were trying to "defeminize" the franchise.



If ponies will honestly think that just from a male-centered episode...than me thinks that they are more chaotic in the head than I.

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I hope not! Feminine things can still be great and all of the ponies are girly in differnet ways. Girly things don't have to be the generic girly most girl shows are. My Little Pony is girly, no matter what cool things they do.

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I think Hasbro has seen the boons of profiting to a wider audience, and even though Generation 4 has already been pretty defeminized, G5 will probably be a more "general kids show" that can't be stereotyped into one gender. Something like Spongebob, where there's a steady balance of boy and girl characters of various ages that multiple age groups can identify with. 

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The next generation shall be a mystery towards all...


They always change the formula or way around towards ever generation, so the fate of MLP being as good as it is now shall only be revealed in the future.


I however, wish it doesn't go horrible like G3. 

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I highly doubt that it will do that, Hasbro has made a lot of money thanks to the balance this generation has struck between appealing to the original "target audience" and the new brony audience and if they do something stupid to endanger that it will not be to "defeminize" the show to appeal to bronies but if anything the exact opposite. Case in point is Equestria Girls and twilicorn, both were clearly more Hasbro's idea than the writers. Equestria Girls fortunately worked out but even if it didn't it was at least just a spin off as for twilicorn the jury is still out as to whether or not that will work out and though I have been one of the loudest voices in opposition on here I at this point have decided to reserve any further judgment until season 4.

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Alright, I know I'm a guy and what-not, but let me clarify one thing...




The My Little Pony franchise has been going on for 30 years now, and we bronies, as much as we brought to the show, have to realize we are a very, very small thing to MLP overall. Hasbro hasn't changed the nature of the franchise (in terms of the target audience) and that will simply not happen.

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I really, really hope not.  One of the things I like most about FiM is that it's "for girls" but does not assume that "for girls" means "must be consigned to a ghetto of pink ruffles, saccharine glurge, and waiting for Prince Charming."  Why can't a show "for girls" be entertaining for everybody else and still be "for girls?"  You know, like all those shows "for guys" (basically, every action-adventure movie or superhero movie ever made) are assumed to be worthy of being watched by everybody.  Nobody ever asks, "Should they de-masculinize The Avengers?"  If Hasbro were to "de-feminize" MLP with G5, they would be restoring the old gender segregation ("little girls are supposed to watch shows that reinforce 'feminine' gender roles in such an over-amped way that no one else can stand to watch them.  Little girls are freaks, they have cooties.  All the good shows have to be made with a male audience in mind.") that G4 rebels against.  If they do that, I'm rage-quitting the franchise.

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This generation has already done an excellent job in defeminizing the show. It has broken unfounded assumptions that surround this franchise and created male fans of the show because of its warmth, love, and passion, traits that are sparse in the world of entertainment. These concepts are universal, and that's what this generation is showing. Why need another generation to "defeminize" the show when it's already starting now?

  • Brohoof 1
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There may be a slight move in that direction, but that'll be about it.  MLP has never turned away from its girl's toy roots.  They merely enhanced the cartoon to be enjoyable by a wider audience. 


I can see a more balanced sex ratio in future characters.  But as for the girly appearance and themes, that's unlikely to change.  That's the prevailing fashion and design trend in Equestria after all.


Why fix it if it isn't broken?

Edited by Wingnut
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