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Your favorite pony ask you for a date ¿ what do you do?


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the humans and ponys are interacting for so long, suddely you open your door and see your favorite pony, well dressed, with a charming look on her /his eyes, she/he have been followed you and she/he finds you interesting and cute, so, your favorite pony ask you if you want a date with her/him.

You can spend as much as you like, and go wherever you like and at the end of the date, your pony can do whatever you desire


1.- how you react from see your pony and the proposal of the date?


2.- what are you gonna do in your date (you can go and spend as much as you like)?


3.- what thing you want your pony do at the end of the date?

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1. Thank every god in existence as well as the devil for good measure, okay so maybe not mutiple gods or the devil but the point is I would be pretty happy.


2. Probably something simple like dinner and a movie


3. What I want to happen probably won't happen after at least a few more dates unless she has a few too many mugs of cider. So I vote for agree to another date or be my special somepony.

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1. I'd keep it cool while jumping for joy on the inside.


2. Go out for a walk in the park, watch a movie, and get dinner.


3. Thank me for the good time, a smooch on the face, and umm yeah..

  • Brohoof 1
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1. I would be pretty happy about going on a date with my favorite pony, then just skip around happily.


2. Dinner, Movie, Kissing, Flying, and I don't know.


3. I want to go on more dates with her, and probably drink some cider at a party together.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh my, Pinkie! Erm, well, alright then. I'd be pleasantly surprised, not ecstatic or anything, since in this world ponies and humans aren't strangers. I'm not a movie man, I'd actually want to hang out in a cafe, bring her something homemade (sweet pastry of some sort, for obvious reasons) so we can chat over that, then based on what I learned take her somewhere else after to have a little fun. Probably a club, given the personality involved. Finally, I'd be happy as long as she had a good time and if she wanted to go on another date, cool, otherwise just being friends would be nice. Don't pin your hopes on a single date, after all!

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1. I would be pretty happy about going on a date with my favorite pony, then just skip around happily.


2. Dinner, Movie, Kissing, Flying, and I don't know.


3. I want to go on more dates with her, and probably drink some cider at a party together.

No italics Scootalove? What is this madness??




Anyways, I would literally flip in so much joy and be ecstatic at first! But then I would immediately pull myself together and be cool with it. :P


I wouldn't really be so sure what do for a first date, but I'd most likely go with something like maybe a trip to the arcade, bowling, anything exciting really.


Then afterward, I'd either give her a kiss on the cheek or lips...before dying from total happiness. 


So yeah. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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1. i would be very happy and blush very deeply if rarity asked me out


2. i would take her out to dinner, maybe a movie....anywhere she wants to go


3. maybe if all goes well..... i might get like....a kiss or something -blushing- 


4. then i'll walk her to carousel boutique and say goodnight and that's it


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3  <3 <3

  • Brohoof 1
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1. After hyperventilating, I would of course say:



2. I'd take Rainbow Dash out to her favorite restaurant for lunch! We'd laugh the afternoon away and gorge ourselves. After I pay the tab, we head out to have a friendly game of hoofball or something.


3. At the end, I'd ask her if she had a fun time, and tell her I'd love to have another date with her. I'd give her a peck on the cheek, and then hyperventilate after she left.

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1.I would wonder if I was mentally instance or smoke something bad but then realise I wouldnt care and would think Yolo and join them on a date.

2.I would probably take her clubbing because people would think "I'm so wasted I think that's a pony"and she'd probably haves fun.

3.At the end of the date I'd probably let her go back to shining armour,but then I'd follow her into the mlp dimension.

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1. Agree, and then proceed with my usual reality checks.


2. I dunno, whatever she wants to do. Which would most likely be watching her fly around.



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the humans and ponys are interacting for so long, suddely you open your door and see your favorite pony, well dressed, with a charming look on her /his eyes, she/he have been followed you and she/he finds you interesting and cute, so, your favorite pony ask you if you want a date with her/him.

You can spend as much as you like, and go wherever you like and at the end of the date, your pony can do whatever you desire


1.- how you react from see your pony and the proposal of the date?


2.- what are you gonna do in your date (you can go and spend as much as you like)?


3.- what thing you want your pony do at the end of the date?

Just for the sake of argument I'm going to assume this is taking place in the MLP Universe so I"ll answer accordingly


1. "I'd love too" with a warm smile

2. My OC is a pegasus, So I'd probably horse around and race, fly around, that sort of thing. If you haven't guessed yet my date is Rainbow Dash

3. Have hot, passionate pony sex.

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1.- Keep a calm expression on my face, be nerv-cited on the inside


2.- simple dinner, nothing over the top fancy but not too mundane.


3.- A big Hug, nothing more nothing less. I just want to admire.

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1) I would be happy and act very calm, but secretly being super excited (not only because it would be Derpy, but because I've never gone out on a date before)


2) Costco for a pop and a hotdog for $1.50. Oh fine, I wouldn't be that cheap. I would probably take her to a simple family diner downtown and head back home to watch some movies together in private.


3) I would be satisfied with a massive hug.

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1. I'd be a babbling mess. Forget asking me on a date, if I even saw Vinyl, I'd get all nervous and giddy and confused... But hopefully, I could get back to normal before she thinks I'm weird or something (even though I am kinda weird).

2. THEME PARK! :D Or maybe Paintball, or a gig, or anything fun and fast paced! 
But I'd be down for anything she wanted to do too... 

3. End of the date? Maybe just sitting around, talking, on a hill when the stars are out. A walk home and a kiss on the cheek would be nice too.. But I wouldn't say no to anything more...  :wub:

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I would say "no", and then explain how ponies and humans cannot reproduce together.

Once turned into a pony (since Rarity would force me into situations against my will) I would have to go on the date with her.

During the date I would pray to Lord Ganesha to be transformed back into a human being. I would then be transformed into a god and escape from Rarity's grasp.

She will chase me until the ends of the earth.

This is just the beginning of the tale... for tens of thousands of years I wandered through the dark pits, surrounded by nothing but the endless abyss.
It wasn't until I discovered my inner talent that I found out how to escape.

When I escaped, dogs ate my legs.

I'm now living in the eternal world of the the plagiarized gods. The fourth dimension has opened up to me; I understand all.
Nothing is hidden, except the dogs that ate my legs.

The dogs are hidden, forever invisible to my eyes.

It is torture.

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1.- Simply getting asked out by a pony on a date would be crazy, now if that pony was The Great and Powerful Trixie things would be even more crazy. Now it would be awkward going out on a date with a Pony but I'd accept pretty fast just for the experience of it happening.


2.- As-for the date, I wouldn't know what to do. Go out for dinner at one of those vegetarian places because Ponies don't eat meat. I'd then hope that afterwards we can find a nice place to star gaze together so then I can lick her wizard hat I mean have a good and meaningful time together.


3.- Everything......

  • Brohoof 1
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the humans and ponys are interacting for so long, suddely you open your door and see your favorite pony, well dressed, with a charming look on her /his eyes, she/he have been followed you and she/he finds you interesting and cute, so, your favorite pony ask you if you want a date with her/him.

You can spend as much as you like, and go wherever you like and at the end of the date, your pony can do whatever you desire


1.- how you react from see your pony and the proposal of the date?


2.- what are you gonna do in your date (you can go and spend as much as you like)?


3.- what thing you want your pony do at the end of the date?


1)  "Wait... how did you... you followed me!?"  Concerned look and an attempt to find a murderous intent behind her words.  "Hmm... well, I'm just completely caught off guard.  But if your sincere then... yes of course! [insert more babble]"


2)  Honestly I'd probably let Pinkie Pie lead on this one.  She seems to be the type to be able to lead on the 'get go' in things like this, so I'd turn over the reigns so to speak for the first date.  I'd suggest that we at least get something to eat and talk for a bit though during the date.


3)  Well, what I want is for the date to eventually lead to more dates.  So... a confirmation of a second date at least?  Maybe a kiss?  It really depends on the mood I suppose.

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Just for the sake of argument I'm going to assume this is taking place in the MLP Universe so I"ll answer accordingly


1. "I'd love too" with a warm smile

2. My OC is a pegasus, So I'd probably horse around and race, fly around, that sort of thing. If you haven't guessed yet my date is Rainbow Dash

3. Have hot, passionate pony sex.

This reply made me laugh sooooo hard that I spilled apple cider all over my favorite blanket. Like omfg. The wording of Dat last number

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Just for the sake of argument I'm going to assume this is taking place in the MLP Universe so I"ll answer accordingly


1. "I'd love too" with a warm smile

2. My OC is a pegasus, So I'd probably horse around and race, fly around, that sort of thing. If you haven't guessed yet my date is Rainbow Dash

3. Have hot, passionate pony sex.

Haha I love it. Somehow "passionate pony sex" sounds acceptable in this community.


For me, the probability that a talking cartoon pony would ask me on a date is infinitely more likely than a real human asking me.

It depends on which pony asked me. I think Rainbow Dash is the cutest, but really I think Twilight would be a better match for me. So I'll assume Twilight asks me out.


1. I would act nonchalant but fail. I would try to make awkward small talk and not know what to do with my hands. I imagine she would also be nervous and not know what to say.


2. We would probably go for a walk in the park. Early evening, as the sun is setting. Then we'd have dinner at an outdoor cafe. We would talk about philosophy and books. We would go to my place and I'd show her my collection of books and video games. She would be impressed at my nerdiness.


3. I would walk her home. I would take her hoof and look into her eyes. She would blush and look away. I would look away too. Then, wanting to act before things got too awkward, I would say “Twilight?” and she would look up. I would kiss her lightly. She would kiss back. “Good night, Twilight.” Then I'd wander the streets all night, not being able to go to sleep.

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Brian: "You like Princess Celestia? Because I LOVE Princess Celestia! P.C.! Man, she's...she's my alicorn. I mean, I love ALL ponies. That's, y'know, if...if I could take ALL the ponies in the world, and just, y'know, just buy land somewhere and let `em all run..."


Twilight: [angry eyes, flat delivery] "That's called a farm. We don't all like to live on farms."


Brian: "Oh. Awkward."

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Okay, let's say I'm a pony here...


1. A date, with Applejack?! Well, I'm very surprised and very hapy about this lol.


2. Well, I'd follow Applejack. I guess we would end relaxing under apple trees.


3. I'd surely ask to date again. I guess it'll be awesome.

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The most lovely and cute and adorable and pretty and... uh... ok, you got the idea.

She is VERY shy, you know.

So, I have no doubt, she'll HEVER ask me or somepony else out first.


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