crazitaco 596 August 29, 2013 Share August 29, 2013 (edited) Fluttershy sobbing in hurricane fluttershy. Its usually sad to see any of the ponies cry but this particular moment was the most heartbreaking imo. It completely threw me (and even rainbow dash) off guard, just how much impact that one word had. Edited August 29, 2013 by crazitaco 1 *Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!* "Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes. My OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyBoy15 428 August 29, 2013 Share August 29, 2013 Not the above scene, but what happens AFTER. Rarity spent so much time and hard work making the dresses for the gala, with such high hopes of her friends liking them, only to be shut down. 2 Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated... My OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoisonClaw 8,166 August 29, 2013 Share August 29, 2013 (edited) I don't think I really have to go into any greater detail than this. Seeing Fluttershy cry like just...I need a tissue... "I Have To Find A Way". All of it. Sweet Apple Acres is in ruins, Rarity is soaking wet and without a roof over her head when you remember that the Carousel Boutique is her home, said boutique is being boarded up after no doubt going out of business, Rainbow is sitting in the middle of the cottage while the animals rampage around her with her completely helpless to stop them, Fluttershy can only sit by while everyone is miserable and nothing she can do can help, and directly in the middle of it is Twilight lamenting about how this is all her fault. Edited August 29, 2013 by PoisonClaw 4 MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider NutNow, count up your sins!I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE! Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 August 29, 2013 Share August 29, 2013 well, I'm not super emotionally attached to the show or anything, but are guess there are a few scenes/moments/general episode ideas that tug at the heartstrings a bit for me: -Gilda bullying Fluttershy in Griffon the Brush-Off -Rarity working so hard for her ungrateful friends(at least they realize it) in Suited for Success -Rarity almost falling to her death in Sonic Rainboom -Twilight being turned to stone in The Stare Master -Rarity being enslaved in A Dog and Pony Show -Fluttershy and Rarity keeping their feelings hidden from each other to make the other happy in Green Isn't Your Color -Pinkie Pie thinking her friends didn't like her anymore in Party of One -Fluttershy bullying Rarity and Pinkie Pie in Putting Your Hoof Down -Twilight being hated by everyone at the end of Canterlot Wedding pt 1 -the worst fears door in general in Crystal Empire pt 2 Again, I don't neccesarily find these scenes hard to watch, they just got to me more than others I guess. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 September 1, 2013 Share September 1, 2013 Twilicorn. And the end of Mare Do Well. The scene that was supposed to be hard to watch? Probably everypony walking away from Twilight in the Season 2 finale. 1 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 September 1, 2013 Share September 1, 2013 The hardest scene for me to watch was the coronation scene at the end of the season 3 finale. I may now be neutral but, seeing one of my favorite ponies get so close to Mary Sue territory was and still is the most painful thing I seen in this show. I can't even put into words how badly they screwed that episode up. Aside from that though it would have to be Applejack's breakdown at the end of Apple Family Reunion. Seeing her try way too hard and fail just to honor the memory of her parents by having the perfect reunion was very touching and hit close to home for me. 1 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dekutree64 713 September 1, 2013 Share September 1, 2013 Twilicorn. And the end of Mare Do Well. The scene that was supposed to be hard to watch? Probably everypony walking away from Twilight in the Season 2 finale. Ah, Mare Do Well. I forgot about that one. Definitely harder to watch than the scene I posted before. Not sure what's the worst scene of it though... perhaps this. I don't care how you justify it, that is not friendship. Not to mention the hypocrisy of bragging about their own exploits, even bragging about not bragging. Gah! And then there's the scene where she's alone on a dark cloud, and even Scootaloo doesn't support her. Very out of character for Scootaloo, IMO. And the ending, where Rainbow just sucks it up and takes the emotional beating, while the others act all high and mighty after doing much worse than Rainbow ever did. Eeeyup, that episode makes me rage a bit. Twilight being abandoned at the wedding was pretty harsh too, but even she herself believed she was wrong by that point, so it's harder to blame them. Plus it was a sudden awkward situation, where Applejack offered the others an escape and they just followed along... much different than a premeditated gang-up to humiliate someone. Although I am disappointed in Celestia especially, for not at least talking to her and then Cadence to make sure. The city was on high alert, after all. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 September 1, 2013 Share September 1, 2013 (edited) I don't care how you justify it, that is not friendship. Not to mention the hypocrisy of bragging about their own exploits, even bragging about not bragging. Gah! Excellent post there deku. I in turn forgot about the scene where Fluttershy breaks down and runs in 'Hurricane Fluttershy', because she thought all the ponies were staring and laughing at her when they weren't (just Flitter and Cloud Chaser :okiedokielokie:). That one was like a punch in the gut, not because it was happening to Fluttershy but because I knew exactly how she felt. Edited September 1, 2013 by TailsIsNotAlone 1 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkie4eeeever 38 September 1, 2013 Share September 1, 2013 (edited) The hardest scene for me to watch is all the bullying scenes in one bad apple. The worst scene is when Bab Seed took the clubhouse and Sweetie Bell cried. Edited September 1, 2013 by Pinkie4eeeever 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 September 1, 2013 Share September 1, 2013 For me, the overly-obsessive Applejack fangirl, these five seconds are the toughest to watch: Here's a pony that is normally strong and self-confident. It's rare that Applejack ever cries, and so when she does, you know she's been hit pretty hard. Imagine what it would feel like to enter a competition in hopes of winning some money so that you can help out your town. You're the only one who can get the job done, and the whole town is counting on your victory. They believe in you completely because you've never let them down before. Then when you don't succeed, how are you going to react? For Applejack, this wasn't about being the best rodeo athlete or making a profit for herself. It was about coming through for Ponyville because she desperately wanted to help fix town hall. AJ isn't used to failing others, and when she does, she has no idea what to do with herself. The expression on her face, the fact that she's trying to hold back tears, and that disenchanted tone in her voice all gave me some serious feels for her when I first watched this episode. I still have a hard time sitting through the ending. (I mean seriously, she lost to snobby Canterlot ponies! Who do they think they are anyway?) :okiedokielokie: 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crazydud619dx 30 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 The hardest scene for me to watch is all the bullying scenes in one bad apple. The worst scene is when Bab Seed took the clubhouse and Sweetie Bell cried. I agree. The way her character portrayed as a bully was way worse than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's daily teasing, and that says something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Obsolete 681 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 Pinkie Pie's breakdown in Party of One. I usually enjoy watching ponies go insane but Pinkie's breakdown hit so close to home that I couldn't laugh. Except when she made Rainbow Dash argue with a pile of rocks. That was hilarious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
techno915 408 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 (edited) when fluttershy was being teased was a major sad part to me. along with when she was being downright mean to all of ponyville, especially when she started going off on rarity and pinkie pie. and probably my least favorite moment of the entire show so far: that meanie gilda, thinking she can just do whatever she darn well pleases, decides to yell at fluttershy. how dare she! yes, i still hold a grudge all the way back from season one. i've heard she might be coming back later in the show. i can't wait to see what happens to gilda then. this is the easiest way i can explain my reaction to those moments, along with a few others: Edited September 3, 2013 by techno915 1 This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915Previously: TARDIS915 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CornBreadGang 514 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 For me, it's the scene in The Return Of Harmony when the Mane 6 abandon each other and Twilight becomes discorded. Every time I see that scene, my routine is: lay down, try not to cry, and cry a lot. Thanks to Rainbow Skywalker for the signature! Light Streak and reborn Light Streak OC's: Dark Spot and Glowing Infinity OC's: Masquerade OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vertigo_95 572 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 The hardest scene for me to watch is the end of A Canterlot Wedding part 1. Another part would be The Crystal Empire part 2, when Spike was looking through the doorway and he started to cry when he saw his worst nightmare of Twilight giving him away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nulln 755 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 Twilight being scolded by her brother. I hated that episode so much, because I knew no one would believe Twilight and then they would get mad at her, and that just tugged at my heartstrings. That's the kind of scene where you just want to break through the 4th wall and tell Twilight that you believe her :'( Fluttershy not wanting to fly because she's too slow was sad for me, too. Mainly because I was the same way. I could never run anywhere near as fast as everyone else, and I just felt so horrible about even trying. The scene where everyone's cutie marks get mixed up and Applejack is sewing dresses, but she's doing a crappy job and her eyes are welling up with tears made me want to cry. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 (edited) Probably spike getting jealous of and then trying to frame Owliwiscuous in Just For Sidekicks. Mostly I cringe because I remember that I used to do the exact same thing with some people. Edited September 3, 2013 by Betez My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightOwl 912 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 Hardest scene for me was probably when Twilight and Spike were at the worst fears door in the Crystal Empire episode. The part when Spike saw his worst fear and then Twilight comforting him nearly got me in tears. 2 Signature by me avatar by Azura. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luffyiscool 397 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 Yeah, whenever i watch that episode i always get a tear in my eye when Spike starts panicking.One of the youtube commentators said it best. Something like:"Let's see what you've got, spike! Oh... That's friggin dark. Damn...." Ah, Mare Do Well. I forgot about that one. Definitely harder to watch than the scene I posted before. Not sure what's the worst scene of it though... perhaps this. vlcsnap-14372302.jpg I don't care how you justify it, that is not friendship. Not to mention the hypocrisy of bragging about their own exploits, even bragging about not bragging. Gah! And then there's the scene where she's alone on a dark cloud, and even Scootaloo doesn't support her. Very out of character for Scootaloo, IMO. And the ending, where Rainbow just sucks it up and takes the emotional beating, while the others act all high and mighty after doing much worse than Rainbow ever did. Eeeyup, that episode makes me rage a bit. I totally agree.It's the only episode i've NEVER re-watched, for all of the reasons you stated. 2 -Youtube-Patreon-Twitter- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 Personally I find it hard to watch when the ponies act out of character. I realize there would be no episodes if they didn't act differently but it still bugs me. For example, the usually rational and intelligent twilight starts flipping out about not having anyting to write to Celestia about, and then there was that thing where she was visited from her in the future telling her to stop worrying about everything. Hello?! Twilight?! Are you smart or aren't you?! Then there's applejack who refuses to accept help from twilight and her friends. Why? When did AJ become this 'world on my shoulders' type character? Her element is honesty, surely she knows deep down that she needs help from her friends, why not just ask them? And then there's pinkie pie, in party of when where she goes insane for not having all her friends show up for her 2nd party in a row. Why even have another party already? You do realize it's your birthday right? Didn't you suspect for one second that your friends might be avoiding you because they're planning a surprise party? One more, rainbow dash being scared to perform. This is probably the most aggregious breach of character, since when is rainbow dash afraid of anything? She faces everything head on! She's abrasive, athetic, brave, and she's all of sudden afraid to perform? Why? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 For a while, I would actually just skip the first modeling scene in Suited For Success because ouch. Some of Lesson Zero also stings just because I saw myself in Twilight that episode, and, well, THAT IS NOT A GOOD EPISODE TO RELATE TO TWILIGHT IN. Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luffyiscool 397 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 One more, rainbow dash being scared to perform. This is probably the most aggregious breach of character, since when is rainbow dash afraid of anything? She faces everything head on! She's abrasive, athetic, brave, and she's all of sudden afraid to perform? Why? I didn't get this either. The eager enthusiam she showed for the Wonderbolt Academy makes her nervousness look even weirder in hindsight too. -Youtube-Patreon-Twitter- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NocturnalTwilight 32 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 I don't know about hardest overall, but I have a few that could probably be close. First, the scene in the Season 3 Finale where Celestia sings to Twilight and she turns into an Alicorn. RIGHT in the feels, haha. Second, the scene in The Canterlot Wedding right after Twilight interrupts the Ceremony Practice with her theory about (the fake) Princess Cadence being evil, and Princess Celestia comes over to tell Twilight that she "has a lot to think about", that whole part with the face Twilight makes, makes me feel so sad inside, but I feel better knowing it'll all be fixed in the end! I can't think of a third right off, but these are probably my top 2 most feel filled moments. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomariFeyWright 776 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 (edited) It's not emotional or sad, but I could absolutely not make it through Games Ponies Play. I don't know why, but I've never, ever been able to stand the comical misunderstanding scenario. It just makes me feel really weird watching any scenes like that, not just that episode. Similarly, I could not stand the Ponyville Confidential episode. I'm sorry, I couldn't cry for the Crusaders, because I was too busy groaning at how they made NO attempt to make Diamond Tiara even SLIGHTLY believeable, and in this episode, they did their all-time WORSE with her. And for a show that's noted for having interesting and unique characters who are fun to watch, it really is a shame to see them throw a generic, one-dimensional bully into it, rather than bringing in a rival with some actual effort, or, at the very least, a FREAKING CONSCIENCE. ... On an actually emotional note, I felt really, really sorry for Twilight watching Celestia scold her in the Crystal Empire episode. Sure, from the start, I knew it was fake, but good god, it was just pulled off so well! It was a really interesting dive into Twilight's psychology and just how much her duties as Celestia's student really impacted her, and watching her lose all her hope when she thought Celestia turned her away was a really painful experience to endure. And just to really hit home, shortly afterward, we see Spike and his fear of losing Twilight. Sure, we don't see the exact scene he has, but we don't need to. Just how scared he was perfectly portrayed how Twilight has become like a caring figure for him, and knowing the little guy had to see an image that involved him losing her in itself is pretty heart-wrenching. Add in Twilight intruding in and comforting the terrified dragon, and you have a major case of feels. Neither of these portions taught us anything new about either character, but it gave a very nice delve into just the extent the care for these parts of their lives, be it Celestia's guidance and acknowledgement for Twilight or the family-like relationship between Spike and Twilight. Edited September 3, 2013 by SomariFeyWright Awesome signature made by Tromino. My OC: Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkestStar 31 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 This scene caused my heart to break into pieces watching all of Twilight's friends succumb to Discord's personality reversal game, it really made me feel bad for Twilight and her friends. Yes! And as she finally succumbed to Discord's game, I thought for sure that she was leaving Ponyville for good. Had I not known that this was the Season 2 opener, I would have assumed that they were even closing up the show with these episodes, kind of leave the viewers with a feeling of regret and sadness as Discord's chaos reigned true. 1 Embrace the night, however, do not let it overwhelm you. For only with the perfect balance of light and darkness comes true revelations upon our kind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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