immortalpegasus 6 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I don't exactly have nightmares anymore, but every once in a while, I'll have a dream that isn't scary exactly, but it's normally creepy or really weird. Sometimes they're scary because they make me panic, like getting lost in the middle of the ocean with nothing but myself to survive. My last dream went like this: I woke up but my house was haunted and my family was missing. My vision was too foggy to see, and my annoying alarm clock's noise was playing so loud it hurt. It was playing inside my head so it followed me no matter where I went.Turns out, I was sleeping through my alarm during that dream. See what I mean? My dreams are freaking weird. So yeah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershyfan94 5,742 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 Bro do you even sleep? I can't avoid having nightmares it's not something you just stop doing once you get to a certain age. Although when I think about it I haven't had any nightmares recently which is cool I guess. I sometimes enjoy having nightmares, if the story is good then a nightmare can be great not to mention that I have a lot of lucid dreams so the nightmare just feels more real. I have had many different types of nightmares but can't name any at the moment. 1 DA: Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I actually had a nightmare the other night. I'm 16, and this was the first nightmare I've had since I was 10. I was pushing a wheelbarrow with a faulty wheel. Darkness started overcoming everything around me, and I started hearing squeeling noises behind me. They got louder as it got darker. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Powercell 30 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 (edited) I usually have regular dreams about murdering people and zombie apocalypses and stuff, but a while ago I had one where I was in an abandoned fairground where I was hiding because my friends got dragged away and tortured to tell the people where I am.. That dream lasted all night, hearing my friends scream.. it felt like months.. And I realised that that's what my friends would do.. But I dint do anything and even though it was a dream I hate myself for it. It changed me.. Since then I've took classes in self defence and took up kendo.. Edited September 2, 2013 by Midnight Thunder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FireFox 82 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I'm going to be 40 on 30 Sept. I have nightmares all the time. I dream about my time in the military mostly, but the worst nightmares I have are about the May 3rd Tornado 1999 in Moore OK. It was a mile wide and was only a block south of my house. It also went within a mile of where I was working. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mutemutt 773 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 (edited) No, not really. I've had dreams that I guess would normally be scary but nothing really feels scary about them while I'm actually experiencing them. Zombies, falling, my own fantastic death etc; it feels... normal during the dream. But, every once in a while -- a long, long while-- I'll have a nightmare but they're really realistic, like something that could really happen in the near future. It's usually something that I've been worrying about for days that shows up in the nightmare. I guess the thought that they just might be coming true is what makes them terrifying. Edited September 2, 2013 by Mutemutt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TomokoKuroki 1,707 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 (edited) I've had nightmares all my life, not consistently every night, but I have them every few times a week. They range from any number of things. But the general theme of my nightmares tend to be: Confusion (Like being lost in unknown territory), being chased or hunted, porcelain dolls (They are my 3rd biggest fear), and any nightmarish creature thirsting for blood that my subconscious decides to create for me. I've also had nightmares where my body became infested with Bot flies, not a fun time. In my nightmares I am not so scared of death, or dying. It is why, who, or how it happens that scares me. Edited September 2, 2013 by Tomoko Kuroki Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BubbleGum-Pop 26 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I've been having nightmares for about 3 weeks after watching Grave Encounters, The Grudge, The Conjuring and Insidious all in one day. I dreamt I was stuck in an Asylum with Dan Howell and Benedict Cumberbatch.... We were being chased by asylum inmates or whatever you call them, and eventually we all died and I was the only one left (like Grave Encounters) and I died by having brain surgery while I was concious and I woke up crying with a migraine and I only slept about 5 hours because I kept waking myself up crying. This awesome signature was made by the super talented LittleRawr ♥ 6 years of pain, one chance to live and love again ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chain Combo 135 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I get nightmares every once in a while, and I find them thrilling. Nightmares always give me this rush after they're over and a wake up, like oh man that was close or I can't believe I got killed like that in end. I get a different type of nightmare every once in while(once a year maybe), instead of the attention being focused on me it's someone else, and they always die trying their hardest to achieve something and they always die in an accident, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unipeg 17 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 (edited) I haven't had any nightmares recently (or that I can remember). I had some pretty messed up dreams , like falling endlessly and when that happens my chest feels so heavy and I can't wake up! At least that type has diminished over the years... Edited September 2, 2013 by Unipeg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HowlDash23 79 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 (edited) Ooh yes I do. In fact I had one just a few days ago because I made the dumb choice of watching a "Let's Play" of Deadspace 2 a few hours before going to of the worst.possible.ideas.EVER. Not only did it have monster like creatures in it from the game, but for whatever reason, Slenderman was there whiich just made it worse. Edited September 2, 2013 by HowlDash23 "WHERE'S THE BLACKSMITH??!!" -Markiplier Avatar created by Umbreon9 on deviantArt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheTEChguy27 273 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I didn't even know people "stopped" having nightmares, I just assumed it was something that always occurred every once and a while your entire life. At least, that's how it's been for me so far. Sure, my nightmares have changed as I've gotten older, but they still leave me waking up terrified. Especially when I get sleep paralysis... oh man, that's the worse... Imagine seeing Jeff the Killer in a dream, waking up, and being unable to move. Fun stuff! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Throwaway19573639385 764 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 Hmm, I've never really thought about it but ever since I've watched MLP for the very first time, I haven't gotten a single nightmare since. Been so long since I had one I actually forgot they used to be a real issue in my life. I used to get really bad ones that would make me afraid of a lot of things for weeks, especially the dark, mirrors, windows, deep noises. Another reason why I no longer have any nightmares might be because I have gotten more control over my dreams in the last 2 years, which helped me deal with them pretty well. I'm glad they're over though, I hate nightmares. ... Oh god I probably jinxed it.. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clockwork Chaos 219 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 of course, nightmares and dreams are the exact same thing, just neurons randomly firing in your brain- as such, one can never grow out of having nightmares, it's likely that the original poster does have nightmares but just doesn't remember them. furthermore, if anyone here thinks that they don't have dreams, you actually do. you can't help but dream (how profound ) it's just a part of the sleep cycle, it's just more common than not that we forget our dreams when we wake up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 Sometimes, but frankly i don't dream much anymore. I'm normally to tired by the time i go to bed i guess. I did have nightmares much more when i was younger, not sure what the reason is, maybe its because i feared more things or something idk. Of course i still have them, just not that often since i don't dream as much, so less chances for it. Although to be honest i can't really remember having any in a bit. I'd rather not, i don't like them one bit. i'm a scardy cat. I actually have a fear(Possibly a phobia) that started partly due to nightmares i got from it. Or rather the fact I got nightmares from it partly contributed to my fear i guess. Idk. Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Silver Essence~ 2,625 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 At times yes. As of now, rarely and almost never. However, I will state that sometimes I turn the light on when the darkness is not on my side at times... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inactive01 5,299 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 Definitely! I had a nightmare where I was in space! And there were numbers all around me! And As, Bs, Cs, Ds... and Physics! Don't forget physics! It was all there, and very traumatizing... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jamesblorg39welsh 125 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I also miss having nightmares it was kind if fun to be terrified but I haven't had a nightmare since I was 9 an it was about creatures that were kind of like muk from pokemon chasing me and slowly eating me as I was torn apart "If you feel the need to treat me like garbage, I'll feel the need to throw you into the back of a compressing garbage truck." "I'd rather "go to hell" for hugging a guy I like then makeout in heaven with a girl I don't." "If someone has the intention of changing who you are, or stopping you from doing what you like, bite out your tongue before they can change you" -willem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Misty Shadow 7,955 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I remember being absolutely terrified of having nightmares when I was little. Now that I rarely to never dream, I actually kinda miss them. Comet's still best boi. <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MelancholicMemory 2,025 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 A normal person has many dreams a night, but doesn't remember most of them. Lately, I've been remembering all or most of them. I have a lot of nightmares. I once dreamt about basically The Walking Dead meets Toy Story. It was freaky. Much worse than it sounds. In the past couple days, my dreams have all been just plain weird. Not scary or disturbing. Just weird. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReverseFaller 2,484 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I have nightmares, yes. I have them every so often. I'd say at least 1 a week, maybe 2. Zero if I'm lucky. Some times I Just wake up breathing really fast. Sometimes I can remember the feeling of physical pain from the dreams. I can remember the zombies holding me down, their teeth sinking into my neck. I can remember claws on my chest. I can remember choking and dying due to the fact that I had no gas mask in a post (nuclear) apocalyptic world. Nightmares suck! Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wandering-Flare 71 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I have a lot of nightmares, since I am quite an... well, let's say my imagination doesn't cease to work very often at all; it's almost scary too, because a lot of the things I dream about (for example, I had a nightmare about a mass rapist breakout... but they'd only do bad things to CARTOON characters, which was a rare race and... ugh... I don't understand, they'd just murder anybody else who got close to them), I put no thought towards at all, meaning my mind's going mad whilst I sleep. I'm scared it could break down my positive thoughts, because I have a lot of those - I'm a writer anyway, so I use my imagination frequently... but it seems to run away and turn into something else, come night-time. It's kind of scary. The short answer, yes, I do still have nightmares. The link to my Art Blog on this site! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NocturnalRainbow 248 September 2, 2013 Share September 2, 2013 I have had nightmares all my life and they still haven't stopped. I have them maybe once or twice a week. Every time I just can't bring my self to close my eyes again for the rest of the night *shudder* (I terrify myself pretty well I must admit) Oh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 I do occasionally. However, when I wake up, they'll laugh at how stupid they were. Only once can I recall actually being freaked out by a nightmare I had ince I'd woken up. This was actually my most recent nightmare, which actually scared me enough that I didn't really want to go to sleep the next night. Basically, Me and my mom were cleaning out my grandparents' house (They had died in the dream, but they're still alive IRL). Anyway, I found a door I had never seen before (Which doesn't exist IRL). So I decide to open it. I find myself in a room I'd never been in before, and the door locked itself behind me. It had really creepy lighting, which wasn't coming from any source. Well anyway, the rest of the dream is just me going through freaky rooms, and seeing this creepy kid in the corner just staring at me with a blank expression. Eventually, a door leads me back into the real house, but my mom was gone; the house was completely empty. I freak out, run outside, and drive away. I drive on this road (Which had other cars on it) until I woke up. Anyway, I think it's natural to have nightmares. My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Codelyy 1,288 September 3, 2013 Share September 3, 2013 I don't have nightmares anymore and i think that's good, Not because they were scary but i always had Lucid nightmares So i knew what i was doing and could control my self but things were jumping out at me Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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