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What is a dream?

Lunas Husband

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"Dreams, nightmares I don't care. All I want is a good nights sleep!"

~Ray Friend from work..











Ah dreams to some its a wonderland of happiness and joy! As for others is a hellish under world that they cant escape. As for me ahh its 50/50, but lets move on that's for some other topic. Here we are to talk about what is a dream? or well what do you think they are?


For some years now many have told me dreams are really noting, well they are something but noting really to put to much thought in to. They say, they are noting more then ideas you have had or were going to have but didn't happen so they come out in you're sleep. I don't know maybe...


Others have told me its my subconscious, trying to tell me something I really need to know. Which a lot of ponies I know, think what dreams are.


I have been reading that they could be are souls leaving are body's to go and see parts of the space and even other planets, that we cant go to just yet. Which would be cool.


I was told that when we dream we are put in to something else body let it be a person, alien etc and now we get to see how life is like for me. why not?


As for me I don't know lol, I really don't. All I can say is I love dreams! and I hope some day I can have a dream as beautiful as this picture some day.. 



So what do you think a dream is? and should be pay more attention the message they are trying to send us? if any at all...



"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I think that a dream is an imaginary force or vision that has the possibility of either coming true or just staying as a dream in your own imagination. I wouldn't pay too much attention to the message because sometimes, the message has either a bad moral or makes no sense at all.

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, I've moved your thread to General Discussion, since it really doesn't have anything to do with the brony fandom. Unless your threads do, it'd be appreciated if you wouldn't make them in Sugarcube Corner. A big thanks in advance :)

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Well dreams are very complex.


Its hard for me to say exactly what dreams are, anyone really since they're quite mysterious.


Heck I myself don't really have many dreams as my mind is normally to tired.


However i think the dreams are kinda manifested thoughts that go on in our mind, however since we have our eyes closed and we're asleep our mind immerses us in our thoughts in a much deeper way, aka a dream.


So basically, dreams are thoughts and whatever goes on in your mind while asleep, they're more graphical and stuff because we're asleep and therefore our mind is allowed to project stuff to us i guess easier.


Atleast thats my rough random interpretation. Again who knows really.


Dreams are pretty good usually overall, i just never really have any.


But yeah, dreams are pretty mysterious.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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The general scientific consensus, although more divisive than on other topics, is that dreams are a jumble of subconscious renderings of conscious experiences, randomly assembled and blended together into a sensory experience that takes place in a sort of virtual "machine" that separates your consciousness from reality, thus preventing movement and coherent thought.


Although being a person of science, I don't agree with that in many respects.


First and foremost comes the issue of nightmares. Everyone experiences nightmares at some point. Many experience them after or during traumatic experiences, but most people experience them in intervals between those events, or experience them long before they are subjected to those events, so if we assume that nightmares are generally undesirable by the average person because of their unpleasantness, then there is no reason for the brain to generate that experience from your conscious memories.


Secondly comes the issue of lucid dreaming, which I have personally verified as true. If we are to assume that dreams were only a virtual state of a blending of conscious memories rendered from the subconscious, how can we, by either accident or purpose, assume control of the subconscious rendering, which by its very physical nature is cut off from the conscious part of the brain? This leads me to believe they at least partially come from another source, or are at least sent through another layer before arriving to your perceptions of it.


Thirdly comes the issue of premonitions, visions, tulpas, night terrors, and the like. I have personally verified from my experiences and those around me that these things at least very tenuously exist in a weak form, if not outright truly existing. I have, on numerous occasions, dreamt of things before they happen, or at least dreamt of similar situations that I had experienced before the new one to make it statistically unlikely to be random. I have also had conscious visions of events that were neither verifiably real nor possible in my forseeable future while I was fully conscious.


Tulpas are more complicated. I have indeed sighted things I would not consider real by the laws of science and physics that I can personally verify, and thus this leads me to believe that dreams can create hallucinations, or hallucinations are a conscious variant of dreams. Night terrors are the most obvious example of this, being both sensory and somatoform to a high degree.


Basically, there is some element to dreaming that science has not addressed yet nor even really attempted to address yet. I just cannot expound on the nature of this element, because I don't know what it is.


tl;dr dreams are complicated and no one knows with certainty what they are

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"The fun has been doubled!" and "My sister is speakin' in Fancy!"

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When your brain is filtrating the information and the stuff you learned that day, ...well, dreams happen. We can say you are building up your own stories while sleeping,


As simple as this.


But of course, we never know, it can always be something else.

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I also love dreams. I can't say that I know what they are or what causes them as I have not done the research myself, but so far I can say that my dreams, at any rate, seem to come from my own mind. Whether it's the subconscious grinding through the dregs of my brain or what, I'm not sure, but in my experience the elements of my dreams are usually rooted pretty obviously in my recent memories.


One thing I do know is that lucid dreaming is real! I have done it, and it is awesome! I don't train, so it doesn't happen very often and when it does, it catches me by surprise and I often screw up my chance to do something cool before I wake up. If you like dreams and you want to have a dream as beautiful as that picture, you should look up lucid dreaming and try it.

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Dreams are a full sensorial stimulation of the subconsious, in this case when you go to sleep i don't know if you close your eyes, your mind begin to create abstract images that you hardly control until you are no aware that your asleep. Is what i call a "imagery wave" the images begin to control your mind, and maybe you don't know it, but those images are a mix of all things you have experience in your life, most of them you don't remember because those memories were too trivial to you but your mind have them.


However the content of the dreams can easly be manipulated:

1 you need a big (happy) reaction on something on a day and forget about it instantly, it's fresh stuff for your mind


2 eat something before go to sleep, (do not eat too much because you can have nightmares)


3 if you have a terrible experience through the day and don't want to dream about it, just keep remebering in a sadly way, you will "consume" the dream's content, if you constantly remember something in a happy way you can get higher chances to dream about it, because you "add" more material for your mind to work with.


I hope this Works for you, the effects varies from each person, but this three advises work with almost everyone of us ;)



by the way, to prevent your fisical body to respond to mental stimulation, your body shuts itself to prevent movement, so, if you awake and you can't move it's completly normal, it's called sleep paralisys and in a few minutes you can move again

Edited by Balareth


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