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general What's Your Dream?

Lucky Bolt

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So what's your dream? Mine is this:


I would love to live in northern Florida, or somewhere in Kentucky or Georgia, out in the country on a really big piece of land, with horses, a nice two story house, a Dodge Ram with a horse trailer, a blue Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat, and I would love to be an equine vet. If I ever get to horse riding lessons, I'll probably stick with riding horses and become a professional, maybe even compete in the Olympics. 




I would love to be a NASCAR driver. I only recently discovered how I'm addicted to fast speeds and racing go karts, and I would race 24/7 if I could. So, yeah, maybe being a NASCAR driver would also be something that suits me well. 

Edited by Lucky Bolt
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My dream is to own my own personal movie theater. I'm not talking about just one room that's a theater. I'm talking a full blown theater.

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Well truely my dream is to introduce universal energy to the world as it would allow us to do everything we wanted even traveling to other universes. It's based off my current theory of the universal binery system and eventually I want to make MLP a reality on earth by creating them. :)

  • Brohoof 2


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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I would wish to reunite with my 3 friends I made on this forum so we can all live together in one house as a family ^^


That's cute! (^o^)




My dream is to teach people to be better to each other. For this, I want to be an Artist!






I want to make MLP a reality on earth by creating them.


I think that genetics is an easier approach?

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Two main things: 1. To live with my boyfriend in a much better town/city. I don't completely hate my town because it is peaceful, but it just doesn't have anything to offer, so if I can relocate to somewhere more fulfilling with my boyfriend, that would help so much. 2. To not hate myself. This one is to the point. I suffer from a pretty deep inferiority complex and as a result, I have an issue with self hatred along with it. I hope one day I can actually like myself completely, because there are parts of me that I do like, I just don't think I have much worth.


That's about it.

  • Brohoof 1



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I don't have the same kind of dreams now that I did when I was younger--I've gotten a lot older since then--yet what I do dream about accomplishing these days is simple yet fun for me. I dream of completing my card collections though it will involve spending a lot of money as some cards will be expensive.


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My dream is to get access to a life that requires nothing. I would just be eternally floating in a dark, warm, shallow, endless pool, asking to myself one simple question. Who am I? Who am I? No humans to bother me, no responsibility, no fear, no stress, no nothing.


That or marrying RARITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Rarity the Supreme
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To move up north into a better climate. Maybe a small town, or at most somewhere outside the city. Either open up an oddities/antique shop or go back into writing perhaps.





I would've loved to be a NASCAR driver



You say this in the past tense... nothing says you can't become one. Every dream starts with a desire and only becomes possibly through determination to see it through.

  • Brohoof 2


~No profound statement needed~

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Oh that's not little.
I dream of owning my own house faaaaar from people, with forest all around.
A whole dungeon full of pony merch, legos, books, secret rooms, brewery and music stuff (vinyls, instruments, stereo systems).
And yes, a ddungeon, well, i think it's more sutiable to say, large basement.

Well, maybe not a "dungeon" dungeon, but a large basement, but dungeon sounds cooler, like 20% cooler (i know, that joke may be overrused, if possible).

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I would love to build an underground home or even a house in a hill and make it very woody and homely. Basically I want a hobbit hole. I love the idea of digging down instead of building up; I'm not entirely sure where I became entranced with this idea. Even when I used to play minecraft, I dug my base deep in some random cave.


I'd also like to use my programming skills to fix the journalism industry, but that's one hell of a dream at this point.

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​My dream is to help people in one way or another since I can't seem to make my mind up for what I want to do in life.  Maybe live in a nice house somewhere(preferably in a forest) with a lovely garden and green house with fruit trees inside, living off grid with some chickens, maybe a cow or two and an old horse that can live out it's elder years in some peace(preferably a rescue horse).  With a loving partner and good friends that sometimes visit for tea/coffee, access to good healthcare.  A nice library with a connecting study, an open-concept kitchen/dining/living room and the upstairs will be dedicated to bedrooms with a laundry room and a basement dedicated to gaming and the like, with a separate studio for sewing.  That is, if my career, whatever it may be, can support that... :okiedokieloki: 

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My dream is to attain financial stability and a good, fulfilling career so that i will have the means to support myself and afford the things that i enjoy and then one day maybe even start a family. After all that is accomplished i wish to buy a small but cozy modern home in the woods and simply relax and enjoy myself. Here is an example of my idea of a dream home. https://www.facebook.com/beesmartbuildingllc/photos/pcb.903923409743096/903913149744122/?type=3&theater

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I can't dream at all. All I see is blackness and hear nothing all the time. 





Hint: I wonder  what my character will look like in Pegasus form and what he does in mlp. Just curious.  




Edited by Necrodeus/Deathmare

"With No Light, There Can't Be Darkness. Without One Of Them, There Is No Balance. Hence, Reality


Will Cease To Exist. For I Am The Bringer Of Death And Destruction. All Shall Fall Before Me!"

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To move up north into a better climate. Maybe a small town, or at most somewhere outside the city. Either open up an oddities/antique shop or go back into writing perhaps.







You say this in the past tense... nothing says you can't become one. Every dream starts with a desire and only becomes possibly through determination to see it through.

yes that's true, lol stupid autocorrect on my ipad, I meant to say I would like to become a NASCAR driver haha. but yes, very true though.

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Dreams. I suppose I can still have those...


I'd love to be good enough to record. And to also find my partner, move somewhere far up North/Northeast (Michigan through Maine - somewhere in that region) where they still have four seasons and value education (Michigan is starting to fall out of favor for me, actually... but enough on that), and live a nice, long life.


But there are dreams that cannot be. Back to the real world.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I'd like to do something creative that'll inspire or enrich the lives of others long after I'm gone. But before I kick said proverbial bucket, I'd like to find a way of promoting other creative people as well and establishing an outlet for them. 




Then we can talk about winning the lotto, gaining ultimate power and crushing my enemies under my feet.   :orly:  

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Well, I suppose I'll separate my dreams into 3 separate categories. Obvious fantasy that will never happen unless something ground-breaking happens in how our reality works, semi-realistic fantasy which might be possible on a technical level....? maybe...? yet it's incredibly unlikely to happen even if it was, and realistic which can be attained reasonably with hard work and a bit of luck.



Obvious fantasy:


I'd like to be a superhero because why not. I want phenomenal psychic powers because chances are if you've heard of a superpower existing, someone out there has written a character with that power and explains it by saying "they're psychic"... I mean, Guldo can stop time, Rasputin can do just about anything from regeneration (if you can make it to a high enough level, anyway) to pyrokinesis to invisibility, mewtwo can fly, Yuri exhibits mind control...  the list goes on. The only thing I can imagine that would be as versatile would be just straight up magic, in which case if that exists in this fantasy, I'd have no reason not to learn the heck out of it too! XD


Pretty much what I'm saying is if there are no limits on life, I want to be a terrible DeviantArt Marry Sue OC :P now I just need a name as edgy as it is cringe inducing.



.... or maybe I'll just settle for being a cat and not having to work anymore :derp:


Semi-realistic fantasy:


I want to go on some paranormal adventure and end up discovering something huge that defies all current scientific logic.


There's a lot out there, and we haven't even nicked the iceberg in discovering how whatever our reality may be ticks. I want to have an adventure that drops a bombshell on our reality and opens up a whole new world of wonderful possibilities that should be totally impossible. Be it reliable psychic abilities or magic as stated earlier, or even something like the discovery of a stable and safe portal to another world.




A lot deeper than the childish desires of my fantasy...




I just want to look passably female and have my family not get up in arms about my identity... Maybe I could throw in something like becoming a millionare or retiring early, but I really just want to actually look okay... That's it. Don't take anything you have for granted, peeps.



  • Brohoof 2

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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I'd like to fly for an airline someday :fluttershy:. I know it's a while from now, but not that far from now (hopefully by 10 years from now).

  • Brohoof 3


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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​I have a lot of dreams, and while a lot of them are somewhat in reach, there's still a lot that are far out there. I'll spoiler some of the more boring ones.




I love Nerf guns. They're really cool, and I'd absolutely love to play in a large-scale Nerf war. I already know almost everything I'd use for it -- primary would be a modified Nerf Stryfe (using Zeus flywheels and lipo batteries), preferably orange although I'd probably add a custom paintjob, and a worker or Stockade stock for increased support. I'd duct-tape 12-round mags together to make my own flip-clips for faster reloading. My secondary would be a custom-paint Sweet Revenge, with an Orange Modworks kit inside, a metal trigger and hammer kit, and a 3D printed 7-round cylinder.


The biggest issue with this dream is that there aren't a lot of nerf wars around my area, and while I could probably afford all the equipment I want, I'd be spending a lot of money for nothing.




Similar-ish dream -- I'd love to have a drone someday. They seem really cool, and I think I'd have a lot of fun with it. Main reason I haven't already picked one up yet? I don't have anywhere to use it, very much free time to use it, or any real need for it.




I'd love to go meet some of my online friends IRL sometime. Here's a short list of those I'd like to visit:


Spirit--Productions (from DeviantART and YouTube) -- one of the Carolina's, I think?

UltimateNightcore (from DeviantART) -- Malaysia

VinylWubs (from MLP Forums and Discord) -- New Zealand

Tyandaga (from DeviantART and YouTube) -- Canada

CinnamonPop (from MLP Forums) -- Illinois

Princess Moonlight (from MLP Forums) -- California

Jaxsie-chan (from MLP Forums and Discord) -- California

RobinsonSiblings (from Fanfiction.net) -- New York

MilleniaPhoenix (from Fanfiction.net and DeviantART) -- Germany

Summer Breeze (from MLP Forums) -- Netherlands

Sekr-Gray (from MLP Forums) -- ?

Handepsilon (from Fanfiction.net) -- Indonesia


And this one's kinda cheating, since I've already met her IRL three times, but...


purple.apple.tree (from Instagram) -- Texas




...Just realized that 10 out of 13 people on this list are female. And now I realized just how few male friends I have. I should probably work on that.





But what you all probably came for, my "main" dream, is this:


I'd love to have a partner.


Not necessarily a "soulmate", or a "love interest". No, it doesn't have to be romantic at all (and I'd prefer in fact that it doesn't become a sexual thing either). Just a friend. A close friend. Closer than any other. I just want someone to be with.


That someone isn't just anyone though. I want someone who understands me as much as I understand her, someone who needs to be around me as much as I do her, and someone who cares for me as much as I do her. Someone who I can fall back onto when things get rough, someone who I can help when things go badly for her, and someone to share and enjoy a part of my life with. Someone who I can snuggle with at night so I don't feel alone. And very importantly, someone who understands that I don't want a romantic or sexual relationship, and is okay with that.


If anyone's read about my OC's Meson and Spits, it's basically like their relationship. Very close, like brother and sister, but completely different from your standard relationship.


I want a domestic partner, not a girlfriend.


I expect people will look down on me for this (especially very religious people), which is kinda why I've refrained from telling anyone, but I just feel like letting someone know. Heck, maybe the right person will read this and we'll meet up eventually?


Nah, that's just crazy thinking.

Edited by Meson Bolt
  • Brohoof 3


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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my dream is to live in a small quiet old town somewhere in Europe, to spend my days as a family man in a cosy cobblestone and log cottage on a decent amount of land with a private collection of operational German WWII and modern tanks, as a job people from all around the world will come and pay me to let them see, ride and even drive the tanks in my collection ^D^
far off, poorly planed and super ambitious but i'm already saving up for a first tank :D it may sound strange, ill give you that. but that is the life i dream of living.  :rarity:

  • Brohoof 5


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my dream is to live in a small quiet old town somewhere in Europe, to spend my days as a family man in a cosy cobblestone and log cottage on a decent amount of land with a private collection of operational German WWII and modern tanks, as a job people from all around the world will come and pay me to let them see, ride and even drive the tanks in my collection ^D^

far off, poorly planed and super ambitious but i'm already saving up for a first tank :D it may sound strange, ill give you that. but that is the life i dream of living.  :rarity:

Nah it doesn't sound strange, whatever your dream is, you chase it  ;)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I want to become a big YouTube gamer, have fans who appreciate, and anticipate my work, and work with people I'm a fan of... though what are the chances of my success... very slim, but I won't give up without a fight.


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