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New CollegeHumor My Little Brony Video


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I dunno, the overall joke of this is basically listing down Brony stereotypes, but it's funny because they're being pointed out by little girls, RIGHT?!

I like the concept, having Bronies as toys, and I also like the premise of the last one (Reactions from the toys themselves) but it just wasn't funny, which is a problem I have with most College Humour videos.. They have good concepts, but the jokes don't make me laugh.
With this it was just: Brony toy, Stereotype #1, Sterotype #2, Stereotype #3 etc.


I wasn't offended, I don't really think the people who made this were out to offend anyone, but still... They could come up with something new and not regurgitate jokes that everyone else has already made before.

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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OMG that was so weird I have to face palm my self. It kind of funny and Weird at the some time.


But I do not that seriously I know was a joke. And everyone else should take it seriously as will.


That all Fox Out!! B)

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It was worth a chuckle. The fact that they have a reputation for exaggerating stereotypes means most non-bronies won't take it too seriously. I prefer to not be offended by this because I believe that people need to enjoy a laugh at their own expense. Much like how some bronies enjoy the idea that haters are closet bronies trying to look manly. From what I have read, many of you agree that it is nothing to make a fuss about.

Keep flyin'


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Eh, it was okay. I didn't really laugh, just a chuckled once or twice. I know it wasn't offending bronies and was made to just parody them, but wasn't that funny to me. Not a huge fan of College Humor. I can see why it's funny to others though. :)

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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*ugh!* Even in College Humor's standards, this is stupid. There is nothing factually creative, interesting, and funny in this piece CH calls "humor." It's full of generic, flat, old, clichéd, BAD jokes that stereotype and prejudice nerd-centered fandoms, not just the brony fandom itself.

Want to make a good brony parody? Be more creative and have your audience laugh WITH the fandom, not AT.

  • Brohoof 4

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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I thought this was just as funny as the last one college humor did. Most of the stuff they do is pretty funny, but there are some things that are just plain misses. This isn't one of them though. I don't get upset at these types of videos because I can laugh at just about anything and I feel that if you can't laugh at yourself or the stereotypes you fit into, then you are still harboring some insecurities about yourself.



Sig made by me. Surprisingly it came out somewhat decent.

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College Humor released another MLP Related Video, My Little Brony! I'm starting to think that they're just closet bronies making fun of "us" to hide their true selves.


There has to be at least one brony working there, and for all we know he may have been a closet brony and brought up the idea of the skit to the writers of it. Or like you said, a lot of them may be closet bronies just trying to make fun of it and act like they aren't bronys.

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@Iudicium86, turns out that another thread was made for this video and not noticed until there were a healthy amount of replies :unsure:. Because of this, I've made your thread back into its own topic again, since there seems to be a good number of people who want to talk about it and it doesn't make sense to force them to do it in the YouTube thread.


and , just letting you know what happened to your topic. Generally members aren't encouraged to make new threads for a specific video, but given the amount of discussion this one has generated, it can be an exception. I've merged your thread with replies from an older one.

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Whoops, I couldn't see one on the first page and I caught it within 30 mins of them posting it on their Facebook so assumed it must have just been released. As for the Master youtube thread, my mind just totally missed it.

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That's quite something I guess, making a parody that features little girls playing with grown men dolls, kinda funny I suppose. I bet a lot of people would actually buy dolls of themselves though... :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


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Um, well, I don't really get what's so funny about either of the College Humor brony videos. It's just using stupid stereotypes that are just really old and not even funny. "HURRRR bronies are fat and ugly 30-year-old men who live in their basement and play with pony toys all day DURRRRRR"

  • Brohoof 2



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I'll admit it can be funny to laugh at ones self, but for some reason I actually was insulted by this latest video.    I do like some of there stuff, and much of it pokes fun at the shows, not the fans of the shows.    If they made fun of the show itself  I probly woud not have felt that way. 


Then again  us Bronies seem to do a good job of that ourselves.


The 1st video when I saw it I kept thinking.  "Why did you take them out of the package!!,  NO  Don;t touch with dirty hands, Arggg!"

Other's more Talented than me.




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I found the video hilarious because I love laughing at brony stereotypes! :)


Seriously, I do.


The part by far was the "look, an ill-advised tattoo!" scene.


For bonus lulz, go to EqD and read some of the comments in the post about the video. Looks like SOME bronies need to learn how to take a joke.

*Insert edgy signature phrase here*


I'm back...

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Well, maybe I'm just not offended because I don't fit those stereotypes. Like, at all. But still, the 'Whoa.... This is graphic' line really was funny! That and the one about asking to 'Come to Equestria'. I don't know why, but it was really funny! Great video!

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I laughed pretty hard, which kinda sucked because I just got done eating dinner. the only stereo type that I matched is being a basement dweller

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your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the river of truth, and tell the whole world
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Meh, it was okay. I found the first My Little Brony video a lot funnier. This one didn't really make me laugh. I will say that I own the Rainbow Dash toy featured in this video which is pretty awesome. Anyways the video was funny, just not as funny as the original My Little Brony short.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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That was HELLA better than their first My Little Brony video.


My problem with their first video was that it was nothing but typical nerd jokes. You could literally replace every reference to MLP with a Star Trek reference, and the jokes would play out exactly the same. I'm serious, re-watch the video and pretend like Twilight Sparkle is Spock. See if there's any difference.


This one was much more topical. Long-ass forum posts, regrettable tattoos, insane amounts of R34, very long, graphic fanfic, constantly jabbering on about how it's not just for kids, these are much more brony-ish things. I especially loved when one of them said "Take me to Equestria." That was DEAD FUCKING ON, and you fanboys all know it! :lol:


Yeah, I'm a tough dude to offend. If the jokes are good, I can laugh at myself 'till the cows come home, and these are some good jokes. CH earns an honorary brohoof from me. /)


Now all I need is for South Park to make a brony episode, and my life will be complete. They can be as vicious as they want, I just want to see it happen.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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That video was stereotypicaly Hilarious! The College Humor site has always had funny ads and skits (I use to watch vids on that site like all the time a couple years ago) but I never thought they would reach all the way to Bronyhood! Awesome!

I thought this video was pretty funny for the most part.

I wish that people making fun of nerds would stop using that basement joke. It is seriously so old, at least as old as Star Trek.

Do people still think that basement joke is funny? Someone's gotta tell me.

Well to be kinda harsh but honest there are stereotypes for a reason and I know plenty fellow nerds that live in there parents basement!LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOlolololololol.....



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I won't bother to watch it, not because I am worried about being offended, but because using stereotypes for comedy is one of the most low brow forms of it right down there with toilet humor and crude "offensive jokes" IMO (and yes I am aware I pretty much just described modern Family Guy there) and it requires absolutely no effort. It also does nothing to help society advance compared to well done satire which can set a common viewpoint in a new light and maybe make people see things differently. If you really wanna do satire/parody on something popular, do a little research rather than just relying on typical stereotypes is what I say. The first one was lame and did not say anything interesting about the fandom other than what Fox News wants you to believe, so I assume this won't either.

Edited by Nightmare Lyre
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I think it's hilarious the problem is I don't think college humor does I mean is someone on there staff was making this to laugh with us that would be pretty clear although I think it's hilarious

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"I'd rather "go to hell" for hugging a guy I like then makeout in heaven with a girl I don't."

"If someone has the intention of changing who you are, or stopping you from doing what you like, bite out your tongue before they can change you"


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I know College Humor made another video about Bronies which I really disliked. This one however was pretty funny. I am so relieved too because I naturally like College Humor alot.



Signature made by me.

"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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