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movies/tv What was the most disappointing movie you've ever seen?


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So, what movie failed to meet your expectations or left you feeling unsatisfied or just flat-out ruined your movie experience?


For me, it was the movie "Splice". It was about these two scientists taking care of a creature created by splicing human genes with that of other animals. The two take care of it, almost like parental figures and it seems innocent enough, but about halfway though, things just take a really, really, dark turn. I mean...god, it just so horrible. The ending...my god, the ending. It's all one big boggling mind-fuck.

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The hobbit. I just hate that movie now. I disliked most things of it. Like, they give me no reason to care about most of the dwarves and they keep putting Bilbo in danger even though everyone knows he won't die since the movie is called "The HOBBIT"...

So, definitly The Hobbit

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I'm not too big on movies, but let's see here...


  • Titanic - I mean...it wasn't god-awful, but it doesn't really deserve all the hype, if you ask me.
  • Silent Hill Revelations - I honestly kind of liked the first movie, but Revelations was a mess. Even the acting seem odd,
  • Twilight - So much hype; not so great. 
  • Megan Is Missing - Everything leading up to the ending is fine...but...the last 20 minutes, the movie went too far and didn't need to make an ending like that, god damn. 

Pick one of those, I suppose. 

Edited by WheatleyCore
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Are we there yet was incredibly disappointing for me when I was a kid. It was advertised as "the funniest movie of the summer" and the trailer made it seem hilarious. They blew their funniest content on the trailers and it turned out to be more of a romance. I laughed a grand total of one time, and it was more of a chuckle.


This was the movie that killed the entire "clean comedy" genre for me.

Are we there yet was incredibly disappointing for me when I was a kid. It was advertised as "the funniest movie of the summer" and the trailer made it seem hilarious. They blew their funniest content on the trailers and it turned out to be more of a romance. I laughed a grand total of one time, and it was more of a chuckle.


Freaking misleading advertising...

Edited by Celtore
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Star Wars Episode 1 was kinda a let down


Street Fighter was bad even worse of the fact it was Raul Juiet's Last movie


Battleship looked promising


And The Simpsons movie

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Twilight - So much hype; not so great.



Agreed, the books were actually quite good, the movies just were not. + bad casting, shovel face and emotionless mouth breather shouldn't have been casted for the movie.



For me, I would say Eragon, but I was less disappointed and more furious about it, the books are fantastic but the movie just utterly butchered it and spoiled the next 2 books in 15 mins right at the end.

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the last airbender by m night shaymalan. that movie was down right horrible. it felt like a huge slap in the face being an avatar fan. i have a million things to say about the movie and none of them are plesant.

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This one here. Eragon.


I won't even defend the novel, even tough I like it. Yes, it's not outstanding, but it's at least a solid first novel and entertaining. But the movie... The pacing, the acting, the cast, the costumes, the fact that some important scenes were simply missing and you couldn't see anything that made the novel accaptable in the movie. I'd even say that it is worse than most of the movies by Uwe Boll and I'm glad that there won't be a second one. Just my opinion.

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UGGHHHHHH God damnit nothingiseverything I completely forgot about splice >< why you remind me?


First time I saw last Airbender I thought it was just typical shitty Shaymalan but after watching the anime after that it was so much worse.

Mortal Kombat Annihilation was just awful. Number one was not great but passable annihilation was just abysmal

Elysium: Mediocre sci fi but just so much "ok here are at least 30 better situation" scenes

Pacific Rim: I liked it but hyped up to be so much more than it really is so hearing its the greatest thing in cinema killed it for me

Avatar: see Pacific rim explanation

And many more but 5 probably bored you guys enough XD

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For me, I'd say the most disappointing movie I've ever seen was Jack and Jill. Everyone was saying it was one of the funniest movies of all. My dad said it was really funny. But for me, it was the most corny thing I've ever seen. I didn't even laugh once. Very bad comedy. 

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After Earth - I remember being incredibly hyped for this movie when I first saw the trailers...then I found out who was directing it...

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Avatar- overhyped 3D movie that's focused way too much on special effects. I didn't like it at all and was bored in the cinema.


Silent Hill: Revelations. Boring, just boring, as much as I enjoyed first Silent Hill this one was just bad.


Star Wars 1, 2, 3 I enjoyed special effects and lightsaber duels, but IMO Hayden Christensen is the worst thing that happened to Star Wars, his acting was awful. Also story was IMO weak, when compared to "old trilogy". And there was no Han Solo. Yes, I know, he didn't exist then, but he was my favourite character from old trilogy and I missed someone like him.


Elysium- I love movies in which I can predict every single scene, because it's just another "copy-paste" movie. 

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Well it's not really the movie that disappointed me so much as the rumour in it

Evil dead 2013 Bruce Campbells Cameo. Now I grew up with evil dead and being the fact I'm 19 that probably says alot about how early I started horrors XD so hearing Bruce Campbell will be in this got me so god damned hyped it hurt. What do I get? a 2 second after credits scene of Bruce Campbell saying groovy. I know cameos aren't huge most times but wow was it flaccid with all the build up and hype

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By far Battlefield Earth. I mean damnit you would think that a guy that's been nominated twice for an Oscar would actually be at least decent in a hopeful scifi in space. Worst writing and plot, acting and overall everything in general in that film. The acting namely focused on John Travolta. Even Hayden Christenson's horrid acting and the poor writing in Revenge of the Sith was still better than this massive trainwreck.


Apparently according to my cousin, I was officially banned from choosing another movie to watch at the theaters again for a decade due to Battlefield Earth. It must be how Mark Wahlberg felt after finishing the live action Max Payne film.

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A recent movie that I saw was Jack the Giant Slayer...  It was just.... awful...  The movie for the most part was ok, just some parts seemed very cliche and after a while it seemed rather obvious that jack was going to marry the princess :\...  The characters were bland and seemed to just be there to fulfill some need to push the plot forward.  I was a bit disappointed how they painted the princess to be this woman-shaped battering ram yet when trouble actually came, she turned into this helpless mess that needed someone else to save her.  I was hoping they made a twist on the interaction between jack and the princess and made Jack some sort of military advisor or family friend.  It was nice to see that the love story portion of the story wasn't dragged on too much though(most movies don't really need to have an LI to be good).  Even though Jack and the princess seemed more suitable to be good friends or whatever.  I really wish they went into more detail about the Giants and there were a lot of gaping plot holes that they neglected to address.  I thought the giants were pretty cool, I was hoping for more details on them instead of being the typical antagonist with little to go on besides they eat people and steal stuff.  That whole ending with the crown was incredibly stupid, I mean really?!  Perhaps it's just me being jaded but seriously?

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The hobbit. I just hate that movie now. I disliked most things of it. Like, they give me no reason to care about most of the dwarves and they keep putting Bilbo in danger even though everyone knows he won't die since the movie is called "The HOBBIT"...

So, definitly The Hobbit

You have no idea how much I agree with this. I am sure The Hobbit trilogy will be the Star Wars Prequels of the 2010's at this rate, because WOW. Also trying to mix kid friendly Shrek-esque characters with hardcore voilence with decapitation is a very very stupid idea.


Oh and boredom. And filler. And plot holes. And continuity errors (they flat out stated Goblins and Orcs can't be out in the daylight, yet they get chased by them in the middle of the bright day!?). And boredom. And too many useless 1 dimensional characters. And crude unfunny gross out humor. Also did I mention this is the most boring film I have ever seen in my entire life? It feels like it's double the length of The Godfather while being a full hour shorter for crying out loud, and they really think they still have enough material for a full trilogy when this is the result of film 1!?



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Eragon. Just... Bleh. I was so hyped about the movie being made, and I tried to learn every single detail about the filming, which actually says a lot because I usually don't care about that kind of stuff whatsoever. When I watched it, it was just... awful. The only movie that could possibly make it seem re-watchable would be The Last Airbender.


I'm a huge fan of the Avatar series, and I thought that this movie was going to be fantastic. But then this happened:

The names only made it worse: Aang is now Ong, Iroh is Eero, Sokka is Sohka. It pains me to say that I paid money to watch it.

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Well, firstly, there's Silent Hill Revelations. Being a fan of the Silent Hill game series and having somewhat enjoyed the first Silent Hill movie (insomuch as one can enjoy it having the games to compare it with) I had moderate hopes for this movie. Unfortunately, rather than the entertaining if not necessarily frightening waste of an afternoon I expected, I was treated to the single greatest of many bastardizations of one of the greatest horror characters ever created. I am of course referring to the movies treatment of Pyramid Head. It takes a special kind of malice to look at a creature whose entire existence is killing and causing pain, who is so obsessed with it that it kills and tortures, and possibly rapes, other cosmic monstrosities who are on its side on its way to you, and decide that it should be anyone's bodyguard, let alone the protagonist's.


Then of course there is Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan. Apparently the filmmakers felt no need to actually show Khan acting hyperintelligent or overly ruthless, and just figured that saying such was the case would be enough for the audience. This, combined with the usual quality of original series Star Trek acting (i.e. terrible) and the general lack of quality in the writing (at one point Kirk goads Khan by stating that he's ridiculing him) and I was quite disappointed in the movie that the entire sci-fi community seems to have a massive hard-on for. I believe this can largely be attributed to the fact that nostalgia is the most powerful force on earth.


The absolute worst, most putridly disappointing and depressingly bad movie I have ever seen, though, is The Tall Man. I was massively disappointed by this movie, and I even expected it to be awful. I was expecting a hilariously impotent and inadequate film experience, and was still devastated by how spectacularly this movie failed to live up to my expectations. I watched it simply because I wanted to find out how shamelessly it was copying the "Slenderman" mythos and to hopefully get some laughs out of the more inept cinematic moments, but this movie is so god awful that I couldn't glean any entertainment value whatsoever. It was about an hour and forty-five minutes long, and felt like well over 3 hours. Nothing happened for the majority of the movie, and when something did happen it would be over within minutes and we would be back to plod central. The acting was unremarkable, the script nearly unintelligible, the pretense at any supernatural involvement is dropped within the first 20 minutes, there are multiple scenes that are long and in-depth and have absolutely no bearing on the plot whatsoever, inept does not even begin to describe the cinematography, and the plot doesn't so much twist as it does writhe in pain. 


What I'm saying is that I didn't like it very much, give it a miss.



Note: I'll probably be updating this post as I think of more. 

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Eragon. Just... Bleh. I was so hyped about the movie being made, and I tried to learn every single detail about the filming, which actually says a lot because I usually don't car about that kind of stuff whatsoever. When I watched it, it was just... awful. The only movie that could possibly make it seem re-watchable would be The Last Airbender.


I'm a huge fan of the Avatar series, and I thought that this movie was going to be fantastic. But then this happened:

The names only made it worse: Aang is now Ong, Iroh is Eero, Sokka is Sohka. It pains me to say that I paid money to watch it.

I never figured out why so many people thought it was going to be an awesome movie, I though it looked like crap when I saw the first trailer thinking "this is gonna be Dragon Ball Evolution all over again" and that was before I found out Shayamalamadingdong was directing it

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The Last Airbender. I still think we should demand an apology from M. Night Shyamalan. I've resorted to boycotting all his movies in response. Not that they're that good in the first place; I think the guy is getting progressively worse. But TLA, my god is it the most god-awfully paced piece of trash imaginable. It bears no resemblance to its source material whatsoever, and the acting, costuming, makeup, everything about his film is so incredibly terrible that I sincerely regret ever seeing it in the theater.

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I'm actually really glad that I haven't seen much of the movies mentioned here on the thread. I've seen all the trailers though, and though usually there's a saying that goes, "don't judge a book by its cover", that's not the case for movies. Not at all.


I knew After Earth was going to suck ever since I saw the trailer for it, and now after looking through many negative reviews, including the ones on here, my point is proven. Same goes for Elysium, Hobbit, and Avatar the Last Airbender. Just from the trailers, they all seemed like utter crap.




The names only made it worse: Aang is now Ong, Iroh is Eero, Sokka is Sohka. It pains me to say that I paid money to watch it


Wtf? The director of that movie needs to be condemned.... 




I did see Twilight though, and good God that was horrible. The characters, the storyline, and the acting! Ahhh!!


Not to mention that the movie had forever changed the way teenagers view and perceive vampires. Such a shame that in today's generation, when one mentions "vampire", most will now think of a walking disco ball that sparkles in the light. sleep.png

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Cars 1 and 2.The first movie doesn't make any frikin' sense.Sentient vehicles in a world clearly made by humans?And doing James Bond things in the sequel?

Brave.Thought it was nice,finally got to see it,and well,while the animation and effects were beautiful,the plot and story were rather lazy.

Eragon.They departed quite a lot from the book and instead made a crappy Star Wars/LOTR mashup

Most disney sequels.Goes without saying.

The Last Airbender.Again,goes without saying.

The Lost World Jurassic Park.Such a crappy sequel to a wonderful classic!!! The "heroes" do rather stupid things which result in the death of many characters,while the "villains" do their best to protect their butts.And don't get me started on JP3...

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