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IDW Has Seen the Season 4 Script and....

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Well, read this. This is a post by Bobby Curnow, an IDW editor, made in response to a member on the IDW Publisher forums about Twilicorn's inclusion to the comics starting with issue #13:


"I never said we'd wait until "AFTER season 4", I said we'd wait to see how she was handled IN season 4. We've got the season 4 scripts, and I've read a good chunk of them, and feel like I have a good idea how alicorn Twilight will be handled. Without giving to much away— she's going to be handled much the same as she ever was. She's the same character. If you'll let me indulge in a bad metaphor, it's like getting a drivers license. It means new responsibilities and new opportunities, but ultimately getting a driver's license doesn't change the person you are. I say this as someone who was skeptical myself. When I first heard about Princess Twi, my first thought was: "Huh. That kind of separates Twi from the rest of the Mane 6, doesn't it? They're no longer equals." All I'll say on that front is that my initial thought was wrong. The dynamics of the characters are the same.


I'm sorry if people are upset or will drop the book because of this. What I do know, is that it doesn't affect the quality of the book at all. The type of stories we're telling isn't changed, and we're still dealing with the same creators (though you'll be seeing some new faces as well in 2014). All I can really do is ask to give the book a chance. If it's not your cup of tea with Alicorn Twilight, fair enough, thanks for giving it a shot. And if you're not interested in reading it at all, well— thanks very much for reading up to this point, it's much appreciated."


There we have it. All of that extreme worry about Twilight's character changing and her friends being pushed to the side and whatnot, is void, in my opinion. We have direct proof right here. Really though, this doesn't surprise me but it still makes me incredibly happy nonetheless.


The sad part? Some people on Equestria Daily are STILL being INCREDIBLY negative about this. Apparently nothing will satisfy those particular people but I don't care at this point. Now I can look forward to season 4 even more and be happy about the future of the show, as I really think many others should as well.


So, brohoofs to all! This has put me in a great mood, despite the hatred comments. Word of advice: NEVER go to the comments section of Equestria Daily if you value your good mood. Extreme hatred still exists for this, the past couple of days have reminded me of it. Even as a very pessimistic person myself, I don't see how people can be so negative about a great show like this, especially after this post.

Edited by Kyoshi
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The people bitching are just suffering form a huge case of nostalgia-goggles, aka "the old way is always better and any major change is always bad"


I'm neutral to it over-all, but I feel like we could get some good story-lines and humor about it from from IDW now that they're acknowledging her as a princess. It might also mean we get another big story-arc related to it.   

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 6



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


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Yay! That's some great news! I actually was a little bit worried myself that she would change, however I didn't think she would and thankfully I was right. I mean they would only make the show worse if they change a character that we all love so much. Keeping her the same way is good and now I am sooo looking forward to season 4.


And yeah, EqD comments. Ugh.

  • Brohoof 5


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Yeah, I remember reading about it and being pretty happy about it. Sad how some people continue to bitch about it like it makes a difference.


I've been meaning to check out the newer comic books so I might give it a shot eventually.


And I'm still saying that Twilight with wings is extremely adorable.



  • Brohoof 12


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Someone show this to the anti-Hasbro circlejerkers. Right now. This, alone, invalidates every argument saying that Twilight is somehow different because she has wings now. They don't know what's going to happen with Twilight, IDW and Hasbro do.


It disappoints me how there are still people who refuse to let go of the drama surrounding her, trying to come up with reasons to justify their hanging on. I woulda thought that after a few months everything would settle down, but nope :|

  • Brohoof 7
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I'm surprised by most of the reactions, I figured sooner or later that AliTwi was gonna appear in the comics. Also I love EQD comment sections, most of them are comedy gold

Edited by Phoenix Trite
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Change...truly the dirtiest and vilest curse word ever uttered in this fandom.


I've always said that if anyone could completely drop something for such a petty reason, then they clearly weren't invested in it from the get-go. Despite comment sections being hatred festering grounds as a general rule, I saw enough comments praising the change or showing indifference towards Twilacorn that I can still believe that those still losing their shit over this nearly eight months later are nothing more than an incredibly irritating vocal minority that just want to ruin everyone else's fun. 


The comics have given me far too much enjoyment for me to stop reading them just because Princess Twilight becomes canon, same with the much anticipated season 4. As long as the quality remains the same then I don't see myself giving up either anytime soon.  

Edited by PoisonClaw
  • Brohoof 1

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Twilight's getting a driver's license? That's it, I'm leaving the fandom. This is just too much. First they give her wings, then hands and feet, and now a car? It's like she's not even the same character anymore. Anyone remember the good old days before Twilight moved to Ponyville? Back before the show turned into (*insert fecal metaphor here*).


Man, those were the days. Anyway, I'm getting off this sinking Titanic before we run out of lifeboats. See ya!





  • Brohoof 7

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I like the change. twilight seems better then she used to be. Sure, she has wings but, that doesent make any diffrence at all.Twily may be even better in season 4 if we give her a chance. We all gave the movie a chance, so why not twily?

  • Brohoof 2
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Yes, this is nice to see, even though I had no doubts in my mind that Twilight would still stay the same pony/person, and I am sure as the sky is blue that I am not the only one who saw this coming and was excited for it.



I look forward to season 4 no matter what.. :3 I LOVE mlp and propbably will for a long time. I love all kinds of mlp episodes. I just wish people wouldn't rage about things they don't know, escpecially with this.

I am totally going to be the 90 year old man sitting in a basement hoarding MLP merchandise and watching MLP 24/7 until the day my heart stops.

Edited by Xelphos
  • Brohoof 2


Random white text!

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This is indeed, very happy news!~ I love Twilight and I don't want to see her and her friends separated. Especially since Applejack cannot leave Sweet Apple Acres for very long. Her family needs her to help run the farm, and it's her job.

  • Brohoof 2

Age: 23

Fave Ponies: Twilight/Cadence

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This is how I would handle it. So it has my full support. Bravo script writers. Changing her personality just because of the change in circumstances would be a major risky move, and often ends up badly.



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Bronies and pegasisters who bash new things are major hypocrites lol. I understand everyone has their own headcanon and all, but let me turn into Morpheus from The Matrix real quick:


What if I told you...watching and supporting a show does not obligate the creators to run the show according to your personal headcanon?


On Topic: Good stuff! :)

Edited by Bright Honor
  • Brohoof 4


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I wasn't really afraid. I assumed the change would be merely aesthetic, plus the ability to fly.

But as you can see from FS, not all pegasi have to be in the air constantly like someone we know img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png 

I think we will see more of the same great show with a little more flying and more responsibility and new ways for Twili to learn about friendship and also now probably what she will have to teach about friendship now that she has that hanging over her head haha laugh.png


OC:Spetz Nausea

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Nice little read I had.

I have to say, IMO people constantly complaining about Twilicorn are doing nothing but annoying me. If you don't like it, fine. I don't give a shit. I mean, I liked the idea, why should I change opinions? They don't even want to watch MLP anymore because of Twilicorn? Fine. Don't.


But don't cry about it like a little immature bitch. It won't get you anywhere, and it CERTAINLY won't change.


I actually liked the change, because it will obviously result in a lot of new interesting plots for Season 4. Twilight needs to learn how to fly (let's just ignore the ending of MMC ;p) for example.

  • Brohoof 4
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*shouts from the last row, standing closely to the door*


But not changing her character at all is not a sign of further character development or a growing personality!


I actually didn't need that little information, even though it's good to know that we do not have to be just confident and wait for season four until we know that the whole Twilicorn thing works. Again. Did it ever need to reach that status, from the fandom's perspective? Yeah, but permanent complaining doesn't help in this case. We can't change anything about it.


I'm just glad to hear something positive from a different source than the writers. You know, I think the writers will have done a good job in the end, but reassurance by someone else makes me feel even more confident.

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Nice little read I had.

I have to say, IMO people constantly complaining about Twilicorn are doing nothing but annoying me. If you don't like it, fine. I don't give a shit. I mean, I liked the idea, why should I change opinions? They don't even want to watch MLP anymore because of Twilicorn? Fine. Don't.


But don't cry about it like a little immature bitch. It won't get you anywhere, and it CERTAINLY won't change.


I actually liked the change, because it will obviously result in a lot of new interesting plots for Season 4. Twilight needs to learn how to fly (let's just ignore the ending of MMC ;p) for example.


This is what I do not like to see. I understand that they have the right to their opinions but they don't need to constantly complain about it even 7 months after it happened.

Edited by ChikoritaBrony
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Well then, thanks very much for sharing this Kyoshi! smile.png  Like you said, I agree that this isn't surprising news in the slightest, as I've always been optimistic and confident that the writers were going to handle Alicorn Twilight just fine, but all the same it's nice to get some confirmation of it ahead of Season 4's premiere.  Once again, thanks very much for sharing the good news! derpy_emoticon1.png


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Every time I hear more about season 4 I deflate a little bit. sad.png


"We're not changing anything."

"Twilight will be the same."

"Just a couple of new responsibilities."


No. I for one want some significant changes. My interest in the show has waned somewhat since I joined the fandom, whether it's due to a drop in writing quality (debatable) or just stagnation, a once awe-inspiring show that's lost some of its charm over the years. When Twilicorn was announced, I wasn't too happy. It wasn't the direction that I'd hoped for. But after thinking about it for a while, I considered that this change could really shake things up and inject the show with a new lease of life. When all I hear is "not much will change" it reinforces the whole idea of Hasbro forcing the idea upon the writers. I would've preferred if the writers said, "Yeah, big things are going to go down and we're taking the show in some exciting new directions." I really, really hope it's not just the same show with an extra pair of wing and obligatory predictable flying lesson episode. As far as the comic goes, they have more leeway, so let's hope the comic writers can throw us something we won't expect! (Have only read the first arc, getting the next trade paperbacks)


I find it baffling that so many people pat themselves on the back for 'supporting story progression' when describing Twilicorn, but then leap with joy at the news that change will be minimal. I just find it really counter-intuitive.


Also, concerning some of the comments made in this thread, the idea that someone isn't a true fan of something if they lose interest is a really stupid thing to say. It's like saying to a recently divorced couple, "I guess you never loved each other to begin with!" I was a huge Tekken fan (even went to a few national tournaments) right from Tekken 1 on the PS1 and played every single other Tekken game ever made. I spent over 800 hours on Tekken 6 ALONE, and it practically ruled my life. About a year ago, I gave up playing because Tekken Tag 2 wasn't what I expected, and I wanted to move on and do other things. If you were to try and tell me that I 'was never a true fan', you'd be so wrong it wouldn't even be funny.


Also, being a fan of something doesn't mean liking everything about it. Red Dwarf is one of my favourite shows of all time but I still think seasons 7-9 suck balls. And Metal Gear is my favourite game series, but I still agree that the story is batsh** crazy.

  • Brohoof 2

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Every time I hear more about season 4 I deflate a little bit. img-1889423-1-sad.png


"We're not changing anything."

"Twilight will be the same."

"Just a couple of new responsibilities."


No. I for one want some significant changes. My interest in the show has waned somewhat since I joined the fandom, whether it's due to a drop in writing quality (debatable) or just stagnation, a once awe-inspiring show that's lost some of its charm over the years. When Twilicorn was announced, I wasn't too happy. It wasn't the direction that I'd hoped for. But after thinking about it for a while, I considered that this change could really shake things up and inject the show with a new lease of life. When all I hear is "not much will change" it reinforces the whole idea of Hasbro forcing the idea upon the writers. I would've preferred if the writers said, "Yeah, big things are going to go down and we're taking the show in some exciting new directions." I really, really hope it's not just the same show with an extra pair of wing and obligatory predictable flying lesson episode. As far as the comic goes, they have more leeway, so let's hope the comic writers can throw us something we won't expect! (Have only read the first arc, getting the next trade paperbacks)


I find it baffling that so many people pat themselves on the back for 'supporting story progression' when describing Twilicorn, but then leap with joy at the news that change will be minimal. I just find it really counter-intuitive.


Also, concerning some of the comments made in this thread, the idea that someone isn't a true fan of something if they lose interest is a really stupid thing to say. It's like saying to a recently divorced couple, "I guess you never loved each other to begin with!" I was a huge Tekken fan (even went to a few national tournaments) right from Tekken 1 on the PS1 and played every single other Tekken game ever made. I spent over 800 hours on Tekken 6 ALONE, and it practically ruled my life. About a year ago, I gave up playing because Tekken Tag 2 wasn't what I expected, and I wanted to move on and do other things. If you were to try and tell me that I 'was never a true fan', you'd be so wrong it wouldn't even be funny.


Also, being a fan of something doesn't mean liking everything about it. Red Dwarf is one of my favourite shows of all time but I still think seasons 7-9 suck balls. And Metal Gear is my favourite game series, but I still agree that the story is batsh** crazy.

I completely see where you are coming from here, but I see it like this: We are actually getting advancement here, but we are not getting it at the cost of extreme alienation. I too want advancement, I want progression. I love seeing development in shows like this, that is one of the main reasons to why I love Twilicorn so much. At the same time, I don't want to see her personality completely change, though I would not have had a huge problem with that. So, I guess it is a win-win for everypony in this case. We get development, and Twilight keeps her adorkable nature. I am sure further development can and will happen. :)


Trust me, I agree with you here. I do think though that the series is having new life being injected here with Twilicorn regardless of personality changes. She has new responsibilities and a new status but she is still herself. That is a good start. I am fine with this kind of slower progression as long as they DO NOT back out of it. THAT, would anger me greatly.

Edited by Kyoshi
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Yeah, I think the dev team for the show already more or less said the same thing regarding Alicorn Twilight.


It's quite evident that Twilight will likely have only her wings be the only appreciable perk she gains as an Alicorn and the show seems to be planning on down-playing her staus as a princess, if it will truly come into play at all. This does make me look forward to seeing if Season 4 gives an in-universe reason for this.


That sort of approach is indeed the right way to go for several reasons, the foremost being that since this is a show about friendship, having one character (even the main heroine) overshadow the rest of the true companions too much might mess with the premise.

Why don't we ever see humans in Equestria?


they're hiding, the ponies stole all their clothes.

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That's good news. Or maybe bad..... If she is the same Twilight does that mean no character development whatsoever? I want to see some development from Twilight which there obviously should be due to her new found princess-hood . I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Edited by Super Derpy


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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