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Ever have your 'brony speak' slip out?


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Just what it says.

Have you ever said every pony,

Buck no,

or some other such nonsense among friends or family, or co workers lol.


I have not.  But I don't use pony speak out loud.  Truth is the only word i use is buck cause it feels about as offensive as the word it's replacing.


I'm pretty sure it wouldn't fly past the censors lol.

  • Brohoof 2


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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I've said


"What the hay?!"






"Your faithful student"


around people who aren't bronies just to mess with them (in a fun and clean way)

  • Brohoof 5
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I've said


"What the hay?!"







"Your faithful student"


around people who aren't bronies just to mess with them (in a fun and clean way)


you'd totally get away with what the hay.  that just sounds like your minding yourself lol.

I like the faithful student one.


How would you set that up in a conversation?


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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It would be pretty hard to accidentally do that when I never use that language anyway. It actually kinda bugs me, especially "buck" being used for "fuck". If you're going to swear, just swear. Don't pussyfoot around it :P

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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One time I was with my friend and we were parking in the school parking lot. We parked next to a sun fire and the first thing to come out if my mouth was. "Hey, is that a spitfire?"

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Sometimes, but only when I was thinking about MLP or doing something MLP-related before. Most of the time I can follow a conversation whilst thinking about other things, and that's when I happen to reference the show by accident when I start talking.


I once gave a presentation to a class and I had studied what I wanted to say beforehand so I was automatically saying and making the gestures I practiced... until I came to a moment when I said everypony instead of everyone. I stopped for a second, everyone was looking at me and I was thinking "... wait, I didn't say what I thought I said, right?". Recovered and went on with my presentation, needless to saw it broke my entire flow, still got a good mark though.

  • Brohoof 1
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you'd totally get away with what the hay.  that just sounds like your minding yourself lol.

I like the faithful student one.


How would you set that up in a conversation?


Pft, it's pretty easy. Just go subtle and everything'll be fine. I actually pulled off a brony move on a test once!


So I had a music test, and one of the questions were "Give an example of a song that contains a perfect 4th"


Well, as soon as I saw this question, the My Little Pony Opening Theme started playing in my head. 


I quickly wrote it down as my answer, plus the musical notes of the theme. I then circled the perfect 4th...and my professor gave me credit!

  • Brohoof 1
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Well on accident I have said a few things including


  • What the buck!
  • Saying somepony, everypony, anypony, etc.
  • I once called my friend sugarcube. That was awkward. O_o

But sometimes I will subtly reference the show just for kicks. :P


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Haha, you guys are awesome. These posts made my day. :P Yeah, I've used some of these before. My mind is literally thinking about ten-twenty things at once, so I often quote all kinds of things without ever realizing it.


I've called my sister sugarcube, I've slipped into the habit of occasionally saying anypony or everypony instead of any/everyone, I say "Buck this/that/whatever" because i'm not allowed to curse, and I'm sure there's more that I haven't caught.

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I've said "What the hay?" several times, and have accidentally said "Everypony" once. ^_^


Oh, and I've said "flying feather" once when I was insulting them (playfully of course, it was my friend) and though I did get a weird look, it was worth it. :P


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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I always say every pony or some pony when talking to my friends / family I'll sometimes say buck no aswell but not as much I try to avoid swearing if i'm around family


Worlds biggest batpony fan                                                   Signature by me :3

If you're reading this I've got one thing to say to you.....


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As the exact opposite of a closet brony, references galore~


... Actually, no. Despite me being an obsessive fanboy, my references to things people don't understand is pretty minimal... mainly due to my shyness.


I briefly used "What the buck?", but stopped quickly when my little brother misunderstood me.


... So yeah.

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

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I make a few references, but I don't think I've ever used a word with "pony" as a suffix. If I did that at work and someone picked up on it, I'd die of embarrassment. blush.png


Normally I use innocuous terms like Eeyup, sugarcube, and critter.

  • Brohoof 1
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Many times.. I say Ponies not people or pony and not person. Ahh I say "Mother of Celestia" I don't call the sun.... the sun... I call it Celestia. Same with the moon I call it Luna. Which Luna=moon so I guess that works..


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Considering literally all of my friends except one are bronies, yes. I always make MLP references/jokes, as do they. We talk about ponies n' shit all the time. It's a jolly good time, it is! img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Not usually, except with one word: parasite/parasprite.  For some reason, I now default to parasprite whenever speaking or reading the word parasite, which I actually find rather annoying...  Luckily, parasite is not a word that I need to use often.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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I think I've said "what the hay" once or twice before. Other than that, no not really. :P I would love to say that around a fellow brony though. Heck, if I had a group of awesome brony friends in real life, we'd be speaking the brony language all the time! :D

  • Brohoof 1
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Haha, it never slips out, I put it there on purpose! I am a bit calculating when I speak and I make fake slip-ups and references for my own amusement. Although I must say that I adopted "what the hay" long before I became a brony. I have nothing wrong with "what the hell", but I like the sound of the other phrase more for some reason.

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Yes, i did use the terms of "My Little Pony" and "Bronies" to justify my idea in the gender discussion in AP English class.

My idea that gender is just the illusion or thought created by the mind, gender is just the barrier created the strict codes of laws to govern morality. Gender is just basically a form of control, i did spoke out the idea that everyhuman has the choice to "reshape" whatever gender they want.

Gender is just somehow a barrier of racism created by the mind in which keeping the society in order but times by times it making the world a harsher place.

  • Brohoof 1
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Eeyup. Every now and again something slips out, sometimes even accidentally. most people wouldn't think twice about it, but other bronies can pick it up (sadly, that is rare). I usually don't use things like 'everypony'. Humans are humans, not ponies. I will gladly say "everypony in Equestria", but not "everypony on this site". Brony-speak is useful for some things. You can tell someone started watching the show when they react to comments that were previously meaningless to them. Those subtle, minute reactions indicate that your friends are 20% cooler, at which point you say "welcome to the herd" and enjoy watching them fumble forming phrases for fighting feelings of friendship.

Keep flyin'


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