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If Either FlutterDash/AppleDash Became Canon, What Would Happen?


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This question pertains not to the repercussions of depicting homosexuality. Rather, it pertains to how the fandom would handle one of the ships being canon and not the other. It's no secret that FlutterDash and AppleDash are the two most common ships. The former is supported by people in the opposites attract school of romance, and the latter is supported by "birds of a feather" folks. It represents not just a difference in taste. Both couples are undoubtedly adorable and lovable. But it represents a conflict between two different schools of thought.


So, what do you think would happen if one of these became canon? Would the fandom collapse due to the conflict between the two groups? Would there be some kind of civil war? Or would the losing party simply accept the fact, and return to the safety of their fanfics? Let me know your thoughts everypony. Also, stay tuned, as I am going to make a separate thread discussing the philosophical conflict between the two schools of romantic thought which are at work here.




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This definitely isn't something that would tear us apart I think. Though from the way some reacted to Alicorn Twilight and the whole love interest thing in Equestria Girls I can't be sure of that. Hasbro would never greenlight something like this of course and it would be really out of tone for MLP but since a lot of us watch this show to see these characters and different issues explored (as well as the fun slice of life and occasional adventure element) this would be something interesting to see. I can't judge the reaction of the fandom but I think most of us would come to terms with it eventually if it was pulled of well. 


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I think TwiDash might actually be up there with these two in popularity, but I'll answer the question as it's posed.


I think that whichever pairing became canon, the majority of people would be unhappy. Even with parings as popular as these, there are still far more people who support other couples or despise shipping in general than will be behind it. I think there would be a stage of controversy, where the people who supported the ship that became canon all along would be outnumbered by everybody else and that things would get pretty uncomfortable for a while, but that things would eventually die down and that the people would get used to it. Much as people like to shame and bash this fandom for not liking new things, it seems like the majority will eventually roll with whatever happens so long as it's executed reasonably well.


As for how I'd react, I'd be very saddened that the PinkieDash pairing that they've obviously been hinting at cause they're soulmates and nothing will convince me otherwise ;). I'd still watch the show if either pair became canon, and I don't think I'd really take part in any of the inevitable arguments. Sure, I'd dislike it a bunch if AppleDash happened, but I'd largely try to ignore it when it came up in the show and retreat to the comfort of my fluffy shipfics.

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Well, the show would probably be canceled after a mountain of backlash. Then I would be sadder than ever. There is no real chance of any sort of relationship happening in the show and much less between the core characters. Cheerilee and Big Mac was played for laughs and a lesson, not a serious expansion of the narrative.

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Some of my comments can pertain to any shipping mentioned but I'll speak on FlutterDash as that's a personal favorite of mine and the one I'm most familiar with. First of all, the word ship is derived from relationship. It isn't necessary for people to be an official couple or to have sexual relations for a relationship to exist. Sometimes two people are so close that the boundaries normally observed by friends are overlooked. It is clear they love each other in a very powerful yet platonic way. A casual observer might even mistake their bond for a secret romance. There is precedent for this in my personal life as well.


It can be aruged that this kind of a relationship already exists between Fluttershy and RainbowDash. They've been close friends for a very long time. They're drawn together because the other one possesses qualities they lack; they each secretly wish to be a bit more like their best friend. Several episodes illustrate the chemistry that exists between RD and Flutters with Hurricane Fluttershy being the best in that regard. Even though the Mane 6 flowchart suggests that they all love each other as friends equally, well, some of them seem to be more equal than others. wink.png


In a sense, FlutterDash is already canon. But we're not going to see anything "official" about it in this cartoon. MLP:FiM teaches us about the building blocks of relationships: Friendship, love, trust, generosity, laughter, etc. If MLP does have an episode with a fairly serious romantic plot someday (which would be strictly heterosexual of course), it would be used mainly to highlight the aforementioned underlying principles. They're the things that make true love possible in the first place. smile.png

Edited by Wingnut
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This is where i'd keep my bucks if i had any lol.


I wouldn't care.  I normally say i prefer shipping to non shipping because i find the anti shipping police jar me,

ALOT.  Like alot, alot.


Sure I could argue apple jack would get a new look being in a relation ship,

i don't think it would fly in any American cartoon,


but if the writers on the show wanted to sink the boat if hasbro fell asleep at the helm?

eh, hay i like watching the world burn.

shame it would be such an awesome part.

So i'm 50/50 on this one.

Now if this was an anime, and it did stuff like this buck yes.  We wouldn't even having this discussion

the anti shipping people would rage quit and left.


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Why nessecarily Rainbow Dash? Oh wait... Rainbow Mane=Lesbian... riiiiiiiiight. No... how about Rarity-Applejack? Or even ANY Pinkie Pie ship...  img-2010032-1-434570__safe_pinkie%20pie_


.....Did we just get something worse than wing boner?

and i was amused way to much by this lol.


Suddenly i was picturing pinkemania standing over a tied up rainbow dash about to carve her up "any last words rainbow!"

*rainbow kisses her nose.. and pinkies hair puffs back up.*

"ERk stop that!  you ruined the whole story!"


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@@FNGRpony, It's aaaaaaaaaaaalways Rainbow Dash in those ships.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAlways Rainbow Dash. Ever kinda thought that she's not?



Blame hasbro LOL.

They kinda gave the old ricky martin stance on the character not wanting to confirm or deny cause keeping it open ended gets the most fans.


Ever hear Anythony C.s thoughts on more than half of the bronie dom would get up and storm out of the fan dumb if rainbow ever brought a boy friend home.


Not an episode.  Not even give him any lines.  Just pinkie walking by "what cha doing ."  "i'm on a date pinkie pie." and have it never mentioned again,


alot bronies would be God damn furious and take it as a personal middle finger.

It arguable would be LOL if they did just enough to put that in there just to hammer the point home.


Do i think rainbow is a lesbian?


I think that sea serpant from the pilot is gay. walks like a duck, swims like a duck, sounds like a duck.

I wouldn't be shocked if rain bow was gay.


be honest it's more likely than not.


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If Flutterdash became canon, I personally would love it.


However, like others have said, it would cause too much controversy and likely cause the show to be cancelled if a lesbian relationship were to be introduced.


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No, leave poor little Fluttershy out of any kind of relationship :(  She is the embodiment of innocence.


You know what'd be hilarious?  If everyone EXCEPT Rainbow Dash was a lesbian.  Well, Rarity obviously likes guys, so I guess she'll have to be bi.  But talk about that for a twist.

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Not an episode. Not even give him any lines. Just pinkie walking by "what cha doing ." "i'm on a date pinkie pie." and have it never mentioned again,
That would be worse...


Ever hear Anythony C.s thoughts on more than half of the bronie dom would get up and storm out of the fan dumb if rainbow ever brought a boy friend home.
They can stick up their fingers up in the anal area. This is a show... not a fanshow...


be honest it's more likely than not.
No... she does sounds like a boy, acts like a boy, looks like a boy, She's TOMBOYISH not a lesbian... get your facts straight. Not every girl who acts "male" is gay... it's like saying bronies are gay for liking MLP. You're falling into the same stereotypes...


They kinda gave the old ricky martin stance on the character not wanting to confirm or deny cause keeping it open ended gets the most fans.
Ever considered they are kinda doing this just because they want you to be talking about it? They are manipulating you like a little puppet... Let me set an example.

A few years back Mass Effect 3 ended with a rather shitty ending... fans created the indocrination theory, a fan-made theory that assumed that the protagonist was controlled by the enemy and most of the game, or at least the ending, was supposed to be a matrix-like experience.

Bioware never denied or confirmed this theory but gave the fans a better-explained/polished ending. In short they kept the fangasm alive but they knew the answer:THE THEORY WAS NOT TRUE.

Now if you want to be a puppet of Hasbro be my guest...




However, like others have said, it would cause too much controversy and likely cause the show to be cancelled if a lesbian relationship were to be introduced.

No they would never do it because as i said earlier they want you to do you "Shipping" bussiness... they want you to continue shipping and spend your time doing it. Congrats... they are successful.

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Um the writing staff has pandered and they intend to do it again.  so yes, it is a fan show.

More than people would like and less than people would like.  it has that sweet spot where no one is completely happy.

Which means it's fair lol.


Why would it be worse?  Rainbow dash on a date acting like it's no big deal.  Yeah that's totally unbelievable.  If it was a wonderbolt i could see her doing that even if she was a lesbian LOL.  Maybe less so after wonderbolts achedmey.


Not every white guy who says the N word is racist.  (digi broney for example made a remark on a pod cast about spamming it 200 times on tumbler and I don't think it was a racial thing at all, more of a "I think I could get away with it.  Which would be unwise, but not every unwise person is racist.  See what i did there?).  Now if digi's bonies cutie mark was say a swastika (kinda like how rainbow dashes is a bucking rainbow LOL you know a symbol associated with being gay) i wouldn't make that argument.

And who said stereotypes are bad?  When i was a teen ager i use to walk around with my flannel with only the top button closed cause i'm half latino.  Why?  Cause i thought that was funny as hell.  If i forgot my friends would be like "So your white today?"  "It would appear so."

and we'd have a laugh.


I don't care enough about rainbow dash LOL for you to shame me into anything.  She (he lol) is my least favorite pony.  And no it's not cause of her sexuality.  She's a douche alot times.  I still like her at times, I don't want her dead.


And sir, Shipping is part (all be it a warped part) of being a fan (not all fans need to do)

some like it.  it's not some conspiracy.

Retarded fans ship the joker and bat man together.

And I can tell you straight up according to Kevin smith when he worked on bat man they said the only thing he couldn't do was anything gay.


Fans don't need help shipping people,  It's what they do.

I don't agree with you on anything.  Not even a little bit.




That would be worse...


They can stick up their fingers up in the anal area. This is a show... not a fanshow...


No... she does sounds like a boy, acts like a boy, looks like a boy, She's TOMBOYISH not a lesbian... get your facts straight. Not every girl who acts "male" is gay... it's like saying bronies are gay for liking MLP. You're falling into the same stereotypes...


Ever considered they are kinda doing this just because they want you to be talking about it? They are manipulating you like a little puppet... Let me set an example.

A few years back Mass Effect 3 ended with a rather shitty ending... fans created the indocrination theory, a fan-made theory that assumed that the protagonist was controlled by the enemy and most of the game, or at least the ending, was supposed to be a matrix-like experience.

Bioware never denied or confirmed this theory but gave the fans a better-explained/polished ending. In short they kept the fangasm alive but they knew the answer:THE THEORY WAS NOT TRUE.

Now if you want to be a puppet of Hasbro be my guest...


No they would never do it because as i said earlier they want you to do you "Shipping" bussiness... they want you to continue shipping and spend your time doing it. Congrats... they are successful.


Hoestly, when I first saw Rainbow Dash, the first thing that came to mind was "EMO".


Careful nioniosbbbb will hear you.

Would you like to elaborate on why one might argue that rainbow dash is emo?  *Sits down Indian style propping my chin up in my palms all child like and curious*


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And sir, Shipping is part (all be it a warped part) of being a fan (not all fans need to do) some like it. it's not some conspiracy. Retarded fans ship the joker and bat man together. And I can tell you straight up according to Kevin smith when he worked on bat man they said the only thing he couldn't do was anything gay. Fans don't need help shipping people, It's what they do. I don't agree with you on anything. Not even a little bit.
I am not saying they do... but Hasbro encourages it. Simply to keep you watching the show and talk about it... you not knowing their machinations... disturbs me.


Not every white guy who says the N word is racist. (digi broney for example made a remark on a pod cast about spamming it 200 times on tumbler and I don't think it was a racial thing at all, more of a "I think I could get away with it. Which would be unwise, but not every unwise person is racist. See what i did there?). Now if digi's bonies cutie mark was say a swastika (kinda like how rainbow dashes is a bucking rainbow LOL you know a symbol associated with being gay) i wouldn't make that argument. And who said stereotypes are bad? When i was a teen ager i use to walk around with my flannel with only the top button closed cause i'm half latino. Why? Cause i thought that was funny as hell. If i forgot my friends would be like "So your white today?" "It would appear so." and we'd have a laugh.
Stereotypes are not bad huh? Ugh... this is all kinds of wrong. Sure let them exist... they allow us to formulate a picture of other people... but still you should be based on them entirely.


Why would it be worse? Rainbow dash on a date acting like it's no big deal. Yeah that's totally unbelievable. If it was a wonderbolt i could see her doing that even if she was a lesbian LOL. Maybe less so after wonderbolts achedmey.
Simply because you can't just say... "Hi I'm lesbian..." in front of your female friend or likewise gay for men. It's akward don't you understand? It would need a whole episode... it's not that simple!

And for once i'd like you to quote something else other than a wannabe famous brony's opinion! I like those people as much as you do... but seriously stop taking everything they say as your Brony Gospel! Or in fant ANY famous youtuber's opinion. Or actor's... or singer's... Formulate your own opinion...

In short... you don't know... don't be so sure she's gay...
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Even as someone that kinda ships FlutterDash(Silent Ponyville FTW), I need to point out that Lauren Faust actually hates the tomboy=lesbian stereotype and called out Miss Magazine for falling prey to it and accusing Dash of following it in their rant about the show.


On topic, it would start WW3 among the people that take shipping to seriously. It would stir a level of bullshit that would make Derpy and Twicorn look like a tiny ripple in the pond.  

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I prefer PinkieDash or TwiDash over both of them, but between the two I at least like FlutterDash, so I'll go with that


Though in the end I'd prefer Rainbow Dash not to be lesbian at all

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Their selling a product.  I would no sooner hate on hasbro for doing this than i would hate on dana white for saying f. non stop to sell the ufc if he thought it would help sell the brand.


Look, I can laugh off some.  Their plenty of things in life to be bothered and pissed off at.  I'm not going to go around white knighting every act of intolerance i see.  Sometimes I care and sometimes I don't.  That's everybody.  I'm just blunt about it.


well no i said dash being on a date with a stallion.  "I'm going on a date."  the fan base would be like "ah that's a boy Ahhhhh."

And why a whole episode?  imagine if they made small tiny hints about dash being a closet lesbian all through out the season.

at the end of the season "Guys I can't take it anymore I got something to confess."

Twilight "we know dash, everyone knows."

don't even let her say it LOL.  "you guys knew the whole time?"  (pinkie) "of course dashie, how dumb do you think we are."

"Soooo it's not a problem?"  (apple jack) "Why would it be a problem sugar cube?"

Group hug while rainbow tries not to cry.


I mean until friend ship is witch craft has cult leader flutter shy say "our god hates faggots."  it would be all awesome lol.


I am not saying they do... but Hasbro encourages it. Simply to keep you watching the show and talk about it... you not knowing their machinations... disturbs me.


Stereotypes are not bad huh? Ugh... this is all kinds of wrong. Sure let them exist... they allow us to formulate a picture of other people... but still you should be based on them entirely.


Simply because you can't just say... "Hi I'm lesbian..." in front of your female friend or likewise gay for men. It's akward don't you understand? It would need a whole episode... it's not that simple!

And for once i'd like you to quote something else other than a wannabe famous brony's opinion! I like those people as much as you do... but seriously stop taking everything they say as your Brony Gospel! Or in fant ANY famous youtuber's opinion. Or actor's... or singer's... Formulate your own opinion...

In short... you don't know... don't be so sure she's gay...



I don't care if she's gay LOL you do.

And who else am I gonna quote?

Grumpy Enchantress?  Oh yeah that'll make me look good LOL (sorry G.E. you wonderful troll you).


quote myself like a self important douche bag?  I think it bugs you cause some people respect their opinions LOL.  I mean if put my view vs yours it's to nobodies arguing, which might be fair,


but hi I'm FNGR fair?

to quote the star of the show "where's the fun in that?"

what's next gonna lecture me for quoiting a wanna be star treck star?


Edited by FNGRpony


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I don't have anything against shipping two mares, but it could certainly be a source of contention among bronies. First you'll have some that like the pairing and are totally supportive of it in canon. But then you'll have others who like the pairing but not how it's done in canon, some who like other pairings and feel left out by the show, and finally some who are opposed to canon shipping entirely.


Combine that with the fact that the show is about friendship and not romance, and the "ohmegerd geyz" controversy that would come from less enlightened quarters of the population, and there's really no need to have Flutterdash, Appledash, or any other popular pairing on the show. And I say this as a lifetime fan of PinkieDash. 

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Their selling a product.  I would no sooner hate on hasbro for doing this than i would hate on dana white for saying f. non stop to sell the ufc if he thought it would help sell the brand.


Look, I can laugh off some.  Their plenty of things in life to be bothered and pissed off at.  I'm not going to go around white knighting every act of intolerance i see.  Sometimes I care and sometimes I don't.  That's everybody.  I'm just blunt about it.


well no i said dash being on a date with a stallion.  "I'm going on a date."  the fan base would be like "ah that's a boy Ahhhhh."

And why a whole episode?  imagine if they made small tiny hints about dash being a closet lesbian all through out the season.

at the end of the season "Guys I can't take it anymore I got something to confess."

Twilight "we know dash, everyone knows."

don't even let her say it LOL.  "you guys knew the whole time?"  (pinkie) "of course dashie, how dumb do you think we are."

"Soooo it's not a problem?"  (apple jack) "Why would it be a problem sugar cube?"

Group hug while rainbow tries not to cry.


I mean until friend ship is witch craft has cult leader flutter shy say "our god hates faggots."  it would be all awesome lol.



I don't care if she's gay LOL you do.

And who else am I gonna quote?

Grumpy Enchantress?  Oh yeah that'll make me look good LOL (sorry G.E. you wonderful troll you).


quote myself like a self important douche bag?  I think it bugs you cause some people respect their opinions LOL.  I mean if put my view vs yours it's to nobodies arguing, which might be fair,


but hi I'm FNGR fair?


to quote the star of the show "where's the fun in that?"


what's next gonna lecture me for quoiting a wanna be star treck star?



That would certainly be quite interesting, and would be a great way to casually introduce the subject. But, we should avoid discussing how homosexuality could be pulled off, as it would get the thread locked. And like I said in the OP. I wasn't trying to snip other ships as potentials on the show. I just picked AppleDash and FlutterDash because they are the two most popular ships, and they also represent a fundamental difference in romantic philosophy.

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That would certainly be quite interesting, and would be a great way to casually introduce the subject. But, we should avoid discussing how homosexuality could be pulled off, as it would get the thread locked. And like I said in the OP. I wasn't trying to snip other ships as potentials on the show. I just picked AppleDash and FlutterDash because they are the two most popular ships, and they also represent a fundamental difference in romantic philosophy.


I'm stupid.  I'm not saying this ironically.


how are we talking about flutter dash with out getting away with homo sexual something, something lol.

I've not gotten enough sleep, but after re reading your post the engine that is my mind just isn't turning over and igniting and going

"Ah i see what he means."


can you elaborate?  are we talking about some intengable shipping their philosophies on some spiritual level I can't comprehend and if i did i would go mad, MAD I TELL YOU (lol okay i'm just lost).

Edited by FNGRpony


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I'm stupid.  I'm not saying this ironically.


how are we talking about flutter dash with out getting away with homo sexual something, something lol.

I've not gotten enough sleep, but after re reading your post the engine that is my mind just isn't turning over and igniting and going

"Ah i see what he means."


can you elaborate?  are we talking about some intengable shipping their philosophies on some spiritual level I can't comprehend and if i did i would go mad, MAD I TELL YOU (lol okay i'm just lost).

I have another thread that covers the philosophical aspect of this discussion. It is titled "AppleDash vs. FlutterDash: The Real Conflict." If you want to read about my thoughts from an analytical perspective, head on over there.

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