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Any rural/country bronies out their?


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So I live literally out in the middle of nowhere, with their being a small village of roughly 200 people about 2 miles away, so I was just kinda wondering if their were other small town bronies out their, and if so how do people where you live deal with it if they know you like the show? The reason I am mostly a closet brony is mostly because sometimes people out here have a tendency to be close minded on things like that, which would result in me never hearing the end of it.


  I mean don't get me wrong I'm proud of where I live, just gets somewhat annoying that some people are so close minded about things like gay marriage, bronies etc etc.


Just thought It would be nice to hear peoples input, I did notice that their was a topic similar to this posted a while back but it seems like it hasn't been very active for a while, so I just thought it easier ti make a new one.

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Heheh, I'm exactly the same as you my friend (and Colt Ford is always fun to play over the stereo haha). For the same reasons, I'm a closet brony. Growing up on a farm with a tough household was hard enough but  mentioning something like that to folks is just suicide. I mean, there's not a lot you can do except pick and choose your friends who may be a little more accepting. I know I still hold old fashioned values but I personally am quick to embrace new ideas and perspectives. Growing up as a farm boy...mixed with becoming a brony...kinda strange XD I still haven't told anyone around here.

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Heheh, I'm exactly the same as you my friend (and Colt Ford is always fun to play over the stereo haha). For the same reasons, I'm a closet brony. Growing up on a farm with a tough household was hard enough but  mentioning something like that to folks is just suicide. I mean, there's not a lot you can do except pick and choose your friends who may be a little more accepting. I know I still hold old fashioned values but I personally am quick to embrace new ideas and perspectives. Growing up as a farm boy...mixed with becoming a brony...kinda strange XD I still haven't told anyone around here.

Awesome! I knew I wasn't the only one on this forum that was a country brony! We should all be proud of where we live, big city's or small villages, we all are united in some way or another.

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Heh, I know...it just kinda sucks how it's so hard to find open minds out here XD Well, we just do what we can I suppose. I'd be awesome to someday be able to actually go to a brony event...but like I said, there ain't anyone out in the country who have the same objectives ^_^

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Heh, I know...it just kinda sucks how it's so hard to find open minds out here XD Well, we just do what we can I suppose. I'd be awesome to someday be able to actually go to a brony event...but like I said, there ain't anyone out in the country who have the same objectives happy.png

I know right! That's kinda why I can't go to any brony event, is just because I would get to much crap from my family and friends if I told them I was going to something that represents "a show for little girls"....or worse yet I went anyway and they found out *shivers at the thought*

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I live a town of 127.  My husband and I are the youngest family in this town.  Actually, a lot of the town is related my husband (great aunts and uncles and cousins).  In fact a great aunt lives across the street from us.  It's about an hour to the nearest large towns/cities, but there are a lot of little towns in between that don't have anything useful (like a Fleet Farm).  Our nearest friends live 15 miles away and my husband drives over an hour to work. I work at a meat locker/small grocery store (I am the only employee) about 5 miles from home.  Yeah, haven't met any other bronies who live anywhere near me....I feel isolated :(.....but I hate cities and prefer the cows to people....

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I live a town of 127.  My husband and I are the youngest family in this town.  Actually, a lot of the town is related my husband (great aunts and uncles and cousins).  In fact a great aunt lives across the street from us.  It's about an hour to the nearest large towns/cities, but there are a lot of little towns in between that don't have anything useful (like a Fleet Farm).  Our nearest friends live 15 miles away and my husband drives over an hour to work. I work at a meat locker/small grocery store (I am the only employee) about 5 miles from home.  Yeah, haven't met any other bronies who live anywhere near me....I feel isolated sad.png.....but I hate cities and prefer the cows to people....

I understand your pain! Where I live it's about a 45 minute drive to a major city, and people around here really do tend to be close minded about things...blush.png

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I live in small rural village, around 500 something I don't remember. There is a bigger town near it, so it's not too much isolation. I like being able to just drive out to the country side and then to another bigger town that is near and then the city is an hour a way as well.


I don't know anyone in my town, except for old classmates I hardly know. I don't like the city or even just bigger towns, I prefer living in a small town.


I enjoyed it when I was younger walking down the shores and just running around town.


I haven't met any bronies that live around me, but there are actually a few and I actually know who they are but one of them seems closeted and the other doesn't seem to care too much about it. So I don't care too much about it, I just have a harder time making friends in real life.

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I'm about the same: don't know hardly anyone in my town with most of my old classmates moving away and moving on. When I had left for the military, it was big city after big city and believe me, you miss seeing the stars and hearing the quiet chirps of the crickets. I was happy to return home to such a welcoming :) 

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@@Treble Bolt,


Sometimes I prefer cows over people too XD At least you work at a grocery store...it ain't too hard of work wink.png Do y'all own any head of cattle or...? 

No, living "in town" = no livestock. But I do have a three-legged black cat and a hedgehog tongue.png....My husband's parents live on a farm just 3 miles north of us (the whole family stays close....more for gossip than anything else).  and though there are no livestock there now (where we live, if you're a crop farmer, you have to go big [1,000+ acres] or go home) but they used to be crop farmers (until it cost more to grow food than to sell it).  Once they retire fully, we will switch houses (we get the farm, they live in town) and I hope to start up a self-suffiant farm (grow food for us) and left overs go to CSA and our close friends.  We also plan on getting a few hereford cows for beef (they are very gentle cows and my hubby and I like them) and maybe some goats for milk (plus free lawn mowing tongue.png).  As for now, I do blacksmithing, and we're getting together a hobby foundry, plus I show our family tractors (our Oliver 77 NFE is my baby :catface: ) So there are some things we do that you just can't do in a big city (500lbs molten iron anyone?).  and there's always something to do (like turn our LP tank into a steam engine!) 

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@@Treble Bolt,


Haha yeah you have quite the heard tongue.png  It sounds like you've got a lot of great plans for when y'all move out. Hereford cows are indeed chubby laugh.png and goats....let's just say I always hated them after I almost got my wrist kicked off haha. Blacksmithing is really cool though. I was never real good at it, making just simple things like hangers out of railroad spikes, but I always enjoyed it for sure. Heh, we didn't have any Olivers around these parts, mainly AC, John Deere, and my selection: Case IH smile.png 

'Grass may grow green, but my blood still runs red' laugh.png  

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I ain't really a die hard tractor fan (as in a brand).  We got a WC A-C, an early B John Deere, a '65 Deere Combine, a 3010 Deere and our muscle of the gang, our IH 1086.  Our B and Oliver are just the only two restored to show quality, and what makes the 77 special to me is that it was my hubby and I left our wedding on. 


Actually until posting here, I never thought about it before, but I must REALLY country.....I never really considered myself one since I grew up in the northwoods of WI in a trailer park in the middle of nowhere.  Until meeting my husband, I had no experiance with crops, livestock, or metalworking....I was (and still am) into anime, manga, books, and music....but again, thinking about it, I got married in a homemade NONwhite dress (it was brown,green, and gold) in front of an old grain mill with my husband wearing brand new overalls and Redwing boots.   I've never been a city kid, although everyimg I go to one (Rochester MN is the closest to us), I feel like I'm in a metropolis (even though I went to college there and know it like the back of my hand)....though, I'm often asked if I'm Canadian (my accent)



Edited by Treble Bolt
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wow, the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the sea......You are asking for it.... (see any sea-ponies out there)?  lol... Seriously though, do you have all your ammenities on your half of the island, or do you travel countries daily?  (and, do you ever go scuba diving?)

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Well I live a really small town in NC which is really country and was originally from TN. But I have a lot mixture in my family with one side being from the south and the other from Puerto Rico. 


I'll say one thing is for sure I do love the food here in the south beyond anything else.

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wow, the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the sea......You are asking for it.... (see any sea-ponies out there)?  lol... Seriously though, do you have all your ammenities on your half of the island, or do you travel countries daily?  (and, do you ever go scuba diving?)

I lived there since I was two (more or less a second home) and my parents have been in PNG since the 80s. PNG has a lot of money and natural resources but the government is so corrupt that money isn't reaching the people. Basic health care is a real problem in the rural areas (and they're more or less jungle).


I've only been snorkeling ^_^ We're more or less middle class xD Only thr rich Australians get to experience all that adventure crap xD

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I live in some tiny little podunk town in the Midwest, so the country lifestyle is all too common here. Despite living in the suburbs of a town that only takes up half a county, the kids my age that I grew up with were all farm kids, so I had plenty of exposure to it my whole life. And let me tell ya, it's great. My guilty pleasure is that I like Country music, and a while ago I had to move some furniture, so my uncle let us borrow his truck. It was the greatest feeling I've ever experienced in terms of driving. Also, ever been to a cookout in the country? It's ten times better than if it were in town, I can tell ya that right now.


Unfortunately, the plan I've set for my future doesn't involve living in the country, but if I can own a farm once I retire, I'll definitely do it. No questions asked.

Where I live it's about a 45 minute drive to a major city

I know that feeling. Excluding Gary, there are only two big cities in my state, one being roughly an hour North and the other being even further South.

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Let's see. It takes me at least an hour to get to a reasonably sized town. We've got a herd of sheep, plus a couple of horses. Can't really get more rural.


How do people react to me being a brony? Nobody around here cares, to be honest. It's just one more thing on top of the rest of the weirdness.

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Yeah, I live like right outside a very small village of...idk, maybe like 200 people. So same as you. Basically the 4th BronyCon was 20 times my population in that building. The Summer one in Baltimore (5th) was over 40 times the population of my town. I'm pretty much the only brony to my knowledge. But oh well. I got my friends online at least. That's still special to me.

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I live in a really small town in the middle of nowhere, with a population of about a few hundred or so. It takes about a half hour to get to the nearest major town, and my nearest neighbors live a fair distance away. I have a few friends that live nearby, but that's about it.

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Yeah these midwest towns are pretty common with country folk haha I don't know what it is img-2002964-1-tongue.png  

Yes, I live in rural Nebraska, btw have you ever heard of an event called Czech days, in Wilber Clatonia?smile.png

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