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Urban, Suburban or Rural?

Jackie Snack

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Can't pick between suburban or rural (If I can access to good stores in a relatively short time), but I assure you, I don't like urban crowded places 

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I live in a suburban area (a nice one) even though the downtown part of my city is across the river that is about 200-300 feet away from my house


and I prefer living in the suburbs I've been to Rural places not that surprising when you realize I live in the fucking Midwest... Rural is kind of a thing up here but I can't honestly say I have lived in a city... unless a hotel counts so yeah suburban all the way   

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Suburban offshoot of Kansas City, on the Kansas side of the border. Johnson county, the one I live in, is I believe the wealthiest county in all of Kansas and is pretty high ranking wealth per capita across the whole nation. Right next door is Wyandotte county, the 2nd poorest county in Kansas. It's a great place to live, don't get me wrong, but only if you know where you're going and stay in the relatively safe parts of town. Then again, that's true with just about every U.S. city.


I love the looks of the town, it's overburdened dance of design flourishes and seemingly endless stores and places of diversion. This place is so much better than the tiny rural village I grew up in, so yeah, I'll probably always live in a suburban or urban area from here on out.

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I live in a suburban area but walking distance from a downtown part of the city and the grocery store.


I prefer suburban as long as there's stuff to do that's walking distance. Some good public transit would be nice as well. If none of these exist, then I prefer the city.

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Urban, all the way.


I live, breathe and eat off of the concrete jungle.

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I live in the central most part of the City, where the smog is part of your daily breathing intake. There's something familiar to me, in the city lifestyle. But i find myself longing for the rural areas lately.

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Ive moved a fair amount in my 21 years on this planet.


Ive lived in a single house in the middle of nowhere, a hamlet, a small village, a large village, a small town, a large town, the outskirts of a city and now i live in a flat in a city center.


They all have their pros and cons, right now i would rather be in the city center however as i get older and start looking to start a family i would rather move back out to a small village, a much better environment to raise kids in.

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I live in a suburban area in a nice neighborhood with several different families and children. We have a lot of children in our neighborhood which can be a good thing and a bad thing lol.

  • Brohoof 1
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I grew up in a suburb, I presently habitate in sprawling urban cityscape, and I would eventually like to move to a more rural area. Huh.

Funny how that worked out.

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I live in a suburban place, it's quiet and like many others... nothing to do. Even though the urban city is only 15 minutes away, I like it. There's malls nearby, and everything you need very close. 

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I live in the suburbs and I'm not too fond of them. We lack the activity and conveniences of the more urban areas and also lack the privacy and clean air that come with living in the country or in something of that nature. I prefer rural areas, honestly, but I can understand the appeal of the city.

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Rural, and we are so rural we're about 50 minutes from the closest urban area, and I know of no suburbs to speak of. ^^;

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Are you on a farm then, or just in the middle of nowhere?


Middle of Nowhere; small and isolated towns; that could stuff.


Honestly there are mountains everywhere; this is southern West Virginia, so yeah. XD

  • Brohoof 1
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I live in a city, but it's not the biggest thing ever, so not much goes on. The only thing interesting is as special festival around this time of year. It starts tomorrow, actually.

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  • 4 years later...

I live in a suburban area...which has never been my cup of tea. I miss living in rural areas as I did as a kid and would give anything to live out in the countryside again. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Urban, though I probably wouldn't want to live right downtown, but more like 20-30 minutes from the city's center where there's less noise. I'm pretty happy with the kind of living environment that I have right now in DC - the world around 40 mins away from my fingertips :P (it would be sooner if only my school's bus to the metro was faster...) 

Maybe that could be defined more as suburban, but I think there's a difference between living real close to a city and living in the endless "suburban sprawl" neighborhoods where everything is a chain store/restaurant and you need a car to get around - I really like not having a car. 

I have thought about a rural area and I've started to think it could be fun to try living out in the countryside, maybe having a nice big garden and trying to live off the land a bit... but only for a year or so. :derp: After that I'm sure I would get bored and want to move back to the city. But it could be an interesting experience and something different to try, maybe when I'm much older.

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I livee in the country (in other words, VERY rural), though I personally would prefer living in the suburbs because there's still stuff to do within a reasonable distance like an urban city, but it is more quiet like more rural town.

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I currently live in a fairly rural area, but I don't own much land. I'm hoping to change that very soon, as I'm looking to purchase a lot of land in a very rural part of my state.

I don't do cities and suburbs. Too many people, too much noise, pollution, lights, etc. :yuck:

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